HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-04-04, Page 2PAGE 2. QPE ,ICH 'SIGNAL -STAB, IIIORSDAY, APRIL 4, 1974' • EDITORIAL' COMMENT Does Warden Have answer? The substantially6increased budget for Huron County must have -everyone buz-, • zing. • No one likes to pay more taxes. Few citizens enjoy forking over hard- earned dol)ars and cents even for ser- vices that are generally ..thought to be vital and necessary. There's something about paying - taxes which irks everybody. , The' County of Huron budget is a shocker.•.Lt is going to mean people in Huron will be digging much deeper into their pockets for county tax dollars this year...and there i,s little. indication that municipal taxes or educational taxes will 'remain static 'either.. What to. do? The .Warden of Huron" County has a suggestion. Bill Elston urged all county committee members to make every effort to curtail the introduction of new ser- . vices. Warden Elston leels_that'it will be burden enough for, Huron's people to finance the programs already begun --over the next decade or so without ad - •1 ding td the bill by approving 'schemes which Could be deferred. But is that the answer? Huron County, despite what many residents may say, is one of 'the most - progreSsive counties' in the province of Ontario. In many ways, Huron 'leads the pack with programs and services for the people MI6 live here. Yes, it has taken money and planning to reach these pin- nacles but the , good life in Huron reflects the wisdom of these costly decisions. With the price of goods and services on all sides mounting at"a: frightening ,pale, kis- only natural that government :"costs would also rise. But to,.rule to stand pat - remain 'constant ,and 'un- changing - may be too dangerous to be frugal. En fact; the •day may be fast ap- proaching when taxpayers everywhere will pay a much increased. portion of their income for tax purposes simply toy° stay ahead and 'live in the style to which we'd like t� ''become more. ac- customed. ool will operate Many, many Goderich and area residents will be relieved to ;know that Judith Goderham Pool will be opening on schedule this season. A great- deal of interest 'was carouses .ins t..weeks' • when Were was a suggestion that Huron County's 'Health Unit- might put the clamps on the local swimming pool for this season, an indication of the type off,' interest there is in that particular ,ecreational facility inGoderich. At various times in the `'past, some Goderich residents have expressed their -..dismay at. the cost of.maintaining' Judith Gooderham Pook•it has been said that youngsters here and in; the vicinity do not require a public pool at all since •: beautiful blue Lake Huron is only at the • foot of 'harbor hill, free to all comers: "It was good enough for .us," these Ph• rotesters seem to say," "and it is good enough for them." w Be ready Think. now There is Little use'in arguing this point, for people who. think that way possess closed minds,on the .subject of change and. progress. 'It .Only remains to be thankful for more modern thinkers . know that few 'of yesterday's .childre had either: tine -,or' opportunity to learn to swim in. Lake Huron which at„ that time was practically free from pollution of any kind; .and. who recognize that today's youngsters must become fine swimmers if they are to be able to fill their leisure summer -hours with healthful, approved reor-eation. And ,what about tomorrow's children? Will safe sutnmertime _awtmrning facilities be enough for them? Or will the future demand year-round swimming op- portunities for those young people who will, be a product' of a,generation with more time on their hands- than ever before'? . Recreation complexes are 'the thing these -days: Everybody wants-- on -e---- .Everybody is taking' some steps to get one. , In Kincardine, funds erre already being gathered for the purpose of building a new major recreational facility. In Exeter too, 4olks there are sthidying the ,feasibility of a sports complexi And of 'course, some energetic, -far-sighted Goderich people are drew ring about the 'day when this municipality can have its own multi-purpose recreational -facility. Ten years ago such thoughts would' have been termed ludicrous. Now? Well.... Nota long ago, the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Ser- vices •sent forth a ,nevus release which quoted Rene' Brunelle •as saying, ``Recreation centres have become a More integral part of community life." In the same news release,' M.r.. Brunelle was announcing 198 Ontario Government grant`s under the Com- m un ity om-munity 'Centres, Act, totalling • $657,915.86: Thee four largest grants, each for $20,000; went' to the town of Whitby for construction of Iroquois Park arena and hall; the town of Rockland for 1' 1444.4.., co,*e r 1.41.rta PORE, '"LO j .s r-' $ rrri N 1-1V4R IN'T ckASEFTATS '5 "`aHulr(AP VO t F4tc.• crrr, HEFftferso *�'"C1'' pre tetwaouRw I 7-1-100 p Ct\7'ctlaR P.ms.cQ�a I TO TAKE Yat \,'�W Y:/F.. 7 population, - a ru'n'built from a batiement window, -a- harness' and leash, or a simply erected ' outdoor' cage - Voila.- your cat, Dear _Edi=tor, gets In reference -to your. elituriah 'fresh ir safely. this is not helping 28th), of, last week (March'� However, t e present situation, Protec- 28th), titre over -population of cats in Goderich. , do against ciriuelty'-and star - Bylaw 29 as I see it is uselessati n must be 'our first •..4n.�.,.,• in its 'present form'and should 'cern - afterall, we. caan•.t bla•rne be thrown out in favor of a the c : is ._ for lhe4i. present ,more cta prehensive'. blanket sifuati n. •1-n- .thi:s regard bylaw covering the, abandon- perhaps rs. Palmer could ment of, cruelty,to and keeping ` contact M Hughes of the On; of any animals within the town. ratio• Hum.ne `Society for To my way of ,thinking it gree;ommendat ns on the, most °' should be 'no one's concern how' 'thumane and ec, nOrnical way of euthanasia whi'h iti .at this many animals are kept within the confines of one's home ,os point the only wa,�' to treat the p ,' ' long as they are being cared forte .l. roblem; in a proper' fashion and • not The, hvlaw. " revrsi n should" allowed to run at,. _large, or • include a very stiff fine for disturb anyone else's peace of abandoning animals I per-', mind . sona'lly know of one G erich' There is no need ,for any cat � :# resident '.wh'o .has dropp . -at to run loose. People who s'av I .•least six. cats off`�at the.h rse love'•my swat while opening the barns at the race track of •r door to let it out into traffic , having raised them in a hom: and a cruel world rarise my ire. environment. . . .- fine' should also .be levied They tie the exriise that-�it'`` against .theowner of any. pet natural for a cat.to he outside o Nonsense! Cats are among the who allows 4that pet to;run at. cleanest of pets. They will use a large ,-. he it kitten,—,lion, monkey or dog, the new Rockland arena and hall; the _town of.Walkerton for Walkerton arena and hall; and the town of Nickel Centre for . construction of Garson arena and half. nr About m.id=March, a release was for- warded from the -office of the Minister of National Health and Welfare, the Hon.' Marc ''LaLonde; announcing a goal to en- courage' and, support all .deserving sports and recreational facilities. "I am hopeful,that throughout Canada there Is a, very real 'concern, and I belieVe there is, for a sound approach to the: problem of furnishing 'first -rate physical°.education 'programs'," said Mr. LaLonde- ' The move is on for recreational facilities such as we've never before . dared to .„dream.. Can they . become reality? Should they beC e reali,ty? of d9derich ant areal are The people urged to ,give careful consideration to these questions. There is a good chance the, local study team -plartned for this , summer will be interviewing you: You will Ant to give- your opinion only after much thought on the platter, Be ready. Think now. -,, yr n1FUEd .nr.LA_ ATION the &Derich p SIGNAL—STAR "'i3-- The County Town Newspaper of Huron --o— Founded in, 1848 ant -published every Thursday at Godenrh Ontario Member of the • CWNA and OWNA 'Advertising rates on rebuest S bspriptions payable in advance ; $,850 in Canada. S1000.in alt countries other than Canada. single copies 20 cents ra Second class Mail Registration •Nuttlper i 16 Advertising Os accepted on the condition that, -in, the event of typographical : =`.'r the '-advertising space oi✓'cubied by the erroneous item, together with reasonable allowance for signet"bre. will not be charged for butothe balance of the'advertisemenl will be paid for at the applicable rate In the even, of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a Wrong price.oods or service may not be sold Advertising- is merely an offer; to sell and may be withdrawn at alit►.. twee The Signal:Star is not responsible for»t-he lass or damage of unsolicited manuscripts or photos ' • , Business •afid Editorial Office TELEPHONE 52A-8331 area .code 519 Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 220,,E doddrich Second class nihil registration number -0710 Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. ROBERT 0. SHRIER—president and -publisher. SHIRLEY J. KELLER---editor HILL DIMMICK—editorial staff JEFF SEDDON-•-editorial staff EDWARD J. 8YR'M O---advertising.'manager DAVE R. WILLIAMS—advertising repre l intative litter ' pan with unwatverini; faithfulness' -if properly trained and "cared Tor. - The manv pet foods ayailahle supply a far better diet than the neighbour's garbage. •_ In- te'n'years--of breeding - and raising pedigreed carts I have never allowed one to wander„ unattended and vet my cats have a.happv well ad•jttsted life;,_ There are• many wav`.fi of protecting a cat against the elements of danger and ,over '4 Also an educational program through this newspaper onthe proper. care and- control, of pet animals 'should be instituted with •the ernphasis on neute- ring and spaying of pets so -that the needless- litte ,after lit=- ter of unwanted animals'be put to •an end. ,. 'You stated,. in closing your' , ,,gdito Tal "- too .many cats make life' miserable for the average citizen - " You may have been closer to the truth had you said too many uncaring, ignorant' per -Owners, make- life miserable for the average cat - "` „'' If I can be of` any assistance-• ' - ,,household. Reasonable means request of deputation and is to Mrs. Palmer or any member of council Tri :•-• to-- should be applied in enforcing now in the"ha•nds of the friends. means taking,up a judge's time among other things. However,.I think jt .is fair enough to limit the ' number of cats per r LOOKINO BACK 75 YEARS AGO Among the bills;,to which the Lieutenant-GQyernor gave assent at the prorogatioln of the House on Saturday were the . following G an act to authorize the town of Goderich to borrow, $25,000; an act respecting the town of Goderich and the Goderich Elevator and 'transit Cornpany• At a meeting of the executive committee of the Lake Carriers Association held at Cleveland recently it was decided to,, ad- vance the wages of salaries of sailors live dollars a month -for the coming season. The ad- vance applies not only to sailors, but to all kinds of labor from deckhand to,mngineer. The • advance is effective' for all association boats which is about four-fifths of those plying the lakes, We are pleased to a pounce the organization of a lumane • Society in Goderich and hate no doubt the members - w�i11 Wave plenty of opportunity for carrying out • the 'good work devolving upon an organization of this sort. The organizatior1'v' and election of officers w,as ef- fected at the home of F. Jordan: Wednesday ' last a large tu'f- nout of electors of the town of Goderich waited upon Ephraim, ,; Downing and asked that he would allow his name' :to be • , brought forward as a candidate to take the place of William CarhOel•l, now retired: _After scitne thought, on Ate matter Mr. Downing acceded to the alleviate -this problem ;or assuring' hat it doesn'•t happen, :again my time is theirs. Yours truly, (Mr*) Sunny Louch Sunny L o "Cattery RR 2, Clinton. ' ultik Iiv 1/1,etrt.,elres Dear Editor:. ,Your last week's, poem, on cats is delightful; we need mdre chuckles more' often. Whilst "Shades of Browning" refers to the author, ' "Shades •of Don Quixote" ;incidentally, one of" my. favourite heroes) 'came to my mind as applying to the rest oft us connected with This`mat- ter. ` Concerning' the subject•itself;. m ..interpretation • of the situ•s'tion is' different •from that prose ted: I do not see any "cat 'noble i" other .than tt e. one we hay created for --ourselves by sod -rrly • starting to eliminate - tray"..cats, without `having the a. th.ority to do so. The only th g by-law 29 :of • 1963 d.oesis_ to _i.tp.it_cats_(ex- cepting unweane . kittens and those .on the prem-ses of duly appointed pound k:•pers) to two per family,. with a .ossible first , penalty up to $5, •jf the owner is convicted of vi'o : ting this by-law. This, of. cou. ie, the by-law •, A baseball -club has been However; in v,LGw of the fact ° organized at 'the. Collegiate In that we do'not license cats, stitute.,At a recent meeting the what •do we call a -"stray" cat? play decided,: .to arrange One Who. merely crosses, the games with.any other team in. street? One does not walk treat tgwn'willing to play them. on a. leash. By natural instincts :4 , The• appeaitance'of the E'adet- and characteristic habits cats tes women's'•• orchestra'. of are quite different from dogs, Boston, n'e'xt Monday at the also in the relationship,tci their Victoria Opera 'Blouse will con - human families. I oppose any sti'tute ones 'of the greatest thought of licensing 'cats, , musical events in the history of mainly because 'of the. dif- Goderi'ch. ,ficultier, and frustrations so oh- viotisly following. in frying to enforce such regulations., • As far as garbage is concer- rampage on Friday, Satundav ned, ihat ist, a "people and Sunday tore out quite a' problem", easily solved. If one stretch at the north end Of the , i method does 'not work (ours .is C.P.R. 'embankment. , A good wrapping garbage and then., portion of the: streapassed _using a carntarner with lid) i m between the abutment which would look. for a better one; used td' he at the end of the em-- witl.out expecting co-operation bankment .and the earth filly, froth animals. Besides, many , Most of the stretch between. times I have seen' birds picking here and the next abutment has at garbage hags which were not . been eaten away. Some fifteen properly 'handled in -the first carloads of stone have been put place. in to guard against further There are 'no cats in our erosion. family. I know by. experience The sum of three dollars, in with a dog'hgw painfut. the. loss '' •three., subscriptions of , one of a pet can be and I feel very. dollar each watt received by' the badly at the thought that •some -Star towards the cost of the i _ people_ de rived of.a � et stone being erected :to Charles ``:'- p p Ai t,- . r Bulpitt of The `British Welcomes- - they had every right to keep. I p•' dry not 'condone eliminating and Wel-fare League. The suns cats simply because they walk will be forwarded to the League around and somebody calls . from whom we have them "strays" and I.am not in acknowledgement. ' The favour of enforcing'by-laws we required sum has been met and , do not have. no further subscriptions will be One' Of My favourite. Kipling needed. ; stories, is 1`The Cat that Walked George Laithwaite has had a by Himself", and thinking of word from Mr. Cheer, who a ow he went "out to -the Wet short time ago discussed the 'id Woods or up -the Wet subjectof a canning factory for Wi • Trees,or on -•the Wet 'Wild Goderich, that the project is off Roofs, waving his wild;;tail and so far as he ,•is concerned. • He walking by his wild' lone" I has neen unable two find a -remain, , suitable' building and it would " Yours sincerely, be too late to start building for ,t Elsa Haydon, this year's business. Mr. Cheer'', however, will be in the apple business and will operate his evaporator ,here this ,fall. He will be ready to act as manager Dear Editor, for a co-operative fruit shipping • I have, recently been ap- enterprise if desired. James Kean, eltli Concession prsaached by several Reraons - in (continued ont,page 3) 'Ashfield, Tial his barn anti house completely -destroyed by, fire.,]A spark from the chimney• is suspected to' Have started the blaze which was whipped up by , gale •force wind: By the time the flames were seen the fire ,was well oirt, its way.. Neigh - „hours were on hand to assist Mr. Kean and were able to 'get the livestock out of the barn before, the roof caved. in. ” 50 TEARS AGO The• river • Maitland on the • This is one famous Goderich family which should be easily identified by folks who know their history of the'town. Can you name them? By the way, the -old-time hockey players pictured last week were (tbp row, left to right) E Pridham, G. Smith, J. Beck, A. Chisholm;, (second row, left -to right) W Buchanan, L. Young, D. `Thompson; W. Snazel; and front, seated, P. Baebhler. These were the Goderich OHA Intermediate Hockey Club of 1914-15. By the way, will the lady). who telephoned the Signal -Star last 'week advising that the identification on the old -tithe band �.; pictures was itticorrect, please dell Pat 4,iatterson with the proper information?•.He wilt be glad to hear from you. If you have art old-time picture to share with Signal -Star readers, please telephone the•,office. Flemember though, the photographs must be actual firinte and not newpaper or magazine clippings whicrF cannot be satisfactorily reproduced. Iln(Igin(t(jon pitl1' '. Readers are ,cordially , !milted to express their opinions of local, provin- cial and federal Issues through _ the ' Letters to the Editor column of The Goderich Signal -Star. All letters must be signed to be published, ° although peri mimeo are permissible providing it is understood that upon request from another reader, the letter writer's true name will be revealed. While there is no limit to the length of a letter which can be offered for publication, the editor does reserve the right to delete portions 0.1 any. copy submitted, for In- clusion in „ this newspaper. Take an active Interest In your hometown newspaper. Write a letter to the Editor today., • 5 YEARS AGO Huron -County learned that they will not only surrender their property assessing to the Province of Ontario but will turn over its whole new ad- ministrative building in Goderich as well. The council. was informed that the Dept. of Municipal Affairs"want to rent the entire building and will reimburse the county for fur- niture and equipment pur- chased this Year for the building. ,Goderich,council approved a by-law that will pay a $2.50 skunk bounty to town residents. The bounty will be Raid to any resident who signs an affidavit claiming to have disposed of a skunk from his property