HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-21, Page 5AddrrdPr, d r-- OId arguinent reopened •,,,•53....)ERICIi SIGNAL -STAR, ILlitSi.)AY MARCiI 21; 197 AGE 5 h�re to A BY SHIRLEYt4, KELLER The old argument of gen. .tralization versus decen- • tralization of Huron Courity'a departments was revived at - last Thursday's session of , county douncil it was learned »the' county 'public library hoard was considering building- a new library headquarters. It was reported the present rented facilities on Lighthouse Street in Goderich are only just adequate and the owners,of the building have other tenanttoin mind. The lease expires in 1976. - "It would appeai that 'the logical ,tnove would lie to larger quarters and to a building owned by the county," said library chairman John P. Flan- nery, Seaforth. "It .has always. been•the policy of the county to provide accommodation for all qthe various departments and then recover its Monies by means of rent." In a 'four -point recommen- dation,, it was suggested the building program be con- sidered; that the future need of the various county departments be studied beforea site is Chosen, keeping in mind the \ crowded condition at the court bond lounirlibro.o? Donnybrook house. building in Goderich; that the location'of the building be in the immediate Goderich area tolUnction in conjunction " with the court hose where ex- pensive off;ice equipment is ,alrea,dy located for use by all county departtrients; and that • $30,000 be set aside as an initial amountin the reserve account for the project. ' During the short but hot discussion, it was pointed out once more that plenty, Of space is ,ready band waiting at • Vanastra, nearer to the centre of ,the dainty than Goderich. The report was accepted as presented although it is assured that,: the location of the proposed new building will be% question for further „discussion as construction lime. nears. The budget at Huronview is up by 20 pertent to'a total of $1;434,970 this year ($1,194,470 last 'year).' The residents will contribute 44 pefcent ($441,187); the Province of On- tario, 48 percent ($695,857); the county of Huron, seven per- cent - ($102,526); . and 'miscellaneous non -subsidy, one percent ($1,000). . The planning board budget is "up subStantially" t� $136,395, said Chairman James A. Main This budget, however, reflects the salary for a new planning technician, simmer student •help. and the noh-recurring. UD1RA (Urban Developinent in Rural Areas) study. ' The secondary plan for the , .• village of Zurich was atcepted after two and one-half year of 'Planning. A by-law was passedctordingly to amend Huron's Official Plum The •Historical Building (the former jail) was d matter for brief discussion at county coun- cij. The a lease,with the. • :Town' of Goderich , Was with- drawn and the county has ac- cepted this change,. Further- more.; •the brief of the Huron County Branch of the Ontario Architectural ConServancy for •,renovations at the jail will be, investigated by the property committee at a meeting soon. . "We're almost back to where we started from a. year: ago," ' remarked Chairman Harold E. Wild, 'Wingham. 1-16 suggested that- councilliors should familiarize themselves WIth the brief which, is lengthy 'anti suitable to, "read yourself to ' sleep; with". • Goderich 'Reeve Deb .Shewfelt said that in•order to» prevent duplication • af meetings. Goderich town•coun- cil had deemed itwise to have , the Conservancy deal directly with the property committee. He said that if a..boa,rd was ap- pointed to • 'operate .the jail project, the tow'n'. would haVe representation on that h-oard. EHD YOU KISIOW AulOrflyOubir Inlico°rnalinicol?C:TitPtianillY1PWailltledsureddhaviirligit your y our premium by 100y0. Auto • 4ift ...11,0ghes Insurante,-Agep,cy. 38 EST. ST GODERICH 524-8100 _ Don MacEWari 824-913,1 • 1972 FORD -TORINO .6 PASSENGER STATIONWAGON V-8 automatic, power steering, power brakea, radio, side moulding, only 27,000 -miles; finished $2895- in'brown. Lic. FAD -883 _ •• JIM HAY'TER- (NEV.-OLDS. DOnnybrOok Unifed Church, ,W.omen 'met Wednesday March 13, at the home of Mrs. R... Bierman with. , a., _good _ dance. , Mrs, R..Jeffetson'opened:-the meeting ,With hytrin 101. 'Mrs. H. Jefferson took the scripture from St, Matthew 26 versesnne to five, followed with a poem "Thirty Pieces", by Mrs. ,Wm.. Hardy. - A hymn, the Old Rugged Cross was:sung, taken, from the songs of the 'Gospel. • Mrs., R. Jefferson ' led in prayer.. Leddy reaa a , poetii,"The Last Supper", Mrs. .R. Jefferson read a story Writ- ten by one Astronaut on] munion in •Space".„ ,Mrs. E. Robinson . read a poem "Constant Lent". Hymn 98, Beneath the Cross of Jesus'' was sung. Mrs„ R. Jefferson, passed out -a-Friendship MeV with members 'taking part. n Mrs. T. Armstrong took the topic ,,piOgraln for Qtivistiatiity". The bukiness was taken,over by ..the 'president Mrs,. R. Hanna. Articles , for the bale were handed in. The UCW arie to cater to a banquet ,in April. „num0er of thank you 'cards Were ,read. • • Hymn. 175, in the songs of the Gospel, was sung, Mrs. R. Jef- ferson - read a poem Gethsemane. Paster Fry closed the meeting.' with prayer. A:social 'time was enjoyed with Mrs.:. .. Thompson and Mrs. T. Armstrong assisting the hostess Mrs. R. Biernan.• Older folks have long complained about how young people however, are in costume for the play, "A Troll Oui.Of Riley practise their: lineit during the, final dress rehearsal before from Goderich 'District Collegiate Institute left for Britain to present the play there. The , group headed by Warren Robipson, an English teacher at GDC1-, left on Saturday. They will return next week. (staff photo) dress. These two teenagers, Deb'Dtinlop, left, and Mark fellow students Tune". they and Still undecided Drama ' p club aid not unanimous • • When thei-Adrainistrative orn,ttee met. fast Thursday the menibers of. that Cody' .coUld not agree on. the , amount, of .support for GDCI'• s Britain Bound students. After much 'deliberation, it was agreed that the matter will only be resolved when coiincil • meets as:, . a whole tonight (Thursday, Matc-h 21). DIsa. ,Haydon. District teachers will study • nutrition More than 100 teachers have registered to participate in two Ontario Milk Marketing Board sponsored workshops .. on nutrition at St. James school n here: , . The workshops fOr • teachers in -Huron-Perth Rorrian ! Catholic separate school area • willbe held Match 2,4 and 27, arid April 2 and 3.• Shari L. Wong, ao-nutrition consultant :with the ,milk • marketing board, will conduct the workshops. She will be, assisted by !John •,,McCarroll, physical ,and odUcation consultant for .the seParate- school board. • Food identifictition, food classification, food choice and. • growth and d*eyelopment- will • be some of the topics, SPECIAL MARCH 21 to 27 Royal Albert Boni) 'China BUY 3-6 pco. piped' settings. GET 1 5 PIECE SETTING PLACE FREE 'Squire, Gifts • HIGHWAY 21 8011114, GODERICH pPipi 1 DAYS A WEAK suggested that the students be supported • to tbe tune '-of $10 , per. sty,dent - $250 but coun- cilla 'Eileen Palmer recom- 'Mended'only "limited financial help" - possibly,. $100. -Coun- cillor . Dave Gower ,reluCfantlyn suggeste,d. that $50 bp, given the' ;,,high school drama club for,the' 'Britain Bonnd students- and Mayor Harry Worsell, was op- , posed to giving the group any grant at all. • Cotincillor Haydon .C•Ornmen- ted that. while she was the!orily person, ar the table with a foreign accent, she was'also the only one who showed any ap- preciable amount of- Pride In Canadian cUlture., ez;Gower said he precedent where trie ,drarna group was Concerned, ' ,While Cou.ncii,lors • HaYdon and Palmer .Z!onld have agreed upon $100, Gower and,..WorAell hesitated to concur. 'Thus the , matter goes to,. a full' Council • •this evening for fOrthei• debate and decision.. • , 'the AdminiStrative commit- - , tee, however, will .recortunend • to council that a luncheon he arranged at municihal exAnse. for the ,students coming to St. ' Mary's 'School in. Goderich from Abbotsford,' British: colurnbia. That group arrives in Goderich this weekend. • and plans are for. the group to be . entertained -by the Town, .,..and •its. representatiVeS early next Councillor was not ,in favour of S'etting a week • 0 WILL BE HELD IN GODERICH, ONT., MARCH 29, TQAPRILZ 1974. Al KNOK:PRESIPIIIIIIIiti CHURN 'Nightly HYIVINTSING 7:45 p m followed by the nightly SERVICE at 8:0° ,PLAN TO ATTEND - - - BRING YOUR FRiENDS. .4.! • THE "FLEXIBLE" CORN HERBICIDE • No residues. Odor-frek__ .4tontrOls animal gras$es and PrOadleaf weeds. . For pre'- °ready post -emergent application.. 4 Np incorporation. .• Works alone or with atraZine. George Jones, one of Canada's leading authorities ontorn cfop marra-gement% talks about Bladex. '"It kills a wide range of weeds—annual grasses vd annual broadleaved weeds That's the first criterion, . it is a .gOod herbcide AlSo, it can be applied over ,a wide range of..44rn.from pre-emergencelo early post -emergence And, firally, frost irriportarit is that it Jeaves no residue for the following crop year, It. is a flexible herbicide it gives the-farrner a lot , of options." *FormerProfeSsor of Plant'ScienceS; On4tatio Agncultgral College, and now'Research Dlrector, Alex M. Stewart a, Son Ltd., Ailsa Crarg. Ont. , • • • ' g xat.• Raw:F/441ow INVITATION1 tRW AOL WILL BE HELP-INa0DERIH, OilT MARCH '29', TO APRIL, 7, 1914. Nightly HYMN SING 7:45. p.m,. followed by the nightly SERVICE at 8:00 p.m. PLAN . TO. ATTEND - $R1N3 YOUR FRIENDS •