HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-28, Page 19aik
• Canadians, weary of winter,
are taking advantage of the
school: winter break in. ever--
increasing numbers to get away
from the true north, strong and
Colleagues casually mention
that they're off to the Cari1 ,
bean a Mexico, or the Canary
Islands or some such exotica.
It's considered,,passe these days
to go merely to Florida
Students will be descending
in throngs on places like
Athens, Rome,, Paris, London.
Chief reason is that air travel
is no longer for the rich only.'
,cakage deals and charter
flights put, a mid -winter break
within reach of 'u' ordinary
l , it 9
,, eight lousy pounds • a week, eig t o t em, an
-,because it's the :off season. extremely attentive. They
3'hat is about 60 bucks. They would ev h accompany one
. couldn't"" stay home for much • when one had to relieve.
le$s. ,. -oneself. „
Well, I'm� not one for The' guides were tastefully,
skulking off,, to the south and" arrayed in field -gray, and had
leaving other Canadian%• to similar "accessories ---guns. w ,
suffer. I, had a•choice. I could °I can't kick, however. I'll betreducing the flow of inputs.
go over to see Grandad, or fly I was the only P.O.W. who rode Agriculture Minister , ugene,
to Germany for ,a few days.' across the German border on a Whelan nnouneed the subsidy
Free. • It's not that I don't bicycle. I couldn't Walk because in the House of Commons
respect end admire my father- of a we acme lc ori Ft %day
iti-law, but for some reason 1 kneecap, and they:
�, were sure as
chose Germany. _ ° hell not going to.carry-me, so
I hope I get a better reception they let men ride one of their
than I did last time I visited •:bikes. 4 . '�-
that country.
bij 11111SMIkEV
OMPA president apposed
rung. wqy to -defeat
Theise en -cents -a -fund sub-
sidy oars .grade A beef' is the
wt�ong way to. deal with
depressed beef prices, according
'to the'' Ontario Federation of
OFA president' Gordon Hill
says, "The problem is the over-
flow of low-priced .U.S, cattle
into Canada. The' answer does
not lie in a 'subsidy, (but in
• . 11 d k k e
A friend of. mine, for exam,
ple, is going with,his wife fora
week ...in the Channel' Islands,
those tiny bits between
England and France. Air fare is
only $209 each, return. And do
.;you know what they're paying
fora hotel room with bath, and
three meals a day? -Twenty-
I'll never forget ,the first
Last time, I ventured into ' placeowe stayed at, in Germany.
Germany was almost thirty It was my first taste of that oid-A
ago. There was a fairly world charm. It lacked a few o
years car
large and assorted Company in „ the amenities we spoiled North
the group I travelled with: Americans are accustomed to,
privates, corporals, sergeant% ° but it had a .quaintness all its.
arid' one Flying .Officer --me.' - own. It was a barn. There was
We had no trouble getting' nobody . there but us chickens,
into Germany, , evenn though we " the cattle, and the tour guides.
had no . passports. Perhaps it . At , .that, it was practically
was because of the efficiency of cosy after al couple of weeks
Our ' tour. ,guides. There . were living in a box -car, in Holland.
hill c i e g`
was a mitelly b in
Por? ���� � �•� November,. but we'+ �
■ Moosonee a . big, ` ugly Canadian private
�� 5, tU from St. Catharines with
y bullet wound in his neck which
stank a bit. But he was warm.
'''The -March meeting of Christ
Church Ladies' Guild,. Port
Albert, was held at the home of
Mrs. Elmer l3lack.'The meeting
was opened with the Member
Pra;yer.• `
A- Prayer ancl. the.Medi.tation
was given by president Mrs.'
Black, followed 'by the scripture
reading 'by Mrs. Clara Diaper.
Mrs.,Cora Cook then gave a
reading "Lent is a Joy"
Roll Call, was. answered by.
giving a howl for :the Church
kitchen.. Seven members were
Ores nt.
After . closing the meeting,
• bus netts was conducted with,
the' reading of the minu=tes of
and curled up in the hay, like. I
so many sets of spoons. drew
the 'January • meeting. One of our next stops was the
Correspondence was read. delightful old •city of Brun
' Mrs. Black conducted a Bible swick, where we spent an en:
Quiz with Mrs. Irene Hayden chanting .three hours in the air
winning. the prize. -• raid shelter, during a raid. It
Mrs. Black led• in the •
cl'ti�of"'t'T'�e Ordrna-'t'io� �"�• s•�worth .it,,, The German
'•diacus',t equivalent of RedCross oss ladies
of Women to the Priesthood . gave us coffee, ersatz but hot,
which was followed by the in- the first hot drink we'd -.had for
trodul;tion of the Study, for days.
1974. This year members will Some other highlights of my
study the Diocese Of Moo`sonee visit were: the interrogation -
` in Northern Ontario, and the . centre and "solitary" near
problems the' Indians and Frankfort;_ rolling on a train
Eskimos are„havi'ng. through a night attack on Lein -
'This •very •• informative. zig, windows shattering, flares
meeting' was closed by prayer and bombs falling; a look, from
and lunch was served by the •a train at' the appalling rubble
Claire McGowan: takes
retired teachers aWa
on Scandinavian tour
Pictures of Norway, Sweden,
Denmark and Finland were
•sh'own -by Miss Claire`
• McGowan,, at the' Superan
nuated , Women Teachers'
meeting on `larch 20 in. the •
Victoria and Grey Board
Mrs. M. Cline presided 'for
the busin•ess,, period which
followed ate home of• Mrs. A.
ASM Holmes on,—Waterloo
- Street. Discutision•--r-ega-rding the
.June Conference in Waterloo
and the 20 •jeer cent reduction
on CPR. fares followed.
'rhe• fees are to be paid by
June 1, 1974.
,A decision'was made for the
members 'to attend the Live
Crusade ate ..Knox Church on
April. 4.
The, next meeting will be
4-H Club
hgo�ds meeting
„The. Dungannon„ IIT Club
held theirfirst meeting on
March 19 in the basement of
Christ Church, Port.Albert.
-' This club is-•call`ed taking a
"Ltiork at Yourself". There are
14 members -°altogether and the
leaders are Mrs. Alma' 'B•lack
"and Miss Charlene Ad'ams.•
The name of the club will be
decided at our, next meeting
which is '(n March 27th, at 7
of Hamburg; hitch -hiking back
from, deep- inside the, Russian
lines to 11ostock; a visit -to the
concentration camp at Celle.
This visit couldn't. be more
inte es 'ng,•. but it should 'be'
more comfortable. I'm .not.
going by bicycle, but by jet: And
'my, kid brother, theColonel,_ is
over there. He didn't know
enough to . get out of the air
held of -the Victoria and Grey force, and has nothing to, look
rooms on May`.8 at 1:30 pin., , forward to but a big, tat pen -
after which a social houf'will ' skin any day now. But he'.dbe
be spent at, the home of Miss. ter have the, band out, the red
Claire McGowan at 165. carpet -down, and 'the - lieb-
Lighthouse Street .. ' . fraumilch laid on, or he's in
deep trouble. .
..Processors are to pass
the government fundson to
beef producers. No cut-off date
was given for the subsidy on,A-
1 and A-2 cattle which
retroactive to March 4. (t1 fat-
tergrades, the subsidy applies
to A-3 cattle from March 18 to
April 13, and on A-4 cattle
frog) March 18 to April 6.
Hill charges. that although
• the money will be paid to far-
mers, it is' a ,consumer subsidy.. ,
"The main.-' consumers of ,`
trade A bee are not people
with income problems. This is
simply a subsidy to the affluent
who have proved themselves
quite capable of looking after
their owa interests", he says.
'Beef cattle imports during
the last month" have
quadrupled'. More than 8,000
head have, came into Ontario
during each„.0f the last three
weeks. The regular weOtly run
is less tha-n 2,000.
"The farm:gate price of beef'
has slumped to around $47, per
hundredweight. That's fat
telow the cost of \production.
Prodocers need at least $55,per
hundredweight to break eyeh",
said Hill.
"Because the cost squeeze is
so critical, the goveinment.
must ensure that,the benefits of
the subsidy go "to farmers, They
must not be sidetracked ,by the
trade", he stated.
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Some good things
a en at 65!
YC W goalie
In one of MS better poses is the Woodbridge goalie as he
robs Mooretown on a hard shot from the paint. it was all
in vain as histeam lost 7-4 to the biggerMooretown club.
(staff photo)
„PHONE 5244532
Conestoga College of Applied. Wets and Technology,
whose )ob it is to seve the citizens of the Counties o.f. , -.
education'and ttainrg to its 3,000 full.:.time and 15,000
l'c't.1170Z1%it..cVIIVI(Nlo& Zi':tal
otgatizational tathet than an
m solvint activity is
College ate.
• educational nature. ,Ivis,ptp
cooti.nuttlz we are looki
' lead, the College to ptoviae e
eexat the College ,
coutseS ot stud,. An indication
.Conestoga College ia"ita tecOyd of
We ate well satistied mith the ptogtess made by, the -
. College since its incepaon in 196a and ate sure that it .
will continue. to Meet rut edueational.needs thtough the
entouih the suppott of the community, it setves.
nit/ that we ate cOnfident
ptepating students for
event ptogtams'ena
axe than 9,000 .
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A, reward pf $500 is hereby offered by
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leading 'to .the arrest and conviction of
any person' or persons fop. geliberately
tampering ot interfering with ,any valve or
other installation Of theCompany, without
authority to dO so, at iny point on the
Company's transmission and distribution
Such information shOuld be submitted
to your nearest municipal or provincial
police Office.
ittirticlirtens -