HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-14, Page 11a^r GQPERICH SIGNAL,, -.STAR, Tk URSDAY, rMAROH 14, 1sii4—PAG*• ; t' V▪ G' ices., :er 5 F that worth Nous Y Is e 7 -13., SERVICES AVAILABLE HOME'' REPAIR SERVICE Painting, roofing, eavestroughs • cleaned and repaired, chimneys repaired or removed: FREE ESTIMATES Paul Lassaline 524.7158 Ken Duncan 524-6065 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS .25. IN MEMORIAM' FREMLIN: All persons, having , claims against the estate of Albert' Edward Fremlin, late of the Town of Clinton, who died • October 26, 1973, are required ,,,to file proof of same • Vvitli the undersigned' on or before March 11, 1974, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of; which the undersigned shall then have' notice and the undersigned • will not be liable to any 'person of whose claim he shall..not then have Notice. Dated at Goderich this 14th day of February, 1974. Richard, Dilloni,.Fremlin and Harriett ' Elizabeth Louch, Executors, • by their solicitors herein, Hunter, Parker & Rivers Barristers and Solicitors, 44 North Street Goderich, Ontario. -9,10,11b YOUILFURNITUIkE AND CARPETS DESERVE THE ,. BEST! • 1 S. PUBLIC NOTICE A i'IAL . A 771, td. yers, ,hers, ights, to ✓ 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE to Creditor's: All persons having' claims again. t ,the Estate 'of WILFRED ALEX SCOTT, late of the Town of G,oder'ic•h, , in the County 'of Huron, 'who died on or about the 7th day of January, 1974,' are required to file the same with full particulars- with. the under- signed by fhe 3Qth day of March; 1974, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated „at Goderich, Ontario, this 4th day of'Marchr +974. g Prest and Egener, Barristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Esatale.-10,11,12 NOTICE' TO CREDITORS' and others in 'the estate.' of • CHARIrES , ERNEST MITCHELL: All persons having claims against the estate of Charles Ernest Mitchell, late of the Township of Colbirrne, , in the County -of Huron, who died January 29, 1974, are 'required to file prof of same with the undersigned on, or before March 31,1974, ,,after. which date the estate will be distrihuted with "regard only to 'the claims of which the undersigned shall then have 'notice 'and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claims she shall not then have notice. ' Dated at Goderich this l l th day of March, 1974. aitie Aileen. Mitchell, Execufrm'f by her solicitors herein, t; • • • HUNTER, PARKER &. RIVERS. Barristers and„ Solicitorrs. 44 North Street oderich, Ontario.—.11• ROIj3INSON: All .persons having claims against the Estate of CHARLES EDWARD ROBINSON., Retired Master 'Mariner, late of the own of'Goderich, in the County of uron, Who died 'on'or about the 3rd day of October, 1973 are equired to file the same, with full • articulars with the undersigned by he 23rd day of March, 197'4, •as af- r that date the assets of the estate ill .be distributed. • aced at Goderich, Ontario, ,, this 1st day of .February, 1974. - rest and Egener, , • arristers; etc., oderich, Onfario. �'` elicitors for, state. -9,10,1 I A/R WHEELCH= S AIRSWALKER,..." The Humanitarian. Service Csmmmit- tee of the Goderich Oddfellow arid' Rebekah' Lodges have equipment for loan. . Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524.9623. or Fred Frit- zley, 524-7217—lleow 16. PERSONAL i D() YOU have marriage 1,,r family problems? The Ministry of.Com- munity & Social Services offers help in the form of marriage and family counselling either in your home or in the Wingharn Office, 199 Josephine Street. For appointment, phone 357-3370.-8tf PRIVATE Camp. Enquire about this exclusive camp ground with - limited membership,; near. Goderich.. Write Springlike .Club, 834 Ex- mouth Street, Apartment 49; Sar- "nia.-9,10,1 A.A. Having a drisktrrig"prohlem? • r Call .Y24 -60h1 • 't AA,Box C I -Write e51, Goderic•hr-tfn " 17. LOS AND FOUND LOST in the vicinity of Britannia Road East, white male Cat, 'answers . to Snowball. Wearing red and black . flea collar. Anyone finding,' our ERRINGTON: In loving memory of a husband, father, grandfaeier and great-grandfather, Victor Errington, who passed away one year ago, March 15, 1973., Gone, from us, but' leaving memories, Death can never take away, Memories that will always linger, While upon this earth we stay: Lovingly remembered by, wife and family. -11 26. CARD OF THANKS, • WE .would like to ,take this oppor- tunity' to thank the players and parents of MacDonald Marine novice team lot their attendance and co-operation thro ghoul the season. Also Many t'ha ks., to,this team from coaches Don 'Johnston and .Bill Crawford for, the gifts that we received from them. Best of luck for next season. Don and BiII.-11 .t) -H1,IGILL: My sincere thanks to'' relatives, friends and neighbours, Ladies Legion Auxiliary, 'for flowers, cards and visits during my, ,,stay in Victoria Hospital. My deepest gratitude to Dr. Collins, his staff, nurses, studentg and Candy Stripers on 4th West. Norah Hugill.-11 'YOUNGBLUT: The family oft the late Mrs. Sarah Youngblut of - Auburn, wish to thank friends and tleighbatrs_ for .� arils, and i]c►ral ;tributes at the time of her passing, Also for. donations to the Heart Fund and the `Gideon Bible Society. Special thanks tb Keith Arthur and Pallbearers, Doctor Street and nur- ses at Clinton Hospital. Jean, Nor- man and Gordon Youhgblut.-1.1 NEE'DHAM:. Sincere thanks to 'relatives, friends and,neighbours �►r :visits, .cards, flowers,. gifts and all the help received while in hospital. Special thanks to 'Dr. Watts, • Dr. Lynch, Canlin Russell and the nur= ses .and 'staff lin second eafit of Alexandra Hospital. .Beatrice Needhapi.-11 9 HOK'I'ON: I .would like, to convey .my sincere .l hanks to. my fainily and` friends for the .many cards, flowers "and letters. received while a.patient in Alexandra Marine ,and Univer- sity Hospital, Lindon. I would alsO . like to thank Drs. Cauchi, Boughner and Casper, plus the very capable ambulance attendants. Mrs. Frank Horton. -1 1 _ " family pet please phone 524; McPHI?.E: We would like to express our deepest .appreciation,; and thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbours' who were so kind'and{ thoughtful to us, sent floral tributes, sympathy cards, donations and a helped in any way in this.our time of sickness and bereavement of a dear wife, mother' and daughter. Special thanks to Dr. Street, Staff on first 'floor of Clinton hospital, Rev. Fred Carson, Pastor Alfred Fry and Arthur's Funeral Home. They will ever be remembered by Orval, Ron and Mrs. Kerns. -11 6536--11 18.MISCELLAN.EOUS Attachment: to Christ is 'the only secret - of detachment from the world. the 21. BIRTHS MACAUL'AY: At Clinton. Hospital; Clinton, to Mrr and Mrs. Doug Macaulay, on February 28th,' 1974, a son, Ryan Douglas, (nee Cheryl Anne Holtzman).—lli't,(: ,CQLBOURNE: At Alexandra 1`� ospital, Goderich on March 9, 1974; to Mr. and Mrs. David -1 Colbourne, Goderich, a son, Christopher. James • HOY -At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on March 11;1974, to Mr. 'tin(' Mrs. Paul Hoy, a son, Stephen Paul. OUNGBLUT: All persons having aims against the estate of "JEAN- ` ETTA MARY. YOUNGBLUT, otisewife, late" of the village sof uburn, in the County of Huron, R ho died on or about the 7th day of a cembe'r, 1973, are required to file e same with full particulars with e undersigned by, the 23rd day of arch, 1974, as after that date the Sets the "estate will he iitributed. ated at Goderich, Ontario, this st day of February,' 1974. est and Egener " rristers,c., derich, Ontario. licitors for the Estate. -9,10,I1 URLOW: • All persons having itns against the Estate of JOHN URENCE THURLOW, Reth'ed' rine Engineer,late of the Town Gotlerich9. in the . County of ron, who died on or about' the day of December, 1973, are aired` to file the same; with 'full tictilars with"'the undersigned by 23rd day of March, 1974, as al. that date the assets of the estate I be distributed. ted at Goderich, Ontario, this h day of February, 1974. rt and Egener r"risters, eta„ Montreal Street rich, Ontatio. iritora for the estate. ---9,1'0,11 CASTLE: Ron and Cora Castle ,• Goderich are thrilled tr► announce the arrival of their 'daughter Rhonda Christene, .t Ahexa nd.ra._ ► 12 March Hospital, Goderich, t n , 1974.--11 23.- ENGAGEMENTS TI.DESWELL: Mr, and- Mrs. .3': Harry Tide•swell, Goderich are pleased ' 'to announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Louise to Mr. John Pimper- ton, London, son of Mrr John Pip- perton. of Garid Bend and • Ml•s. Theresa Gallant,London. The •mar'riagewilf'take place in April at North Street ,United Church. -11 25. IN MEMORIAM BLACKS In loving memory" of a dear husband and father, Howard Black, who passed .away thirteen years ago, March 17, 1961. «•-if oftly the leaves of memory fall, Gently we gather and treasure them all. Unseen, unheard, he is always near. Still loved, still 'missed and very dear. Lovingly remembered by wife Edna and his family: -11 HeIp your Hewt.,. HeIp your Heart: Fund Attention Farmers. F FOR RENT FOP(ret t 50 acres -of drained land. For cash crop. 7 miles south of Goderich on Highway. 21, Phone • 5'24-7(i32.-10,11,12 PICKETT: ,A sincere.thanks to relatives, friends°and neighbours for - all acts of kindness shown during Air recent bereavement in the loss of a -dear wife and mother. The beautiful floral tributes, donations to the heart foundation the cancer society, intensive tare unit and th`.e.-. -Gideon Memorial Y3i'ble Society, were greatly appreciated. Special thanks to Rev. Bigelow' of Bayfield, Rev: Strain of Clinton. The'Doctors and• nurses of Goderich and Clinton Hospitals -and: --Ball Funeral-Home' well • as the ladies mho brought food and helped in,so many ways. Your kindness will always beremembereremembered. 'W'ni,. Pickett.and family. -11 FORAGE SEEDS SEED GRAIN We are heavily stocked with -locally grown Canada No. 1 Red . Clover .and ,Timothy Seed of t he ' highest quality we have .had.. -.for many years. A full line of forage seeds will also be available. We are'taking orders now for grain and forage seeds. THE SEED PLANT in Londesboro'- Phone Clinton 482-7475 or Blyth. 523-4399 r•• ..10,'11 n BY JACK CUMMiNGS . Rotary Juveniles lose two straight tot Stoneybraok in the "A" Series. In the first game played here in Goderich, Sun- ., daar Afternoon, the Rotary team` ledby two quick goals early in the game and ended up 'lasing 5 .: What happened, • it was a case of not playing a• strong game defensively. At the, 11 second °*nark, 'Paul Kelly., opened ..the scoring as Mike Palmer set him up with a perfect pass. Ron Sowerby blasted 'one from the point on a a• screened shot to make it 2 0 The mos( improved goaltender4n the"peewee'hockey division of the Goderich house league and it looked like Goderich was this season was Randy Robinson. He receives his trophy from Mrs" M. Fritzley.(staff photo) out for an easy win. Then , at the 12:33 mark min r hockey,..Let's_talkfk Stoneybrook 'got its first goal (continued from page 4) each with the help of Danny, Maillet and Larry iVladge. St, Marys ' scored their second, late in the third period with both,opposing goals being scored by 'No. 8 Bruce Smith. It was by centreman Scott three projects are to defray the penalty -box 'at the time.' travelling costs fop the team. Tom Whitehead set up the goal and then .'got the tie- McGEE• G.M. PARTS , breaker plus Stopeybrook's. WINS THE BANTAM final two goals as he was the HOUSE LEAGUE PLAYOFFS first star of the game., , Albien Goderich hada man in played a strong game for the losers and set up two goals. d The big gun ,,for '' Goderich `Restaurant was'` Wayne Jackson. Sifto Salt opened the scoring at the 5:52 mark of the first Next Saturday the Lions en- period as . Danny Boyce picked,,, ter the Young Canada Tour- up Rick Carmen's pass to beat • nanient here when•they will en-, goal tender Kevin Bundy. • c,ounter Port Elgin in their first • ;Gerrard Gwyn got his first ' game at 12:50. p.m. Come out " playoff goal as he tipped in and cheer, on the hometown Wayne Jackson's shot to tie the Lions team. A PEE -TWEE HOUSE LEAGUE. three unanswered goals-, •-'-econd-period,-scored by Goderich Restaurant wins Jackson, Gerrard -Gwyn, his finals two straight as they second of the game, and''Jim defeated Sifto Salt'4-3 atid" 5�'2 Wilkin. Kerr Reid and Rob-. • to take the Goderich Nursing Pinkney picked up a'ssists... Home' trophy.: • Both teams traded goals in 'In the first game on March the final period. Sifto's goal 4th, Wayne Jackson scuffed all 'was by'Doug. Cruickshank and four goals , for the Goderich-- - Jim Wilkin .picked ' up his Resta'u'rant. Playnaker• -Ken , second •goal of the game. ,Reid assisted on all four goals. ' The gilaltender who showed Sifto Salt fought back tcitie *.the most improvement for the ,the game 3-3 on two goals by season was Randy Robinson Geoff King' and a singleaby Dan woo was presented with the. Boyce. Doug. ,C�ruickshank Gerry Fritzley 'Memorial game 1 -1 -before the. end of the' first. • Goderich Restaurant -got G: • COMING .EVENTS ATTENTION FARMERS AND • SPRAYER OPERATORS Dinner Meeting at the' Candlelight (Pizza Patio) . March 26th. 12:30 p.rn, Anyone interested in spraying or application of sprays; or-' sprayers. "Please call us or return.. your card st► we kncfw how many to expect. ,George W. Raith, 524-t3511 or `f'? -4-7002.---11,12" Rotary Juveniles managed 'to McGee GSM'. Parts wins the , •get a dingle goal in the second' Bantam House League playoff period as Kevin Meriam deflec- series' and the Don Hoist ted torn O'Brian's shot. Both Trophy. Final game of the teams were even in .penalties round time. was cancelled due but Goderich just didh't have to ice'time: the -manpower. John Doherty, coach of the Second "'game was one the Don Holst Real Estate • team •fans and players would like to claims there should have been forget about. ,I.understand'it'•s in the overtime -in the game played under protest as the referees Wayne ,last . Thursday_as't they_•_ ,ti_ed _were• -from London. And Wera.-to McGee G.M. Parts 2-2. be appointed by the O.M.H. A. Roy Fisher; the .player with ,T,he game wasplayedin Lon - the most desire and most -mm, don M'on_ day evening at, the Proved player, ' came through Carling Arena and Goderich with two goals for' M-cGee's. -, lost by a score of 10-2. It is. no, Both goals were - scored on indication of play as- the boys, scrambles in • front of the net and Brun Good had no chance all of them, played their hearts out. But you can't win games if you're playing against the Don Holst ended up winning referees. the Consolation Trophy Mike Palmer played his best presented by Goderich game of "the year as he coup - Manufacturing Co. - • ' • tared both goals for the Rotary Both Jim McCaul`'and Je_welt Club - - .,. Brothers,'Chuck and. Fred will be back coaching next year and ' we hope this league can come "-up with •a better edn v ener for next year -'(maybe we can 'get -,one of those hockey mothers ' who attend all the games.) Suncor thump local' Sailors in tough series' BY JACK CUMMINGS The' Port .Elgin Sunocos 'thumped the Goderich Sailors in a rough game in the Central •Intermediate Hockey11ayoffs Friday evening in, Goderich fo take a two game lead. 'In the first game of the O.1V.fih.A. Intermediate,."C" ,• penalty. Series played in Port Elgin on .The ,Sailors lost Sunday in Sunday, March: 3, the •Sunocos•'. ' Port _Elgin _.8-4 and now ' trajl- outscored the Sailors 9-3.: the Su'nocos three games., Next Earl Grant was • the -star game is Tuesday' at 8:30. number one; a:s he carne One of the best goals'of ;the through with 30 stops. game came from Dirk Wolter - At the end of the first period beak as he let a 60 -footer go Port Elgin hada one goal lead from the blueline which hit the as they got a'pair of goals by Al bottom, left hand corner to beat Blair and Garry Grant.. Jim ,Earl.G'rant who s hs outstan- Hayter : and, Wayne Fisher, ding in the '.nets. rallied or- the Sailors.' �.u Other Goderich tallies -were v , Blair became` involved "'in a slashing duel and then •became emboiled in a fight. It was like this throughout the game... The,Sailars were assessed 16 minors a.nd two majors, while. the' Sunocos had '-'13 .minors, '.three majors,' and a match The unocos scored four unanswered goals in the second as 11 players, figured in the scoring. Terry Keeling had two goals, while singles went to, Ron Lamont argil . Jim McKin- non. In the third ,period. Goderich outshot Port Elgin but managed only one goal, scared by Rick Sowerby' with Bruce Stoll starting the play. Attendance of 400 turned but' to see a chippy • game played Friday evening in the Goderich' Arena, in which Port Elgin won • 9-4. " The game -was c -hippy from the start as Ron Miller and Al PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE THEVALUEIS. in one.. of our 'new American Motors products backed by the Buyer Protection. Plan , With your good credit... FINANCING IS AS EASY AS YOUR AUTOGRAPH " 'Convenient IAC terms CASH or Top Trade-in' Allowance For your gdod Used ..car, We have waiting buyers 111^..r. kirmic uii'$tor�sn ... and Jeep . Bsyfl ld Rord Goderich , V � FINA SERVICE Joh" Graf Gord iMunroe • 5244411'^~' by Wayne Fisher, Rick'Sowerby and Jim Farrish. - Out with' 'injuries is Ron Miller and, Ken Daer -who was Stt by 'a deflection • off a unoco ,tick with the puck. They were,'gfeatly lniesed on • Sunday's game in Port Elgin. Awat,d by 'Mrs. Percy Fritzley. All. coaches.; have indicated • that they will be returning next year. They all' gave a 100%C., ef- fort and we hope. they all have winners next'-yeat. POLICE FALCONS BANTAM ALL-STARS ORANGEVILLE VS ,• GODERIGH, March 2, 1974 - oh either goal. . There..was no scoring by either team in fhe first period. Orangeville° scored first at 3:46 'of the second periods„ Goderich tied it up with a,goal at. 5:42 of the• second. Iain Lambert tucked the ' puck into the, net, with Paul Schaefer's •h.elp. Orangeville -scored Two 1340e: _goa'ls-trr make the' score 3-1° in- ,their favour. at the end of the :second. Goderich scared at 2:12 of the '3rd period on a goal , by Paul Helesic from •Paul • Schaefer. Orangeville scored two -more goals to make the final count Orangeville 5, Goderich. 2. The team is selling peanuts and tickets on an afghan and cushion, on display in Schaefer Interior's window. The mothers:, of 'the team are-having"d .rake sale March 16 in the Schaefer - Interior's Stdre. ' , The proceeds from these From the Horse's Mouth 13Y KEN , On Saturday March 4th at Western Fair Raceway in the'. seventh race, True'Personality, owned' by . the partnership of ' Whetham and Sadler was third with` Don Corbett driving. In the ninth race, El Sam 0, owned by Joe, Jim, and ,Dick Burgess all, • of-.Seaforth • "was third with Gord Pullman of Seaforth driving. In the tenth race, Miss .Belle Bars owned by Fred Fowler of.Londesboro was out of the 'money with Frank MacDonald of Clinton on the bike. Wednesday, March :6th at London in the third race, El Sam 0 was the winner with the mile in 2:07.4 and the payoff was. $10,70. In the seventh race, Jay Bee Blaze owned by Benson. Feigan and driven by Gerry Roebuck, both of Goderich was fifth.' Saturday afternoon at. Lon- don in the seventh race, Peb- bies Girl, •owned by Geo. Feagan of Goderich and Roil Feagan of Dundas was third with Gerry Roebuck driving. rp, • In the ninth ,race Jimmy -The Butler, owned by "Robert Jerry and H. 0r Jerry of Goderich was fifth . with Robert on the bike. At Orangeville on Sunday, 'March 2, Clever Larry owned by ` Wm. Laverty and • Ron - Williamson; both of Seafort'h, was fifth with Ron driving. On Tuesday, March 5th in. the seventh race, Lee Camp owned by' Bruce Dupee and driven by Wayne Dopee both of Clinton was second, Last Saturday afternoon at " Green\vciod, Dillion Song, owned by George Elliott of Clinton trotted to victory in the' seventh race and paid' $6.40. Frank McDonald showed his, driving skill at Orangeville Raceway last. Sunday as he had two wins from two drives. He annexed the ninth. race with Miss Delle Bars, owned by bred Fowler of Londesboro, with a mutuel of $13. He cal`ne hack and wan the tenth with Shadow Bars, also owned by Fred Fowler and returned $11 fora $2 bet. • HOCKEY NOTES .AL3 future...g t.t such as fhe W.O.A.A. playoffs, will • be .published provided : that the game reports are in my office or phoned' into the Signal -Star. In closing I. would like to` thank all the teams players, ' coaches, managers, • assistants, and conveners who helped make this your. column. Special thanks te; Dennis Williamson, Dick Mad n Taylor Mrs. ge,.ue , Maureen Elliott -end , ,Marilyn Kloss who- m�Ide, sure, ... P;„T the anes'w ,fiDry. forgetYoung' Canada iockey. says Week which starts Friday March 15. were Rick Stoddart and. Ed , Ceurtney,u..nassisted goals, Iain Lambert assisted- by Paul Helesic and Bill Lewis from Dein-•'Kirkconnell,. John . -Page played .goal for Goderich in this: game. The team would like to thank the Public for their response to the peanut sale: There is; a• bake sale at Schaefer Interiors this Satur- day March 16;at' 1 p.m. Tickets are still available for the afghan and cushion from all team. members, to be drawn March 23. These efforts are to 'defray costs for travelling to Michigan this month,.. POLICE FALCONS BANTAM ALL-STARS SAT: -.MARCH 9 Mitchell 6-Goderich 4 • Goderich played host to Mit- . shell Saturday night ,in the - final scheduled game of—the Season. Goal getters for G derich 7-0 C 4 ” ./, S OWN yout3 ,1"9' ."u,CB t09'F s„ askioaccets .� for Sprimg- C ASUAL • COMFORT Swing into Spring in a new CASUAL, JACKET ALL-VVEATHER-COAT OR SWEATER .0 f SMART NEW STYLES NEW SHADES FRom $9.9 5 UP PLA'NNING'•A SPRING WEDDING? iye can supply your formal "clothes for Men c• Pickett Campbell Ltd KINCARDINE -'•M3,� GODERICH f • CIATON o