HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-14, Page 25IJ a A ql leader' -un 04:0p form m ro• pODh RICH SION4 L -STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 11914PAGIC t3A BY BILL DIMMICK.� The banquet hall ,hushed as the. messiah of Ontario ,Liberalism, Robert Nixon, con- fidently gazed , past the microphone at the 230 party faithful gathered to hear what. was wrong with the Davis Government and what the Liberals were going to do about it. "After 30 years of conser•- votive.. government it's time for . a change. After three years of Bill Davis' government it's definitely time for, a change," Mr° Nixon. declared. • . ,He was speaking to the • the throne should include. Tocombat the ever rising cost of " living, the province. needs a'prices ,eview board to= investigate and report causes of rising prices., The government must in- troduce a balanced or surplus . budget to `'help combat in--- flation, Mr. Nixon said. He 'cited a recent statement from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. "The current rates, of growth (of governrnentopen- IdingLare excessive and hays contributed in a major way to domestic inflation," was the extract from the statement Mr. Nixon produced. Deficits from , the last four • budgets have exceeded $1.4 ..-'billion dollars, he noted. The deficit is only one con- cern,.' he said. A farmer himself, Mr. Nixon is concerned about the rapid loss of prime farmland. •"The provincial 'govern- ',Anent's' objective should be to keep viable h.rmland • in, production," he said. 'Western "Ontario North Regional., Liher'als ''at their lead,er's dinner and annual meeting, February 27,. at the .Wingham Legion hall. Mr. ,Davis's recent cabinet shuffle was .termed "irrespon- sible' by;Mr. Nixon. When the legislature resumed, new men, who don't know 'their jobs well, will face, questions from the Opposition they won't be• able to answer, Mr. Nixon "argued. • Mr. Davis announced cabinet changes last. December.. The changes,should have. been made ,sooner., M -r, Nixon said. . As .for Dalton Bales, former Attorney General? ` "Fired" andput, out on the street," Mr, Nixon commented. Why did 'the shuffle take i�.a. Qui'.'. program motoring The-- 1.ar"ge,..�turn....out•..{.o....:o�r�...� , ,Jt-..�. , craft•sessions has prompted us Young Canada. Week as .we un= to set up a definite -time period derstand that most mothers .for the teaching of crafts. Lin- will have their hands full with f Ruth B t children who are at home, The der the 'di.rection o ut eu - tenmiller the sessions will take program will resume on March. P who -is a home economist with nesday mornings between 9:30 and 11:30. Ruth will be the Children's. Aid' Society, devoting the Wednesday; speaking on the topic of March 20th class to the art of „ Money Management'''. She bottle antiquing. If you ' have will cover all aspects of home ever' wondered :how you could budgeting. furnish your house with an - The .programs, are held at St. inexpensive bti't highly George''s Hall., Babysitters will decorative form of,art, come by • be provided at the Hall' for ' and find out. ,The ;process is. those mothers who would like` easy, to learn and the results tocome to the program 'with worth the effort: -'All that we their children. It is hoped°that ask is' that you bring some tin- mothers will ,bring one of €heir lace at the Centre on .Wed- 28th vyith 'Maralyn Penfold, He stressed the need for a ,policy .allowing the provincial minister of 'agriculture to ob- ject, not only to federal projects eating up the land such as Sar- nia to Montreal pipeline, but to provincial highways and hydro dams. Speculators should be, regulated to prevent. farmland from °laying in disuse. Mr. Nixon urged strict ton - to prevent foreign owner- ship of Ontario recrehtion,al lands. Municipal governments should be given, more. freedom•. Provincial grants • .should be ties without strict 'directiv'es as to - where the money should be spent, he said. "The -Powers of the Ontario Municipal Board to review and reverse municipal government foil. - The biggest news this week is something we're sure everyone ,children's toys. - Our income tax service for:, those over 65 years of age• and- with an income of less than knows about and that is Young $5,000 has been going very Canada Week which is 'being " well. The service is freeto all held here in Goderich: However those who qualify and is• run by since, many of our programs specially trained volunteers. If place? take place at the arena we. have you are having any trouble To present more political , had to relocate .:them for this with your tax orw'you are not embarrassments, Mr. Nixon week. As a'result we will be • sure how to fill out the Ontario • moving our 'card games and Tax Credit system form .come "Listen 'to Your ' Body" .. by or call' us at the Centre .at program to Mackay Hall. - 524-6651. All of our' programs are free The cardam'es will 'be held g of charge. If you are inte'r'ested in any of the .above feel free to drop in at ,our office at 34 Kingston Otreet or call us bet- ween 9 and .5, every weekday. said., d 'When the speech from the throne/ is read, the Liberal party will listen with care, Mr. Nixon maintained: ' ith great precision, he outlined .what the speech from ..at the same time on- Monday, ..Wednesday and Friday bet- ween 2, and 4 p.m. If you' enjoy. Bridge, Euchre or 500 come out and join:, us.• Prizes ° will be ' awarded to_ the high winners of each days game. The "Listen to Your Body" prograin _will still be held on F Monday, Tuesday and Friday between 10 and. 11:30 in the • morning. If you find it difficult to relax or would like to learn a different approach to losing weight come out and -join in the session. The exercises are cen- tered around: yoga r positions' and - learning - how to con- sciously control your muscles and mind to relax and lose ten-` sion, and anxiety. All you,,have • to bring is 'a heavy blanket or sleeping •bag and come dressed. in comfortable clothing. There will be no "Women's NOTICE 1974iNTERiM-TAXES DUE MARCH 31st, 1974 Interim tax bills are bean rf►alled this week and are due March 31st 19744.>, interim bill is paYable in one installment at all Char- tered Banks and Victoria & Grey Trust. ,Co., Goderich The interim tax rate is 40 mills and interim taxes of $10.00 or less are exempt from this bijling. Final tax billing will follow at a later date, du sten June- 30th and October 31st. Tho bill will reflect the , total rate, less interim .-levy of '40 'Mills. J. Harold Walls, A.M.C:I`., C.M.C. 7, Clerk -Treasurer `II • decisionsshould be sharply curtailed,; he emphasized. He„ called on the provincial government to use its powers to { FYOU CARE. ENOUGH GIVE GENEROUSLY( alleviate the steep housing costs in the province. Removal of, the provincial sales tax on building materials and opening up •provincially owned lands were his solutions. Mr. Nixon, attacked provin-° cial BO 11 27 5 saying: "The rights of- teachers and trustees to negotiate the 'Level and nature of education services witljout compulsory arbitration should be guaranteed." ' Rewrite or abandon bill 275, he said. The, function of the On- tario Development Corporation. should be changed from "a 'grantor of funds to an initiator of •businesses",, Mr. Nitron maintained. The money would spark growth in Canadian companies' to combat the flame of .foreign domination now' engulfing On- tario's economy, Mr. Nixon said - He also felt that women's rights in the courts should be strengthened; denturists'should'. be licenced to provide low-cost dentures; landfill,, sites should „be : abandoned and •replaced with recycling; 'urban transit systems should hely ,on tried and tested- transportation means. The government should at- tempt to equalize the7cost of Young canaaa tourney.... (continued from page 1 b) judge and a representative to 'count shots on goal .during. the extra periods. ' - A shot on goal is defined as a shot that would have entered the net had there been- . no goalkeeper in the net. While the rules are r1igid and ° the competition is keen, Nip Whetstone has said that he likes to think the main em- phasis is on good sportsman- ship and fun. There is too much -emphasis ;on winning now than in ,^the • past,- he has said. During the early, tour- •" naments, young hockey players, dressed together, ate together and generally chummed around together. They got to be good friends. The fraternizing is'rare now. Some coaches won't allow their Ontario . living throughout On- tario,especially, in the north, Mr. Nixon said. He was greeted with deafening applause when said that the Conservative 'Govern - Ment should be dealt .with critically and the peciple'of• On- tario ,,should be shown that a responsible alternative=; the Liberal party, was available. At the conclusion of Mr, Nixon's speech, . the . °Western . Ontario North Regional Liberal Association conducted a, brief annual meeting. ; Retv,rned to - office " were President, Douglas Sell, Strat-' ford; �' Vice-president, Duncan McCallum, Hanover; Treasurer William Elston, RR 4 Winglain; Secretary, Willian;� Somerville, -Stratford; and Directors, Kent Lamont, RR- 5 Paisley,; Ross McLelland„ Mount Forest, Robert Camp- bell, Owen. Sound, and Beryl, Harper, Goderich. • The executive also' includes ,presidents of all riding associations. Tredstirer William Elston reported a bank balance of $97. The meeting cameto a close amid hoisted' drinks,, backslap- ping, handshaking, and plenty of smiles al•1 around. • , players to eat with members of'' other teams. While a bit of the tour--.. `.'ntC'nienth's tr"fierid '1 1r ess__'_h' s-.. disappeared the caliber of play certainly has not diminished. • "Goderich can be proud of the forthcom-ing silver anniversary of the You'`hg Canada Week . .hockey tournament. • - The Ontario Society for Crip- pled Children"s current active ' case load consists of-rxr-ore than 13,000 handicapped children throughout Ontario. ,, The Ontario Society for Crip- pled- Children's rippled-Children's 21-aistrict Nur- sing Offices prM fide a con- sulting , nursing ,service to h`an-' dicapped children - and their parents in the home though its 40 specially trained •' public health nurses. • • • NE FOR HORSES AND RIDERS ssaa:�caa'� :acn gala ENGLISH ANG•,, W f S T° °E R N 2'4 ERIE STREE' STRATFC'RG ONTARIO NSA 2M4 TELEPHONE 5 -� English • 'Western Tack. Stable & Grooming Smiles { Farnham Horse Health Products Books -Blankets & Riding Helmets Get Your `Gear Here w For all your Horse Riding Needs • „y v 9th. ANNUAL . p Re -Opening CONTINUES TO MARCH 20 Store wide Reductions THE SEPARATE SHOPPE .. Main Corner - Clinton BLOUSES - PULLOYERS, MAKES ALL PRICES QPEN 2-6 - CLOSED wEDNESDAYS The Curiosity Shoppe 79 Hamilton St.-•Goderich oPTHIS WEEK'S SUPER SPECIAL EDGWOOD SPER WARE % OFF Purchase all your Gift,Giving Items from 1/2PriceSale Gordon Fraser Tram. Ribbon Bows, Wrapping Paper, German Clodks, Music Boxes, ', ewelf Boxes, Germs{n Dolls, Vienna Woods China, Clay Bakers, Queen Vic- toria Oven Wear. ' .a ANTIQUES y O%.OFF CLOISOF.(NE- 1 a% OFF PHONE '524-0601- ,; K. PREVETt SQUIRE GIFTS HIGHWAY 21 °SOUTH, GODERICH PHONE 624-7920 " THE HvOUSE OF FINE QUALITY— STO.RE4IQUItS,,