HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-21, Page 6• � PACtE 6r•--C,�DDERICH SIGNA .-STAB, THURSDAY, MARCH• 21, 1.974 Young Canada Opens Larry Jeffery drops first anniversaTy puck Young Cana%l°a -Week celebrities crowded around the Goderich Memorial arena m Saturday ,afternoon for the of- ficial opening of the 11974 tour- nament. , At 2:00 p.m-. dignitaries un-' veiled a plaque com- memorating the tournament's 25th. anniversary. The plaque was presented one • behalf of the town of Goderich. It will be installed at the arena. Mayor Harry Worsell, Young . Canada Chairman Don .Shot- ' treed, Lions Club president Bill "Alcock, Nip Whetstone,, Lorne Wakelin, Guy Emerson, referee in -chief Bill Beacom, • Jack Meriam and former pro hockey star Larry Jeffrey were on, hand. Mayor Harry Worsell, left, Don Shortreed, chairman of the Young, Canada Committee, centre, and Bill Alcock, President' of the Goderich Lions" Club, unveil a plaque presented by the Town of Goderich commemorating the 25th anniversary of Young Canada Week. The plaque -reads: "In 1950 the first PeeWee hockey tournament in the world took place in this arena. It was organized by Nip Whetstone and Lorne Wakelin who saw aneed for competitive hockey in the 12 year and under age group. The first tournament involved 12 Western Ontario °teams, and in 1967, Canada's Centennial, 100 entries' participated. Boys from coast to coast in Canada and the United States have competed. This plaque is presented on the occasiorr•of the 25th annual tournamentby the citizens of Goderich. (staff photo) Tennant, Lorne to renew old: memories Jack Meriam,. who has refereed during Young Canada Week since its inception in 1950, received ,two awards for his services. .Mr. Meriam was understan- dably emotional when he ad- . rented tr-bphies from the Goderich Referees Association and the Goderich Lions. Club. He has lived in Goderich all his life, He started refereeing • when he was 16. Without' a doubt he has enjoyed the job he has done forthe tournament. Larry- 'Jeffrey dropped the puck' for the offi.ial 'face-off between `Kincardine and BY BiLL DIMMICK In 'what couldbe- described _only '.as a happening, hockey madness, inspjred to a small degree by good spirits, descen ded on Goderich during the . opening of Young Canada 'Week that played in the first Canada tournament. The . • scene was lively hand& -were shook, backs slapped and : drinks were bought. The fun began at about 5:30 ..p.m. The entire evening was.infor— mal. Guests ate at their leisure, Young as were 'The first event of the 25th drank at their leisure and made anniversary ceremonies was a public speeches at their leisure, gala buffet dinner at Saltford ° Goderich Mayor Harry Wor- Valley 'j-lall „Friday night.. The sell welcomed all guests with a • bill was' paid by the town of short prepared - speech about Goderich.`• �•.dtwo , hours . after the party began, and that was the- last Everyone• who had ever done , prepared speech. anything for the Young Canada A a referee, who ,-has, been• 9 Week'.PeeWee' "hockey tour- helping with the tournament nament was• invited. About 300 for many years, Warpy. Ten - did. 'Guests • inclu; gcV,,eta ,. *t ar►-t, -prnmised i.,say only 10 ctkuncillors, Goderich Lions, words but droned on 'merrily :referees, coaches, and five, for over 10' minutes. He was, members of the 1949-50 however, well received with ap- Goderich PeeWee hockey team plause and catcalls. County plumbing bylaw finally gets approval I' BY, SHIRLEY J. KELLER Although some members of Huron County Council were still concerned about the wor- ding of the plumbing by-law, in a 'recorded ' vote the by-law • passed 40-14, Actually there were• °two recorded ' votes on the matter. The first was -on an amendment to the former'by-law from 1961 to ,make changes in fees and passed: easily with only one . negative vote,; The second" • half, hoWever, albtting the* funds •which will finance the, department to ini plement the by-law, was not•so well received having 14 . op- position votes. Those members were John Baker, Allan Campbell, *War- den .Bill Elston, Lloyd Ferguson, John Flannery, Joe Hoffman, Robbie Lawrie, Bob Lyonii, Jim Mair, Walter Mcaride, Jack McCutcheon,- Ralph•McNichol and. Jack Tin- ney. Dr: Frank Mills, • Huron Medical Officer of Health, told council that after April 1, the Ministry of the Environment will be taking over. inspection of septiaL t'anks.and'weeping tile beds. He said, the cost for .such. inspection will be $125. Mrs. Helen Jermyn ` of Exeter asked' Dr. '11s what suc3r in- aspections cos at the present tithe. Dr. M' Is estimated $35 at the most . • "H.ow.strongly did we oppose this mover' asked Jack McCut- cheon of Brussels:, Dr, Mills said the Ministry still. has riot made the announcenient .of- ficial although Huron's op- position has been registered through his Office. • 'mom "Public Health people are concerned about it,,' said the *tor. tor. "They ',acre taking our budgets, our' jobs." • • Heanlao said the Ministry has ° rtofield staff as yet and for the present time, the health units have been asked to ,carry on. "It has all been very quiet„". said Dr, Mills. "Eve„n, ou,r'local members of parliament .didn't know." Dr: Mills said the run'totirs are that the revenue from this branch of the Ministry of the Envie-onment will be "$2,000,000 plus.” Only 50 in- spectors are ,expected to be hired across the nrovince, Dr. Mills' also explaind. a "It • will ' be the. rural municipalities'who.will suffer," said the MOH. 'Decision'was reached to send a strongly worded protest to the government on this matter. The health budget , is' up $64,800 to $400;718. It is estimatedthe province will put in $165,400; home care, •$14,800H VON $600; and county ratepayers, $219,918. „.The budget passed without dif- ficulty. Tiger Dunlop TidyTeens He became sentimental, calling out names .of figures who have contributed so much of• their. time -and effort in making Young Canada Week' the. success it is. Lorne Wakelin, a man who is no stranger to„ Goderich, was asked to stand Mr. Wakelin was in town af- ter long albsence„ to ., help celebrate. He along with Nip Whetstone. and .'Guy Etherson made the tournament a reality. All the founding fathers were there' including Stan Stokes of London who was` the referee -in - chief of the tournament for many years_ until he stepped down in •1972:•_., "- Jack "Jack Meriam who, has refereed since 1950 -was there. 1t was time for remembering `old tithes and discussing the future. Community ,.spirit seemed to 0 be personified at • the dinner. Tie narnes.of the many persons attendingwho have done so muchan the ..:community were too numerous to mention. Their actions were sparked by ,the ideals and goals of the tournament . to. 'bring together ,Peewee hockey players for fun d good sportsmanship. 4Throughout Saltford Valley' Ha groups, clustered together, 'cons"<,antl;v changing grid moviiit. Few ind'ividua'ls looked Ivred c r unhappy: The tic of conversation was invartl, ly 'hockey, What was right NAA1.,ti it; what was wrong with tt: The direction minor hoo..key "an', the game in - general was taking aused mild debates. LL Most persons prese t seemed to realize that the dinner was only the begirrning=Young Canada Week was'yet to come, The third meeting of Tiger Dunlop No, 3 club was held at the home of Miss Rubena Brin- dley. 'All seven members an- • swered the roll , call. Sandra hfivens read the minutes for the last meeting. The club name willbe "Tidy Teens". The girls decided to; have lunch after the meeting.' For the next meeting mem- bers are ,to bring material for making a shower ,bag, sewing•' kit or a laundry bag. Everyone' ' decided fo make a laundrybag. The girls filled in hand-out sheets and discussed them. The next. meeting will be at Linda Matthew's home March 25: MIN GODERICH FROSTED FOODS 65 HAMILTON STREET SHOULDER VeaIchops. Veal Patties BEEF Liver,Heart &Tongues L. s1.39 La 89c L. 85c CARNATION -INSTANT ' C�ff�em:ate ir 6.2c BREEZE Detergent 30GANPKG9.19 KLEENEX ' Facial Tissue1ox2 PLY 24c ALL/4,1'S , d Oronge & Sweetened . o 1 qrapefruit fuice 39t BREADED CHICKEN 3 PIECES PRESSURE FRIED 1 BOX Afrozen food Lockers must be emptied BEFORE M RC 30 Exeter. 1VLr,_ Jeffrey is a native of Goderich who .was the first tournament player to go on to -• the National Hockey League. He played " on the '1953 Goderich Pee -Wee team. He is ntiw a scout in',the Detroit .Red Wing hockey organlzation and peaides on a farm just, north of Goderich. Organizers termed the opening ceremonies a great suc- cess. Soon the ' crowd on hand headed for the arena to watch the action as Young Canada Week, 1974 went into full swing. .e (ULERT'SBA1:ERY 41NE.NIOI E OF TASTY -PASTRY" ,. SP�SPECIALS48. WEST ST - E24*7841 ..=1.�. ....... � EVERY .DAY Hot Cross'Buns: SATURDAY ONLY. Y CAKE DOUGHNUTS Watch for our Easter Rabbits & Eggs of display Tuffs; March 19. hat are your 041 • Spray r�quiremnts1 We- offer competitive prices' in:- BLADEX KORN OIL KORN OIL CONCENTRATE AMINE^80-24D AMINE 80MCPA BRUSH 'KILLERS .& lak INSECTICIDES & APPLICATORS Place your orders now... for guarantee1 price anti delivery of Bladex &Korn-al 524-8386 FUELS GODERICH l()lR SII,Iri1.y1�N1UAIWy..'�nw1A,�i1'� S GNADED 8 EV4LUATED 6y A GRalltiATE� OF GEMOLOGICL INSTITUTE OE AMERIO An appraisal document ac- companies- every Ansfett diamond, stating ; the exact quality, grade and value ' of your diamond.' Ourdirect imports of• diamonds allow us to offer. you comparable stones at ' a price • much lower than nationally, • advertised diamonds. DAVID ANS -TETT Da Lda Anstett's, training through the Gemological In- stitute of America qualifies him- as 'a recognized diamond appraiser: ` "IF YOU DON'T KNOW DIAMONDS • MAKE SURE YOU' KNOW YOUR DIAMOND MERCHANT" • e. 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