HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-28, Page 24t '" PAGE 8A---GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, 'MARCH 28, 1971 a• COUN TRY CLUB \'r It's that time again. gThis week finishes the curling for andther year., It has* been a most successful season all around as predicted„here back in November. Those of us who golf however, have that sport to get ready for. As for the curlers, it was a great year and everyone should be c9ngratulated for their par- ticipation.. The ladies had their final jit- nev, 'for the year on March„,,44, As usual, the evening was ,host enjoyable thanks to a well wo organized Jitney Committee. The three winning skips were first,, Lbis . Vanstone; second, Connie Mclnt,•re and third, Bernice Moore. These events get more popular every year and we look forward to more of -the same next..season• Following on the heelsof the jitney was the St. Patrick's Mixed Invitational Borispiel on March 15 and 16, This, is the second year for this 'spiel” and judging by the enthusiasm of the participants, a very popular' addition to our -curling ac- tivit•ies. 'The conveners, Al and Ber- tha -McGee, deserve much credit for organizing this fun weekend. The fortunate win-,, ners were as follows: winner• first draw, Stan Paquette and Mae Schaefer with the he115"'hf _ theirlguests •Tgan and Max Old-' field from Brussels. This Four-' • :some won three 'tie ,games to Connie , clntyre. take, first place. Runhers-up were Lois and Don Haines and their guests. Clem and Eleanora Galbraith'. from Listowel. Second draw. winners and over-all Winners of the day were °Ardith and Ed Brissette and Lois and Verdun Van- stone, all of Goderich. Run- ners-up were Lynne .and Don Edward with guests Laureen RoAs •and Brian Mitchell of L Congratulations cane and all. The wind-up Saturday night featured dancing to the music of the young group from At- ' wood,,the Forsum. A final note 'to the ladies poster is now up for you to sign in order to attend our, closing dinner and annual meeting. April 4 is. the date and 'the -evening begins with cocktails„at 6:30 p.m. All lady members are invited to attend and we would like to see the' gals from the Wednesday morning. group i,:ome out also. Make sure your name is'on the list or call Mae Schaefer (8502) if you somehow missed the sign. .And so this is it. Time to say adieu fee this year with many thanks to all my `contributors. I shall , turn you over ` to the capable hands of Shelagh Sully who will take over during the golfing season. God willing; • we' 1.1, -see-. y:ot cin- the ieAe rex:t year. Contract.for building at CCAT to. districf arm The Honourable James W. Snow, Minister of Government ' Services. said today -that a, $9'4,800 contract' has• been • awarded t9 ,Smith Construc- tion, Main Street,' Egmoridville,. `for a greenhouse addition and renovations to Building, 71 at Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, Huron Park. Smith Construction submit- ted the low'e'st„ of five bids received, the high being The renovations, covering approximately 5,.000 sq. ft., are needed by the MiniStt' • Of Agriculture and 'Food to con- v.ert an 'abandoned prefabricated metal barrack into- areas for laboratory, echanics, implement and m other storage,* as well as office space, lunch and wash rooms. The contract also includes .the addition of an 18' x 30' prefabricated greenhouse, * Work on the project, designed by Ministry of Gover- nment Services staff, isalready' under way and completion is expected by the end of Augtrat•w 1974. w.. Young Canada 'Week .suns. : Oh Yeah! Well our teani.could take.you 44 we only put three men on the 'co. Even the fans • . got involved in the action 'during the finals on Saturday. uronview ladies Auxiliary reports. van ready to,..use„, The .Huronview' Ladies Auxiliary -resumed their regular Monthly meetings after the,..winter_. recess on Monday. March 18th, in the Craft Room at Huronview. • 'The meeting opened ' writ h The Lord's Prayer repeated• in unison led by the president, Co.lclough, The .minutes 'of the previous meeting were • re„a`d and . approved.; the treasurers report was given and Mrs. McGregor.-repPrted for the. _rat ROW. • Roll''Call wasan- swered by members from Blyth, Clinton, Goderich, Hensall and Londeshoro. ".. Mrs• Colc,lough reported that the -Van- was -read' to he p\t Ontario government kic�C d7 " in more mon e -y than ever "At last tally, Ontario spent 8.5 percent of its Gross Provin:'f"' cial Product orra education. There are few places in the world that do better. Britain, for example, spends juste3% of its GNP on education." "Ontario taxpayers support higher' pe:r-pupil spending `levels than just about anywhere •else. The $1210 basic ceiling figure per secondary school student in" Ontario has in- creased by more,. than 1470 in just 'three years. I do riot' believe you will find another province in Canada with,a higher per pupil spendig figure than Ontario's", Mr. Wells said. Ontario Government is pum- ping- more .".money into education than ever before, Education • Minister Thomas; ;Walls said last week. -Mr. Wells told delegates to the' Ontario Secondary School Head Masters' Council in Ota tawa that many interpret the provincially " imposed ceilings on education .expenditures to mean a decrease in the Ontario Government's share of education ,spending. 1 -le said that this year government education granta.to local school, boards' -will total $1.3"-bil•l-ion, an increase of $100 million over 1973 and $162 million over 1972. The ceilings are designed to control the annual rate of in- crease in education spending, which he said "reached. an in- credible 20 percent in 1968," . Government grants to school boards have, tripled' in less than 1.0 years. Mr. Well's' said that despite stabilizing and decreasing enrolments, the total, cost of elementary • and secondary school education will increase • by $168 million 'this year. Education accounts for 30 ""--' percent of the total provincial government budget, This, 'he ...�` 'said, is equalled only. by. the •health• budget, which, also totals 30 percent. hie to rroduce the magazine lately. M•rs. Scratch has had a . lot of previous experience with this type of p ojec't anti with the • t hel of Mr. Leishman have the magazine -published again in the near futctre' The:'; Auxiliary promised ,to 'assist thea,, in any way possible. �rt i use and it is ho ed to unaF p , p present the i$eys to- Robert McKinley sometime during the week 'of Marche 25th. The Van hati .Keen.. paid' for - ,hut "the__. MICA ifica.ticzt?in- stalling the, lift and raising the • roof hasn't be'e billed 'ati yet: • Mrs. McGregor asked .the members to make small Easter Baskets , for table `decorations for 'the dining rooms. , It "was agreed that :members would try ",and supply three baskets each. Mr. Leishman and a new resident, Mrs. Scratch dropped - in during the meeting. ' Mr. Leishman was the Editor of the' . Huronview Magazine; but for reasons of health has• 'been Kingsbridge a47.H Club by Joanne The -second meeting of the Kingsbridge .Kuties took place at the, home of Mrs. E ugeiie Frayne on March 19 at 2:00 p.m. The president opened • the meeting with the 441 pledge. The, roll calls were answered:* Lucille Frayne read the Minutes of the last meeting. The new • treasurer is Dotlna„;., Moran. The meeting , was handed Van Osch over to the leaders'. They ' discussed ",The Little. Things . that Count" and • general cleanliness and caring for clothet They' also discussed how to do a manicure: • For .group work the girls did a manicure on their own nails, The next, meet trig, will .be held.at 7 pin. on April 2 at the home of <Mrs. 1 Antone Van 'Osch. Hospital inquiry ' Commission on Employee Wages, Salaries and Benefits rnp Minister o1 Labour has est'ahll,heda• HbSpltal 1r7rat� ( ✓ Oorrmissloi to Ihvest•gate ways of'providing the c error., Process of;.hospltal`negotlations with an Improved basis frdr the determination of employee wages salaries and • .ber,ef is it is composed of r E' Alde'p. A S TIrreii and • J ' OIjpre (Chairman) The CorrdrniSSIGn Is seeking the vie.i s ref trie public as they relate to )ts terms of rP erey r e The C,r3mmission. has as its ter6ls of refer„ence,the duty to inquire !nt0 and report•xin • The standards of compensation applicable to 'emplaces of hosprtals under The Public Hospitals AGt and the relationship of these standards to .romparahle work 0 Other r';ateg0ries of ernpinyrnn'nt in CJntario • rhe aprirooriate Grlter,a whlr,h should t` ie applied r„ to the determinatior• of such compensation • The feasibility and rJe`,irability f nolleGtive bargaining beerq sonriur^tttrJ on a level other ttlari an ,r,divirtual hospital.' ..The desirability 01 establishing •a re ourr;e /,entre for developinrq ond•put,,lishinCJ stat3stirml data relevranl to Such barr)alning • Submissions Invited Persons or tirOub§ wishing 1t' make a wntten submission 'are asked to • Nottf'✓ the (,(),oral ir,r) by April (3 110,14 of their intention� 10 make a Britten sijbmission • Make wrrtton submissions as soon rr pos ,Ihle to bo ' titin h;jnd5 (,r ,e tyornrr(I',',Irrn h,'May 6 19'74 The Commission may rf,raue5t a stibsequr;nt oral review of any sttt)rrlss'on Submissions and inquiries should he addresser) to The Secretary Hospital Lnduiry (;(nrirTussion 4001.!nlversity Avenue 11th 1 Ivor Toronto Ontario M7A 11'8 " • I B McKenna f eoretary \RJ&T'S NEW HuRoNYlEW Mrs. -Molly,`Cox, , Mrs. Mary ,Taylor, Norman Speir, Tera: r .Q,ollins and Terry Gibb' :provided an Irish program of . old tome music dancing and a , sing -' a - long Monday with the help of volunteers from the Goderich Township •Women's Institute... Mrs. Bolger accompanied her da+ghter Karen and. Lori Alexander with vocal duets and vocal M organ Dalton• New residents welcomed during' -the afternoim included Mrs -1layter, Mrs. Scratch and a guest from Manitoba, Mrs. McFadden. The l3raclleys of Clinton en- • tertained on • Far .ily Night. This family,. who came to. .Canada from' Ireland about a year ago, are. becoming well known for their fine Irish music and have appeared on the T V program Talent :Showcase. The •farhily • of seven,._ Winifred, Marie, 'Eugene, An,s•herth, Damain, 'ROUT -and' Jacqueline, sing .as a group, as well as taking solo and duet parts in some of the numbers and tire accompanied hy their father,, Eugene, with „an ac(,:ordion. Mrs. Bradrey wined in- for the final number with Mary Van Camp ilii tikit�g' tht entertainers on behalf of ,the. residents' t .� The BtaSit;fna Ph'i Society.' have donate'"fc ` *cr(.ikinole hoards and euchrt cards to ,the Norio which will be very helpful to the residents for entertainThent.. o insurance guarantees your -uGon- so you can cover our costs '4 Application deadline is May 1st TURTON I 319 HURON ROAD • (HIGHWAY' 8) GOpERICH 6244411' FARM SUPPLY CENTRE CHEMICALS SEEDS FOR Corn Beans Grain FOR Legumes ,Grasses Beans Corn & Grains PNDERS . 'S FERTILIZER BE SURE!! ORDER NOW SPREADERS ALSO AVAILABLE' • • Next month will be nttal meeting and*a-committee.. consisting of� Mrs. Peck, Mrs. Sutcliffe' ��nd Mrs. Niven was appointed to bring 'in a slate••of officers to serve in •the coming year. , ? , They hope f there, will .)hE' a good attenclam.e. of Members next month fro the Election of... .QOffiCerti. , ' • : •The meeting closed with the Mi/pith 'Benediction and. • - rel•reshnient were' :served. O Bridge -scores There were fi;ii'r' tables play at .Goderich( Duplicate Bridge- on, 'Tuesday, March 19. Wirrn•ers'and their scores were as follows: .Mrs. t Donnelly and M'rs. 'Bruce Erskin „,, 281 ': Bill Dun- can acid A..r• Weera$ooriya, 28'11=; Mrs, W. Duncan and -a Mrs. D. Worthy, ,Cir •.Oma•, Hazelgrove and • Art ,Wilson, 2.3• OPEN SATURDAYS BEING ROBBED'. ON YOUR.. If you prepare your own tax return, 'chances ore you've been. robbing yourself of perfectly good deductions that may reduce your taxes. Why not see H,,& R BLOCK. We'll prepare ,ofd double check your return for ac- curacy. Come in to H & R BLOCK' today. COMPLETE RETURNS * Individuals fi Farms • Businesses GUARANTEE UP j, Y1 .111V111 ,11111.1 ,1, ,1, ,, y 1, 1 d•1'. Y Irrr 1, 1111 ,11 y y tui li., a.� wrr, ,, lrrlr„ .,11 11 1.1 .1 it OCK Ctotuh' 1-argerl Tax Setvit:e Waif f•1. 6000 01t14:' tn.Nntth Anwtii:t 19VICTORIA.ST.,NGODERiCH (HIGHWAY 21, Beside presbytertan,Church) Weekdays 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays 9 a.M.-,to 5 p.eh. PHONE 524.8658 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY,, • H, PORT 'MB ERT_ one 529-7 1 35 DO you NEED A WATER WELL!!! DAVIDSON WELL• DRILLING LIMITED OFFER4"YQ.U- - 73 years of sud:cesaful water development - The most modern, fast equipment available Highly trained personnel -. `- Fast service and flee estimates r% --Guaranteed wells at lowest • cost • PUT EXPERIENCE' TO WORK FOR YOU! DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED "ONTARIO'S FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE 1900" • WRITE BOX 486, WINGHAM - OR• PHONE 357-1960, NOTICE 1974 INTERIM TAXES DUE MARCH 31st, 1974 Interim tax bills are being mailed this week and are due March 1:191,,L1 974, - interim° bilks .payable in one installment at all Char- tered Banks and Victoria & Grey Trust Co.,- Goderich The. interim- tax rate is. 40 mills and interim taxes of $1.0»00 or, less' are eirempt from -this billing. _W Final tax billing will' follow at 'a later date,' due dates June 30th and October 31st, The bill "will reflect the -total rate, Tess' interim levy of 40 -mills._ ' -J: Harold 'Walls, A.M.C.T., Q.M.C. Clerk -Treasurer, • tr• We know it's sometimes difficult to 'get away' to school, so- we've • come to you instead! 4t.the CLINTON and STRATFORD, CENTRES of Conestoga College, oI se at hand; we're offering several programs to . give you the added "push' •to further your educational/.business .skills now. . • At our CLINTON CENTRE you can ertroll in.a modern.and comprehen- sive Secr6tarial Prograhi. This series of courses, designed to make you. an, efficient Legal, . )Medical or Executive Secretary, has been very successful; '''Equally successful are'the various Business Programs`ate offer. At our STRATFORD CENTRE you can complete Year I, the introductory sefles '1 df courses common to all our advanced Business programs. Then you'.lI be prepared to branch out *into a wide variety of areas: Data Processing, M.a'torials Mapagernent, Accounting pr Marketing., for . -example, • So it's easy to begin your past -secondary schooling. Don't put it off again this year, W.o'.ve come to you; now it's up to you to come Io tars • For more information on the Secretarial Program, call our Clinton Centre at4482-3458. For more information on the Business Programs. contact the Stratford. Centre at 271.5701. O'R WRITE.,1,4 Conestoga College 10- -Clinton Centre ' Adastral Park Road CLINTON, Ontario Or complete thr coupon below and send i1 to the appropriate centre. 1 am interested in the Name Addrr's Telephone. fi Conestoga College Stratford,CeMitre 270 Water Street • • STRATFORD,.Ontario Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology, Program