The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-21, Page 7✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ * 1 Hurmi.Boqrd will discuss staff needs By Wilma Ok• , A guideline •for staffing of elementary schools is to be, on the agenda of a special meeting, of the Huron County boa -rd -"of education to be called for net Monday night, S'hperintendent of education, J.D. Cochrkne said the class size, teacher -pupil ratio was possiblythe most irn- portant item- in the list of ten recohnmendations resulting from the visitation. to schools made by, board chairman E.C. Hill and 'himself last fall, and now his staff and he are ready' to discuss a number or these items with the ,board members - at the special meeting next week. Spearing 'of the . budget for 1974 at last Monday's regular meeting;, ,Mr. Cochrane , said, "The board has not yet been giventhe grant regulations and other pertinent material necessary to complete the - budget, but based. on the assumption that grants will not be less than last year, we can produce one for you to consider if you wish." Mr. Cochrene said because of, spiralling costs, the grant regulation"s had been pulled back by the ministry for re -consideration, but that -it was important that he get some interim guideline for hiring elementary teachers, R.B. Allan, board superin- tendent, . said estimated enrolment in ' elementary ...schools will be down 227 pupils and: three ' less teachers will be required. He,.;said• it' may be possible that�Ihe board will be hiring about 14 new elementary group activities. Cost to: the board vrill be nil, Another request to send 24 students, members -of the Senior Outers Group from South Huron on a one week ,ex- cursion to the Magnetawfn,• River area on May 18-25. to practist camping and canoeing' skips, to'give practice in orien- teering, to observe biological and geographical aspects of that area of the Canadian Shield, to develop initiative, resourcefulness, self reliance and self , cojifidence in group situations. No No cost,to board. _ Mrs. Mollie Kunder of Seaforth asked why some schoolsgo on field trips regularly while otherschools. do not request them. It was pointed, out to her that many, schools participate in field trips that are in.a mileage range of their school "that it is not necessary to ask board per,:, mission. _,Mr. Cochrane said it depended to some extent on the principal of the school -Whether they took full advantage of trips -available. He informed the board members that the school budget for field trips is based on the enrollment in the school. "It's not fair -to the pupils if they are not taking advantage of ,the trips; apparently there •is a budget' for it," Mrs, Kunder said. - The superintendents will be asked to study each school to -see if all students are given the opportunity to participate in field trips. The board— ch'ai'rman,""'"E: .-- teachers next term, but nothing'. Hill, and •business ad- is definite at this time. Approval for five Field Trips ministrator, R:B.• Dunlop, were was made as follows:' from _ named to negotiate salaries . principal J. Axtmantn ,cif Grey with the custodian staff as their Central Public School to: take 38°Grade 8 students on a three- day trip°to Toronto May 27-29, to visit Science Centre, - Parliament' • Buildings, r Museum, Planetarium., .Black' Bilton, bus driver: Howick Cen Creek Village and the Airport tral school resigned_ effective with overnight accommodation March 29. • to be arranged`at the. Toronto Donald Gower was placed on Teachers College. The costa of permanent staff as_ a custodian the trip is estimated at $125, to at Central Huron Secondary. be assessed, to the transpor- ' School, Clinton; Linda Ander- tation 'section of 'the . school song a permanent staff budget and each pupil. con - secretary at' Hullett Central tributing �$1, ,k public school and Lynn Fuller, From Principal G.O. Phillips . a permanent staff secretary at.. Lof F.E. Mall secondary school Goderich District Collegiate In- to send 17 senior students (Art stitute and Brenda Naylor as a 401) accompanied by.. the art bus driver at $rookside publicu teacher, Mrs. Patricia Wilson, School. to the CarcYrundum Museum Arrangements have • been of Ceramics in Niagara Falls, made 'for Douglas " Bundy -of N.Y. on Friday,- May 3 to fur- Goderich District Collegiate In- ther the Students' knowledge of stitute staff and',his wife to act ceramics, both.- history and as hosts for the Young media,. which they have' been ' Voyageurs from Grand 'Prairie,. studying and, crating in class. - Alberta, .who will be, visiting in Huron The ,cost to "ie assessed to U ' County from July 25 to school budget; - tran'sportation August 2. Murray 'Hunter of F.E. Madill secondary school,. section. From principal B. Robertson staff' will accompany . Huron's contracts run. out on June 1, Norman Mundy, custodian at F.E.. Madill secondary school, Wingham, resigned effective February 25, and Wallace of . Howick `''Central public . Voyageurs to Tracadie, -New school to send 35 grade 7 Brunswick, from. July '9 to July students on a two-day trip to 20. They, are: From • Central the Burlington area .on April 2 Huron Seco da`ry School - and '3, to complete an urban- Lorraine York, Bayfield, andrural exchange:. The students Donald Reid, Blyth; Goderich .. from Burlington visited Howick Collegiate - Wanda Linnen, RR on December 13. The students ' 4, Goderich, and "Ernest, will visit Stelco, Ford of MacMillan, Goderich; F.E.• Canada; Square 1 and various *rld:lt 'School - Kevin Adams, sites on `the Golden ,Horseshoe. Wtngham, Marya. Bongertman, Cost of trip t� be about. $65 Teeswater, Murray Keith, charged to school budget. Lu•ckn�ow and Roxanne Pet- From Principal'J.L. Wooden' teplace, Teeswa'ter; Seaforth High. 'of South Huron District. high school Gerald Kassies, school to send 25 students;" RR 4, Seaforth; and South members of the Senior Outers Huron, -Exeter. = Gregory Love, Group on an overnight excur- RR 1, Zurich, Teresa Ann On- dre'icka, RR .1, Exeter, and sion in the ,local area April 19 ' John^MW rani; Exeter: and 20, travelling on foots and by canoe to,provide practice in camping and canoeing skills as well as menu planning' 'and .Norman Durst, RR 2- Clinton,'' has been appointed new deput�y•ree'e of Colborne Township. 'Mr. Durst succeeds Roy Allin who died last month. The appointment was effec- tive March 5.. Mr. Durst said he has always been Interested in township business, he has Ilvbd in' Colborne all his life, and council's most important fob In the future will be land - use plannlr„tla. (Staff photo) THE, MACKAN GROUP` LTD. .95% RHA mortgage loans,. MORTGAGE LOANS Price 1' sat Prime 2nd 1O%1.11% Residential Loans Summer Cottages Farms Commercial Loans . Widustrlal Apartment—Hotels Land Mortgages" Construction Loans BusinPfis Loans Mortgages Purchased RESIDENTIAL .LOANS " $2,500 to, 75,000 COMMERCIAL and I'ROJECT LOANS UP TO $1,000,000 or mdre 1'-396-3866 ED GREGORY Area Representative Head Office 443 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Toronto KING'SBRIoGE KAPERS ST, PATRICK'S PARTY rSt. L. Joseph's Parish Hall in Kingsbridge was filled to capacity on Sunday evening, March 17 for a family party in honor of St. Patrick, which was sponsored by the Kingsbridge Catholic Women's ,League. In hi$• opening rema`i s, chairman Reverend Father'1✓d. Dentinger,-C.R., welcomed the guests and told several humorous stories about St. Patrick and the Irish. Father introduced the following numbers:' Songs by the school children accompanied by Miss Denise Dalton on the piano and Miss Laurie Doherty on the guitar; recitation by Brother Carl Voll on St. Patrick accompanied, . by Denise Dalton at the piano; guitar solo by Dean Doherty; solo "The Orange and the Green" by Ronnie Austin; Mrs. Pat Howard who sang two Irish songs; and a solo by Michael Frayne. St. Joseph's ' Youth Cl`tib `displayed their many talents telling Irish jokes and doing. Irish' dancing. There were solos by Miss Mary Ann ,Frayne; a duet by Mary Ann-Frayne and Kathy O'Keefe, and a solo by Eugene Frayne. `Miss. Lucille Frayne sang th verses of "My Wild Irish Rose". with the Youth Club joining in the chorus, Mrs. Betty Lou' Dalton sang two numbers;, .Brother Cart ' Voll gave another Irish readi-ng;r -a'nd-told_. Irish jokes; and the Irish. trio of Rev. Father -Ed Dentinger and Donald and Eugene Frayne sang to the delight of the audience. There was a solo by Father Dentinger and one ,by Gor- on Far: n. Ars, Jo.e, Caurtnei '5294I09 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schin- dler and daughter Charlene and her mother Mrs. Dorothy Moore visited with Mr. Michael O'Neilln and the O'Neill familieslon the weekend. Sister Lucille Dwyer, M.S.A. of South Bend, Indiarla,speht the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Dwyer and the Donald Frayne family. Mr. and Mrs. Ormand ,Hef- fernan are spending this week with their son and daughter-in- law,. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hef- fernan and family , 'in. Newmarket. Mark Dalton was adrnjtted to the Victoria Hospital in Lon- don on Wednesday March 13. Bill .Van O'sch, proprietor of the .Kintail General Store was released from the University ,I-los.pital in London ort Thur- sday, March 14 after spending eight days- there following surgery. A large crowd of interested. parents was -on hand b in '-St: Joseph's School, Kingsbridge, on , Wednesd-ay afternoon, March 13 to. _hear Mrs. Rose Mary- Bgyce, Public Health Nurse for this, district talk about the disease "Enoph'alitis" and . the precautions to be taken, . the Main one being "cleanliness". Mr. and Mrs. Armand Forgett visited during the week and an • -Sunday with their daughter 'Shannon, a patient in. the University Hospital in Lon- don. ' Mr. and Mrs. -Jerry Ross of 'Kitchener. were. dinner dinner...guests. on Monday, March 11 with Mr. and Mrs.rJoe Courtney and family. Mrs. `Genevieve Kinahan returned to London to spend the remainder of the `winter months with her daughter, Mrs. �. 0, Mary 'Edwards, Mark and Bil J . hnstone did Irish Sharron. ' Mrs. `Joe' Macintyre. Mr, and*' Mrs. Walter Clare and daughter. Mary Luanne at- tended the St. Patrick's 'party sponsored by the "Irish Club",, in Kitchener on Saturday'.. evening,; March 116, Wj .the mid -winter break star ing;on Friday, March 15 saw the beginning of -many.. hockey tournaments. Interested parents attended the Young Canada PeeWee Hockey Tour. r? -meat which was held at the 'G3derich Arena in •Goderich, the Lockridge" Midget Tour- nament at the'Wingham Arena 'and the Bantam' Hockey Tour-- - nament in Harriston. In Town and Country Hockey Playoffs in Lucknow last Thursday, March 14 Holyrood,-trounced Kingsbridge and Lucknow edged.'Kintail'six. goals to four to go one up in the best three out of five games. The next game will be in Lucknow on Thursday evening. GIRL GUIDES Yw - The meeting -was opened with the Guide prayer. The girls discussed the badges they were working on and also tur- ned 'in work for new badges. Nancy and Dianne-Milten- burg' read some research on maple trees. • Two skits were done by,Mary LuanneC lare, -. Marjorie _O'Neill, Jean Vogt, 'Joan Tigert, Rose -Marie O'Keefe and Diane Miltenburg and a musical number -was performed- . -by,.-..Liz. Vogt -and- .Lisa.."Fra-yne - oval police` unvestiaate' S odanc' ng accompanied "by-. Base Hagan on...the violin and Mrs. Walter .`Glare .on the piano. ' During the ,break,,. for hinch and the social get-together that followed, a draw was made for. the following prizes: A. St. Patrick's.' "cake baked and donated by Mrs.'' Clarence Doherty- was• won: by John O'Keefe, son of Mr., and Mrs. Joe O'Keefe, Kintail; fudge made anal donated by Mrs. Fred Crawford was won by Mrs;arla Hagan,"David King of Goderich' and Miss Anne Marie Howard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard; SOCIAL NEWS > A " large' crowd attended the auction sale' of livestock, machinery and household ef- fects for ,Mr. and Mrs.,Dennis Hogan on. Saturday, March) 15. • Mrs,,, •Jerry1 Vogt is visiting with her brother, Mr. and Mrs: Eugene Zrembski and family in Livonia, Michigan.. !Wayne. Courtney son of Mr. and. Mrs, Joseph Courtney ,and Allan'Drennan son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drennan, retuned to their, homes. here on Stur- day, March 16 after , spending 18 days in Florida. They drove, over 5,000 miles and 'report . they. had .no trouble in ob- taining gas. Frank 'Sullivan returned, to his home here on. Monday, March 11 having been away for four months. Several from .this area atten- ded the "Stag Party" for Eric Drennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drennan. on, Saturday even•ing.'March 16. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Coleman „{.Marilyn MacIntyre) of Guelph, are spending this week art the home of her parents, Mr: and-' one accident Goderich Police officers this week were busy 'on the high- , way. They laid a total of 27 ' charges pertaining tothe High- way Traffic Act. Ocie charge was laid under the Criminal Code . of Canada, six liquor - charges were levied, one charge under, the. Narcotics Act and . one under a by-law. 'The officers,,only had4nne ac- cident to investigate this week. On March 17 at 12:30 p.m., Jahn B. ,Timbrell of 136 St. Patrick Street,' and George Wayne Dawson of.: 165 East Street° were involved in a collision nn Wellington Street North near St. Patrick Street. Police .estimated the damage to the Timbrell vehicle fat $170 and $130 to the lJawson vehicle. 1 i SIGN L-BT;AR, THURS� DAT, MARCH', 2L, GODER�C � d1�PAc��; Goderichstan for being` host A community organization in Goderich stands to earn $750 by simply writing a letter. The ()range Grand Lodge of On- - Who West, meeting here April 26-27, has provided a fund of $250, and the 'Grand Black Chapter of the same jurisdic- tion $500, to be awarded to a, -.,.group-°shxiw'n''�to be performing outstanding work for the com- munity. 'Phis°is a benevolent gesture ty the grand lodges to the ,host. ,town, and there are no con- ditions to be met by applicants other than a written outline of the service, being performed, its origin, .scope, nature of support, etc. Applications should be for- warded not later than April 14' to W.E. Elliott, :secretary of the. local publicity committee. L.E. ,_Jones, of Stirling, registrar of-• the Grand Black Chapter, announces that the speaker at the banquet of the Black Institution will be the Grand Master of British America, Max Cole, of Deer Lake, 'Newfoundland. John B. Munro, of Hamilton, has been elected Grand Master of Ontario West, succeeding the late. Walter Scott, of Belgrave, and he will preside at the sessions here' 1-iarry J. Bell, Coflingwood, is deputy...grand roaster. Sessions of both the Orange ,_ and Black grand lodges will be held in ° Knox Church hall. Hotel Bedford will be 'head- quarters -for Grand Lodge of-- -ficers and also -for the billeting, committee: °. A ni r ber of°'candidates will recer:*'e the 'Scarlet degree of the Orange .Association on Thur- 'sday evening, April 25, Hullett Dietrict degree teamwill exem- plify ,thin degree.' et The local lodge, Victoria 1$2, at its regular meeting on Mon-.' day evening raised ' two Mem- ben; to the Rayed Blue degree, k with the work put on 'by n em- bers of the printary lodge. The lodge also 'accepted' two. ap- plications for membership: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ OPENING Thursday, March 28 A TR E AS URE S OLD it NEW OPEN YEAR .ROUND ✓ • ✓ ✓ i i i ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ %%%%%•%%%%•%•\%‘%%%%%%%%%%%%4 % W61.%%%.••%N.N.a•' a Mensal[ '- ask for "Bili" or "Al" "Where you can frade with" confidence" CONTRACTS AV'AILABL'E for WHITE BEANS ,Centralia cask for "Earl" „ r We have a good supply of CERTIFIED'SANILAC and SEAFARER seed beans F,UII line of 4iagara Brand Chemicals ///'. Also * EPTAM, TREFLAN and PATcDRAN * SEED CORN - PIONEER, DEKALB AND NORTHRUP RTILIZERS - AT COMPETITIVE PRICES WATCH FOR OUR 6PENING ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUR NEW KIRKTON FACILITIES xK "TRADE WITH CONFIDENCE" TRADE WITH 40 91' 9, DTVI!\ON OF'GERBRO CORP. HENSAI,L 262-2410 CENTRALIA 228.61661 .41 ..4 THE ASE IACTORY OUTLET NOW LOCATED ON HWY I# 4 SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA Y' JUST ARRIVED A -TRUCK. LOAD OF MATERIALS- iN NEW SPRING COLORS 45" WIDTH -.PATTERNED ACETATE. -NYLON $2 zY 60" WIDTH PLAIN COLORS SATIN BOUND 72" x 84" BLANKETS 55%' POLYESTER ' $it67 45% VISCOSE EA. SATIN BOUND BLANKET TRICOT `'$ 8% - KNIT • EA. ' T