HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-14, Page 74 Tax Man tell$ all • Bill V,anOsoh, son of Mr. and Mrs: Jack Varlgtsch and proprietor of the Kintail ' General Store, was admitted to the University Hospital in Lon- don on Wednesday March 6 ' and had gall -bladder surgery the- following day. His ,many friends hope it won't be . too ong until he'll be back behind e counter""at the store. Mrs. Cletus Dalton, tt patient at the Wingha.m and District General Hospital for the last six days . wasp released `from the ,Hospital on Sunday afternoon, Due to Friday's sleet storrn . several cars slipped off theejioad ,on Highway 21 north of .Port Albert. There was a small crowdsat the Card Party held in §t; Joseph's Parish, Hall on Friday evening due to the sleet °and icy " • condition of the roads. Win- ners of the•prizes were: men's defeated Kingsbridge two games straight and Lpcknow . the spot dante was Mr. and Mrs. Russell Swan and' Mrs. Allan Coiling won the lucky door prize, Another '.dance is being planned for April 13.. M.r..aad' Mrs. Ron Durnin, Kevin ,,Austin and Gary Court ney motored to Port' Elgin on` Sunday afternoon • to. see the hockey game between thesPort Elgin , Bulldogs and the, Goderich Sailors. Tie Bulldogs'' beat the Sailors 8 to 4. A good crowd wa,s on •hand on,Sunday afternoon, 'March 10 in St. Joseph's ,School synrs-IF to hear the Family Life Program "Christian Education In Family Life and Sexuality" as outlined by Reverend Father Hauser, Mrs. Florence,,, Fleming and Miss Margaret Beale, co- ordinators of this' program 'in the Waterloo County Separate School. Parents felt they would like to see this program" taught to their children w,ho at- . tend .school in. Kingsbridge. Joe • H t"key chaired—We- program `_ which Was sponsored by the St. 'Joseph's 'School Association. Lunch was: .served and 'a que;,tidnand answer, period followed. Friends of Shannon Forgett will bp sorry to hear that Shan- non is. still in critical condition at the Intensive Care Unit of the Untver,s ty Hospital in Lon- defeated. on- defeated, Holyrood two game's to one. The final playoffs will begin on Thursday, March 14 with Lucknow against Kintail and. Kingsbridge against Holyrood. Games begin at 7:45 p.m: 'in the Lncknow Arena, on Thursday, March 14,° Several from here attended the -dance sponsored by• Local 335 of the National Farmers' Union . in Ripley, on Saturday evening, March;= 9. Winner of „high, Father `C.R. men's seorid Doherty ladies' high, Doherty ladies' second Courtney. Plans are being made for another card party to be held , on Friday, March 22. Mr. and. Mrs. John Howard and Stephen visited in Guelph on Friday. Their daughter Anita accompanied 'them to •Hamilton--where--they; visited • with Frank Hogan. They recur- ned to their home here on 'Saturday evening. Several. from here attended the dance sponsored by We 4_.i:BortsAlbert Ball- Club at 'the Saltford Valley Hal on, Satur- day evening., , Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hogan have sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. 'Phil Evers of North Bay • and have purchased a home in Goderich: They are planning to, have an auction sale of wa livestock,.' machinery and some household effects on Saturday, March 16 and they will be moving to their• new home` at 104 Wolfe •Street in Goderiob on 'Saturday,. March 23. In Town and Country •' Hockey semi-finals Kintail Ed Dentinger, high, • Clarence Mrs. Clarence high, ,Mrs. Joe the process of moving and hope to have this completed -by March 15. Mr. and Mrs. Tard have a family of two - a boy age' six and a girl age three: They will be :moving into their new , home ..on Saturday, March 16. Mrs. Jim Sinnett and family and her mother Mrs. Fred Vassella , visited on Saturday with Mr. and ,Mrs. Art 13 wler (Linda Vassella) Wartburg. John Howard, Francis, Anita and. Janette Hogan attended the Ontario . Limousin Cattle Association -meeting . and banquet held at Guelph .on' Monday; .March 11. Mr. and Mrs. Micl1aeL,Dalton and family a•ttendecl'the Quar- terhorse Show in Torontojfrom Thursday; March 7 to Sunday, March 10. Their horse 'Hoedown Sun ' placed in the. top • 22 out of 105 entries. Plans are almost completed for'" the St. Patrick's Variety Show which will be presented in the Parish Hall on Sunday evening, March 17 at 8:00 p.m. Comne aut and'give these young people your support: Mr: and Mrs Donald Parrish„ have sold their farm t� Mr. anr Mrs. Jim Tard and fainily from Oil 'city, near Sarnia. 'Mr. and Mrs: Farrish have just finished , building a new home on the - 'ss-sse,eaSion 12 Ashfield TOwn- . Ship across from Mr. and.Mrs. Robert Farrish. .,DiMald and 4,Dorthy and their family :are in 1▪ ,1% 4\ • :" :714, kin capades is corning to the eondon Gardens AprIl 9-14. The show's headliner is Karen Magnusson, world cham- , pion figure -skater. Pictured here is a portion, of "Celebrationr, showcasing the rhythms of dospel singing againsta backdrop of Stained glass, pleie organs' and a stairway. clear up to the pearly gates. marine ifinis esi Task, Boat nail'', Brass Strews, marina JOHN JEFFERY lit totIS 103 ELGIN AVE. E., GOuERICH - 524-8171 Jack Stoddart presents the novice runner-up trophy to John Thompson,. -captain of the Bedford Hotel -Motet hockey team, of the .Goderich.house league.(staff phtho) • .Hurpri county farmers were told last Thursday, night • in Exeter that three changes sin the -Past year in tax, regulations MeEachern District 'Taxation Office.in Kit- chener 'told merinbers ots`sthe Huron Countt Federation. of -.; Agriculture "at itie,•regtilar mon- - thly ,meeting held in Exeter th# .one, of these changes ef- -fe-eW:taiieS nn. the' sale of a votes Formerly, hs 6'6(plained, income Hand- taxed at thi regular r0e. Nuw, he said, the fartner 'gelling a quota can deduct the market value of the. quota at Dec. 31, 197,1 from the sale value and only pay taxes on the remainder: .fects ,farmers.'selling stock to enter another fcirm of farrnirtg. Normally a farmer selling off a 'beef 'herd to go into. hogs, for example, would have to call the! ,* money 'from the' sale income. Now, 'however, such a farmer , can haye Until the FeIrtia.ry of the year fgllowing the sale to inVee the money. in an annuity , and thus pay taxes only on the yearly income from the an- nuity, npt. the full sunt. • The third change, he said, in - so thp fanner couid increase his NTED-1 O • country, Over 1/2 million collectors are paying .° 1.. fabulous prices for old bottles of all di cripttons. l' . .J COCA•COLA FA FRUIT JARS" • MILK . < Here is 5y1‘o40u4r0o7portunitY Writ ;To find out all g a• about what to co,Rect, prices to ask, where to sell. 0 . $2.00 TO COVER POSTAGE AND HANDLING inconse for purposes of paying would each Pay one peteent per into the Canada Pension plan.. Month, even if 0,ne or the other •,t-hattlly eVe-r drove the car. Mr. McEachern warned far- mers to have a good long look at the benefits before deciding to incorporate 'their farm. He• warned that incorporation, in some cases, brought snore harm than benefit. If a farm is incor, porated, he explained, the•com: pany must declare persdnal IncorPoration also meant the loss of the $1000 per year capital gains -write off. on the farrn_house, he said: ,.,There were also problems With partnerships', he said and explained he thought it was 'better' to draW tip a working agreement rather than a..full benefit for the owners on the use of gars and the house. On cars, he' pointed out, this amounted to one percent of the value of the car•per month for each of the owners who had ac- cess to the use of the car.. This would mean that a 'husband*, and wife in a corporation LUE'S SUPERMARKET - SUPER DISCOUNT PRKES._ OPEN 8 A.M. SHARP. 5 DAYS A WEEK TILL 10 P M.. CLOSED SAT. AT 6 P.M. ON THE SQUARE WE DELIVER DEVON RINDLESS Side Bacon LB VAC PACK • Pork Butt 9c „WITH DRESSING ANY site Le 89c SKINNED AND DEVEINED Baby Beef Liver FrVQURRITE L. 97c, FRESH CHOIcE VEAL (AGAIN4THIS WEEK) ALI:CUTS AVAILABLE, ONTARIO FANCY Spartan Apples 3 LB 89c ONTARIO No.1. Parsnips 2 LBS 39c ONTARIO No.1 Potatoes 10 LB BAGS FLEECY Fabric Soitener B640T% 79c TREESWEET JUICES ORANGE- " GRAPEFRUIT kg • :0,11 -)3L4NDED 48 bz12 0 $1 PURITY • Flour 10 LB 09 BAG • FRESH FROZEN • MAPLE LEAF TENDER SWEET Dinner 2-3 LB Ham AVG LB $1 29 CHICKEN 4 LBS 39t MIRACLE WHIP Salad moDERNE Bathroom - Tissues 2 .ROLL ,94c PACK a MODERNE Facial Tissue LARGE Boxes 89c (Necks &,WINqs) LBS 39c Spighetti '2Pg:" 49c' NtilfCheS PKG OF 50 BOOKS ONLY 19c Gingerale PeRsi Cola tiiRGE BOTTLES 'PLUS bepoSIT 3'17 I/7'U sublwoocvs • FRESH -MILK 2% '3 OUART BAGS , HO Nio 95c- 99c CLAY — - - Leg Elevators Liquid Manure Equipment FARMATIC -- - Mills AICEROoRN: - Cleaners BA Tanks Bilualk1Talink"&rPainpeeallinileicleiining Detergents, Teat Dip, etc. Uddersan Foamcheck LOWRY _FARM SYSTEMS R.R. 1, Kincardine, Ontario partnersltils. No matter whether it' incorporatidrits Or partner - Olin, however, he Urged farmers to seek a good lawyer in drawing up agreements so they could pay the least possible HFA Preaident Doug Fortune, in his remarks -said he thought all farmers' should be "very concerned over 'what is being dorie to agricultural 'land in Huron". He said that at- 'hearirigs into the Ontario Hydro Transmission line. last week,, more thin 200 persons attended. with the farmers' side really being brought out at the Wednesday aession in Mr. Foitune said the lines have to go.sornewhere and, the ',Pfarmers involved generally ac- cept. the lines as a'necessity but are concerned that they ,be located on poor farmland, not good land. He pointed out that there will be 10 towers 'to a farm under, present plans and that would make it completely uneconomical for farmers tit, work around the tovfers. 74 KINGSTON ST JIM HAYTER SPECIAL Sit4314: "'-350 V-8 pietside box, standard transinission. . Radio, trod floor, Lic. C27956 ' .HAYTER '2395 r. rIr CRUSADE As we carry out our ministry,across Canada we 'find many people asking the question, "What is a Crusade?" You too may have the same question' in mind: 1 find that .the be.st way to' answer this quation is firSt of all„to 5ay what it is , First-- a Crusade is NOT what SOMe4people would call -"the sawdust irail,", with noisy music and sermons deiigned.tO•play upon.the emotions of people. Second -- it is NOT an 'attempt to raise money for.the Churches'dr for the Crusade organization., Third.—„it is NOT jtit a special attempt to attract. oUts'iderS to the Church,' - What then, you may ask. IS a Crusade? '7): • • An "lnvitat.lori to lis.e" (..:Aisade IS the coming together of the people of a ,community in order that they might in turn some to a deeper sinderstanding • i•••of the natUreof God and what God .ha. done for them through the 'sending of His Son.Jesus 'Christ. • Regardless of whi:!re wa 'stand .in our relationship to God I am sure that we all: feel that we: can still draw closer to Him: We have foun'd that this is exactly what' happens during, an "Invitation to Live," Crusade. Many people, from ,all walks of life. are given a greater,.unclerstandiog of God. and, as'an. ' result,. their faith comealive in a new 'arid Meaningfid way.' ,,attender or, a complete outsider, this Crusade is for YOU. When you come,' as w,e hope you' will, you will diScoser through experience, as countless others haVe across Canada, that tbe Crusade has been, for you ap Invitation to Live a fuller and riches Christian life. iesus said; "I "am come that ye might. have lifc and that ye might have it MORE, ABUNDANTLY," You have life now. God,.however, is prepared. to, gi‘e to each of,us a more abundant life and. Will. in the conrse of this Crusade, if we will come ''s7ith open hearts and minds ready to hear that which He would have us know about kiimselt and His Son Jesus Christ, • Of cotirse, it iS true, that the Crusade will be helpful to YOU only if you • come. I hope you will. Looking forward to meeting you, I am, Sincerely yours.... His (Rev.) Marney V. Patterson INVITATION "10 LIVE CRUSADES KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MAR. 29 TO APRIL 7