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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-03-07, Page 2
a 4u PAGE 2---COVRICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1974' a. EDIT0RIAL COMMENT MVCA will he benefit When the Town of Goderich, of its ©wn volition, took out membership in the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, this" newspaper gave notification it was probably a 'good idea. That's still the opinion of this newspaper, despite the factthat some . town councillors are unhappy about the kind of assists ce MVCA has been giving. Some ,things take a long time t gel . `MVCA seerns to be one of these -things. In a way, Goderich is to MVCA What some mud -bound residents are to town council right now.... a recognizable fac- tor but waiting in rine for attention: Just as certain taxpayers cannot fathom why their tax dollars aren't spent, on the problems in their own front yards, ° so Goderich Town Council is demanding that because. ° of .the expensive member- ship fee in the MVCA,•needed work must be completed here almost automatically, Frank Walkom, the town's represen- tative to• MVCA, has been a strong voice for Goderiph.. There's ',every indication he's fought `hard to have Goderich's needs met and there's no likelihood he Will abandon that roll. Now_t..hat it has been clarified that the sand bar at the mouth of the Maitland River is the responsibility of MVCA,"it is to be hoped that some concrete solution can be found when MVCA represen- tatives and town • council sit down together next week at the committee - rneeting. BUt it still might take time. Planners. should attend o. Goderich Area Pla,hni' • Board should consider sending Kepres= ntation to 'a• . seminar on'condominiums s; t for -Inn On The Park in Toronto March 7 and 28. This seminar,, sponsored b Seneca College, will take a compre. hens e look ° at condominiums, their ° establis' ent, evolution,, public acceptance, finan• ing, marketing, development and constr., c- tion as °a viable : alternatives. to the la dlord-tenant relationship. During '1973, planning board and • council had. �a I06k atone plan fo'r con- dominium -development presented by Erick Krohmer. The' reaction was varied °among members...but Many questions were asked that probably could 'be an swered at,. the Toronto seminar. o • The 'release from°Seneca,Coilege of; Applied Arts and Technology concer- ning the seminar point's.'up a few -little- known facts° about condominium development. - According to sources there,-condb. minium apartments and :••.. townhouses are cos , ,tying to take a bigger share of -the real estate.marke�t. In fact, • experts 'pred'idt that the con- 'dorn,inium market in its marry innovative stylings. such as townhouses, stacked - • town ousel- and' mid" eu• ensi "accorri= modation will be dominant in 1974. . The seminar will appeal- largely to, career persons'in finance, land•develop- ment, r construction, appraisal, architec-® ture, real estate marketing, law, mor- tgaging, municipal planning, accountings and engineering who will be working either. directly Or indirectly with housing [9,, 'general and' condominiums .in par- ticular. - ; F�There'll be special key speakers .and condominiurn authorities, pienary " sessions , on key topic areas and panel discussions directed by . outstanding, eaders in business. Additionally, as a special canvei'iience for seminar, delegates, information' ser- vice centres will be available. for con-. sultati o n. These will be sponsored by financia legal, mortgage, government and othe institutions represented at the dseminar. From all ap earances, the seminar will • • • provide •a u .ique comprehensive 'crash" course n this future housing • trend. ' t least one member of Goderich Area' Planning Bo- d should register • right away. • • Clarif icd:t ion Dear Editor, • Your last week's "Council ,briefs" contained a chapter on Council members' 'reaction to an invitation to a religious, "s crusade. Havre bees•.., the one councillor who``voted " against . � , .. � an official representation. Ifeel . that there is a number of �•.r„_ A .people (first of all the organizers of the' crusade) to Q•, whom I owean explanation on this . important matter. 'he' place of somethingv as• personal as religion is in 'our private lives, A Council has (or ought qo have) a policy on roads, parks, recreation, building -related matters and many other subjects • in its jurisdiction. My colleagues will always find that as a "councillor I am most anxious to milk thoroughly in any field for '• ,which we have been elected, representing all 'townspeople regardless '15f "their. religious standing or other similar' con- siderations. �' ' �. _ _• _ _ _ I believe that a religious in- vitation vitation can be accepted only in a personal capacity and mys, ' suggestion was just to that ef- fect - any councillor wishing to attend could do so. I would have to look upon myself as a• hypocrite, if I could not be en ao ra a n a religious e . the orchestra. could! o ere to a� d gY Orchestra coming to Goderich grades five through .eight, and that„unless a minirnum of coul ceremony in, person, 'but -Saturday evening, the people of provides 232 free subscription's $76,013 is received within ,the Music education, has been a preferred .to accommodate a this area have „,a tremendous and transportation rollers” next, few weeks; the orchestra bone of, contention in this- `'motherhood 'type" issue' by treat,„in store for them. Not a required to' many organizations' will be forced to disband. county for a long time. ,, sending representatives in some „symphony orchestra 'buff " involving.. both ••young and old:- , The . plea from' the London Although the board is'eagen to sort of "prayer by proxy" myself,. I nevertheless agree But such "growth" .has in- Symphony. Orchestra was clear p>•ovide• music for ' school . • Bo Shirleg J. Keller _t concerts •for school • childr f t has announced He -assure •me rt ►post cer am With the London Symphonyh �` ' b other -ed �d .• children• of a,ll ages Ili Huron, it fashion. with Clifford_ Evens; . musical . x volved a financial burden. The cut° . . e .,In a spiritual matter I do not director and conductor of LSO budget ; has gone from art- "We need the support of all is bound by „.budgets to a wish to represent or to be that people who expose thein- proximately $70,000 per year to :sectors .of the corimunity....par' •''somewhat' piecemeal program° represented; nor do I even un - selves tosuch things. as syrn-, something Eke a quarter of a' .ticularly those concerned , It would bederful if LSO derstand howthis could be phonies and ballets and operas million dollars. Ticket business and industry. We and Huron Cc • t,../Bdatd*°of _really' done,' if religion is to can find enjoyment in them if revenue, and public grants 'and desperately needyour help. -Education' could get together to have any meaning and value. they keep 'an open mind' donations from the private sec- Donations should •be made provide some meaningful in- • Sincerely, According to Mr Evens 'one tor, have increased stab- payable to' the. London Sym- struction for the students here syr n: from hearing a sv- not proportionately, ., 195 Dundas'Street, Suite 202, As Mr. Evens pointed out, Elsa , Haydon, of the greatest advantages to be ..stanially....but unfortunately,' phoiy orchestra Association, at a. cost which ,could be met. phony orchestra of the ca'lib're "In an endeAvour to offset London Ontario.". ° - + the future " will. hold more of. the LSO is the fact •the this lag in revenue•beh'ind. ex- A story in,Monda.v morning's leisure hours fore` *all of Lis,. audience is listening, to music penditures;• it has been Free Press tells that $12;500 Today's childreir't-must be 'which is perfectly played every necessary/to borrow each year was realized --by CFVL• by way trained in the wide variety of • .the drawing. card 'even if •ti4e they.:' next year's weekend. n As well, • Clifford time. Perhaps exposure to good time. The,musicianship.then, is from' a monies, allocable to of,a stereo marathon during:the ways in which to utilize spare -type. `sof music beim performed, operations... always with the Evens has expressed conftn- music would open just one- - is not amongst your favorites. hope., that this temporary im dence that all the , money' more channel to them.. That's Of course the program which ,,,balance will , right itself the required :will be realized by _ worth. studying. ' is being played inGoderich this following .:'year," said othe „LSO • soon.... through the - a In the meantime, parents of weekend" by LSO` is light release. from LSO.' enough to `be enjoyed by per- ' .. The result . has been the sons of all musical preferences. -creation of one of the finest or- . , Bitted 'as a concert,, the music ches°tras , n Canada and,J.next to selected for , lhi' ( program is the few big names, one of the welt -known an'clpill delight finest in North America. It has most every Musical taste. also .placed" LSO in 'a ; position It is,no secret the. London . tiriue without a substantiaLin- Svmphony Orchestra` is ex- jection of funds. Be:a blood Mono How is a 260 -Ib bulldozer driver like -a 109 -Ib college co-ed? If you expect the answer to be a joke,; it isn't. It's a,. miracle. ' Both can be blood donors, and each "'donation is of equal value. Size, strength, or sex .doesn't matter.. Neither does race, creed or colour. Every biotic!' donation is of equal, value.+-E'ach can , save. a' life. So the next' time you think about the. state °of the world, and despair that one ' person cars change anything, remember `the equality of blood .donations. One donation does matter.. Every donation matters, There is something you can do to make the world a better place in ,which to live. You don't .have to be wealthy; you doo,have to be healthy. You , don't have to .be as strong as Tarzan; you do have to be between' 18 and 65 years of age (17 if yoU'rea boy and•have your parents' permission). You don have to be as beautiful as Helen of Troy; you do need a . nice hemoglobin count. o You' don't need hours and hours•of spare a s time, you do need: one-half hour each either 'three months. + • day, m: wasnot a The Red. Cross has been operating the bit really blood' ;transfusion service for 26 years° ehind.The release,. and they. haven't lost a donor yet! Being that in the ,op a•blood donor isn't difficult or painful or, bond, the London r.• I Orchestra had failed costly (it's nOt fattening e'ither,) You ,get a nap on. a bed, a free cup of coffee, much impact on the . community. The,..•su,bscri cookies, rand the thanks of 'all of -the series and the few Pops a clinic workers. But you, get something Regional concerts had failed io- •else too. p '" ' draw "more than 500 or 600 There's rio way to beat that warm in- people to an .average perfor• mance. ner glow you get from doing a job you- The board's position was know matters. During March, Red Cross then• "to embark on a policy month; be a part of the action.. Support that . would put the London local Red Symphony Orchestra on the map".- That's, when Clifford Evens was enga'ged.,asu.11=tirrre Musical director,and conductor when the LSO •part-time con- ductor decided to step down af- te• 25 years of service. The release states -em- phatically: "The trust which +he board placed in Mr. Evens has been justified 'be'yond question and over the past five years the orchestra has not ori grown in physical "size but, much more important, in the . quality and standard 'of perfor * * * wher'e it will not be 'able to_con- p eriencing a ,.few financial . The situation is so .serious problems. A press release on this,sub- ject was handed to me last • week by Clifford Evens ' and , contains some information • which some local readers may' not know. ' The release points out that s : with• all artistic anizations, the LSO reached ge where it found it had o 'advance or to call it a 'staining a status quo ihirdgalternative,- as uated to' falling further_ -noted ion of the Symphony o make indon your . Croes. • Pc OoDcrich . StNAL-STAR —0— , The County Town Newspaper of Huron Founded In 1848 and'published every Thursday at.Gioderich, Ontario. Member of 'the CWNA and OWNA• Advertising rates on request. Subscriptions payable in advance. $8.50 in Canada, $10,00 in all` countries other than Canada, Single copies 20 cents, Second class mail Registration Number 0716. Advertising is acceptedon the condition that; 'in the event oI typographical error, the advertising space occupied by the erroneous Item, together with reasohable allowance for signature, will not' be charged for but the balahoe.of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rater in the event of a typographicallerror advertising goods dr services et a wrong price, goods or fi service may nOt be sold. Advertising Is merely an offer to sell, and may be withdrawn at any time. The Signal -Star Is not responsible for the loss or dam-9ge of Unsolicited manuscrlpts or photo. . • SnakSSs and .Edilorlai Office TVLEPHONE.5244331 ' ,Ere odd* ;510 IINa lNng Addr. .'. s P.O. SOX 2200 addition Sedind old `Mill reatifratlon' number -016 .generosity of the public, I assume. • * * * One of the 'greatest things that LSO does in • the .com- .munity is to -bring serious -music to school students. In my chat with Clifford Evens :I -asked him if this kind of musical education could be expanded t� include Huron'Cou°nty Schools. this area can make ap. effort to .ensure that their families hear Saturday's concert in GDCI's large auditorium. •Family • 'tickets are available for $5 at Fihcher's, •Carnpbell's The - Coach House and Rawson and' Swartmati - The Goderich Rotary Cl• ub is "sponsoring this event .„ y , Thanks Dear Editor, Severalr' _ weeks ago you truly received a ,telephone call froif Ron Shaw' outlining plans - for a fun hockey game between Signal -Star Paper Leafs and CKNX Try • Hards. As you know, the offer to, donate the proceeds to ,Goderich and” District, Association for- the 'w Mentally Retarded as gratefully accepted. • • • At our meeting on February 25 •appreciation was expressed.' by members for your. work- in - the raising of $.7`88.00 for tis. Indeed . b our action the local news media has not only given us financial assistance, but -has given moral support' to those ;suffering from, one of the most misunderstood: 'of han- . dicaps. - _On behalf ` of the ' retarded, • their families, •and . our Association - THANKS Sincerely, Shirley Maines Secretary Send copies ik.• rt, , Dear Editor, Enclosed is a'h1.00.for copies - of the Signal Star for the week . preceding, the week of and the week following the Goderich ,Pee Wee Tournament; also the• small tournament daily which to me is a real gem. So` glad you thought of it. " ' ' I had planned to come,. but ' „ the gas shortage, , poor bus schedules ' and raises in • bus fares seem, • at this point, to make that inipoasible. I'll be there ` in thought, believe me. ° f„ Sincerely Mrs. Grace Tolbert . Cumberland, Maryland, U.S.A. (formerly of . Pittsburgh, Pa.) ° a mance which "has grown to the point where the orchestra is considered to be the equal of any fn Canada, an .,opinion . which has been readily endor- sed by guest artists of inter- national repute and senior executiFes pf the Ontario Arts • Council and' the Ontario Federation of Symphony Or chestras." This:,season's average atten- dances have increased by just over 45 percent. In addition to its regular concert series, the orchestra is responsible' for 98 Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. • ROBERT G. SHRIEK- president and publisher ' 'SHIRLEY, J.• KELLER-4iltbr R.W. SHAW. Itbria I stiff EDWARD. J. EWASKI--advettliiing Menages DAVE R. W1LLIAMS- edvettislnq repretentatit . Likes* paper Dear Editor: Please renew my subscription to the Goderich Signal -Star for another -year of -happy reading. My friends and I would be dost without it, We consider it "one of the family,.'.._, The news, pictures, fashions also the cooking ideas and recipes are thoroughly en- . joyed. o.. Yours sincerely, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Chisholm Toronto