HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-21, Page 243,
encs 10A—.,69peUdx s�cNn�rrna T�yxsn 21, 1e
Alimeek Chapter IObE ��,a
plan dessert card party
• The ,March meeting of the
Ahmeek 'Chapter I.O.D.E, was
held at the home -Of Mrs. Frank.
Walkom, Piston Street, March
I l th.
The regent, Mrs. M. McKee,
presided, and Mrs. "C. Iuffell
presented , the flag, One
minute's silence was observed
in memory, of Mrs. Robert
Johnston who passed away
Roll call .showed a large at-
tendance. The minutes were
read by the secretary, Mrs. W.
Auld and approved.
In business arising from
minutes, there had been two
vacancies in the list of officers
for the coming year, but one
• had been filled. Mrs. M. Robin-
son was appointed Echoes
Mrs. E. Sitter and Mrs.
Shaver were appointed
telephone committee.
Mrs. F. Mills read a list of
recommendations from the
finance meeting. It was recom-
mended that the Chapter hold
a dessert card party and bake
sale on -April 24, and a Tag Day
on June 21st. These were voted
on by the members.
At the Dessert Card Party,
Mrs. F. Mills will be the overall
convener. onveners ' of com-
mittees .were appointed.
It was also decided to hold a
Deer season
for county
.There will be a deer season
in Huron ' Countythis year
although. it is not arffnanimous' -
decision on the part of county
councillors. .
On a recorded, vote in the
matter, , Council voted 27-27
with the tie being broken by
Goderich Reeve ,Deb Shewfelt
. in favour of the deer season.
R•eev,p Elgin Thompson
showed hisdispleasure to the
way in which Reeve Shewfelt
broke the tie by saying that in .
his; 'opinion,"it Wag' unfortunate ..
that today's people ° would
allow animals.such as deer to
run around with an arrow dr a
bullet in their hind quarter.
Reeve Shewfelt countered
with, "That might be " better
than starving to death."
Evidence brought to county
council last month by lands
and forests officials showed
there are many deer in Huron,
enough to warrant 4 a deer
season. "
The county development
committee also'recommended a
:deer season and approval was
finally, given by council for .a
gun season frog a November 11-
18 and an archery season from'
October 29 to.. November 25•.
The deer season is for Ontario
residents only on condition the
adjacent counties concur.
spring rummage sale convened
by Mrs. Edna Overholt assisted
by Mrs. M. Robinson and'Mrs -
,14. Murray.
A letter was read from the
Sarah Hale Chapter in Clinton
inviting the members of the
Chapter to attend a`concert by
the Woodstock Choral Aires in
the High Se..hUol, Clinton, on
Saturday evening March 30th
at 8:15 p.m.
A .letter p.m.,
also read frorp
the Crusade Committee of-
fering to arrange•seating for the
Chapter members , in groups.
A letter from the Provincial
Chapter re the Annual Meeting
in Hamilton, Wednesday and
Thursday, April 17th and 18th. -
Details were given of the -enter-
tainment, etc. The regent will
attend as a delegate. Past
Regent, Mrs. R. Neville 'will
also attend, and probably
others will arrange to go.
Literature was provided for
those with new offices.
The treasurer',s report was
given by, Mrs, R. Neville.
It was decided to pur base
two life memberships.
The Report on Education
was given by Mrs. Overholt.
Services Secretary, Mrs. C..
Cutt, gave her 'report. She had
received a request that a record
be kept of time spent on the
various services. She. suggested
the members do this.
Public Relations' Secretary,
Mrs.,, B. Chisholm was 'absent,
but Mrs. M. Holmes sub-.
stituted• for her,
' Mrs. Chisholm will look after
advertising for the dessert card
party; and Mrs. Max,Cutt will'
look°'after' the printing of
Cards and FX -ower Convener,
Mrs. °0. Straughan .gave her
usual good report. She reported
donations,;.-given--.-bv members.
She `sent_ Valentines to sick and
shut, in members', She reported
one donation to the Cancer
Membership Secretary, Mrs.
M. Murray, announced that
there would •be a vote oh 'two
prospective members:- Both
were,accepted. Mrs. Armstrong -
was not present, but Miss
Palmer was welcomed by Mrs.
Mutray. .
Mrs. 3t, Wilson introduced
the," -west speaker, David. Har-
man, an instructor in St. John
Ambulance „Society. Mr. , Har-
man gave a splendid address
on the work done by St. John -
Ambulance. They attend field
days, horse races, etc. and are
ready to -give First Aid until
medical help Arrives. He ,ad-
ised everyone to have a first
4 kit and explained its uses.
He stated that .a course.•is
tailing in. Goderich on March
7 ,.
Mrs. F. Mills thanked the
pecker. .
The . April meeting •ill be
eld at the home. of Mrs, C..
utt on April 8. Lunch will be
royided-by-Mrs. G. Stokes and
Mrs, A. Alexander.
:Mrs. Stokes thanked the
hostess for the use of her home,
also the assistants, Mrs. M.
McKee and Mrs. F. Mills:
Pastime Club membeis
named by lova! man
' Do you remember the
1909 Taylors Corner
Pastime Club? Clayton
Edward of Edward Fuels,
Goderich, stow.
Mr. Edward knew the
names and Most of the
histories of, the people
who appeared in the pitta-
ture.'His mother appears
in 'th'e picture 'along with
many of his family's
This plti brought
back many fond
4.,. memories for'Mr. Edward
as it will ,,for some of the
surviving members of the '1'
club. Included in the
Members are ,,,some,
,teachers who worked in
the .Goderich• schools, one
of whom boarded at the
Edward house.
The Pastime Club, it
seems, devoted its energy
-to the community. Their
centre was the,,building
on Highway 8 that now
houses goats. They sahg
together as a choir, they
danced and tried their °
hand in the theatre, They'.
were .a close-knit group
and gathered 95 often as
they could to share each
othqr's sorrow and! hap-
The piclure was taken
at.the c1u6's headquarters
and includes, (back row,
left to right),, Reg Sturdy,
Mel Sturdy, Regina
Hicks, Berk' Holmes,
Bruce Holmes and Robert
Fuller; (third row, leftdto
right) ,Austin Sturdy,b
Nina Walters, Alice Hick,
Margaret Lemphrey,
George • Sturdy and Ger-
trude Sturdy; (second
row, left to right) Mrs.
Lyda. (Walters) Newton,
Andrew . Holmes, Olive
Foster, Nixon Sturdy,
Irene (Clark) Holmes,
Charles Whitely and
Linda Sturdy; (front row,
left to right) the owner of
the picture Mrs. Ruth
(Thornpson) Willings,
Irene (Nick) ,.'Oke, Joe
Yuill, Jane (YuiJl) Sturdy,.
and Mamie YuilJ.
Mr. Edward who won
•the picture, plans to
return it to its original
owner, Mrs. Willings.
County councillors
believe Hydro
should Communicate
,At a session of Huron County
Council last Thursday, mem
berg once' more reiterated their
belief that if Ontario Hydro
would make known their inten-
.tions concerning possible
nuclear -expansion in, Huron;
the county ..ould use the infor.
mation to the advantage of all.
In a brief but somew_ hat
frustrating discussion, it was
.learned that since last -month's
council meeting there has .been
no further communication from
Hydro regarding 'the unofficial .
announcement that a nuclear
plant is planned t-witniri 20 or
3Q miles of Goderi,ch,_.
Reeve Everett Mcllwain ad-
mitted he got "a. little carried
away" while speaking to coun-
cil last Thursday. _.
Reeve Mcllwain said that in
his opinion, there were "Some•
irresponsible statements being
made" in connection with the
a n n ou,neem•ent,
There is no point of just ob-..
jesting for objections sake„'
said McIlwain., "Farmers don't
want to go back ,to pumping
water by windmill. We're using
more hydro all the time. It is a
necessary item: It is needed by
all industry. -
•McIlwaan said there Jwas 'a lot -
of talk dabout loss of tarm land
when "in actual fact, land was
not lost." Ike advocated
knowing more about Hydro's
plans as well as co-operation
between Hydro and the people
of the area.
Warden Bill Elston said that
in ,his opinion, the main
problem was that. farmers are
'•not receiving enough financial. -
consideration from -Hydro when
lines cross their land.”
Hawaii slides
West W'awunoshTwp.
reviews literature after
resident writes letter.
' West Wawanosh Township
Council met for the regular
March meeting at the home of
.the Clerk on Tuesday after-
noon, March 5. All members.
were in attendance and Reeve
Bob Lyons. presided.
Mrs. Dorothy MacKenzie
again appeared before Council,
and presented literature to
Council members, which she
had received from Professor Ir-
win of Guelph, regarding dust
control.°The Clerk had received
the same material from the
same professor in answer to a
`'letter written, at Mrs. MacKen-
zie's request, after" last month's
UMr•s. MacKenzie read a letter
she had written in which" she
criticized certain,Cotlnci•1 prac-
tices and methods, and,'offered
her views and suggestions for
irnprovements . Council ` could
instigate to make the township
a better place in which to live,
Harold Menary and Bob
Hallam,ppoke to Council about
repairs to the Andrew -Finnigan
Drain, The Clerk was instruc-
ted to contact engineer, Dbug
Gamsby, about the Drain.
An application . for a tile
drainage loan on Lot 22 Con-
cession .4 was accepted by
Council -,on motion of Coun-
cillors Rutherford and Hickey.
Murray Wilson , was named
to, replace the late Donald
Thcimpson as. a l,ivestock_.•.
evaluator for the Township,
A motion by Councillors'
Foran and Hickey, authorized
the Road Superintendent to ap-
ply for 'the final subsidy on
1971 road expenditures, in the
otal`'ainbunt of $88,9p3: '
IThe Reeve and Clerk were
authorized to apply for a sup- „
plementary Subsidy Allocation
in the amount of $10,800,00, on
a motion by Councillors Foran„
and Durnin,
Councillors Rutherford and
Hickey moved that the Road
Superintendent be. authorized
to advertise for tenders for, the
• crushing and hauling of ap-
proximately 12,000,cubic yards
of A, gravel during the summer . ,
of 1974.
West Wawanosh Township
Council accepted the bid price
submitted by K. K. Dawson for.
a ,. pumping system for the
Public Works Garage, on
motion of Councillors Hickey
and Durnin.
soft and creamy knits orbiting.
inFortrel..:with "Faris Star"
in the ascendancy.
Coming up tops with fluid sleeves. Pleating skirts,.
• that make a show of knees. And letting pants play
• softly along with the rest of the female cast. In a.
relaxed -fashion. Looking fresh 'as Spring, With -
wrinkle resisting attraction. All stars in beautiful
navy, red, white and spring beige ,for extra appeal.
To go on the fashion stage '74 with 'Paris Star' and
Fortrel polyester...just call in at Schaefer's Ladies
• •
would like to call you wih
housewarming gifts" and in-
formation about yournew
location: The.1Hostess will be-- .
glad to arrange your subscrip-
• _ ._ 119n_.to the Signal -Star ,
Cull her at 524-.6051•
The meeting of the Benmiller
United Church Women was
held in the Benmille•r Church
with 18 members 'attending. ' °
'Haid McMichael chaired the
meeting' which opened with a „
verse, • .
Florence Maskell ,prepared
the devotional period- of the
meeting. '
Helen =.St'i5ong, treasurer,
reported a -very w balance -
with which thegroup starts the
new year. The remainder of
the reports were heard from.
Mrs. Marlene Baer and Mrs.
Phyllis Feagan entertained the ''
group with pictures • of their trip
to .,Hawaii.
Lunch was prepared and ser-
ved by Liela Allin and Mavis
The income taxhelpste system
and how to make it work you.
.� ; -Asytru-krroW by now, we 'Changed a lot of things last
year We gave you a new return, a new Guide: several new
deductions and a few new, rules. And quite honestly, we were
more than a little concerned about your reaction to it all
(And very, very•interested in your op n'ons.l •
Well, now that we Ve had time to really look back at it
and assess it hone,stly, it appears that most taxpayers did
not seem to find it too difficult. The error rate did not ac-
celerate greatly or change drastically from former years'
Generally:moat taxpayers seemed to handle their new
returns fairly well.
However. Income Tax will never be the easiest or most ,
enjoyable thing in 'anyone's fife. And it will always present
problems in some areas. for some people That's expected
and understandable. •
So. What we want to do now is really work on those
problem areas. And the best way ,to do that is to work with.,
you. individually. on Whatever part of Income Tax that r,auses
you difficulty. '
And that's what April Aid is ,II about It s a help system
and its primary objective is to ensure that wheneveor
whatever you need help with. you can get it Ana know how
•td,get It ` . • ,
ntcoin And this is how it • • °
cu DE ,,,,' W6rks
First. Your Guide is always the
st answer when you have a problem
ead it. Follow it, It not only given explar a-
•ttoris. but in many cases, examples of just
how'to figure something out. '
Second. If you're still.confused or something.just
• doesn't seem to•work, phone. The number of your
own District Taxation Office is below and at the
end of that number there are people whose only job is to -help
taxpayers with problems, boftelephone. And on Mondays and
Tuesdays phone lines•are open 'til 6 p,m. So don't hesitate
If you live outside the office area, call the Operator and
ask for Zenith 0-4000, She will automatically connect you to
your own District Taxation Office. Remernber, all calls•are
free, all,questions are answered, and if you have queries, vgie
want you to call.
cDRNP . Third: Son'le people prefer to talk -things over in
person. If you're one of them and have problems.
drop by for free help, Anytime. The address of your
District Taxation•Office is below. •
Fourth. Write, To the address below. Explain your
. problem as clearly as possible and includeall in-
. formation. (And your return address, please.) In
return, we'll answer all letters as quickly and clearly as
possible. Remember- if you need help, it's there (And free)
And all youchave to do is ask.
April Aid.• -
• The Income Tax help system.
Let's make it work for you.
National Revenue Bldg„ 166 Frederick St , Kitchener,
LOnt. N2H 2M41•579-6060.•
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