The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-14, Page 13A
Under the "G"
Goderich was very much in evidence, at the 37th Annual
American and Canadian Sportsmen's Vacation and Boat,
Show from March 1 to 10 in.Cleveland 'Ohio, According to
Jack Thomson apf Tourist Promotions LiMIted In Dresden,
response to the Goderich booth' was 'good. Thomson is
predicting an influx of tourists to the Goderich.. and Lake
Huron area this year because'of the gas shortage In the
' United States. Note 'how the photos of .Goderich were.cut
and" arranged In the. shape of a big ".G",
no risk to citiiens
U Superior' Propane Ltd. has
applied to the town of Goderich
to buy part .of Lot 2 on, .the
Maitland Concession.
• A, spoke. man 'for the com-
pany''told to council at. its
regular meeting, March 6, that
the lot comprises about five
The company wishes to build
~, offices, warehousing and
distributing facilities on the
land, the spokesman said.'
-Councillor' Bill Clifford
asked -about the safety of such
an• installation.. He'referred to a
disastrous propane'explosidn in
Toronto about. 11 ,yeaaars ago.
A ntniber of improvements
in safety have been made since
that time, the spokesman
Spacious sites have been
chosen where risk : to- nearby°
residents, if any, is minimized,
in case of an explosion, he ex;_
plained. -• •
A11'sites `are approved by the
Ontario Energy Ministry, he
added. "•
Mayor Harry Worsell asked
.if the proposed site would be
large enough. ,
• The • site is five. acres and
would 'be- .adequate, the.
5 .d
' By 1952, 37 teams 'competed 'Week 'has not lost .its identity.
during a six-day tournament. , Another problem confronting
`The Goderich Lions took over the tournament in past years
The biggest little' hockey ' `organization that year as the was -false birth certificates.
,touraiamenti-in Canada has number of teams playing were Overage players were getting
come of age,This year, Young too much for the original com- on the ice and destroying the
Canada week celebrates, itsittee to handle. meanings and values, the tour -
25th anniversary, March 15 to The9' number of teams in- nament had come to represent.
March 23. y volved grew. In " 1954 there ' The problem was sol •ed
Young , Canada Week, is were 46.. In 1955, 60 teams. % en Jack' Christie, presi. nt
"touted as the biggest, best, and competed." By 1965 there were of the OMHA, promised to sup-
' oldest PeeWee hockey tour- 87°°port the, Goderich event.
narnent in the world. ' The largest-Mourn#men, was in 1960, the OMI -IA began
'To live up to that reputation in 1967 when 100 teams were adriinistrra-,tion of PeeWee
and. make the anniversary year registered as part of Cahada'•s' • organizations. It' issued young
memorable, the Young Canada centennial celebration: - hockey ,players with playing
Committee, has been planning Maximum -tournament en certificates and gave the
the event since the close of last -.tries have been limited to 88 Goderich Lionel Young Canada
year's activities. teams since that time. Week a tournament permit.
The 1974 activities will begin In 1960, Young C.ianada week The tournament, although it.
"March 15 with a huge buffet "beca3trie affiliated with the On- is •sarictioned by° the ' OMHA
dinner -at Saltford Valley Hall tario Minot Hockey Association :--mid uses its rules, has some
for people who hffve helped and ' the Canadian ,Amateur unique regulations,
make the tournament a success Hockey A§sociation. ' The first two periods of, 'a
over the last 25 years. '' • Soon the American Amateur . game Fare .,played '15 minutes
People who have served on
committees, housed young
hockey .players, been referees,,
served 'meals and generally
• assiste 1 in . making the tour-
•nament successful, are invited.
A • plaque, donated by the
AAll .about beans
Hockey Association was ' ii-t1i i
y stratg�'ht time with the -�teains"
nt en abetween' eriods
recognized and. themtournarne changing d p
ga fined an internationel` without ,an intermission.
reputation. Foljoa►ing a fivers minute iri-
'Through the years «many ¶, ter'mission, the third . period is .
other similar tournaments have. ,,played for '15 minutes stop
started but .Yount Canada can time. w
town of Goderich; will be still,take its place at the top of , In case of.a,tic in series finals
dedicated just before the" the list. there is a -five.. minute �inter-
mill es
opening game, cor�imemorating:• A total of. 11 trophies are miiesion followed by 10 in
former participants who now presented to the PeeWee coin- • stop time sudden death.peripda
play in the National • Lockey petitors. Refereeing is of the a>tntil a Winner is decided.
League. ..highest caliber and the ° In case of a"tie at the end of
' between 30 and 35 names of organization is excellent. ---"r regulation 'titre 'in all games
hockey players, who once saw Yourtg Canada Week _ has' other than• series finals,' two
action in Goderich' during travelled some rocky 'roads -five. minute 'sudden death
Europe will Increase "purchases of Ontario White Beans this year, predicts Philip Durand, of
Zurich, :Ontario, Chairman of the ;Ontario White -Bean Producers Marketing Board. Mr:
Durand (above, right)last month completed a six -country European tour to assess future,
demand for Ontario white beans. Shown with Mr. Durand In .the lobby of Ontario House in
London, England, are the two other members of the threeiman mission-, John'Hazlitt (left),'
of 'Goderlch, and Joseph -Miller, of Dashwood; both`Board Directors.
private industry may.
FLgure in Iieayy water
4, Ontario's future heavy -water
manufacturing- plants ,' may ' be
owned by private industry, D.J.
Gordon; Ontario , Hydroas'
president told the ..Ontario
Energy Board last week in
. To .alleviate our
.program We would like to see
private industry become in-
volved' in this` program and we
'have so invited them", Mr.
Gordon said. •
Replying to,aquestionon the
spokesman said.
Fears df tampering with' Ycrung' Canada Week, will be however. -.In 1956, organizers straight time,•overtime periods, possibility that it °might. be
p ms .from , nterm ssion are run
r.o ane ectiiprti , . •_.-
• pressed by, Councillor Elsa Commit-
is pieasee with the response Y t the tfia: tie still' exists, shots,AM ''volved, Mr. • Gordon expressed
Haydon. , ,r .. , -
The spokesman as-oired her
that the' entire ata would be
'fenced and other; security
measures .-would_ make "tam:'
ent ;were ex engraved on the plaque. realized .that 11 teams ,without more expensive in the short
propane 1 The Young Canada C t Toronto were competing. "played,
to have private enterprise in
The fared tha
• -�' 'er, nts who-Goderich tournament, woi±ld • h in, the. overtime periods the view that unless private in -
of Goderich � m cktai► •
will decorate ;windows to help. lose its identity. { " • i •deternnine' the winner. dustry "can come : up with
celebrate the week' The problem was soon 'solved Each 'team provides a goalr, something very, very special it
The 'tournament, itself' will when organizers 'contacted the ,, (continued on page -'13A) ,will be more expensive to have
tit 88 teams on ice during the Toro* Hockey League, ,
pering almost impossible.
Reeve Deb Shewfelt,sai'd that
the move to the concession list
would make the ; propane
fatalities safer. than °the, present
location on Wellington Street.
week. 1"hatos quite an .increase
since the original -one -day, 12
team tournament held in 1949;
In 1'949, the players skated'
on the newly opened. artificial
Cou"incl voted to discuss •the•ieearena under the guidence"'of
sale at a joint committee Nip. Whetstone, known' as the .; �.
meeting March 14 father of Young Canada Week, ,
Young Canada
has been
Week Parade
Match 16,
'and Lorne •W'akelin,'7the4aren=a
, manager who was another big
PeeWee 'hockey fan. .
Mr. Wakelin nciw resides, in
Newfoundland but he is .still a
big-fan.of the tournament.
Because ..the tournament's
• fame quickly spread, 25 teams
entered the' event - the next year:
The president of the league .
came to Goderich for a two-day •
conference. He worked out an
agreement with Young Canada
They :decided all teams from'
the THL.and its •affiliates who
wanted to enter ,the Goderich
event would be referred to, .as
the Toronto leakil'e.
Toronto officials would con-
duct ,playoffs to decide on one
team from the THL and one
• from its affiliates to attend the .
'IOU t. -
The agreementstill -stands
and Goderich's Yoting Canada
private industry on•.ese"
plants.';' '
The Hydro president told the°
-Board that he hopes a decisiop
will be made by the enc>of
April. ,. a
"We have received proposals,
from a number of people he
said, "and we are sitting down
and dist:ussing these, proposals
with the various companies." ,
Hydro is planning to
quadruple its heavy water
,manufacturing capability at the
Bruce' ' nuclear complex near
Kincardine. The }heavy Water is
a vital part of the CANDt'
;nuclear system on which hydro
is basing its loos range nuclear
generating program,
The submission,of Ontario's
evidence supporting its
'proposed $15 -billion system ex-
Goderith's little daitly�
coming once again
-x^11 . .\,. r••• ..._-...
This year, the Signal ;Star
,,,Young Canada Daily News
.welcomes three new faces.
The three faces belong to
Gary, Loewen, Jim MacDonald
and Dave Sykes who will . be
covering the anniversary tour-
nament for the Daily News:
These three young men are
second year journalism
students at Conestoga College's
'-boon 'Centre in Kitchener, At
'school they are referred to as
the {Three„ Jocks"
All hold a,.keerr, ,interest in
sports and sports vyr.iting. They
have said -they -are looking for-
ward to covering this major
event in Goderich..
pansion program, heir;g ieatrd
by the Ontario E>ergy 'Board,
was . £ompleted last week •
following seven weeks cif public'
• bearings. Hydro's ten witnesses
have been, cross-examined
most. of the` 10 days
by'the"En61rgv hoar 3'., ,•',,,+,se1.
representa•iVF's • 'al-
interest groups aar:l
Argument has been received,
from the Ontario Mwi'tcipal
Electric As` oeiation, Pollution 0,
Probe, the Sierra Club, of
tario, the Niagara Basic Prower
t1s-ers Committee 'CIsn.
tetested individuals. >it>,re the
' hearings'are reces4ed 'this geek,
the 'Hoard',v�r�'i hear argument
• on the Hydro c ase f; o>t E lei gy •
Board's. counsel ,and Hydro's
Can you name these people?
This picture of thio 1900 Taylor's' Cornef °Prstime Club was
sent to the Signal -Star. by Mrs. E. Bolander of Port Elgin.
Mrs. Colander received the photograph, from, the lady who
"now owns a°cabin called The Logs near,Port Elgin. The Logs
was formerly owned by Ben Willing* who is believed to have
loft 110 photograph In the cottage. The Signai-Star Invites
oldtimers from Goderich and aria, particularly Taylor's Cor-
ner, to "identify the people in lite picture for us. Just send
'whateverinforrrnation you have concerning `thin" photograph
to The Goderlch Signal -Star, c/o Editor Shirley J. Keller, Box
220, Indu$trlall Park, Goderich. The p rson@who In the editor's,
opinion pfbvides rite most accurate Wait - nation, will receive
the photograph as a " gift.
?.w r