HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-1-18, Page 1THE
Aderertheing Mediu
THE cams FAL(,
0 YOU Want
WIITER 00.D1 2
1 i - ,
I F so, coine to R. McGO W
(here you find them of the
Closest Cut Prices
To meet hard times.
Highese cesh;price paid for farm
General MeretrantKirkton.
Erma-nos or Orrumns.-Bieldulph L. 0.
L. Nee 493, It Hedging, WM; T. A. Dobba
D M; Wm. Lamer, Chap; R Culbert. Reis -
San M Armitage, Fin.See; Joseph Hedging:
Trees; W. D. Hedging, .D of C; W. J.
Smyth, lecturer; Ja Dobbs, W. 11. Akin -
son J. Harlton, J. D. Hodgins, W. Atkin..
sou Conamittee. There are 47 reemeers
in &is lodge.
Ermorros or Orinosits,- L. o. L 610,
'A, Nevin -W. M.
J. Efuetable-D. M.
P. DaV1ll--0h0.1).
Zan Neil -Ree -See.
4 . MoFa1le--1'reas.
. B Davia-D. of C.
41drenaittee-G. G. Emmy, F. Davis,
' Ise, F. 3. Davie, Geo. Blunt, G.„ H.
Windsor. There are fifteen mem-
bers in this lodge.
niers,-The ennual meeting of the
en Sunday School wars held on Thursday
e ing last when officers and teachers
eithpointed for the ensuing year. -
Q nton Brea. of Oak:place shipped „gee
lambs one day last wee. -Mt. , Geo. Hol-
man sua family were the guests of Mr.
Thos. Goatee on 'Sunday last -Rey air.
Bartlett ot BBL:revel°, preached here on
8enet:4y hurt --Mr. :Aubrey Buswell who
has been working in Galt for some months
past, le venally a few -weeks at his home
here. His many triede in this neighbor-
hood are glad to see his ginning face once
more, -Miss Nellie Ourby of Toronto lasts
been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Coatee for
the peat two weekr-Miss Edith Dyer of
Exeter was the gnest of miss naith Bum
well on Sunday last.
1 4
Uri 611.
Banies.-Mr. Gottschalk hag moved into
the Zeller blook.-Mr. John Trummer, from
lailmenagh, Michigan, is here visiting his
parento.- Miss Kate Trnernuer, of the 14th
concearnon, after about three mon.tha day
In Miehigan, returned home a few esys ago
to attend her eiek mother. -Aire Louis
Thiel, from Berne, Michigan, has been here
on a visiting tour, It is nearly eight years
since see leftfor Michigan, There has
been many changes eine() then -lire John
Kinzinger presented her husband with a
bounoing' baby bey retently.-The new
Council of 1891 naet for busineas on Monday.
Little enthusiasm wag manifested by officio
ureters and nearly all the old officers frees
re -appointed,
meeting of the Hay Branch Agl. Soaiety
wee held in the town halt on Thursday laid.
There Was a large attendance of members
and considerable enthturiasin ware mani-
fested in the election of a Board of manage
merit for 1894, Nearly all the old director-
ate realgned, end with the exception of
two, a new betted was constnuted. The
receipts for the past year amounted to
$161,ilethe expendeture was, itoluding
hadanee due, $501,1eaving a deficit of 040.
This, however, wail carried from 1892, the
past year having been a successful one. The
following ()terrors wore eleetede-President,
Fred. Hess; Ile:area, Wm, Oaldwill;
Direotoro, A. Ehnen, Ohrio. Oswald, Louis
Waipor, John Laporte, W. B. Battler, “,
Holtzman, J. Gelman; John Goetz; allhe
Reiehert; A sailors, J. A. Williams and
Sol Hardie. 4t& „Subsequent naeeting of
thedireo ors, Mr. D. S. Faust wail re.
pe (tinted Seer -Treat
Teepee° TusTittoxY,
Dear Sine -Two years ago I had a bed
*tear* of biliortertese and took one bottle of
Burdook Blood Bitter's, and can truly re-
comnaend it to any suffering from this
(+enviable Mr, Clarke Brown, Toronto.
Wetebes,Clooks, b Jewelere• given a new
lease o' lire by W. leobson the noted Jeweler
Kiekton, sleer Je erehall's Motile -2t
Bums .-Mro, J. te. AM, of this plan
had a vety narrow eeeape Irma death on
Friday last as elm wee driving borne :alone
from S. Marys. When near the old Star
Inn see noticed the train for the were ease
over tbe railway crossing, but had driven
but a short (listeners when a , oeoond train
came along. Tho hosere ladeame reative
and the wee uneble to (Meek him so that
it became a question 'as to which would
reach the oroseieg fleet. As the ttain
wee closer the horse swerved to one side
qf the traok and dashed morose jrnit as the
lard oar aseed by. -Miss Sarah C. Tuft,
daughter of Mr. Thos. Tufte, returned on
Sathrday for a visit to the old home and
friends. She hes beeu teaollieg oehool at
Bradwardine Manitoba, for three years
past, and many friends in these parts will
be pleased to greet her again. -Mies Ada
Plutton vela has been attending the Notmal
School Torouto,„has been secoeseful in ob-
taining a second-class professional cede,
fioate and also was awarded the gold medal
tor the Mott proacieut student attending
daring the term. -The Christian Endeavor
have Mooted the following officers for 1894.
President, Dr. Thompson; Vioe-President,
Mrs. Ferguson; Sery, Mies O. Kirk; Treas.,
Miss el, McCallum, The Society ineets on
Tneeday evenings in the Presbyterian
Church. --The annual meeting of the
131enshard Agl. Soeiety was held on Thurs-
day last at lir. E. Beatty% new residence,
Mr. Beatty being uueble to attends if held
in the hall on amount of the injuries he
reeeived a few moattas ago. The following
offioera were (sleetere for this year: Preirident
Geo, Bently, Vice -Pres, Win. Hazlewood;
Directors, James Moore, Amos' Dupe,
Jonathan Shier, D. Creighton, Ws R.
Carr, John Hazlewood, Wm, Hanson, Wm,
YuIe, D, Boger, Seo-Tresa, Bebe Beatty, -
There is room for a good resident baker in
this growing village, -P. 0 Been seems to
be progreseuy favorably towards (myrtle-
scencee-stre public meeting was held on
Monday evening in the Orange hall, at
which it was decided to take steps toe
altering and repairing the old town hall to
make it suitable for public eutertainmente.
Benrya,-We are acrry to r000rd the
sudden death of our friend, Mr. Harry
Bothwell. On Thursday night �f last
week Mv. Bothwell was awakened and
complained to his wife of not feeling well.
Shearoge awl went to call hie father and
naother, and on her return, to her sudden
and each:surprise found her husband sleep-
ing in death. His reratiingSweie interred in
the St. Marys cemetery on Sathrday hat.
Mrs. Bothwell has the entire sympathy of
all her acquaintancee-Mr. Richard
Switzer of the Mitchell road also died on
Saturday' last by a severe ettaok of Typhoid
Fever. Mr. ,Sweitzer had just reached the
age of 20 yeare.--It is an honor to the
township of Blansisera to give Buell an
oyerwhelmieg majority for the plebiaoite.
Blanshard did better than any township
in the county. Our new council met on
Monday last. As we have almost an en-
tire change in our council it will be a
while before they will get things working
good again. -
Brume - There have been several
thanges in the weather of : late, but not-
withatanding all the anfair.erable eiroutre
stances Andereon is still living, yet badly
troubled with chronic drowsiness. -Mme
• McIntyre is the guest of Miss Josie Sutter
Mr. John M. Robinson and Dr. H. D.
Robinoon are bona° for a few days seeing
their father. who has for the past two
weeks been very low, -Miss Stephen of
Uxbridge, is visiting- friends and relatives
in the neighborhood.-e'1r. Thomag Ander-
son is home spending hi a holidays e ith, hie
On Friday evening last the Sons of
Temperance held their quarterly meeting
when the following officers were eleoted and
installed.- ,
- Worthy Patriaroh-Ed Beares.
Worthy Assooiate--Ettio Lane.
Recording Seribe-Ee. Robinson.
Aggistant Sombe-L. Lane.
Financial Soribe-P. 11. Highet,
Treasurer- Lizzie Diekinson.
Chaplain- Scott Whaley,
Clonductor--John Malloy,
Assistant Conductor -Florence Ls,ne.
Outside Sentinel --Wm. Keralake.
Inaide Sentinel -Mary Auderaon,
Past Worthy Patriaroh-,T. Cameron.
°swatter; Enloe.
The pleasant flavor, gentle action and
goothiug effirots of Syrup of Figs, when in
need of a. laxative ana if the father or
mother be costive or Milieus the moot
gratifying resultrs follow its use, so that it
it the beet family remedy keewu and ovary
fatally thould Wive a bottle.
Mrs. Margaret Ford an old lady was
burned to death in a small houae in
whieh ohe lived in the township of Neleon
Halton county, on Stinday. She was liv-
ing all alone in a bowie near the residence
of W. T. Beatty, her son-in-law. The
cede is being investigated,
We wish all our Friends and
,Customers a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
ISIS MONTH we offer great
inducements TO CLEAR the
balance of our Dress Goods,
lanne s Fur Caps :Ken's and
oats aut Suits at
4"",•11 *iv
NA7- 10AME1t017 84IT11, Bannistere, Selloi-
tor, aoaresemme eOffice maunst.
Can be consulted after office hours at the
Commeroiol uotol.
Stook taking Raisin boots and shoos. Durtna
this month we will sell Mt winter goods at
greatly reel:met perms. in order to make,
room for spring stook. Call:reads:le our prices,
arta be Goa yinoed thee we son cheap.
Note the f &lowing, prima :
Men's rubbers and e oeks tor $1 60; bee's
rubbers and seeks for ei. 20 ; men's fox felt
boote, 30: men% rubbers, We. ; mene
overshoes, main -felt, 75e. ; women's rubbers,
soot woreoe'a rubbers, woollined,45o ; a lot of
German :einem% tamee,womon's and ohildren's
from ee to 76o ; if you bar) oold feet call road
get a pair of eleotrio insolea for eee.
Sian of Big Boot. A. WESEL011
Cut in Two.
Prices ot Ladle's Ilantles,
$3 SOP/Cantles for $1 70
13400 $2 00
13600 " 13 00 ;
.7 00 " 43 60 ;
$8 00 " • $; 00.
Wore losing money, but we oannot afford to
keep them over -
mamas end ohadrener hese worth from 14o.
to 40o, at 10o a pair; 12 dos, spools at 0o. a doz. ;
merea ties at 5a., I oo. ande5o worth 20, 250,
and50o.Ladies' hose worth 25e for 150e;
mar's 09,:faltorth 50o and Seo; double width
motors 1088 gOodo worth 20a for 150 ; over-
coats at prices that win make others squirm,
'heartiest/Lege, Rename
Following are the market quotations
Wheat , • e,e t eg
Barley . . ..... . 36 to 36
Oats ..... ... 29 to 29
Pees . 50 10 50
6,00 to 7,00
Batter 10 to 20
Eega.... „ 15 te 10
600 to 6 25
Clover seed ..........
NEWS Tomos OFA WEbali.
The empeetant xvents in no iisew Welds
for Busy weeder..
A train of hoekey players from 'Winne
peg beakswilT vieit Ontario.
The Dominion Parliament has been pro-
rogued pro forum until February 26.
aft Samuel Hughes, eef,P„ was fined $15
Liinfliray Ertday for assaulting Reeve
Six pereaue WEITO droWned, at Baltimore,
Mf e 112.7, Fbrot y, by the upsetting of a nasal
Hon. John Hearn, of Quebec, is ill, and
his eoedition o oeneittg his physicians
much alarm,
The Provincial Legislature of Ontario
Will meet tor tlae despatch et bturinets on
February 14,
el. Challemel-Lacour has been re-elected
Preeidetit of the French Seaate by a vote
of 132 to 30.
M. 'Waddengton, formerly French. Ana-
-bassador to England, died in Paris on Sat-
urday tight
A. decree has been posted in all the
towns of Sicily prohibiting the jeaPeeta-
tion of arearnas.
Two serious iceboat accidents =Aired.
on Hamilon Bay, ;me on Saturday and the
other on Sunday.
Bradstreet% reports g failures in Can-
ado the past week, against 06 the preceding
week and 37 a year acne
Valliant, the condemned Frets% An-
archist, has appealed to the Supreme
Court to grant a new trial,
The United States Government Is try
Ing to arrange for the, sale of $50,000,006
worth of bonds to English. bankers.
Chas. Simeon, brother of the billard ex-
pert, was pronounced. insane at New York
Friday'', and. sent to an asylum,
A. mass meeting of the Ottawa friends of
home rule will be held on January 25 or
- 26. 'Hon. Edward Blake will speak.
Its repotted: nest the steamer Allonby
has foundered in thee -Bey of Biscay and
that twelve persons wereadaewned.
Edward Ryan, of Newton, Meek; who is
said to have been born in Ireland in -1,785,
died Saturday. Ile came to Newton in 1821
ROSSO Parker, colored, was lynched. Fre
day at West Union, Ohio, for the murder
of an aged couple earned Ilines a month
The Russian naval estimates for 1894 are
£5,500,000 sterling, exceeding the total
oredite of 1892 and 1893 by more than ,E25-
Judge Lewis B. Aiken, one of the oldest
jurists in the Western, Staten is dead at
Denver. He 'was a native of''Windsor,
A very severe snowstorm xaged in Mani-
toba for several hours on Wednesday
nighneipero men were frozen to death near
Near Drumbo Thursday a Grande'sTrunk
engineer named West, living in Stratford,
was badly int -tired. hy t; e breaking of a
driving shaft.
Samuel Welsore, who murdered Clenaen-
thee Manning, an abet:elf:Med woman, on
August 4, 1890, was hanged at SC Louis,
Moe Friday.
A.t Mickle & Dna:tenter eamp, ten miles
from Bracebriage, Samuel Mammon was
-startak by a falling log Friday and in-
stantly killed.
The Ontario Creameries Assoeiation
concludeft its annual convention at Belle-
ville Friday. Next year's meeting will be
held in Chesley.
dBereem-The Rey. E. Sealy jr., was
greatly surprised bn 1,4 ere rear's Day when
Blessre. F. Reynolds and. W. Wart hrenglit
to his residence a load of oats, a Netv
Tearer gift from members of the congrege,t-
foe of St. Paul's ehuroli, Remelt. Ile
yearn very highly this token of egteem and
desires now to return hie hearty amnia/ to
the kind donors. -The anniversary ger-
mons are to be Preached by Rey Mr. Jor-
dan of Strathroy.=•Messre Ballantyae
Shilliraglavv shipped several carloads of
lambs on Monday. -Quite a number at -
landed Mr James Stoneman's funeral at
Chiselhurst hest Monday.-- Me Edward
Aect of Zurieh wag in town on Saturday. -
Menne V. Hese and N. Deiehert of Zurfah
were in town on Tuesday -kir John
Zeefie of Olandeboye WAS in town on Mon-
day visiting Mr B Kaiser. -M, J E Troyer
loft last week for Marlette Mich, on bust -
nese -Bev Pah Softley of 1,oncion is visiting
hie: son, Rev Mr Miley here, pastor of St
Paul's (Mutate -Quite a number of our
young people attended the big dance at 2dr
John MoAlliater% on the Parr line on
Friday night. They report the crowd was
too large toz: the "louse, but nevertheless
they all had a good time, -Mrs Colwell and
Mrs Beverley were at Exeter on Tuesday.
-Rev Henderson and wife, Mel James
Carlisle and others attended the Womee's
Missionary meeting at Clinton. -- Miss
Murray of Clinton was visiting Miss Hattie
Sutherland this week, -Mr Chas MeYere
was at Sebringville on Tuesday looking
after some of his friends -Mr Wm Battler
of this Babylon line was in town on Tues-
day. -Mr and Ales Robinson, who have
been visiting their daughtehlers 3 0 Stone-
man, left for their home in Lambete 00
Saturday. -Mr john Pope has moved into
the old barber shop, where he is prepared
to do all kinds of custom tailoring. ---There
were no leas than fiye fruit tree agents in
town last Friday.
s borne Council.
The new amnion met on the lath inst,
pursuant to statute. Tho following gentle
men having'been duly elected, made and
subsoribed the necessary declarations of
office and qualification, and took their
setste as the counoil for 1894, yiz Thom
M. Kay, reeve; jarves HalieWalter Keddy,
Jonathan Shier, Robert Gardiner, jr.,
Halls--Keddy-that the collector's roll
be accepted and ehe collector% bond deliv-
ered upe-Cavried, •
Halls--Shier-that Q. W Holman be
appointed clerk forahe current year at a
salary of $100,-Clarried.
Shier -Gardiner -that Thee Coates be
appointed treasurer at a salary of 470, and
that he fareieh bonds in the sum of
$12000. --Carried,
Halle---131aier-that W Minora be ap-
pointed armee:en at a salary of 550. -Oar
Hallre-Keddy-that A. Duncan be ap.
pointed oolleotor at a salary of $50 and that
he furnish bonds in the sum of 012000. --
Fiells-Gardiner-ihal John Homey be
appointed auditor) and that theauditors
meet to audit the accounts on Saturday,
20th inat, et 9 o'clock a. m. -Carried.
The reelre appointed nos Andrew the
other ahditor.
Shier--Gardiner--that the acoonni of
Geo W. Hobnail, tor election expenses
amounting to $40 be paid. -Carried.
Gardiner--Keddy--that the following be
appointed fence viewers, viz: 3. Copeland,
A. Cole, P. Moir, 11, Delbridge, C. Switzer
and O. Coates.---Oarried.
ilalls-8hier-that the Board of Health
be &Managed of the reeve, clerk, Messes L.
Bitterne D, MoIenis and O. Monteith at
01 $0 Per asy, that De Thompson be mode
eel health offieer at 03 pee day, and I. 0,
Puha, tianttitty inspector at $1 50 per day
whet: on duty, -Carried,
Halle-Iteddy-tbat an order be issued
on the ire searer for the collentor's sahety.--
Keddy-Gardiner - that the tender of
the Adaocate to do the township printing
for $37 60 for the carreat year be accepted.
Moved in anaendmout by Shier -Halls --
that White at See do the printing tor the
present year at stone figures rot iast eeat.
Shier-Gerdiaer-tbet a bylaw be draft-
ed confirmieg tbe (appointment of the
inunielpal oftirens and fixing their selariel.
a -Carried.
Canal' dd --the%
and 3-
Louis Redwine, of the Gate City Na-
tional Bank, of Atlanta Ga., stole $103,000
of the funds, and has 'been sentenced to
six yews in penitentiary.
The Horncastle division of Lineolnalaire
hall elected Lora Willoughby, Conserva-
tive, to succeed the fete Hon. Edward
Stanhope, Conservative.
A. Paris newspaper states that 80 mem.bers of the Chember of Deputies have
signed the vameal foe the commutation of
Vaillant's sentence.
The temperance workers of London and
vicinity have merged three of their eased. -
aeons into one, called the "London and
Western Ontario Prohibitory Union."
A portable sawmill exploded near St.
Catharines, early Friday morning. The
shock was felt in -all parts of the city, and
wits at first ascribed to an earthquake.'
Sherman Waggoner of Martin County,
Intl., who drove his wife from home on,
Tuesday and afterwards killed her, was
captured by citizens Friday and lynched.
S. Sandford & Sone' carpet mills at Am-
sterdam, NY., resume work on 1' nil
time on Monday, after being elosea sins*
July. Nearly- 8,000 heads are employed.,
The Conservatives of Parry Sound and.
Muskoka met at Burk' s Valle on Thursday
and nominated Mr. W. n. Beatty of Burk's
Falls as their candidate 1 or the Legisla-
The Dalton gang plundered the postofs
fiee at the town 02 Clarkson, east of Guth-
rie, 0. T., Thursday morning, taking all
the etempe Mad Money and a waggon load
of provisione.
The Executive Committee of the Repub-
lican Committee at Wesbington have
adopted resOlutions favoring adnessionin-
to the 1.1`nion of Utah, Arizona, New lVfex-
co and Oklahoma.
Robert Sreneer was in the Assize Coure
Toronto, Thursday, sentenced to ten years'
imprisonnient for housebreaking.Ilis
wife, who was heelleeted as a receiver,
was sent to gee' for a month.
Arrangers:tents are being made by the
probibitiOnistS Of Was Sinicoe ior a con -
volition to nominate a candidate to eon -
test the riding in their interests at the ap4
proachinroVirmial. eltiotione,
*WAVE/ rrtne00V
itiox/ntar,, Jen, 10.-3rr, A. F. Gotta,
the Canadian cotton king and head of
Ganit Bros., hes presented $100,000 to the
Montreal Theological College to be devoted
to the training of clergyntet for the
Cheech of England in Canada
Godotich, CobJan. To (la
while O. Binkley, 4)8011 Tel opl.
ente engaged s tritigieg wires
Benots.-IVIre, Levine, daughter of
Mr, R. Dennison, died on Sunday at
the ace of 23 pave. She had heen 111
for some time or Oonsumptiong Which
illnese she bore with Christian ?melt.
ude, She leaves a four yeitoold daughter
to mourn the loss of a kind mother,her
husband having preceded her in
death some time ago. tier remains
were interred in Zion cemetery 011
Tuesday last.
Beines.--To name all who are at
present laid up with la grippe in this
neighborhood, ad who have lately
recovered from its eifeets, would be to
name nearly all the inhabitants. Some
are very ill with it, but there have
been no deaths as yet. -Mr. and 11116.
Wm. Lingard of Sarnia are visiting
friends here at present ; he reports
very dull times n the tunnel town, -
Mrs. rhos. Tapp and children of
Virden, Man., are visiting in the
neighborhood. -Mr, Thos. A, Dunea,ns
of Fareethar le teacher of the Public
ochool here for thisyear'Miss Mc-
Laughlin having taken claarge of the
HO. Separate sehool ateOftre .,Two of
our villagers were left in Greaten one
night last week by their horse getting
loose and running away; nee damage
done. -Rev. Mr. Jackson of Exeter,
preached miesionary sermons here on
Sunday. -The absence of snow is giv-
ng the farmers a good chance to
clean up the fallen timber in their
bashee. -Some of -Ake farmers here
attended the Farmer's Institute in
Exeter on Saturday last.
Bencira.-Will Robinson of Sunshine,
who has rented Mr. Heywood's farm
near Elunville, moved into his new
steenne last weelt-Miss Lizzie Walker
asseettentling St, Mary% Collegiate
Institute. Sheentencis taking out her
Second. -We are pleeeed to bean -..that
Mrs. Wm. Brock who has' -bee.% .-Itftry
sick with la grippe is able to be around
again. -Geo. Brook ia laid up at prea-
eat with %large felon on his finger. -
Mr, Pyne Hosea of Linwood is visiting
at his uncle's, Mr. John Stewarts. -
Rev. Mr. shtoksoe of Exeter preached
the Miesion'ary sermon at Zion, and
Rev. Mr.13utt of Centralia preached
at Sunshine on Sunday lase -Messrs.
Angus and Alex McileVin spent last
Sunday visiting Ahem: relatives in
Exeter and Kiepen.--IYIr. McPherson,
et the firm of McPherson and IVIo-
Whinney, fur dealers in Stratford, was
In the village lest week. He bought
about $200 worth of f era, -Oar public
school appeara to be in a flourishing
condition under the management of
our new teacher, Mr- Robert Brooks,
BuisPa.-The new council, met on
Monday; There were baskets full, of
applicatione for the various offices,
thoite for assessor being the more num
erotic -The dance at Clarke's hotel on
Friday evening was a success, -fro Bice
occupied Ine spare time the past few
weeks in practicing for the Hamilton
shooting tournament. Failing to score
to hia satuartiotton, lee did not attend
30 yards is rather too far Ira. -Mrs.
SIMS bets reterned home from Wood.
took. Rev, Becker, of Sebringville,
preached on Sunday evening laat in
the Gernian Out ch. Billy you will
have to be more on the alere-Mrs.
Trevethick of Glencoe 10 home on
visit -bit- Will Young who has been
ill at his grandfather's residence in
Exeter, 13 progressing nicely, and the
operation anticipated will not have to
be performed.-Megare. Rate, Eilber,
and Sherritt attend the County Com:loll
nexe 'Tuesday. What's the matter with
Chhoaniorr7ing Mr. Either with the Warden's
Stemmer ov Oeemeas.--The Union
Tent No. 48 K. O. T. M, held their
public installation of officers on Tues-
day evening, Jan. 9111. The officers
for the year are as follows :-
Sir Knight Com. -0 H Wilson.
Past Cora.--Roet. Hutchinson.
Lieut." --John Brown.
geo'elteeord Keeper -R. 111OChnohey.
Finance -John Love.
Prolate -Jas. "Young. t,
carbysi.—Philip Baker. . ate dt
Sergeant -Wm. Moulin. iFj
el Master at Artea-Robt. Beglieb.
illet Master Guard -S. Webb,
1,12ncl " -las. rolleek.si
ZeeeSentinel-Wm, Prartee.
Picket -JAB, niokey.
After the instalietiotea literar,yeri ter
tainment coesiettrig 61 readings, Music
and singing, eto. The hall was crowd
a lurge number not being able to
gain edinittante. Among the apeak-
ere were MissEilber and Miss Ben of
Oreditort representing the eupeenie
hive of the Ladies of the itlatede.beee,
who taid they were prepared to receive
applications to organize a Toot, Mile
Wm. Holt spoke in great praise of the
linitte,e-Miee, S. J, Brown lofe here
to visit friends la Brinsleye-Mr, Jerry
Brophey had a wood bee lett 'letesday,
lie got tt nicks let of wood
John F. Wilsea, boys and Role, of
Brandon Are vieitieg itt their urtele!e,
Mr, Reuben Wiltion.-Mr.
fn and Mien Lydia Ilaeh wane, Married
in Exeter la tehn Ben,
6 SO.
Perth county love a majority otI,605
for the plebiscite.
The annul meeting or the 3lanshard
mutual riro Ina. Co. Will ire held at
the townsbip hall, Blanahard, on Fri.
clay, Jan. 191h, et 2 p.
The annuel meeting of the Doi:eh:time
Live Stook Association wee held 111 Te
Zollto On FritlaY, Jail. WI, 110. T, 0,
Baboon, of St. Marys vas elected
President of tne association for 1894,
Dr. Grev, who has been practicing in
St. Mary, for a number of yeara and
but letely sold oat his practice to Dr.
Brown, has purchased Dr. Wyld's
practice at Perithill and has remoVed
family to Ova 10'01,,
Memo% of St. Marys, for-
warded froro lua wareliouse there
fifteen carloAds of prune Cheese ta
Portlend, Maine, for shipment to the
Ohl Country marketsar, Moore is
an extensive dealer in this product.
Plailip Seibert, the defeated candid-
ate for the reeveship of .YAlioe, told
the Stratford Herald the other day
that ee was beaten because he oouldo't
be a Tory, a Grit, a Patron, a Mos
Carthyite, ao Protestant, a Catholic and
a „P. P. A. Irian all rolled into One.
Among the many oostly presents/
made to Major and Mrs. 11, A.li
White of St Marys, on the occasion of
the 251h aunivereary at their wedding,
Was an elegant set of silver spoons ens
closed, in a be.nelsorne plush case, the
gitt of N. Clarke Wallace, Esq., Itl„ P.,
Comptroller a Otertoma.
Whale, the well-known old hotel
keeper, who was convieted of the man-
elaughter of his wife at the Stratford
.Assizes about three yeara ago, and who
is in the peniteatiary under life sen-
tence, is hoping for a release shortly.
A largely signed petition has beeja
sent to the dioyernraent on his behalf.
Assitlies Fannie Oddy of St. Marys,
was going over the orossing et the
National Hotel one day last week she
waited to allow a losici of barrels to
cross before her. One of the barrels
bounded off the load and struck her
on the,heaci. She was taken home
sufferireg-sayelee, leennt--oe:qns in the
head which afterwards miusett "ebteura.
St. Marys has lest another aged reei-
dent in the person. of Mrs'. Elizabeth
Cunningham, redoe of the late Hugh
Cunningham, whose deeth took place
on Thursday of lest week at the age of
84 years, For a period or thirty years
the deceased lady had not beenem the
enjoyment of good health, but had
been only for a few months confined to
A.t the recout geoond class profess
lanai examinations of the Toronto
Normal School Mr W. D. Spence, the
newly -appointed principal of lie Marys
Publio Schools, Miss Clara Quayle of
St. Marys and Miss Ada Mary flutton,
daughter of Rev. B. L. Hutton, Kirk,
to,have been successful in their fina
exams. foe ti second-olase certificate.
Miss Hatton took honors and has the
enviable distinction of being
Medallist of the Toronto Normal
Last week Mr.,.,ele W. Laird, for ten
years principal of St. Marys Public
Schools, with his family, left the etorie
town for _Hamilton. He had been
Superintendent of. the forst Presbyter-
ian Sunday Sohool for a number of
year,' and director of the Mechanies'
Institute Board, and held responsible
positions in fraternal 'societies. He
was highly respected by alraost every-
one of his aoquitintances, and he and
fanaily have the beet wishes of the
citizens of the stone town for his pros-
perity in bus new occupation.
The annual meeting of the Blanshard
Cheese And Butter Coy. held at the
t°awenlashrgiPely hall an
Mr. Epplett reviewed the work of the
past year which was highly satisfactory
to the patrons. Owing to the severe
drought during the latter months of
the season, there Wai a slight Jelling
&Tit the total amount DI cheese manus
featured in comparison with the prey -
mus year, but, is partially made up by
the high prices obtained, the saloon:Ian,
Mr. Sanderson, having realized figures
in exoeas of the ordinary nasS'Oeet 111
every instance. The auclitor'e state'
inent wan presented by Mr. Ilene;
Wbiela showed the company tel Vein et
sound position finanoialey. The tOe
amount of oheeee hianufaot -
the year was about
the patrons teceiv
000. A tieW ootiO
ScAted to tliz aloe
ary, left 'Webster', a
blc'iattinud9; 0hp
pew rtehon: tBovra bttoetrida6 .001;ociteee.
but the old syoto
by the poi1rvd wtIa
At a ouhebq
gr. 'rho's*,
TP::a9s14. eilf 6" 31,
Sanderson A
tcnoX and /4.1
alas itesonhA
S, 8, Attnite
Plyleteetth RCM
trolghh:rg 4 e
by tl& mehett,
Ntita., 'Their
esti 00,0004-1445=
For verybocig.
In seeming onr Christmas goods 13his
season fro did not forget that many of
our friends like ourselves are short of
eash, we were cs.reful therefore in e0.
looting elegant goods very suitable fax
Christmas and wedding gifts at „prices
that will laugh at hard. times and thio
goods will make you laugh when you
see them,
Call early and secure some of the:it
and make your friends happy.
J. P. ROSS, Market Depot
Master George O'Ned, eon of Mre
Ralph O'Neil, of the cloeexis hotel,
Lucian, fen into a cistern at the fire an
Sunday morning but was fortunately
rescued in tune to prevent drowning.
He wee uneoneoious and badly chilled
when taken Out. A. bad cold is the
A, small 'stable beloniing to Santuel
1VIcLear,. situated in Frenk street,
Lucite, 114 wlaiob were steitlect tyro
torsos aad taro cows,. Aeoidentally took
fire:about half-paet nine o'clock, Fri-
day evening, end was totally consumed.
The cowa were !saved, but the horees
and all other oonteuts were burned.
Although a strong wind was blowing
the fire was confined to the one ,build-
ing, Lose abotet $400.
The Goderioh Signal says a House of
Refuge le an assured fact at the 116M4
seesion of the Huron' County Council.
Compri Bros.' furniture Aare, Wing -
ham was destroyed by fire last Monday
night, The stook was insured for
$1,700 and the buildmig for $600. The
loss on stook is $1,500. The buiidiag
Is a total loss, It was owned by Dr.
Tatalm, ttf Winighsna.
hfartin, of Tuokeranai th,
died early Mon ay m
failure. She had been toe (lurch Sun,"
day and returned in her usual health,
-but wasfoun.d dead in bed that morn-
ing. The deceased lady was 57 yearn
of age and highly respeoted.
Mr. John Dunkin, of the 2ed con.,
of Stanley, has disposed of his farm to
Mr. "AMOS McQueen, of Tuckersmith,
we hearst saidj.that the price is $6,200.
Mr. Dunkin, hail parohased a ferni
elsevvhere and will chortiy remove
The reaper of death has once more
brought sorrow and grief to the home
of Mr. Robert &mole, Morris, by tek-
ing unto Iliraself the tipirit of his be-
loved wife at the age ot 63 years and
14 elays. The immortal spirit was
taken the other day. Mrs. Smolt was
a native of Armagh, Ireland, and OA
to this country ill the ‘it'74E'..
her parents, and settled i
township, Durham Co.
The annual report of ,
Sheep and Swine Breeders' A
harreuest been homed by theeh
mente This is one of the awe
latent returns that is or spool
to the farmer, and no d
governraent would. beglad to
copies of this to all who de
There are some exoellent
discuseione in the report, 9'
prize essay on sheep by „
ot IBrucefield. The o
the Sheep Breeder '
county are Geo, Be
IYIalcolna DelcEweli
Stanley ; and John
ioh township. 11
the Swine Breeder
J. 3. Biggins
The feline
News of Tue
much ineetei
Da Sloan )
191 Dane
of Blyth,
CoOrt o,