HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-28, Page 4PAGE G GdDERICH, SIGNAL -STAT, THURSDAY, MARCI- 28, 1,974 St. Mark's Women _The' Mardh meeting .0 f the St Mark's° Anglican Church Women was held at the home . - of Mrs. Elmer Tromme r. The hostess presided or the meeting and welcomed everyone, followed by the Celia hymn, with Mrs. Taylor at the piano,, Mrs, rommer als:o gave a reading -"It happens every year." The president, Mr. Celia `Taylor took charge " nd- Mrs. Trommer read. the cripture lesson. 'The topic -"Lent, a secret Joy" was taken by Mrs. Donald' Cartwright and the Missionary' theme -"The Feat of Epiphany," writtenby_ Rev •Orlo Miller, was read by Mrs. ,Andrew Kirkconnell, followed by the - reading -"Golden Treatiures" . . The minutes wereapproved as'sread by the secretary Mrs. John Daer. The treas rer, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt,pres nted the .financial stateme t and Correspondence wasread and "discussed. • The maki g of - the quilt was discussed ad a batt was donated by, a m ber. An invitation . tit a tend the April meeting on April 10.th was accepted y the Presbyterian. omen's, Missionary Society. his is to, be held at Mrs. Celia aylor's. The: roll call was nswered by nam_i_ng'your Lente Denial. :The tra��elling apron_.r celyed_a_, penny for each letter i the Ides of .March. After an, action, a delicious lunch.'was served rved by Mrs, Trommer. • T S a r a u e n r n n em t b T T a n e n u W.I. Meets - The March meeting of the , Auburn Women's Institute was held in the AuburnCo.mmunity .Me,morial hall with the: • president, ;-MT's Doz,ahr-- dt't- •'wright 'in cha.rge. S.he' ,welcomed everyone and read the. poem -"It's the little things that -tint:" ' The Ode, the Mary', S ewart Collect and "0 . Can " was sung with Mrs, Robert Phillips at the piano.` -.''The .minutes of the previous meeting Were accepted as read by the ,secretary Mrs. Donald Haines.. She -a'lso gave the fihancial statement. ' Mrs. Thomas • I-Iaggitt, •convener of the banquet, announced that the anndal banquet -would be .held •bn , May 8th" at Snell's restaurant a,t Westfi'eld Tickets are availablefro''Mrs. Haggitt, Mrs, Thomas La for and Mrs. Robert Phillips. . Mrs. W'illiann. Empey• repot- ted epoted on the ovens for the ball and after much discu'ss•ion, it' was .voted to buy, -the ovens., Mrs: 'Frank .Raithby reported on -the. label's and asked all members to save their Canada Packers labels to, get tea towels for -the hall. Plans were made to cater td the Huron -West Executive meeting to be held • A �o on April 3rd in the Auburn .hall..Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Mrs. Arnold Craig were ap- pointed committee to -plan the lunch. The card report; was given by the ,convener, .,Mrs. Andrew Kirkcon'nell and she read the thankyo'u'notes received. A_ let- ter was read from the Clinton Hospital, Auxiliary and this was tabled. It was announced that the Food Forutn would be held in Clinton on April 10th at 8 p.m. in Clinton. Catering to weddings was discussed and it was decided to • have the next meeting on April 16th at 2 p.m. The nominating committee will bring in the slateof officers for the coming year at the next meeting and the election c 1 of- . fleets Will be ,keld. Alto, " reports of the standing corn tees, will be received. ,Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, the .public relations officer, •in- troduced the guest speaker, Keith Roulston of Blyth, the editor of the"`Blyth Standard". °Ilse chose for his topic -':Public Relations" and stated that it meant being . honest in a likeable way, putting your best ,foot !forward and letting people know of the interesting things you do. He told of the way his paper was printed and sajd that-'scriittimes. 1500 copies are sold weekly. He also told of the magazine- The Village Squire' which ; he also sells: -- Mrs. _ W thanked• Mr._ Roulston and ' presented him ' .with a gift. _Then Mrs., Kenneth 3VIcDougall gave current events and -the °rn°otto-"Living a life, is , inore„than making a living was grVen , by Mrs.' Eleanor Bradnock. The roll call was ans'vtiered by . each member telling "One -thing I would like to have done if I ' were, on County Council." The curator, Mrs._ .Celia Tayloi1 took orders for the ,book-''`1H.istory of ,Auburn" which is to be printed next ma -tic. The prize winners were Mrs. Donald Cartwright and, Mrs. Robert Turner. Follcciwing the singing of *the .Queen and - the Grace, a 'delicious St. • Patri'k's lunch was served by Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer and Mrs. Myrtle -.Munro. Auburn I1, 4-H • The -first ,meeting of Auburn •1I, 4-H club was„ held at "the home. of the 'leader, Mrs. John Hildebrand:' Theeelection of of- - •ficers took place and they are `has follows: president, Marie mpey; vice-president, Joyce C nriney, secretary -rotating eameeting; trealurer,"Debbie Jefferson; -press reporter, Margaret Franken and Judy Robinson: . ' Each girl" received • a: picture• and was to give the type of per- sonality that they, thought that person would have. The second meeting of the '`club was held at ..the h(,me 'of the president Marie '.Enipey. - Characteristics. of good grooming were discussed and the hand-out sheets were given ' out. The members decided ' to. na'm'e "their club -"Moon Mirtrors." It :was decided that each member would get a pic- ture for their book cover. Everyone went into'the kitchen' where they learned. the proper way to manicure their nails ,and they did. each others. The next meeting ' is to be held at the Sunday school room of Donnybrook United Church. Bride -elect Honored • - •Miss Gail 'Seers, • bride-elet.•t , of n t month, was guest ,of honou e esday evening in „,. ON A 5 YEAR TERM ' on Guaranteed Investment Certificates O 'Member -Canada Deposit Insurance C• orporation ro Their suitor Tru c ► C'onI pan ► devoted entire!) to rete inq the people' of O,itar,o. W14 3nd'GRJiY TRUST -COMPANY SINCE 1889 tyii Zurbrigg' Manayar 424-7311 .11X1 KINGSTON $T., GODIRICH 4 r, the Sunday school rocirp - of Knox United Church when neighbours and friends gathered to honour her prior to her marriage. , The room was attractively decorated for the occa4sion and the guest ;book was in charge of little, Misses Nita Hallam ,and Carol Seers. Whiie the guests were arriving, Mrs. Robert' Phillips played the piano. Misses Lein. Turner .and Bar- . bara Erupey ' wel'tomed the guests and Mrs. Brian .Hallam was chairman for the program. The program began with a sing -song led by Mrs. Eleanor'- I3radnock accompanied by Mrs. Phillip.* A gift . walk won by Mrs. Japes Schneider, for having ani3anniversary nearest April -13th, the chosen wedding date. Mrs. Jack Armstrong was the winner of the contest con- ducted lav Barbara Empev on popular weird usage. Mrs. Ross Daer won the ship contest.- The `prize for the bride of one year was won by Mrs. Leonard , Lobb.' Misses w Lorraine Chamney and DorisoNaylor sang a duet - "Reason to believe" accom- panied by. Miss -Lynn Turner. The bride-to-be's birthday is on March"1st and'vinners of birth - days nearest that date were Mrs. Frank Raithby and Mrs. Reiss Daer. ,, M,rs. Ross Daer• gave an interesting poem on the life of the bride-to-be and Mrs. Larry Johnston won a prize for driving a, 1968 Dodge to the shower. Mrs, Allan Craig pinned a corsage on.Gail and Miss Lynn. Turner pinned a corsage on her mother, Mrs. William Seers and escorted them to the decorated ,p atforni. Mrs. Leonard L.,bb .read an address`► of congratulations in rhyme to Miss Seers and the many gifts were presented by Misses Bar- bara Empey, Lynn Turner, Dcgri's .Naylor, and Lorraine Chamney., '. ' Miss Gail thanked ;all her friends for the gifts and a lunch was served by friends. • Pereonals Mrs.. Ronald Delbergue returned last week from Alexandra and Marine hospital Goderich following surgery.' Mr. and Mrs. Allan Craig visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Keith- Scott in Lo,,g- don, Miss Beth 'Hallam -cif Lucknow spent the vacation with her Sister, Mrs. James Schneider, Mr. Schneider and Dennis and Angels."' Mr Daryl Ball of Walkerton spent the weekend at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 'Ball. ° Mr. George Collins was a patient in Alexandra and Marine hospital last week; we wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ball spent the weekend in Detroit and met the plane which brought their daughter Miss Brenda Ball and Miss Nancy Anderson home from a holiday in Honolulu. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Liver- more, Robbie and Donald of Fordwich and Mr. Ed Haines of Niagara on the,Lake spent a few' days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines., . Mis's Shelley, Haggitt of. Zurich spent last week with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. Miss Carol Rueger. RR 2, Clinton spent last week with her slater, Mrs. Donald Cart-, Alight, Mr. Cartwright, David, Derrick and Lorie. Mr. William. Straughan is a patient in Clinton Public hospital; we wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs.. J.A. Maclntosh and Miss Margo McIntosh of London spent the weekend with Mrs. Frances Clark. Mr. Thomas Johnston, Miss Laura Phillips and Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Phillips visited with Mrs. Thomas Jcihn.stoh at University hospital last Sun- day ti i" KET H �/MAR A� sc/REDADi :See the full line of KQNICAcarneras and accessories on display and demonstrated by MR. -JOHN AIJBRY of KONICA CAMERA CMPANY- Thorsday it Friday. March . 'FEATURING . , Lens • MicrottiOh.Shutter Release • Multiple Exposure Control • Accrosort' Hot Shoe & Safety • Improved Shutter/Meter Lock . •. Ex ended ai a Capability ••• Safety Release Control on Timer • Automatic Shutter Ready SUGG. UST '399.05), Pre -inventory Sale 'Price ' KONICA AUTO S3CAMERA FEATURING • Automatic Electric Eye Exposure ' Control • New Daylight Synchro Flash l SUGG, LIST 179.95 System • SIx Element 1.8: Lens n • Shutter. Speeds up to 1/500 Second • 4 Atmall Price . FEATURING • Combined Range Viewfinder • Hexanon 38mm 2.8 Four Element Lens • • Shutter. Speeds up tc 1/650 Second • Automatic Ex iO&ire Control ' master charge 4't 168 THE SCiUARE - GODEIA`CH 1,,,1,113. 1t0 , uc,• i