HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-04-04, Page 7Lea The return enatch of the Cen- tury is slated to take place this Sunday in °Wingham. The Signal -Star ,Paper' Leafs are converging on,,,t a quiet little town to the north to brin `back the, coveted Silver .; Tissue Award that was "loaned" to the' CKNX Try-Hards for , a month. The Try -Hard team challenged the Goderich super team to a `hockey game last winter, alt proceeds to go to the the Mentally Retarded. However, a trophy was 1 GODk RIC 1 "SIGNAL -START ,THURSDAY, APRUU 4 1,97#'- OP44 '+7 fined to bring pith Winghuin donated to the winning tearf' in the match for which the Try- Hards were oot prepared. With the pressure of such a coveted, award on their shoulders -they were"forced to take, drastic ac' tion. ThO ; imported Robbie Strong from the Win ham National Team and moved him into centre. Strong scored suc- cessfully on both the Paper - Leaf goalies and was the main th•rusc in the Try -Hard 'attack: However, this month the _R.a.ppr-Leif coach jus pulled out the stops. Coach Byrski has - been d-rillina his star wieger Lloyd "Cack" Lounsbury in the ; fine art of skating and plans to' ptjt him on the ice to shadow Strong. "Cack" feels that he is ready, 'for Strong 'and says he can skate twice as fast since he reduced the number of blades on hk skates from four to one. The NHL has been criticized • for imp„'rting 'European hockey players t., ;plav in Canada and now the .Africanhockey league has stolen Ron "Shipwreck" Shaw from the Paper -Leafs. "Shipwreck was offered a -phenomenal contract by the Lake Chad Penguins ands ,has Played ot, his option with the Paper,Leafs. The Goderich team_has been practieting diligently since their, last engRunter with the Wingham Boys. 'borne have played hockey, some have been exercising in ,their living rooms on Sunday mornings and some have been doing calisthenics in their beds between 10:30 and 12:00 Sunday morning, trying hard not to think about a cer- tain hunch of guys in Lucknow. Just prior to press time an anonymous tip, carne ' into v,. SUPERINTENDENT HUGH FEAGAN Promotion Coac ii Byraki'a office -that the CK team has added scoring Punch -to . their offense with the addition of the "Secretary Line". The coach just threw the report on his -desk and mute tered, "We'll 'put Rumig on • against" ahem" . The . latest odds froth the bookie's office were 10 to'1 that the Silver Tissue Award is in either Goderich or Wingham for the summer. With a sure bet like that v9u can he sure there. is going to be a full crowd wet. ening the garrre: As an added attraction there is a side 'bf beef, given• to the,, man who has the most grape jelly on his ticket before he puts "tit into' the drum. All proceeds from this "super -match" are going to the Winghgm. District Association for the Mentally Retarded: Former Inspector Hugh Feagan, 44, Officer Commanding. Yellowknife ' subdivision of 'G' division Of the RCMP has been promoted to Superintendent and will assume the post of Comrnanding Officer of `L''' Division in Prince Edward Island. The promotion was effective February 15, 1974. Superintendent Feagan went to Yellowknife. in 1970 and in. his 24 years of service has spent 13 years in the. North, and used every means of transport from dogs to plane. ; At one time, he was a Corporal .in. charge of the Ft. McPherson detachmen.t.,. His.._.consta.ble_....was'__the , an.ow,. • Territorial Councillor Lyle Trimble. While in Yellowknife he has been. , ide.-de Campri.o the Commissioner of the N.W.T. Hugh met future wife in Whitehorse, and was married to Marjarie at Aklavik in 1955. In those days, a member of the force had to have his,,,own married quarters, so Hugh• built his .own shouse. • Very active in community • work, he—is Territorial and • Brigade Corrimissioner of St. John Ambulance and in May . 1973 was' elevated to the rank of Officer Brother. ' Well like and respected in both the coniu:nity„ and the. force, SuperiRttendent Feagan will move to Charlottetown' in the very -near -future. His wife and, two c iildren 'mill ' follow ..later.\' Thornh ilt firs? ship out The dockhands of the Thornhill "patten down the hatches" .of salt. The Thornhill was the first. ship out of Goderich Har- preparing to sail from Goderich to the'lakehead with" a load, bourr leaving Saturday night. (staff photo)- Bantam B's lose. pair Last -.Saturday three teams of youngsters from Goderich boar- ded buses bound for Dearborne, .Heights, Michigan. The boys were winding'. up this year's. falcons win one,, Tose one inD�arborfl e, Police Falcons wound up their year with a weekend in Dearborne, Michigan: -. Saturday, March :30 saw our boys win 3-1 over Dearborne, ‘Scoring .for Goderich was Peter Crew from Tim Doherty and Paul Dougherty, Tim McLean from 'Steve Chase and Rick Stoddart, lain Lambert from Ed Courtney. The' lone goal for Dearborne was scored. by P. Gcodreati. Sunday., March 31 saw Dear - borne win 3-1 over Goderich. Hipple and McCall (2) were the leading scorers for Dearborne, with Paul .Schaefer from Ed Courtney scoring for Goderich. 1973-74 Season Statistics for Police Falcons - Won - 24; Tied 1; Lost 20. Goals scored 202; Goals against - 108. WiJaner. of the .Afghan draw was Mrs, Helen Lewis St. David St.'Goderich. Ticket was drawn by Sgt. Bacon, ' „ Supreme -Court Supreme Court Spring Assizes at Goderich Court house are sitting for the last week of March and 'first week of April. Scheduled is one ,.murder trial and four civil cases juried - as it ,now stands, also four non -jury cases. One action is expected to be traversed to another court, two or three may be settled before proceeding with others afterthe murder trial closes. It• is probable court may be extended another week due to the prise load. DApcty Sheriff Nell Coates was welcor'ned back after an extended Period oar'" cbn- ve lescente. team hockey with a Bantam A and B and Pee Wee tournament.' • ,Despite nasty 'weather and numerotis stops the group arrived with spirits high. The players -talked of -hockey and their parents relaxed. The last ganl,e 'on Saturday night 'saw elle ,.Bantam B s in action'!. The boys played a tight' defensive game not scoring' un= til late in the second period when Dennis LeBlanc scored. with'' assist frorh Mike Milley' and 'B''ill Gauley. In the ,,third . period Dearborne scored after a rough 13.07 of hockey. A._ minute later they got the ,win- ning goal while Mike Milley was off for tripping, ending the game 2-1, • The second ' B game . wa•s -played at 11:00 Sunday.^mor- ning.- "De4t•borne opened the ' scoring at the 1.2:54 mark of the first period. Early in the second period they made it 2-0 with no reply from Goderich,+� At the 12:00 minute. mark Tom Doherty scored fol• Goderich to• end the period. Despite a tremendo0 :effort. , the boys ,could not get the tying goal and Dearborn scored late in,. the game to end it 3-1 The boys exchanged gifts at the end of this series and par- ted friends. If you're a serious saver,. how about this... 3 4 Term .Savings (Debentures and Guaranteed Investment Cer- tificates) offer -security and convenience. Terms and rates vary from 1 to 5.years. This attractive • rate Is our, highest. Canada Permanent Trust . 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Now to Met our increased sales demand we -are introducing this well known American made brand to our Base Factory Outlet customers. NEW PORTABLE MODELS START AS LOW AS $7597. 1 v. SEWING MACHINE DEMONSTRATION FRI. 1 p.m..to 9 p.m. & SAT. 9 a.m.. to 5. p.m. Mr. Earl Borscht our settving 'machine demonstrator :and in- structor will be at Base Factory Outlet on Friday, April 5 from 1 p.m. 'to 9 p.m. and on $at4 April 6`from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mr. Ber- scht has over 31 years experience. Drop in for a consultation NO, charge. h Remember we service what we sell...We make repairs to alt makes of sewing machines. Our rates are reasonable and our work.cairles a full year's warranty. USED SEWING l'OCHINE SALE We have a largo assortMent of used sewing machines. there are nioneious well known makes and models-frdni which to choole. .Eaph used machine is sold wittt our one Oar full written/ warianty. pru- ak6 FROM '3009 AND UP