HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-21, Page 2rs ,..-1 P'AO--OC)IJtICH SIGNAL, . M t,UTIriURSI YA, MARCH 21, 19/4, C�untyfundsnot solicited Goderich has dared to, dream about a major recreational facility for this municipality. And it is only a dream at this stage although one county newspaper.• - in true Huron County • fashion - has begun to weep and wail before there is any need. The .°BlythStandard. published 'an editorial entitled Here We GoAgain. That editorial was printed in full in Inst week's •Signal,Star (Dear Readers). It voiced strong oppositipn to ,"an unused piece of property (in Goderich) .turned .into an athletic -cultural centre". It: blames "someone in'Gbderich" for con ceiving the idea which will cost "more than a million dollars" and will undoub-. tedly end up with "the 50,x600 people in the county paying fbr it". "It's an all too familiar tune, of course," writes the Blyth editor.: "It has a familiar second verse as well which will see the rest of us in the'county balking at picking up 'the. bill andthem the. third__ • verse will come along with. Goderich lamenting • how backward and short- - ""----sighted we--all-ar-e-bees tse we won't -go along with their' plari". Goderich is always brandedras the big begging bully: who badgers the masses into buying ideas which bolster. Goderich bulwark and beat everyone else into bankruptcy.: This attitude 'is probably most evident at Huron County Council where local representatives bear the brunt, of this parochial whining. In connection with .G.oderich's ' most recent dream 'however, some facts should be. aired 'again.' • it hasbeen no secretin Goderich that the Lions Club has tlke'd about a -CtSverecl swimming pool; 'that the rec board has expressed concern , .about the tight ice schedule at the arena and the absence of' facilities for all types of ynl recreational activities ,here; that private individuals have voiced The need fbr suitable' convention, quarters, meeting rooms ,and auditoriums as well as tennis courts and a track and field stadium. That kind of dreaming goes on in most - communities. But: Goderich Recreation Director Mike Dymond saw the need to bring all these far-sighted folks together-- to talk about their dreams. He, provided the im•-° petus to combine all 'thes2 thoughts and ideas - -to sort out the workable ones'' from -the" outlandish, to separate the possible from the impossible.d Realizing the-. need • for public par- ticipation, plans are now afoot to deter- mine the recreational needs of the corn. munity., A surveykis planned - but not yet approved - whereby students working under a government grant will go door-to-door in Goderich and the surrounding district for a five miles radius, meeting the people and seeking opin'rons. • :.. To date there, are absolutely no firm plans:.. Nothing is delinite:�ltJis dream possible .perhaps, but, still a a, DEAR [DITOR dream. One thing is certain. There is no in- tention to turn this Into a county- -, sponsored project. It started as a com- munity project and that's how . it •will remain. According to, ike Dymond, the • supp,� os ition of a count athletic -cultural • centre put forth in a recent London Free" Press •article is ''geograp"hical Ey ludic'rous" Yes, Goderich has" -dared to dream: lt�; is unfortunate that so much dangerous spedulation has'crept into the limelight. It is even more unfortunate that people with influence throug'hout.the-.county are gullible enough 'to box boogymen that, 'aren't even there. Unnecessary inspection „, The, provincial government is at , it 4. again... quietly but deliberately ,pushing -;,,. the people toward higher costs, and. less grassroots participation. '• The latest move which is causing con, -cern fdr*,local legislators is word that the Ministry of. the Environment is expected to take over • the inspection of 'septic tanks and weeping beds,after April 1 this ` 'year. That news comes as a surprise, to. many Huron County residents including County .00uncill&s. According to Dr. Frank' Mills, Huron MOH, such inspections•will cost $125. There wilrbe a $100 charge'for lot in- spection including soil testing and $25 , for a septic 'tank permit which will in, elude the cost of inspecting the'tank•-af- ter :installation 'and before , being -, -: •covered,, The cot7nty health *unit . now k",.`cal;fies out inspection for about $35. hi'dioations are that only 50 inspectors will be retained for the entire province. Locally, the .office will be established in , London and when a septic system is in- stalled in `Huron; an inspector' will be called out of The Forest City. Dr. Mills feels' that if local citizens are com- plaining about inspection delays now, • they will be even more disgruntled after' April 1. if .the proposed systern gets going. L. There may be some hope, however. It fl °Ilan liquor ads •Dear Editor' • 'Producers generally *want to promote the -sakes of their product. The liquor industry . along with:the others desires- to promote the sale of its wares. This desire has. -led” to what many consider to •be a 'dangerous half-truth.— The _ liquor industry ' con- .,tinually ,presents a 'picture of attractive, well-dressed young. people enjoying a moment of relaxation along with the use of .its product. We'll grant that • there is 'an element of ;'truth is understood the work of the Ministry of ,the' Environment may `be carried out by -the local health units. While cost factors wilt 'remain the samern. - and requireents the same' - there will be . a certain measure of local • control, This, -of- course..would be the preferred method if - Huron health 'officials have their -Way. Judging from comments at last week's county council meeting, inspections un- der the 'Ministry of. the Environment would ,be costly from- the_ standpoint of ' inspeCtjon fees, unnecessary 'requirements and needless' delay. ' It is no wondercdunty council has opted to send a strongly worded letter of protest ' to the provincial government. But will the province listen? -.From past experiences, county bouncil;knows Ontario government does not pay much 'attention to' suggestions from them - unless, of course, the recommendations happen to..fit in with provincial planning. Huron members must be commended for their continued optimism about briefs to the Legislature, Maybe this time their, . voice will be heard in time to stop this foolish waste of citizens' time 'and money. _.M here - in that this is the manner. in which many of the youth of our day do enjoy a moment of relaxation. , • ' But this is -Pot the' whole truth. The use of . alcoholie heverages is . associated with other situations. . It is ;a ssociated with' drunkenness, highway. •accidents; death, broken Domes, impoverishment etc. . This, is one side of the picture that. is rarely if ever brought to the ,attention of the general public. I understand. that in the province of British Columbia. NOTICE -,THE GODERICH S GNAL-STAR WILL PROVIDE REPRINTS OF. PICTURES HIGH, HAVE APPEARED' IN THIS•.•PUBLICATION. ONLY 8 INCH x. 10 INCH PRINTS WILL BE MADE. COST WILL BE $5 EACH. ALL ORDERS MUST BE PLACED'WITHIN TWQ. WEEKS AFTER RHE PIC- TURE 'HAS APPEARED IN NEWSPAPER. ALL ORDER'S MUST BE PREPAID. THE SIGNAL -STAR WILL NOT BE HELD 'RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY,. DAMAGE WHICH MAY OCCUR IN -MAILING. PLEASE ALLOW ONE MONTH FOR DE'L'IVERY. all liquor- advertizing has been • In this province youth and' the public generally are allowed to make an open, un- biased decision about the, use Moi this product. Would this,.,not be a saner position for our proyince to take? • ') Birds best, Dear Editor: The picture .and item about Russ Batten of Sunset Beach and his feeding of the birds and their antics was refreshing to read and enjoy amid. all • the bad news we have to, read. • I just had to sit down and BOOKING 9ACK 1111111111111111111111111 • 75 YEARS AGO A band- of seven brav* met and conquered' an equal nurti e ber of warriors from the Star block at the rink last Monday evening. Both sides disguised their intentions, und the name of hockey. Jack r ms was there to see that fai ' lay .was adhered to: The bpys from the -- .Signal block ` scored five times and their opponents thrice. The Kensington furniture factory •has been sold to' F.G. Rumball,,of London,'who lithe largest shareholder in the present company. Staff -Captain Phillips' talk op the Chinese of the Pacific cdast Sunday afternoon at the S.A. barracks vas. interesting and instructive throughout. The caretaker, of the town clockfias had quite a time. the. past week looking after his charge. The sleet clinging to the. dials froze and stopped the hands. Time and time again '.the clock was started only to be frozen up again. It has been suggested that this might be remedied by obtaining a glass face for the clock. It was also suggested that the town illuminate the numbers. so -the clock can be read at night. The question is, can we afford it? . Saturday night two teams made 'up of "employees of the Henderson Bicycle Co, had a. hockey• match at the rink` the " .first:' 'floor men ver"su's ; the • second floor. -men. The fellows played a• fierce game going at one another in fine style. The , referee, W. McCarthy, • let the boys break •one anothers' heads one' would be much write the little verses about it,. happier to, live in a province where my children were not constantly .and persistently, arid right in their own living room, dinned ` with this -• dangerous half-truth. . Liquor- advertising should be • banned in Ontario so that our 'children could- make an ,open, unbiased responsible, decision apart from. this daily, and` sometimes hourly barrageof a dangerous .half-truth. Rev. ' Bill Wilkinson Box 118, Lion's -Head, Ont. ...NOW4m.. which fellow: • HERE THEY COME! Seeds in the feeder . And suet' hung high Lure the winter birds From far and from nigh. Also his pipe ---- .Helps warm birdy toes. Just a little 'extra' -He .gives as he goes. • O ° m•, CcNa: _.r n,elen rtr .,1 ATIf)N PAID Do put it, in the Signal Star, for it's ,the little homey things that help brush 'worries:,away, for a bit. Grace Tolbert 118 • Decatur St., as well as a few of the rules. The score' was 3-2 in favour of, the' downstairs seven. 50 YEARS AGO On April 11 The Lions Club are to entertain two "visitors, from Guelph at a banq>,iet and social evening. The two men ate G.D. 'Hastings,. city manager and mayor of Guelph, Y and the business manager and vice-president of the C.P.R. 'railroad. The two are coming to discuss the rail line and its con- dition and benefit to the two ,communities. Capt. McElroy, referred to in "" the 'following item from ,Great Lakes Ripples is the husband of, Miss Mabel Chambers- of Goderich. The.captain has :been. appointed to succeed', Captain Fred Bailey, as marine superin- tendent' for the Pittsburgh Steamship Company. , Apt. 8 Cuifnberl•and, Md., U.S.A. 21502' Than* Dear Editor, At the meeting of the Water and Light. Commission on i .Thursday even Qng an q ap- plication. from , Mr. " W.B. Graham, for electric range ser- vice for 'his residence' oil Newgate • Street.' The ,own A . Orn`- behalf of .the" G.D C.I, engineer •was . instructed to in- 4stall the service as soon as students and• myself who are..' nLMpossible:. Britain Bound oarch 16th, The 'lecture and sacred con- ' I would like to sincerely thank • cert in St. Peter's Church on the people of Goderich and Monday evening lived up.to its surrounding. districts for their advance notices and a large support, audience enjoyed the. event to A special "thank you"a is' ex- ' the full. Topics for the speakers tended ,to Mr. and Mrs. Brian .. were, SSL. Patrick, the Apostle Markson ' for making all the • of Ireland" and The Hiberman necessary arrangements for the Emigrant of Fifty Years Ago trip, giving generously of their and the, Irishman of Today. " time and providing us with Visiting and. local musical door prizes and decorations for talent rendered a- choice . the hall: • ' proffram music., ' of high-class sacred -Donations. received from . the Goderich Lions Club and the Goderich Little Theatre are 5 YEARS A'G'O ' also much appreciated. For the second time in just The coverage given to our ,over a •month, the Maitldnd trip by' the Goderich Signal,. River pushed itself beyond' its `Star has made it easier for °us banks when the mouth of, the to raise funds.' -� river. became clogged' with We are,looking forward to heavy ice. Hordes in••the Salt - our trip and thank everyone ford ,flatsarea were again Who has helped -us in any ray. , threatened as the water sought • Sincerely, out. a new area for its, flow. A Wanda Linne light rain has increased the - �IJt eObtCitb SIGNAL-ETAR {-} . The County Town Newspaper of Huron--�,}--- P Founded in 1848 and published every•Thursday at Goderich,,Ontario. Member of the CWNA and OW.NA. Advertising rates an request. Subscriptions payable in advance. $8.50 in Canada, $10.00 in .all countries other than Canada, single copies 20 ,cents. Second class mall Registration Number 0716Advertising Is accepted on the condition that, In theevent of. typographical error, the3 advertising space occupied 'by the erroneous item, together -with reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged rate. In the the for bu't•thA balance of the advertisement will be paid for at ,*, event of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong price, goods or service may not be scud, Advertising is merely an offer to sell, and maybe withdrswn at. any time. The SignaiStar Is not respdnsible for the loss or dijmage of unsolicited manuscripts or photon. •- •,, __ Pubiiehed by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. ROBERT G-SHRIEA-preaidert and publisher SHIRLEY4J. KELLER--editor Business and Editorial anise TELEPHONE 5244331 area code' 51a Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 220, Goderich Ser nd Clew mall registration number --0716 BILL DIMMICK-editorial staff - JEFF SEDDON-editorial staff EDWARD J. 'BYRSKiadvertising manager DAVE R. WILLIAMS-advertising representative • With.a big smile and a 'warm handshake, 11 -year-old Billy Lynch thanks Prime Minister .,Trudeau 'for his ,purchase, of the' first' sheet of Easter Seals in Ottawa last Monday. The young Believllle°lad, who is Ontario's "Timmy" for 1974, flew to the capital where he and the Prime Minister visited a "stuffing bee" organized by the local Notary club and spoke to hun- dreds of volunteers b sily•engaged in shifting campalgn, envelope$'with Easter Seals and appeal°I'etters in preparation for t'he,huge mailing to prospective donors in the area. During an informal stroll through they busy work room in the Chateau Laurier, the Prime Minis't ►r chatted with a number of the vblunteers and took time out to alt do i l and stuff, some 06- 0 velopes himself. Al a brief luncheon during the volunteers mid-day break, he Prime Minister paid tribute, to the efforts of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children and stressed the continued need for all Canadians to become'nmore involved in community endeavours in en attempt 'to change or improve existing conditions where such change is needed. To meet the changing,,nbeds of more Than 13,000 handictlfpped ,youngsters throughout this province, the OntaroeSociety for Crippled Children must raise $1,800,000 during the dampalgn period which fins from.March 14 until Easter Sunday, April 14. -' • r problem and some residents % have already been forced to abandon ' their homes and Readers, .are ,cordially invited to express their opinions of local, provin- cial and federal issues through the Letters to the Editor column of The Goderich Signal -S ar. All letters must be signed to be published, although pen" names ars permissible providing . It is understood that upon roquest from another reader, the letter writer's true name Will be revealed. While there is no limit to the length of a letter erhiph can be offered fbr® ° publication, the editor doss reserve the right to delete portions of any copy submitted for in- , clulrlon In thls newspaper. Take an active Interest In your hometown newspaper. Write a letter to ,the Editor,, today possession's. Sixteen -hundred puck clap- pers ballooned the population of the town this -week as the Goderich Lions Club nineteenth annual Young Canada Week hockey -tour- nament gets underway. -ighty- four teams . from western and eastern Canada, Ontario- and parts of the United States will compete in the tourney. The Ontario Municipal'•„ Board has given its blessing to a town bid for 're -zoning part of the south-east 'quadrant of the Victoria St. and Elgin Avenue intersection. The property is slated for -- construction of a fourth service" station on the five ,points corner: Gseeri h District Col9egiate , . Institute has received 4a clean bill of health from area superintendent of schools. In the .report the superintendent praised the students for their sense of social responsibility in such matters as school.super• vision, extra-curricuaar ac-. .tivities and• aid the students-•ot: fered to the Children's Aid. l9