HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-07, Page 16ala a PAGE ler—GODERICH §1ON.A.1.0ST.AR,THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1.974 • 1001141141MMINMS.16.4,,.. 414,11.7"01.1.4' 14, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 15. PUBLIC 'NOTICE . 21. BIRTHS YOUNGOLUT: All persons having claims against the estate of JEAN NETTA MAY YOUNGBLUT, Housewife, late of the:. village of Auburn, the County of Huron; who died on or abut the 7th day of December, 197-3, .are required to file the same with full particulars with undersigned by the 23rd day. (if , larch, 1974, as after that date the assets ,lit' the tltkde ‘A I I he distribUted. Diked 'at Godecith, Ontario, this , 21st ciav :if Feb i oat y, 1974, Prest and Egener etv.„ Gode• rich, °Nara') Solaitors for the Estate. -9,10,11 " PHILLIPS: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, March 3, 1074, to Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips, a son, -104 HAMILTON: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, March ;3, 1974, a daughter, Jennifer Maria, to John and Mickee Hamilton. --10 • NOTICE, Kindergarten - 'Registration 23. ENGAGEMENTS ' BROOKSIDE' Mr, and Mrs., Allan Robinson, • at Goderich, are pleased to' announce PUBLIC.S01001. t he engagement of their daughter March 8th Faye Anti Roxie.to Mr.- Patrick Leo Sherratt, son of Mr. and Mrs. James 9 a.m. 1_9_4 p.m.. P. Sherratt, Goderich-10 All ,persOns, ha\., claims against iliclEstate of JOHN Children boin'in 1969- are eligible, LAURENCE ,T11;tjRLOW, Retired Bring proof of birth andyrevious u 25. IN MEMORIAM Marine F.;igineer, late ot the Town - f• Uodcrich, in the. County. of ' Huron, w ho died on or about the '3rd day; of Det ember, .1973, . are -16. PERSONAL required' /0 file the "same with full v I t arti601:Ars with the undersigned by the 23rd day of Mardi. 1974. as, af- (.11 a wondertul Husband and Dad. i.or that date the assets of the' estate AA. Having „a drinking problem'? Call 5'24-6001. Write AA, Box 51., v,C.Il ne&t. forget. Ile tell asleep without a goothbVe ' - Butdpr, memories of him will never 1, Attention Farmers A- FOR,SALE • • FOR your ' Spring I. see -O requirements: We are heavily . stocked with locally grown - Canadian •No.1 Red Clover, Nal '17-iinothy seed of .the bight,st qualitV we have had for many years. A.11111 line. of- forage-. seeds will also -be available.' We are taking orders now for' grain ,and forage Seeds. The Seed Plant, ,Londesborw, Phone Clinton 482-7475 or Blyth 523-4399.-2-74 F - FOR RENT vaccinations. , - '.....iii.. .- ......al...,:it.,, • • , , "I'"""N"""'""'_ - YOUNG- . In loving , memory of FOR rent 50 acres of drained lan.1,1. • ,lames Thomas, Voting w o passed , For cash. crop. -1 -miles south of lloderieh, on • Highway 21. Phone ' • "af‘h' avisiiiMa;anrthh t..2oilildies1b)6a2Ck with 'deep 524-7632. -L10,11,12.• '• • itgiet v4•111/be distributed . Goderit h.- tfia Datt.‘d at Goderich, Ontario, 'this Vs mi.* A • . * •1Rth day of February, 1974. ' , ................0., . • . M- 174.tir''''''''''-- , • • Prest and Egenet . . AI. LOST AND FOUND • . Sadly -missed, Ify wife -Mary and', ,.. _ • 33 Montreal Street " . dalighter Eunice and.,family.-10nc , ' - --- -Barristers,,_etc_ Goderich, Ontario ,u FOUND. Child' s,v, atch. Owner may MOBRING: In. loving memory of a _Soh, Hors for the estate. -9,10,11 claim 'hy identifying initials '8:' dear wife- and mother, A. .Jean ' watch and' paying for ad. Phone Mohring, who passed awaY one year • 15. PUBLIC NOTICE . 524-8572,-10 ' i , , ,i., , ago March 9, 1973. , ...• A . 113 ATTRACTIVE Widow of 69 with 'Aristocrat a.' background seeks com- Jan ionship of m-aturegentleman of .., s,anric statti,, who is -nterestQl 111 ayk iti.,g and any'. form . ecreat to,. All Interested ; persons iJI he kept in. strictest of cori- -rite ence. Call Barney -Ann anytime (.1•ter p Phone. 524-66114.-1'O 18.MISCELLANEOUS-- • Deep in our heaets your memory is• -Believing in evolution of,mair is' the' easiest Way of making a monkey' of yourself. HAPPY birthday, „Barney from the • • taflof 69 10 . -RITZ• :, -LutHERAN A ew modern home for senior , • citizens.be:open on April 1, - 1974. Single and double.roorns available. Situated on 10 acres of land, bordering the Thames River and the town of Mitchell. • , For more information please, write: , 'Ritz Lutheran'Villa •P.C?- .Bo -10O0, . Mitcie3I, Outarici.' or p_hone,_341y1612_ PERSONAL - 00 Y01' have marriage. or family. problems? The Ivlinistry of Corn - nninw, SoitalRervices offers help in the form of marriage and family counselling either in your home or -in the Wingham Office, 199 Josephine Street: For appointment, phone 3574379.-8tf. PRIVATE, Camp,„2,-tnquire about- , this' exclusive..;-6mp ground with , - li,FritecAnir4ership, near Goderich. riringlake Club, 83.4 Ex,: inniith Street, Apartment 49, Sat.- _ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES kept, We loved you Ii7o deeply to ever forget. , , Treasure' her Lord: in your garden of rest,. , For in this World she Was one,,of the hest" Ever remembered hy husband John and sin MOHRING: Joving'mernory of a dear Aunt, Jean,•YASO passed away „ March 9, 1973'. • , I3esting where no shadows fall, • In the lovely garden 'that awaits us - . „ • .'Whcre ,t,',01 v4111 link the golden cham. The happy (lay, •we meet again, • ° Ever remembered- by Garry', Joy BEAUTY :-..4ktIon business for sale Be you! , IN41.1 ho:;.s, Phone Atwood 356-2297 if interested.- 9,1(7- -- — ma -9,10,11 20. TO' GIVE AWAY ° nasawaacameawr....eaaramonpcaascsacucmmupmrse.!: TO give away. •One white, part SairroYe)I bud) 524,8515 and Family 10 MIMING! In loving memory of a dear sister in law, whh passed iiW a V March 9, 1973. lics,ting'ythere no shadow's fall, In the lovely garden that awaits us 411. Where G1)(1 will' '1-111k the golden hain, 21. BIRTHS - The happy day, we meet again ............„...........,;• .„,„„,..„,..........„,,„•6,,,„," . Renton beret! ,h,y• Bing and ... -,1iiii. 1(1x • . at Vit totia HoSpital, Lon , ..... _. -.... „ . kw, Fehroa i y ,7, 1971 ,,-1 ,son, 1\10111(ING: In loving memory of a - TU11,411\ Gralin' 6 lbs to o1.. to . dear daughter "Afan,•who , passed Mr ana: ,Mr. Ken M,Nee- (TICE awav7 on. March 9,, 19-73- Ever Lynca- Reed)-. Dttng a ill 1 Fl 1-: , On 'ea, reme+Hlwred b.v.'aNIorn and Bob t;:irio--10 m - ., Just a thought'of sweet remeni- la am ea . • HOGAN: At Wingham ,District Jost•a memory sad and true Hospital. on February -22, a son ,le -t the love and sweet de 3111, Thomas:Michael, to Mr and /Mrs Of one who tliiliks of voo,-.10 Thomas Hogan, 13 It .1, Gislerih.' A , ,..brothr for illaThila lota 0., - --- -- - '' ':.- - - 2 . -- 6. CARD OF THANKS, FRIT/LEY: At S. ,Joseph's ' Hospital, 1,hodon,, On Fehniary 25, RODGES. We wuld.like nr-thank 1074 to,hie arid (;ertie FritzkV, RR everyone, who sent cards, brooglit 2, Goderich, a son, Kevirit,loseph. A gifts,eand,rnade,ica very. happy oc • brOtheraor Steven.-10nc• FORAGE SEEDS We are heavily stocked with locally grown Canada No. 1 Pied Clover and Timothy Seed of' the highest quality we. have ,had for many years. A full line of forage seeds will also be av,ailable. _We are taking orders now - for grain and forage seeds. THE SEED PLANT' in Londesboro Phone Clinton • 4.82-7475 or Blyth 523-4399 " 10,11b -CULBER' "THE HOME Of TASTi fAfTRY". KERY 49 WEST STSPECIALS . , EVERY DAY 524.4941 Ht Cross :Buns. SPECIAL FRIDAY .& SATURDAY CHOCOLATE - COCONUT SiBOSTON CREAM PIES - rasion on our 50th wedding an-• BETTLES:' At Alexandra Hospital, niversary. A very special, hanks to. Goderih, March 2, 1974, a first our. fa m•i ty, Lorne a r d ' May child, a Son, Kennth, Paul, to Mr. Rodges- 10x and . Mrs Pul Betties, •• . •TIGERT: I, wish to thank, ,ITalbot). 10' • NOTICE\ ,MeMbers of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital of GrOderich Corporation -and oilier interested parties are urged to attend the annual meeting which will be held on Monday, Meta 25,1974, at 8:00 pm. In the Ladies',Auxillary Room of the hospital, at which time we will receive the financial statement, the iuditore" ieport, the eport of the Board and'elect members to the Board of Governors and conduct.othr business. '...MEStilit$.0f41117c0,RE'09.110N The following persomi shall ..be members upon resolution of the Board:' (a) a person who has donated or who donates $100 in any one year to the Corporation shall be a life member. - , '(b) thepresident or chief officer of a corporation or orgimizatIOn which pays, the Corporation $25 in any year shall be ex officio a member of the Corporetion for that' yeir; (c).a person who pays the annual membershiP fee of $1.04, to the Corporation in any year shell ba 8 member of the Corporation tot that year; (d) thiithbor VitIOVOys. his foes annually shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting of the COrrioration unleas 'hIS moMbership fee was paid in full at least thirty days prior to the date of the meetIng. K.O. Dion Chairman of the Board. • r$ INTERMEDIATE "C" HOCKEY PLAYOFFS . FRIDAY,'MARCH 8 AND., TUESDAY, - MARCH 12" Goderich Sailors vs. • Port Elgin GAME TIMES 8:30 P.M. Goderich • Admission: Adults $1.25 Studeritv'049Children 50q.. V: 74 KINGSTON ST. • • KINCARDINE AIR SERVICES-ITO. jr KINCARDINE will be spreading Fertilizer (Aeroprills) this area in, the next - coupleof. we04. - Because of the Fertilizer shortage 'we need: to know the amount of" your requirement now. For Aerial Application call 396.3,133' • 1 970 CHRYSLER-: Two door hardtop, fully equipped with r_adio, rear defroster, remotecontrol mirror, Wheel •vdiscs, whiteivall tires, finished $ in brown with2111)9 vinyl roof and vinyl 'interior. Lic. DDO-601 JIM'HAYTER chestnut -canoes Place your orders now,. . . we may not be able to get .you a. canoe: later. 00111111111110N211ARDINARE 30 VICTORIA ST. NORTH: " • • • 'aGODERICii -524-8581 • RED& WHITE FOOD STORES FOODMISTER. OPEN TIL1. 1 0 PM. WE RESERVE THE RIAHT TO LIMIT9UANITIES TUFIKEY OR CHOPPED SIRLOIN 8 OZ BANQUETPOT PIES FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES- PRODUCE OF CANADA CABBAGE ON . 34 9it • GRADE (:) GLAD BAGS 59c is47.17i;DED15vOliiiiTi. 59u SANDWICH looS KRAFT MINIATURE 10 OZ F FURNITURE POLISH die MARSHMALLOWS '3?zs:L00—PLE-DGE- NEW' ASST 10 FL OZ SCOTTIES FACIAL 200s FLAVOURS DESSERT Awl•ow NESTLEF Li AIR MIX 5/C TISSUE 2i89c BLUE RIBBON 100s veryone for (ards, flowers, gifts ant visits while .1 was a patient in /Vex ndra Hospital. Special, •thankw, IMnas and Dr. Watts, nurses and staff second east Alto Philip 1 trie and Arnold Green for their, .1 elp•-• Bill Tigert.----10x„ ORANGE FLAVOUR F DR:BALLARDS ASST 15 TANG 7p:Gz.- 289c. CAT FOOD ... -5i$1.00. PFRIMMER: Many thanks friends, neighbours and members my family for their thotightfuln while Iwas a patient in- Alexand Marine Hospital, Goderich and Vi • torte London. Thank yo for the many beautiful flowers lovely cards and many letters These were deeply appreciated and will always be remembered.Shp cerely, Lillian. Pfrimmer -10 BEAN: We would like to thank „neighbours. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seers, Donald Bean" and Goderich Fire Brigade, who'. helped at .1he t ipe of the fire. Verne and Mgdeleine TAYLOR:I wish to thnkfriends, relativeS and neighbours for crds,, flowers, and visits -while 1 was a . patient in Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Cauchr and nirses. Reta Taylor -10x 0 -of '45 HOWDY CANNED TERRYBERRY: 1 would like to take this opportnnity to thank my many friends, neighbours and relatives for their kindipess to me, (luting ms recent illness. Vernon Terryberr—.1di Help your Help your - Heat -Fund FRESH MAPLE LEAF WIENERS Le89c [RIR Le 69C RID 0'6A4.1AD ACON FRESH BREAKFAST.SAUSAGEL9C KRAOT CHEESE OZ. RRSHEY, INSTANT 21/2 LB. TIN 99c CHOCOLATE ' - 99 PIZZAMIX 3 0 C LIBBY'S 48 FL. OZ. GREEN GIANT 12 FLOZ. • TOMATO JUICE 1)1 00 NgLET CORN iS89c ,, iii usBy'S 28 FL. OZ. . „,„46„ LIBBY'S 14 FL. OZ.: : 4, CREAM CORN ;$ pc PORK, :114D BEAN'S )YC LIBBY:,S° itCED ''., BPubiliTAOR IRs FOR AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER CARNATION ENCORE $ i 49 BATHROOM El 6, OZ .f;;;Rgl 9799it CASCADE.; geto99C COFFEEIRTAITSEsu COLGATE DETERGENT WHITE t1WAN •