HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-28, Page 15L'a
Sorso people fall for
everything and
staid for nothing
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The world's „most advanced,
idea in beverages.,,Men and
women required to restock
locations for this revolutionary
Drink System part time or full
time. No experience necessary.
All locations supplied by Com-
pany: Start part time in your
own business with ai little as
$i,295 for stock andj wl,
or earn full time income witch.,
$4,900 investment. "Limited
Dealers. For personal interview
write REDY-CUP, 50 Electronic
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Phone. •
,4 -
.TO give away one blonde 2 yeah old
• female spayed collie. Good with'
children. Preferably a country
home. Phone 524-7113.-12,p'
WAYIAND: At if Alexandra
Hospital to Mr. & Mrs. Orville
Wayland, A son, 00 March 26th,,
,I3ItICKER: at Vietriria Hostiital,
London: Ontario. Mr, `� ' Mrs. ,C
Bricker are pleased to announce the
birth of their daughter Christine.
Elizabeth on March 24, .1974.-7,13
SEERS, Auburn, are haw to
-* announce the forthcornirig marriage
rr�f their eldest daughter, Gait
° Muriel to Mr. Allan, Rohert Itel�I
son of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Reid
of Hensali. The' -wedding to take
place • in Knox Uni't'ed'. Church,
Auburn at :3 ,,p.m, on April 13,
CULBERT: In loving memory of a
dear. friend,' Arlene; Heather
Culbert, who .passed ' way four
dear friend,' Arlene;
ago, March 30,._:l9. 0: • :
We didn',t stand beside you
To'.see Your life>depart;
But- when we heard that you we're
gope, ,
It completely broke our hearts;
We're thinking or, you' °'to -day,
But then than nothing new --
thought of you yesterday
And the day before that too;'
And we'1J remertnber you tomorrow
And each day as it•comes and goes,
We will think ''of you forever
'Cause we "love and still miss you so.
Sadly n tssed by Bonnie and
Clair, -143
CULBERT: In loving memory of
our dear daughter and sister Arlene
Heather whci was taken from -tis; so
= suddenly as a result of a car ac-
cident March the :30th, 1970.
Today we are wandering flown
memory ' lane and . our thoughts
Arlene dear are of you. • Remem-
bering all the 'happy days and the
things- we used to *do. Our' world
has been an empty 'space where
once lived 'smiles and happiness.
Now live' sadness and tears in its
place.Lovingly remember and sadly
.,missed by your mom and dad. --13
CULBERT: In 'lovjng memory of a
dear sister and. aunt, Arlene
Heather Culbert, who passed away
-'four years ago, March 30, 1970.
It's a lonely life without he°r, -_
Ane4a Phas been the way,
For life is not the same
Since she was called away.
•Always loved and so greatly missed.
Bev; Ken and niece Heather. -i:3
GOOltti I would like to thank
friends and relatives for cards,
flowers and visits, while I. was a
patient in ° Alexandra Hospital.
Special thanks to fellow employees
Huron Acoustics •Ltd., Dr. M.
Cauchi, Dr. J.M. Watts and staff°of
second floor east: Carol Good -13
ADAMS: 1 wish to express sincere
thanks for cards, flowers, visits and
for all the many kindnesses shown
while 1 was in Gtxlerrch, London
hospitals. it stpeci'ally to Drs.
Flowers, Lomas and nurses on 1st
Ifloor. a M,any thanks, Harold
Adams. -13x �+
JOHNSTON: I would like to thank
Rev Mc.Cleneghan andt all. friends
and neighbors for visit~, cards, and
treats, also Dr. IV:Wallace, nurses
and staff on second floor. Leslie
..Johnston ---1 t3nc
ON BEHALF of the parents of the
Tiverton PeeWee Hockey Team, we
take this opportunity to say a big
thank you for the invitation to' play
again in Young Canada week. A
very special thanks to the,people of
,Goderich h h d their h
Paul Carroll
new policies
for farmers
Agricultural, policies ';which
would give Ontario farmers a
better deal in society were
resolved ,Monday at '.a . Huron,
New Democratic Party -Riding
Association meeting in Hensall.
' Paul arroH, of Goderich,
presented five resolutions, to
the meeting which were ap-
proved and will be presented to
the provincial. NDP convention
in. Sudbury May 31. a►
Mr. Carroll is Provincial
pro erre w o opened ear omes Chairman for the Agricultural
to the boys on Tuesday night. Policy Review Committee of
Thanks again. Tiverton PeeWee A'
Team, Walter Hyde, the NDP.
McGihney, °Manager -13 His resolutions are the result
of work with NDP. members
and farm organizations
throughout the province during
the past year.
The agricultural cg-
rnmittee `expects the resolution's
will be adopted by thd party as
two working papers and
documentation were .presented.
The Riding Association
recommends„ that the .NDP
should begin legislation 'to
maintain the lifestyle of rural
Ontario. F'
To accomplish this,
legislation would include
guaranteed return on invest,;
ment, income to cover produc-
tion costs and personal income
for personal knowledge,' labor,
and •risks.
• Another resolution stresses
Preservation'of farm lands:
Land use policies' would try
to stem the population flow
from rural areas, to .file infor-.
oration .-about rtira'1. land
a resources, to establish a land
bank .for buying, selling and.
leasing farm' land, and to
provide better protection for
rural environments.
The committee.. further_
resolvesto start "an orderly
•tnarketing system with farmer
elected agencies which will
•--,stabil'iz'e farm income".
• 'Subsidies are questioned in
the same resolution. ,Recom-
' mendation's, are. made to shift
public ° funding from subsidies•
to adequate incomes through
the proposed marketing system.
Also ,proposed are better con-
t.rols fin pr' du'ci.i'on costs.
The committee proposes, to
legislate guaranteed "incomes
for family farms, to make farm-
, equipment easier •tci ,secure, to
provide funding to. farms and
begin farm insurance.
The, NDP 'committee is also
:promoting -the role -and status
of farm ,wives.
Its resolution says that wives
should be allowed to receive
wages and social benefits given
• to other workers.
The five resolutions; will be
forwarded to the N•DP'.s
resolutions committee.
' WILI:IAMS: I 'wish to thank my
• relatives, friends. and neighbours
who visited .vie and sent cards,
flowers and gifts while 1 was a
patient in the Alexandra Hospital.
I would 'also like to thank the nur-
seS and staff of second east. Special
thanks to Dr., Lambert, Dr. Watts
and Dr. CauChi. Ken Williams. -13
P1AC1.IEY:The 'family of• the late
Evelyn • Eli ahet.h Peachey extend
their sincere thanks and deep,t"ap-
preciation'tc► relative • s frielyds, and
neighbors .ft►r their expressions of
sympathy and acts of. kindness
during their recent bereavement for
florae tributes card~ and memorial
donations. ur gratitudeis also exa
- tended :to 1tev G.L. Royal, tiles
Funeral Horrie,• and special thanks
to Huronview Nursing Homey your
kindness will always be remen
tiered.- E.R.. Peacheyv .and
HARRISON; The family of the late
Vit tor Frank Harrison express their
thanks to everyone who helped
during his; lengthy illness and at the .
time of his passing.. Special thanks
for the c•are.given to him by the staff
at Kilharchan Nursirig Home,
.Seaforth; to Mr. 'Ray Robinson and
Mr, Lyle Zurbrigg for their
assistance; and to Rev. Robert L.
Raymont for, his .message. —13
ALL:..The family of the late Mr,
'Amos Ball take this means to thank,
the' many relatives and friends who
sent floral tributes and donations to
charity; also those who sent food to
the home and served lunch after the
service. It was all truly appreciated.
Special thanks to Dr. ' 3. Lynch, Dr.
Ei.R. Cieslar,. the staff ori •1st floor -
east at the hospital, Rev. Roberta::
Raymont.,. and Stiles Funeral
Home, 1:3ar '
McMILLAN: We -would like t<s 'say
thanks- to -Dr. A.B. ,Deathe' and Dr.
J.M. Watts as well as tothe staff -•at
the hospital for the care given
during the illness of our dear father
and grandfather, --Robert James
McMillan; also to the neighbours,
Rev. Robert L. Raymont, arid Stiles
Funeral Home for their kindnev
and help at the time of our
bereavement. Don, .Shirley''and
Family.-33ar '
Atten tion
- n
. FOR SALE: Dorihle Cut RedClover.
seed.. Priced „tt 65c pepjb. Phone
• 23I -4149. -713,14,16,1-6,17,18
WANTED pasture for cattle for the
coming' season. Phone' 529-
We are heavily stocked with
locally grown Canada No..1
Red Clover: and Timothy
Send of the highest quality
we have had foY many
years. •
A full line of forage seeds
will also be available.
We' are taking orders now
for grain and forage seeds.
in Londesboro
Phone Clinton 4824475
or Blyth 523-4399
Jack Riddell, MPP at Maitland
Country Club, Friday March
29, 1974, 8:3O -10:l0 p.m. Wine
and Cheese, Admission $2.50
per person. -11b
Old -fashion
evening at
Ho -mesvI e
' � 1.
° Holmesville, School was the'
.scene of an old-fashioned corn
• riunity get. together on the
evening of March 20, when
friends and • •neighbours
gathered to, convey best wishes
to Mr. and Mrs. !Bob Trick, Mr.
and. Mrs. Ray Potter' and
family;..and rvfr. and Mrs. Lorne
Tyndall and family, all of
whorn have 'recently moved to a
new location. ,
After progressive euchje and
crokincile, considerable talent
was displayed when musical
numbers were rendered by San -
dray and Ken Daley' piano and
guitar;,,axid, a trio, Debbie Wise,
. Rosemary Bird and Barb"'Pot-
„ ter 'accompanied by Rosemary•
on the guitar. Elmer Trick was
in his usual good form with
several. selections on the piano.
Following a bountiful lunch
Illeen Potter led in a discussion
regarding 'Community Respon-
sibility'. It was decided that
the neighbours next tn-anyone
being .honoured by a. farewell
party should' do the planning:
It was also decided to have
at ' least one 'Community
Family Party' a year. By
democratic procedure, it was -
decided thatthe pith and 14th
Concession be responsible 'for
the next' party, probably in the
Despite their loss to Aylmer in their semi-final game the Goderich youngsterswere presented with crests from the Lions Club, The, boys lost to Aylmer 5-1,
earlier in the* day. (staff photo)
A fine effort all-round
oderich entry loo
You hg, Qanada _\eek his -now
past• history for ,another year
and although the Lions did not
come out with what they. were
after, , they did not comp out
empty handed. '
The Goderich, 'Lions
--delighted a'near capacity crowd
(m—,Saturday:. March 16. in the
first game of B series lira's; by
ouncing Port Elgin Pee Wees
0. t '•
Robeit McDonald opened the
coring at 11:50 of the first
period when a.Fiie+4 hanged`' in a
pass-from-CCostello and Madge,
Billy a
Peters widened the
margin.to 2-0 two minutes later,.
'with' a'sists going, to Maillet•
and Conlon.
Danny Maillet scored the
only goal of the :second period
after Peters had made a fine' in-
dividual effort and passed to
Maillet who was uncovered in
front of the net; •
Maillet 'scored his second
goal of the'game with just 15,
seconds, gone in, the final frame. .
The assists went to Conlon„ a,nd.
Kirkconnell. Robert' McDonald
scored his second marker pf the
game when he went in alone on
a fine pass from Steve Arbour.
Ronan . donlon, rounded out.
the scoring at 8:25 of the final
period. Lion Goalies Stephen
Gallow " and Gerry Gaynor
shared the shutout.
In their second 'game Satur-
day evening the Lions gained
their revenge on the Exeter Pee
•Wees who had_defeatedahem,in-
an earlier tournament 7-1.
Goderich' opened the scoring
in'tthe first period w19ev Steve,
Arbour blasted, iti a high slap
shot from thepoint on a" power
play. Exeter tied' •-the score
,m-inut:e5 later and then took the
lead for the only ,time in the'
game early in the, second
Period. •
Goderich evened the, score
when Danny. Maillet coinpleted
a good' three-way passing ,play
by -firing a wrist shot, into. the
top corner. He was,sent int:r the
cleas "'W""h passes from Conlon
and Peters.
Goderich went into the lead
for good near the end - of the -
,second period. Steve Arbour
went aroundhe defense on a '
great individual effort but rang
r ,
A giant step up
for Atom All -Stars
'The Suncoast Estates, 'Atom
All -Stars took one giant 'step
'toward the , WQAA• Zone 1
championship here Monday
. night, defeating Mitchell .2-0 in
the fir5t game of the hest of
three final series. -
The Winner of the series will
receive the Howard Carroll
Trophy, emblematic of the
Zone championship. Goderich
won the trophy last year.
The victory -in the first garlic
of the series was a team effort
for the Sunctt Suns, with the
em.Phasis, on s id defensive
play. Strong .fo echecking and
dedicated back hecking by the
Suns effective) shut off the
Mitchell' attack.
•League scoring champion Jay
Hein•buck,of Mitchell. was con-
tained well by -the Suns and the
chances he did get were shut off
• by Suns goaltender Robert
Cummings who played an out.:
standing game in recording the
shutout. '
At the i,ther end.of the rink,
Doug Chessell was strong in the
()nets for Mijchell, making many
fine stops..•
Right winger Randy Gra-ham
took care of the scoring for the
Suns.-He,scored the first goal
at 13:13 of the first' period. on a
pass .from brother Darrell.
There was. no more scoring un-
til late in the third period when
Randy Graham' scored the in-
surance marker, with the:assist
going to Larry Boyce. .
Although the whole Suns
team played well in the victory,'
the' strong two-way play of
Larry Kelly;' -John Huff, Larry
Boyce, Mark Rowe and Randy
Graham deserve special men-
The second ,game 'of the
r series was played in M,tchell
Tuesday, with the third set for
.Goderich, Wednesday, if•
Legion welcomes
four new members
The L'adies 'Legion Auxiliary ,.c.-N,,P.H. t3ing9,; sports, Westmin-
Branch No. • 109 held their ster Hospital; sick, social, kit -
regular monthly meeting ,f•hen and dining room.
Tuesday, March 12 in the
Green ciom Legion Hall,'with
53 members attending.
Four new members were in-
stalled, Cathy Botz, Lenore
Bradley, Cathy Kozial and .Jen-
nifer Zurbrigg.
Minutes of the previous
°. general•'meeting and executive
, Meeting ' were • read. Reports
were given from conveners for
the following: G,P.H'. Canteen;
A complete and interesting
report was given by Comrade
Evelyn Carroll from the Zone
CI Sports the@ting held
,April will be an exceptionally
active month with at least a
half dozen events in which all
mmembe•rs; should take part
whether 'it's participating in
sports or working at one of the
Meals the -.ladies will be
catering to.
April N9 will 'be a special
meeting with the Zone Com--
mander Margaret Thorndike
visiting our branch. How about
a little extra effort ,to attend
the next meeting!
his shot off the goal post.
Madge picked up the rebound
and firedit oyer, the sprawled
The Lions ;Club effectively
killed tiff a double penalty in .
the . beginning Of the third
period and scored the first of
their three unanswered goals at
6:23. •
Again the Maillet line put on._
a -fine display of passing that
sent ,Conlon into ..the clear and
,he beat ,the goalie -with a low
wrist shot.
The Daer' line keptthe:'op-
position-bottled up in their own •
end Most of „the time and their .
persistence resulted in a' goal.
Daer shovelled the • •puck in .
from a scramble in front to the
net with assists ,ping ..to Lewis •
Robert McDonald rounded
out the .scoring:'when he tipped
in a shot from the- point tiff the.
, stick 'of Mike Hodges. Stephen-
Gallow supported his team well
in net t) help:the team win a
'slot in the semi-finals . and
defeat Exeter 6-2.
Mid -week, when Port Huron
was unable to play in the East-
West Exhibition, 'the Goderich
Lions. were invited to play
against the St. - Lambert Pee
Woes. This is the first time a
Goderich team .has conested•
for the Newfoundland - trolphy.
Goderich took a 2-0 lead in
the -first •period on gals by
Daer' and -McDonald. Daer
picked up a rebound • on,' a
scramble in front ofd --the St.
Lambert net. Lewis and McGee
earned :assists on the -,goal.•
!Just under two minutes later
McDonald scoarr•ed,•t .-make-_it 2-..
0. He took, a well timed pass
from Arbour. •and blasted a.
hard shot—into ' -the •top right
hand darner.
he ,second period was.
scoreless. Gallow and Gaynor
made some excellent saves tc
shut out St. Lambert over the
first two periods. •
St. Lambert came on strong
'in the third period and, jumped
into a 3-2 lead.. . .
Goderich tied. it up with only.
2:10 remaining in regulation
--tune- c"i'fi`a ' ;solo effort by.
• •The game was settled quickly
in overtime. Peters w„as: ' left
unguarded in front of .the net.
The pass from Maillet came in
front and Peters' tipped it 'in.
After the gatne Don Shor-
treed presented the Newfoun-
dland trophy to Goderth cap-
tain, Billy Peters,. '`
The final,action came for the
Lions on Saturday at 2:30.
- when fhey encountered Aylmer
in the semi=finals. The Lions,
after listening to the talk
around the • arena .alT week;
came.- on over confident and
nervous before a• full capacity•
crowd. ,
Aylmer played a much
stronger game `than' 'they had
played earlier in the week and •
had • a; strong desire to. win.
They came on with a full force
in the first period and ,never let,
The ,Aylmer team scored four •
goals before Goderich was able
• to get on the score hoard. Their
only goal ''came on a three way
passing play from Maillet. and
Conlon and .Billy Peters who et.
shovelled' the puck into -the
open corner.
The final score was 5. to 1
:and • Aylmer advanced . to, thea.
finals: . • •
Annually at :the Young
Canada' Tournament the Lon-
don Free Press present °a trophy.:,,.,
.` to the team who conducts
themselves ..in:the most sport-
smanlike manner on the ice.
This year they chose • 'the
-Goderich Lion Pee Wees who
were ver, proud'to accept the
award. - • •
The- Lions team' and parents
are off to Dearborn, Michigan; -
this weekend to complete their
hockey- season ,with two
exhibition games•
there. .
Elder-L.G. Glad, a represen-
tative oflhe Morman faith also'
known di; The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints,
was transferred last week to the •
Thderich area from Guelph. .
• A- native of Las Vegas,
Nevada, Mr: Glad joins Elder
D.Z. Smith who has been in
Goderich the past several mon-
Both are serving two year
missions for the 'church in On-
tario at their own time and ex-
While in the area they will
visit families requesting' itJfor-
mation on the Family Home
Evening, a prograrn that
stresses unity and enjoymint.
The program is 'aime, at
showing families' how time
spent together can be used
productively. It stresses family
unity 'because the Morman
Church believes that families
can exist together after life on
The two representatives also
present The Book of Merman
for interested persons to read.
They stress that the book is
not a history of the Mort'ran
Church but'a record of the an-,
eient inhabitants of the -
American continent' ,
Excavating -Dashwood 236-4230
Conservative Association ,
E 1,1 M
W!NG4AM 'Nt AR, PNnN1 1S 1441"i
►,;,. _�
..1,"tl�" •
WED. 27, THURS...28, FRI. 29, SAT. 39tM-
at 7:00 and 9:15
11'1NNFR 01 11 kCkflFAAIY 411.11tDS •
Mt hiding "IIF:ST I'I(:TI'RF:",
SUNDAY at 1:30 and 7:30 P.M.
Men. & Tres. et 730 p.m.
• A