HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-04-04, Page 1. ..4 Toronto developer plans row housing on Bennett A proposal for row housing, in an area which lacks essential services., of -storm sewers, ^sanitary sowers, sanitary sewers and water, was presen ted Tuesday night to Goderich planning board. G. Stanstiffy, a private developer from Toronto, stressed to board 'members that his proposed row housing on Bennett Street, just off Bayfield Road by Conklin Lumber, would be luxury ac- commodation. "It would enhance the -area and, spark development," he said. Mr. Stansbury also noted that this plans allow 16 1/2 feet for road widening.. Although. he' could not provide, an exact cost of the ,project as building material :;prices are constantly rising, he ',suggested $20,000 for each of 18 units in the complex, $360,000. _ • To accommodate- Mr. Stan- sbury's development, the land lie - wishes ..to build oh would . . have to be rezoned from developmental to R3.'. The board told Mr.' Stan- sbury that he would be infor- med of its decision whether or not, to recomrensi rezoning. The board also heard a eputation .from' Marcel Winter, Goderich, to build an addition onto his .property on West Street. • The addition would make the duplex `into a~quadraplex. . ".Town building inspector Roy Breckenridge told board mem: bers that Mr, DeWinter's plans meet all regiui'rements. They decided to discussthe matter 'in committee of the whole. Kjn:srnen Mayor Harry Worsell places the ceremonious top hat or,Cap-. taln,Roy Mundy after placing the chain of office aroundhis neck. The captain brought the first'freighter, The Goderich, into the harbour Sunday night. He also. received a pen' and pencli set and 'a box of � cigars from the town. 'His wife received' a corsage and his daughter a souvenir pen•from Goderich ;(staff photo) workshop expansion The Goderich Kinsmen Club is planning to build an addition to their "playground" on,South Street. The club has drawn up plans for a new two-storey ad- dition to the existing building to provide a workshop for the mentally retarded adults who now use the site. The workshop idea is the primary reason for the new structure which will also house . a `club room, a meeting room, kitchen and. washroom.. Everything. has been finalized with the town for a ,permit and construction is ex- pected to begin very soon. The `men hope to move into their new quarters in the fall of the year. Kinsmen meetings are currently held' in the Saltford Hall -but the group plan--to-hold their future meetings in 3their South Street headquarters. ,,Goderich' Recreation Board. took ,all the problems concer- ..ning the Judith,-GoOderham 'Pool into ,consideration last Thursday night- and, decided that the pool wpuld open on' time. The health department had expressed concern over the con- dition of the 'building housing the change ,rooms •and. washrooms at the pool 'and some other minor problems that needed attention this spring. .Working closely with the Health Dept rtment, Recreation Director Mike Dymond has designed a new building • that will he constructed this fall a`f- ter the pool' closes for the year. The new,.building will be con- ' strutted on the same site as -the existing structure but will cont • pletely replace it. • The problem arose ,aver the �. condition. of< the old. rchangeroom and Its inadequate services. It had .been priinarly built for the ,wading pool and was pressed into service when the large pool was put in. It did• not provide' ample change rooms. ' showers- 'or 'toilet .facilities 'for the Large flow of • people using the pool. Before the- 4u•ne 1 opening • work crews will be cleaning up the deck surrounditn, the p ihl' and • filling in. the gips ir'i' the concr to with a special' corn: pixy to prevent' weeds, from growing through. - . Mr: Dymond No advised the hoard of the standard spring clean-up :and painting that is „r.equired before the swimmers a're allowed 'to enjoy themselves for another, year. The • Arena 'manager Bill Surprise lig I.umby presented his monthly up about $2000:'00 over 1973. report•to the.ppard announcing Lutnby,.,also reported that a a -Substantial increase in „ meeting is planned'for Airil 23 revenues over the winter. Bet- to discuss ice • time ween' the canteen and , gate • requirements for .t'hefuture and*, -.receipts nd'- -receipts the arena revenuos are some.of the concerns of the past season. He, emphasized that the meeting wilt, not be for con- � tare ice time.. fninti storm'. toren ` firming any future, d A The hockey playoffs were a nes ay and the ice making machine.will be : shut down for the aum�tner. M.r. Byfield Lumbv reported that 'prepa'rations will be made to get: the arena in shape for roller skating which is scheduled to , start .on April 5. He advised the board that the ice cleaning, • sformer Outside hih lane st ru, k and flooding machine is 'being by the fork ligntning and was sent to the 'manufacturer for without power. and heat for repairs. • :., B .' the Rbc Director Dymond infor- One of the areas that suf- fered 'the' most, according to Mr.' Palmer, was Bayfield. Limbs downed lines leaving a large portion of the town without power for a. few h�'iu One ' resident of Goderich, JohA, B.u.!hnrtan, had the tran- completed lastW d Ontario Hydro reported ,widespread'calls for repairs to lines and .transformers damaged in 'Monday night's lightning 'Afrin n. Walter _Palmer, .spokesman for Hydro, said that the calls started 'coming, in abotif 9:00 p.m. and workmen were respon- ding to them until 3,30 a.m. in the morning. Aft�� ars Service as a nurse at You IUtt h rCe�tired. in 'honor of her 1 �►Scial dinner fa Aar. Chairman of Youngblutt with a gift -and beat 'ashes Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Lyla many years of ,sersice, hospital persennel had a the from the ital hospit Iboard,. �taKp (staff photo) n Dunn, ants Miss nee med the board, that the Ladies time . the repairman', reached • Mr. Buchanan's 'trine he was Yoga program is now .finishedreading reading a book with an !over- - for the year. He suggested that coat on, using a laan ern for the program for next 'year be light. ' mixed° to encourage married "The Goderich PUC lad. no " ^ couples' participation,and par damage reported4as a r snit .nf ocularly , the men. , the,.storm. Early -in the •venins, ' The Rec Office has drawn up -of the light stand irds at a list of programs offered to the one-- T Victoria and East Streets° was townspeople this spring. The struck and several of the^ -.t reet tent native dates< for the sessions lights went out 'the problem,- ;are May,J,2 and 4 and they are however, was minor and work- to be held at the High school. met had the lights on -quickly. Potential instruction. has been Goderichr�eve wants new restructuring team , - On a motion by Goderich Reeve Deb Shewfelt and Grey Township Reeve Charles Thomas, county council for Huron has agreed to look into the possibility of setting up a special. committee ,to study restructuring in the county. 0„ Reeve Shewfelt said the county needed to.take-a close look at its system of government as well as its priorities for• the 'future. He advocated, however, a "mix' of urban and rural people on any .committee which is appointed. Reeve Elgin Thompson of the Executive Committee, said members of that committee had been advised by Hon. John White's office that restructuring is not necessary at the presenttime for .Huron. . "Why do we still harp on it?" asked Thompson. However, despite Tliompson's pleas,.. the motion received the approval of council located in .a number of varied areas •sueh-.as,.,Bower, shrub and .continued on page 16 u! County for X400;000 more; • :represents 51/z mills It will cost: Huron County 'taxpayers more in 197.4. That was the news at last Friday's session of Huron County Council at -which Warden Bill Elston annuun ced the county budget. was "up just a shade over $400,000" and ,Would.represiortvarhat amounts to an increase of about 5 1/2 mills, - The Warden explained i,t• .simtply.s "Our services are going up every year," he said. ',`If we keep 'adding, we must have More money'. He urged allrcornmittee members to "try end hold down- all new services" in the corning year. Clerk -treasurer John Berry 'said the total budget amounted to $5,988,108 ....lust $12,000 short of the $6,000,000 figure". "The various committees and boards have reviewed their. requirements very carefully, but dreapite'this ac- tion there is a steep increase in the county rate requirements for the coming' year", Berry said. "The increase is reflected in the general. rate which is increased some $380,000", Berry noted. "However, -, one must remember that in 1973, the county used ap proximately8200,000 on surplus funds to hold the levy at that time"., The Highways Department in turn is drawing on its reserves this year, Berry said, in order to hold the Highway Levy. He said one must look forward `to 1975 when, if the trend continues and the programming in , the Highway Department remains constant, rate in- crease -will be riteessary'for. highways, General government will cost $272,36A; protection to persons and property,' $17;000; public works, .$2,129,000; public health,. $400,718; Social and Family Services including Huronview, child welfare and social services; $2,245,673; recreation and community ser- vices including planning, land division, library, museum. arid Historic sites, $449,845; financial, $196;160; other, such as reforestation, development, grants , new building plumbing inspection, $179,245; estimated surplus in 1974, $98•,107. .Total budget, '$5,988,108.. County taxpayers will. contribute $2,03.3,000. to. this budget.If veru recall'last w �� yearn i_t-was decided to accept the . Tax' Review Committee's 'report 'which altered the distribution of county'eoa$""15Y p•rT►'ging some of these costs' on a population basis rather than .assessment basis", said. Reeve Doug 1V cNeil, Co:lborrie. "Iti ad- dition to this • tha'rige; of •course, is We .increase in county 'requirement, and as a' result the overall requirements for countypurposes. for 1974 are -con- siderably greater". v' ' DtP uring the day -long session, business included a report from the Medical'Officer :of Health, Dr. Frank Mills,. err his presentation, Dr.. Mills attempted to ex;. -_. 'plain recent stories.in tie press concerning the possible • amalgamation of the Health Units- in Huron artd Perth. Dr. Millis said it was his impression that because - there was a vacancy at the present time in Perth -'af- ter the death' of. the MOH ,there, talk of amalgamation has come aliye again.- He -said -the fast time it was discussed was when there was a vacancy in Huron. He explained�to council1c%cieion9,onthis ranter is up to. the board of health, and .county council. "All we'd gain is some extra grants", said Dr. Mills. "But there would be more work and less control". In his report, Dr. Mills explained the present requirements in Huron when installing, a septic tank system. The afternoon session dealt with the UDIRA study (Urban Development in Rural Areas) which, is being completed,„'as a joint project;'•betvt+eerr the county and the province. James F. MacLaren Litiaited, Willowdale, are the . envirQimental consultants in- volved in the study. Cla urn man in fair condition ' hospital An Auburn area ^ man is listed in fair condition with a concussion at University Hospital, London; the result of a single car crash on the bridge early Sunday morning. Benjamin J. Hakkers, RR :3 Auburn, and three passengers were travelling north on' Vit- tdtra Street 'when he apparen . ' tly lost control ,9f. the car he i n n Was driving pn the curve of the 'first impact at a guard _rail 144 bridge, Goderich police say.. feet east Of the bridge. Next His three passengers,. impact was 76 feet east of a William Blok, RR 2 Auburn; light standard. Brenda ,Joy Harron 104 Vic- The car then hit a light stan- tori a St-. •' and ` Zena Anne dard before coming to'a .top' 23 Kohnert, , 155 Quebec St., suf- , feet east of -it.. , . fered cuts and bruises. Damage ; to the car was $2,100, police estf nate: They were treated in hospital and later released. The Hakkers Vehicle made Damages to the guard rail, and -light standard have not yet been determined. . Four people were injured in this single cin accident on the 'Victoria St. overpass last Satur- day night. The car, driven by 1$ year old Bin Hakkers of RR 3, Auburn, struck the railing • three times before coming to rest. The fire department weir called to the scane to free Mr. Hakkers from the car. Three other people were in the vehicle with him but the extent of their injuries is not known. (staff photo) t Ir -c! . 4