HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-28, Page 13V .040JRICI ' r ICNAli-STAR, THURSDAY; MARCH 28, 1574 -PAGE 1 41 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE THE MAN TO SEE IS Easter dream * Something special dor the whole family °* • Family roam• * Games .room * Bulltin bar * Utility room * Looking for the best? '* Charming executive provincial split with mansard roof * Over 2600 sq..ft. * Four bedrooms plus 83/4% mortgage * - 52• West Street Goderlch 524-6991. COAST"TO COAST REAL ESTATE 'SERVICE A HOUSE WITH INTEGRITY Everything about this immaculate eight- room house points to the high quality of the construction.. The kitchen has as many, cup- . boards as anyone could dream of. The' bedrooms have roomy closets and built in desks 'or dressing tables. The living room has.. a lovely fireplace and -the $1.,500,00 Indian rug,,is included in the purchase price. All this on one floor is a step -saving but spacious plan ---four" bedrooms --living room- dining room and den --set in a beautifully landscaped more than one half acre lot.' Taxes -just $350.00 and. heating'unde1a5200.00. Do see ,this 'quality horYne. INVESTMENT COMMERCIAL $7,000.00- down will buy this "11,000 sq. ft. 2:storcey building -with a high potential• for a store or light manufacturing. Could- be Leased ` to more than one. tenant. A reale money maker tor.the•-right per-WM Large store in Goderich in A-1 condition with good parking and storage. Apartment above needs .some fixingbut is spacious and pleasant. GOOD COUNTRY LIVING Just right for, the man- who is handy, at doing some finishing work: " New septic tank< and weepers, newroof, good well. Rail fence, .lots of garden space with established _ ra•spberries' 'and strawberries. • fill1 .', • J :, Estate sale* Best buy * All furnishings are included * 196 Wid- der Street Look me over * I'm different as i have extra income from .a sell- • contained 1 bedroom atilt.. Owner will consider trade * What is your offer? * • 4-‘,-N •L•,, r, K. W. (OLQUHOUN6 ACCOMMODATION 10 RENT LTD. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ° Four bedroom, two 'storey, Alcan siding, 2 baths, utility room, paved drive, gas Beat, close to downtown. 66 Rattenbury West, Clinton. Two bedroom, one storey brick veneer, carport with paved drive:pil heat, good location and well land- ,,scap$d. 125 Huron St. Clinton: Four bedroom, .two storey solid brwk. Two baths, new gas hot water furnace and wiring. 'Also included is 2 bedrodm rented coach house, 63 Rattenbury East, Clinton. Two or three bedicxma, 1 1/2 storey frame, electric heat, recreation room, :well landscaped, on large lot, garage, paved drive. 135 Frederick St. Clinton. Three bedroom, one storey frame, electric, heat, large living and dining " area, laundry .rearm, large carport, low taxes. Located just south of town. Town water. Dinsley Terrace, Clinton Two bedroom, one .storey . frame,b large garage, kitchen and • utility room. Large lot and low takes. Wall to wall rugs. Helmet;villa. - Three bedroom ,one -storey frame, four piece hath, oil heat,' garage; large lot near schools., Imindecl in sale is adjoining lot w"hic•h measures x_t(15' :81 East.Street, Ciin- tun. K. W.-Colquhoun Limited Real Estate -Broker • HAL HARTLEY Salesman CLINTON., ONT: 14 Isaac 482-9747 St., 7. WANTED TO'. RENT 4 BEDROOMS w• COUPLE require three bedroom Finished rec. merle, 2 -car attached • home in Goderich or vicinity. CaII garage, aluminum siding, large :toe l ee t Lein d on • 1 -471 - kitchen, good sized living room, 7939.=10,11,12,13 electric heat. CLOSE, TO HOSPITAL Large 88 x 104 foot lot. • 2 -storey red brick 4 bedroom house: 2 bathrooms, hardwood floors, hot water heat. NEWLY; WED? Start your married life right by putting your rent money .into a,. home of your own' instead 'of giving it to someone else. We have just;the right place for you. To find out, hoW, come on in,andL. agk us about fie house on Warren •$ter , o ;_ _ _ ,, JUST LISTED • 4 bedroom, 1 3/4' storey, frame house on, East ,St. 'close to school, downtown,-4-piece"bath, .new roof, BED --SITTING room; with fireplace, One block from -square. Modern kitchen. '3 piece bath, walk' in closet. Heat and Hydro paid. Apply box 88 Signal -Star Publishing.-6�tf FURNISHED rooms with living'„ room aid kitchen privileges. Apply 155 Quebec Street or call .,524- t4433. -9,10,11,12/13,14 524- M433.-9,10,11,12/13,14 • 2BEDROOMS. Storey and a half. Close to all school's. Apply to box 95. Stating reterences.-12,13 a SPACIOUS heated split-level apar- tment. 2 bedrooms. t completely furnished: Stove, ` 'drapes and broadloom supplied. Rent $100. Available immediately. Phone 524- '1907.-12,13 24- 7907.---12,13 • ONE BEDROOM bedroom apart- ment, private entrance. Available immediately. Phone 52.4-964.6 evenings after 7:(0 p.m. -1:3-14 8. HELP WANTED 2 BEDROOM apartment close 4o Square, Not suitable for children. $115 monthly. Possession April 1st, phone 524-6542-13ar COOK Experienced and ca*Pribte of -working independently. Mainly .for breakfast and lunch. , °please phone or apply in per- son at The Milt in Bemm'iller. Phone 524-7040 or 5242191 WANTED, girl to share large, com- pletely furnished, twp • bedroom apartment, $65.00 -icer month. Call .; 524-7.326 'hetw.een 9:00 and Q. • LARGE two tredrofim apartment: centrally Ioc•ated, newly decorated, ,fridge and stove supplied. Not suitable`foa',- r i:hildren„under 5•;yes. '$150 per month plus hydro. Available immediately. 524.- ° 9166,-1:3 • 7. WANTED TO:'RENT WAN'T'ED to rent. A small house in Bayfield area, Phone 565-2831.-13 h , WAN'TEi) to rent is farm house on 'Hwy. No. 21 north or sot.rth -of Goderich. Phone 524-9064.-13tf forced -air get -heat; 113w -taxes. Inquire to -day. • WINTERIZED COTTAGE At Port Albert 5 rooms, 2 bedroom on a 137 x 209 foot lot, only 5 years .old, Heated electrically. Taxes Just starting out * Real '-• fort two bedroom bungalow * Nice location * Large kitchen with cupboards aplenty 't'. 'Priced- to sell * - ' Streak out and see this * Cozy 2 bedrobm *. Newly decorated * Shag carpeted haeme * Complete with Stove end frig* A steal at $13.90n * - only $117.00. HOMES WITH A FUTURE Three bedrooms, step -swing kit- chen, dining„ area, large living room, 4.piece bath, these homes. have lots of cupboards, lots' of , closets. They also have hook-ups' reserved for your washer and dryer combinations. Make an ay-._ pointment.. to see them to -days - LAKEFRONT COTTAGE $9,000.00 Winterized frottage 9 years old." Electric heat. Needs some fixing. ND- ;YOUR -OWN BUSINESS ,Beautiful cdluntry store close to Lucknow. ' Includes 4 bedrooms+ living quarters, plus store and 60 acres. This land has an ever flowing spring on- it,' and some bush. See it to -day. • GOOD :CASH CROP -LAND 30 Acres close to Goderich, good fertile soil, all cleared and plowed - ready to ..work; excellent for corn or beans. IN DUNGANNON We have a 66 x 165 ft. lot With a good well and a 220 electrical ser- --vice already paid for. There is a large frame building..'on the property which could be torn down to supply, valuable building, materials. See this and make an offer: SUPPORT THE GODERICH RECREATION COMMITTEE ural Kapp Mss and space is OW.* Minutes from town is this four bedroom home Ideated on the highway * Excellent terms .-Appraisals -Property Management -Investments •28 THE SQUARE --Residential Farms ' - --BuslneS$ --Resort Properties GODERICK WILFRED McINTEE • REAL ESTATE PERSONAL SERVICE WITH PERSONALITY PLUS Call' Collect TERRY BAUER, 5264709, Auburn MRS. ENID BELL 56 St. Patrick . 524-8191, Gode►ich WARREN ZINN 529.750, Ltickrltow 11..11111111111111.1111111111111.111111111111111111 v.7 °WANTED TO RENT IN GODERICH '' a • A, Church- Hall p or Basemfol',, For Saturday mornings torconduct a 'physical fitness _-•gr-oup. Instructor Fred Smith- Form r, professions ,in- • structor in Melbourne_ Australia. Please phone 524-9350. 4. REAL ESTATE -FOR SALE 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - • a PETER S. MacEWAN• GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BROKER X38 ST. DAVID ST. GODERICH 524-9531 A VERY ATTRACTIVE Three bedroom home, modern throughout, attached garage;' a `Aarge lot 76 k 143, situated on a quiet street. This home will ' sell. Asking orgy, 536,900.00 • MODEST FAMILY LIVING One and a half storey brick in good residential area consisting of three bedrooms, 1 down and 2 Upstairs, full basement; also situated on thisproperty is a garage and a very nice workshop. This -home is_a"i:good buy now, $14;000 This is all they ask for,this three bedroom cement block home,, 3 pc. bath, oil furtiace;situated on one acre of land, taxes only 590.00'per year located near Lucknow, Ontario. YOU MUST SEE THIS To appreciate the comfort, convenience and location of this three bedroom home, an exceptionally Targe kitchen with modern cupboards,,adjoining utility room, this home is situated on a 62 x 135 lotkcombined garage and workshop 28 x 14,asking 528,900.00. COTTAGE AT BOGIE'S BEACH ���, Consisting of a living room 1,6 x 10, dining ram 19 x 9, three bedrooms, a good treed patio, boat house, a real family retreat. priced -for quick sale. WE HAVE VERY PROFITABLE BUSINESSES FOR SALE 1 i Commercial properties and residential lots. Drop in and discuss your requirements with us. Weare here to serve you. 1WENTY ACRES A retreat property, approximately 15 acres of woodland, trout pond, s Strong spring; situated on this property is a 12 x 64� Mobile home, With a large addition ° contai tng a partially finished rec. room with,fireplace. This is a good bud at 5' 32,000.00. , We Need Your Listings - - For Action if Buying or Selling Please Phone\ . John Schnelker Rias. 524.6055 Audrey Tlfrtbreil Ren. 524-2303 Bruce Ryan Res. 5244762 B.R. Robinson Res. 524.6906 Maurice Gardiner Res. 5244302 EATON' 5. REQUIRES • Cataloguer . Sales Office Manager, We are kinking for an 'ag"gressiva persona to °assume responsibility for managing the Goderich Sales Office. Poten- tial candidates will idoally have bad experience direct ing staff, managing budgets, sales and have worked - with office routine, preferably in a customer service environment. Training provided. For further information and interviews please write proviiding a resume to Eaton Co. Ltd. c/o Mr. P.J. Wisnewski, Catalogue Dept., 43 James St,, .Hamilton, • R Ontario. 8. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED transport trailer driver required. Reply to, "Box 94, Signal -Stay, stating experience, age, and accident report. All replies will be treated strictly confiden- tial. -11t( Wanted. Reliable person with .a car to deliver in evening. Interested applicants call 524-2184. UNUSUAL SALES OPPCtRtUN1TY tot an, ambitious and honest person who is willing to work calling on established clientele and furnished' leads in Huron County. Must have a "car:. Contact: Mr. E.R. Thede Beltone Hearing Aids 88 Queen St. South Kitchener, Ont. DRIVER FOR 1 TON.IPICKUP TRUCK FOR LOCAL' LUMBER YARD. REQUIRED FULL-TIME:; KNOWLEDG:f_,OF _GODERICH AN ASSET APPLY IN VVRITIN-G TO P.O. BOX 2, 47 .. G �ODERICH, ONT. FULL TIME -. EMPLOYMENT Experienced poison for our hardware department. Must have a thorough knowledge of hardware, paint and related linea. APPLY TO O.R. TAYLOR .524-2121 CAN'A'DIAN TIRE • COLBORNE TOWNSHiP: RELOUIRES • for Township Hall at Carlow iCARETAKEA► Apartment available. April 1. *WARBLE FL' INSPECTOR *DOG .TAG LIIC.ENCE ISSUER - FOR INFO• RMATION PHONE DOUG McNEIL W. HARDY REEVE 524-6365 CLERK 524-9893 DRAFIrS,M'AN • 4 A vacancy exists in our munic• ipal drafting department for an intermediate/senior draftsman. The successful applicant will ,have: - high school diplorna drafting course with four years ex- perience or technical schopt`graiduate with 3 years•experience. - ability with Leroy -essential., - ability to. work independently under minimum supervision. Salary commensurate with expssrience. Apply to: Tho Kleinfeldt Group Ltd./ „ • Consulting Engiineers- &. Community Planners, 380 York Street, , London,. Ontario . N6B 1P9 WANTED! PERSON TO LEARN .Wholesale Business IN OUR GODERICH BRANCH Apply In writing giving particuiars: LH. M cDONALIk IDEAL SUPPLY CO. LTD. LISTOW EL, ONT.- 8. HELP WANTED. SHEET Metal apprentice or all -round mechanic- dall'-262- 2114•-1:Sar. - HOUSEKEEPER vrarited, one day a 'week. Apply, Box 98' Signal -Star stjjng references and pay :required. 1'3 PARTTIME EMPLOYMENT As order clerk 'for our automotive department. Ex- perience not necessary - APPLY TO - ° Q.R. TAYLOR 524-2121 CANADIAN TIRE d q. WANTED (General) WANTE1) Canoes, reat1onable • price. High School programme. - Phone 524-7355 between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.-=1:3ar BELGHAVE area mother of .1 year - old and :310 year'old. Would like• to exchange babysitting one day a week with another mother having. children of similar ages. Apply Box No. .99 r!'tt Signal -Sias,, Gi►clerirh.-1.:3,14 COM PLETE household 'effects or ;small lots wanted. Call C and E Furniture, 524.7231.-gtf -RABBITS FOR MEAT Contact Ray Hanna RR 2, Auburn WANTED CAST IRON SCRAP 'WE PAY, HIGHEST PRICES CALL HOPPER .FOUNDRY - ,' : LTD 873-2641 12. AUCTION SALE RATHWELL'3 V AUCTIONEERS ' . p and LIQUIDATORS ,RRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern , auction methods. - ,LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO -WIDE RRUCEFIELD 482-3120 cgt Large Antique =- Auction SaI.e - at 10:30 in the morning at the AUCTION ROOMS • 1 mile south of Goderich on Hwy. No. 21 SATURDAY, MARCH IO Cherry chest Of drawers; cherry washstand; three' brass beds; three fief -to -wail cupboards;, five commodes; three Victorian dressers; six No. 'Vlotoria1n dining=room state (refinished) settee; love seat; Nickelodeon cabinet; china cabinet; hi -boy; chests of drawers; harvest table; kitchen cabinet; jelly cupboard; bbffet; two iron and -brass beds, Duncan Phyfe table with -four matching chairs; two gate-leg tables; small ' tables; - three dressers; hall seat; set of six pressed back chairs; odd pressbaak chairs; set of four Arrow back chairs; four rocking. chairs; parlor chairs; Windsor type .kitchen chairs; two blanket :boxes; organ -stool; ox yoke; Copper boiler; Iron pots; pump; oil lamps; lanterns; swords, coins; Nippon china; stedple clock; kitchen clock; dishes;'two 'hanging lamps. Also selling for Trinity United Church of Ashfield brass bed; two dressers; two rocking -parlor table; two carved chairs etc: etc. "This ,is an extra' large sale o1 good ANTIQUES." MIKE CUMMINGS AUCTIONEER H. MITCHELL CLERK • ,Y -