HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-01-31, Page 16p{A '1?5, u • , - sal PAGE 6A -GQPEI UCH SIGNAJ STAE. ' 'IhURSDAY, JAN ARY 31, 19'i4 • oca. it.nesses will b�cttending There's a story of three and hungry people, Having • sparrows knew. and a loaf Of bread. filled themselves,, going out to The loaf as the batter's truckaurned the Christ � h a bpunce d from a basket face life. There will bean inter -denominational service of prayer, and preparation in Goderich as a consequence of the Week of Prayer and`a preface for the Invitation to Live Crusade. Jt° will be held af' Bethel -..Pentecostal Tabernacle Sunday, February13 at 7 p.m. and all are invited to attend.. Rev. W.H . 'McWhinnie of First Baptist Church will be the speaker with the topic "Prayer and' Preparation' for the Invitation. to Live Crusade". There will be -special music and participation from the various community churches. Ministers involved. with the Crusade and the special prayer service are (back 1 U D Y , E R T NE i Nl RO • Bethel- PenteCOStal_. Tabernacle QN by PtTER ST.- DON_. There is a story ‘told-of'an. old man who owned a little Marrow lot, with a poor miserable cabin on it. Lots ins his neighhoi�hoo.d had, been selling for fabulous prices and he felt that some day his place would make his for- tune. • By and,hy a millionaire carne along .and seeing —the possibilities of that block said,: "I -.want the whole thing." e" He .sent his' agent to buy up.. the4block, and wheR.he came to the old roan he said,' ."'What would you -sell your place for?" He had waited long for this opportunity and so• he put up what he thought was a.tremen • dous figure; and brethren, that through this "Very well," said the agent, < man (Jesus) is 'preached unto "I will take it." you the forgiveness of sins.. And row, left to right) Canon G.G. , Russell of St. George's Anglican Church; Rev. R.C. McCaiturp, assistant minister at Knox -Presbyterian Church; and Rev. Ross Nicholls, Wesley Memorial Free Methodist Chur h; (front row, left to right) Rev. Robert Raymont, North Street United Church; Rev. Peter St.Don, Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle;' Rev. McWhin=` nie; Capt. Margaret MacKenzie, Salvation Army Citadel; and Rev. G.L. Royal,,Knox Prkiabyterian Church. Absent ',when the photo was taken was Rev. Leonard Warr, Victoria Street United .Church. (staff- photo) "That is how Goff justifies- the • ungodly. It. is not beeati e Tit" what He finds it men,' but He saves them, for what Heisgoing to put iif'them, for: what Ike is going to do for them; When they put, their trust in Him, they get .everlasting .life, cher" are justified, and all their sins' pare forgiven, Then God proceeds to make them fit ;,for His own blessed presence, and when we get •I-Iorne 'to Heaven, 'we will give Him all'the glory for. what He has done in 45.i • Here is a portion of scripture to sum up what I have been saving. 'Acts -•13: '3'8-�39'"Be� known .unto you therefore, men •"When do you want it?" the' .bv him all ,that believe are, old man as -ked. A° "In'abouttwo weeks I will be around. with the deed and you can be ready -to sign it. Here is a thousand •dollars to bind the sale," replied the agent.. ' The old • man was simply =,deIighted and 'thought "'t�Velt, ilif somebody has bought this place who' is gable •t~fr pay all "'that .money, I oughi, to; fix, it up a bit." . u.- He 'bought some paint -and - went to work painting the old place. He bought some glass .to replace., all the broken panes, - and for two weeks he worked Lien the cabin. , ^ Wherl..the millionaire pur- chaser and his agent brought 'the p.&Pers for the old "mgn to • sign, he was so nervous about it , he could hardly hold the pen. -He' was surprised that the ,per= chaser did•' not say anything about the shack and. so he said,, „"You„ see •how beautifully 1 have painted :it up' and have- u,x in some new window panes.. 'It is going to`'make a nice place. I hope you will tie -fiery c,omfor- ' '"'table in .it." "Oh,.' . said the millionaire, `abut t didn't buy this place for what is on it, but for what I'm going to put on it," justified from_, all t pings, "'from which. -he could not -be justified by the law of Moses!' • Couple- marrid recently WEISHUHN4HILTON ND-A'Y1.'FEg. HEAR t F-R--ANK----KLEES FROMLEAMINGTON SPEAK PLUS,. " 'F DOROTHY SCOTLAND SINGING Westfield Fellowship ° Hour at 2 p.m. Moron Men's Chapel Auburn at;8 Prevails When Good Men Do Nothing" Mr: and Mrs. W.• Roy l-lilton� of 'gtoderich announce..' the • ',marriage of tic' it -daughter, Rusan Lynne Hilton, to Mr. • R. obert•$oseph''Weish-Oho son .of ,,Mr. 'and-: Mrs. J.G. Weishuhn, Islington, at a 'candlelight set- . vice in' St. George's Anglican • Church, ..Islington,. 'm Friday evening, January 25, followed by a reception at Mississauga Golf Club. The bride‘ was attended by Marilyn and Joanne Weishuhn, sisters of'`' the groom, Joan Curry and Susan Leetham, The groom's attendants were Chris Cooper -Slipper,. Peter Brady And the bride's brothers, Willi,fti� Arid Robert Nihon. Mr. and'Mrs: Weishuhn will be 'residing in Toronto. . what it;Would have been like "to sit ' at least once under the ministry of a New Testament Church Pastor r This Is The Ch�ii€ of � lifetime. Come; Hear; and be an- eye -witness of � tIJngspredkted for ourstimes. ev.Gerald �1arding: SPEAKER:, Lndon Wesleyan' Chuan • k 3ed DATES: r arm to� 1Oth- TIMES: SUNDAY FEBRUARY 3rd -" 7:30 P.MJ MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY - 8:00 P SUNDAY FEBRUARY 10th 10:00 A.M�/. .S. (11 00 A.M.- CONCLUDING SERVICE OF CRUSADE) EVENING 'SERVICE 7:30 P . E'.A: COOPER, (CONF. SUPT. WEST TARIO) . PLACE: Free Methodist Church S'1 CORNER OF PARK & VICTORIA ST. # A Transportat'iOfl:,"" 'Fre (WITHIN TOWN LIMITS) C) Mp h �►`r a ' 2 4— 9 9 0 3 NURSERY FACU.ITIRS FOR AU. SERVICES- You are cordially invited PASTOR: ROSS `NI:CHOLLS ht the pavement .of bread. As the son in corner. As it ► wcirkin man's home he a crumb broke off. Almost in- robably watched,his mother as stantly three „sparrows made a' pyeast and she , added the, swoop'. for the crumb. . Whe.n the argument was over worked with the dough. We ' tw(, of the birds flew away read where he often• blessed wit out a bite, and the _other bread and ate it in the carried off the small fragment comradeship of-'riend,s. We caro - for hill' breakfast. But the big never forget howl he fed .the la° untouched and hungry multitudes of f9ur and ire :Jehovah's Witnes• ses ay be. considered tQ be, among the smaller religious groups in Canada but their zeal for per- sonal evangelism is"known and admired around the world. Last year they spenrnor.e than. 300 million„ hours in the public' tninietry, much or this time devoted to conducting more than one • million Bible stu dues „with their neighbours. Contributing to this . vast work is the local congregation in this area. It is one of 31,850 such congregations in over 208 different lands of the world. loaf unrecog How of that way. y zed five thousand, but we also we go through .Life recall how he made an effort to. get all worked up escape them because 'they W over crumbs nd let the ,real would accept only the brei hat erishes' from Him. Not content with maintaining ottrce �� the first 'Probably orftO of the • best In the wilderness, l first s f supply go unnoticed. t p. examples of this. is • in our subtle shaft of the Devi was, religious life•° How many dull ,'Son of Man, command these . church meetings do we sit Jesussa answered, "Man d es not r g' f gravy boats for the ' live by bread alone." - !through dive'thin scussing e y from new kitchen h t what color'we should Christ never escaped from paint the Sunday School, .giving 'Vie- pressing needs of :mien's only a few moments of our time - bodies... He didn't want to. .. . to think about the One who is but He did ,want them to • the source of all our work. hunger for more. He said, "I The little things need to be am the Bread of Life"....in ef- d It ith to:be, sure 'but if we feet, "You cannot be strong or ea w h all satisfied without what I • them that they allow us to pick have to offer". n•' up only a few crumbs' of . our a We may, c.dLon thcrumbs, 'faith instead. of •enjoying' the and life will be an existence. - Wh l ' L'oaf dwe are deluding 'But' crumbs will; neve); satisfy are so : much concerned wit y. cr e ourselves oaf• we think this• is the hunger of our hearts and Gid' lan for us - souls. r es p . A loaf of bread is the symbol . .Itis only as we break into the, (4 --many things. In imagination, whole Spiritu�il Loaf of Life e -t ,. . we we see seed being sovtrn m the, that we are- fed Asa _that fertile earth,rain dropping like hunger no more'. ertie ow sad' that, like `the ►�, to quicken the _tender • grr si e_r.. shoots, _ .. h t the golden.. harvest, sparrows, in our struggle f< millers--wi rking at their dusty the fragments - we fail to toil; bakers and housewives recognize the source they came ch .loaves•, from. .. turning out hot crus y '�. v a. UNDAY. -• SERVICES this level but ever pushing ahead to 'greater activity,-the Witnesses assemble f�roni time to -time in large conventions for the purpose'-of:'receiving advan- ced training in their ministry. tr A spoke• sman for the local congregation in this area said that they have received a'r1 in- vitation .to attend. the next session in Hanover, Ontario, February 2 and- 3 at the John Diefenbaker Secondary�School. • The convention will be under • the 'direction of officials -from the Toronto branch of the. Watch Tower Society. . events incltldiing a, bapt>sm Y`� ceremony. Climax of the assembly will be'�''C public- discourse by Mr. Gray, "Be Confident of Divine. Victory", on Sunday, February, 3. Local ' delegates under ' the • direction of Adam Hack, the presiding minister, have . com- pleted 'their plans to attend. Car groups ljve been arranged to take, care of all those peeding transportationto and from Hanover. 8rfidge..Sca�res .There were four tables at the Jaen. 23 meeting of the Goderich Duplicate- Bridge' Club,.. .. _. . Winners •were? , Judge Fred. Egener, Mrs. R.L. McDonald, A. Weeasooriya and Dr. A.B. Deathe tfed for top place ith 53 points; Mrs. -D.D. Worthy and Mrs, W. Duncan .placed third with 49 points each; and Mrs, A. Galbraith and, Mrs. M R.G. Shrier shared fourth spot with 43 point scores. The program, however, is so designed that ' many persons front the 17 congregations it will serve, will share duties on the -platform throughdiscour- ses;-- _ practical • demonstrations, swell. as- experiences related. 4J Laur ce Gray, 'district super. sor, will act. as chair- mari and will 'co-ordinate all_ LUTHERAN SERTVICES Robertson Memorial School - (BLAKE AND ELDON, STREETS, 'GODERICH.) 'SUNDAY SCHOOL - .9;30 ,A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE - 11 A.M: Pastor: • Bruce; Bjorkquist • 333 Eldon,.Street, 524-6081 • Ther: fore we cimel'i cic that cc non 'is iiistificcf icy faith' withirirt the deeds, cif. the low. Humans 3:28 \F!R$T: BAPTJST CHURCH (Baptist - Convention of Ontario'apd Quebec) iIItIDNTREAtL STREET near. The Square REV. W.H. McWHINNIE F.R.G.S: �' """— Organist : N(r.. Frenk,,Bissett 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School DEDICATION OF NEW BAPTIST HYMNAL - _ -Sunday 11 a:rrf..,, Sacrament' of the Lord's• Supper COME AND WORSHIP WITH. US ALL ARE WELCOME The Free °Me0o$st Church. Park .6t. at Victoria Pastor: II* Ross Nicholls 10:00 a.m. Be part of a growing Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Perfect In ' Love • 6:30p.m. Bible Study and Outreach •'Anyone needir,Ig-bus •transportatlon phone 524-9903 . - everyone • Welcome , ,,.., ,4 106 CMVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELIS .•,C — FUNDAMENTAL REV.. R. BRUBACHER, Pastor 10:06 a.m. BIBLE SCHOOL • For free bus transportation please call 524-9497 11:00 a.m. Sermon: "THOU SHALT NOT COVET' 6:30 P.M. WORD OF LIFE CLUB • 7:30 - poi. evening tef91ce ' WED. 8 P.M. PRAYER MEETING Walcot to to 'the4. Friendly Church W ILL�IAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS And inscriptions • . Stratford - Ontario Bob McCALLUM Representative II Cambria •Rd., Goderich-- Phone 524.7345 :The famififthat-prays`together....Stays together. • THE SALVATION' ARMY 18 WATERLOO ST: S . ...,•p 524-9341 ••SUNDAY SCHOOL — 0:45 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP — 11:00. A.M. , EVANGELISTIC SERVICE7:00 P.M. • Home League. (ladies) Wed., 8:00 p.m. WEEKDAY Prayer & BibleStudies Thurs. :7:30p.m. OFFICERS"- CAPTAIN••G. HERBER CAPTAIN M. McKENZIE ... "All Are Cordially invited to Attend" - ST. -GEORGE'S ..CHURCH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3,,1974 - EPIPHANY IV - • ' - Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m: Holy Communion and Sermon at 11 a.m." Nursery and Sunday School at 11 a.m. Rector:- Carted -C a.. Rummell, B.4.z B D ..- .„..•Choirmaster -Organist: Joseph B. Herdman 71$ COME TO A GROWING SUNDAY SCHOOL' a . , IF YOU NEED A RIDE, WE HAVE A: BUS • Bethel Pentecostal, Tabernacle Affiliated„ with - the Periteeeital Assemblies' of Canada CORNER' OF ELGiN anq WATERLOO 57S. „ REV. PETER G: ST, DON; • Pastor. • SUNDAY, - FEBRUARY 3,-1974 10:00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL • " 11:00 a.m.--MORNING, WORSHIP 7:00 -p.m.—EVENING SERVICE • - "AU involved churcrhea`,in the frirthcoming "Invitation to Live 4 Crusade, will be' •involved in this service!" Guest Speaker in the evening service will be Rev. McWhinnie, Ist Baptist Church • Tues. 8:00 p.m. BIBLE S,TUDY AND 'PRAYER • Friday 7:30 p.m.- -Youth Service- :.. "Hate is like acid, it Can damage the vesseil In which it is stored? as well as destro(i the object on which it Is pou�fed." For further information "about church services call 524-9506. • • : tax Presbyterian Church. THE REI/,'G LOCKHART ROYAL, B:A, Mlnlrtei• 0 THE RE" RONALD C.,McCALLUM, Assistant ., . WILLIAM M CAMERON, Director of ,Praise ,.SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1974 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 alit. Divine Were -hip, Sermon: "THE BEGINNING* OF !TALL" (Nursery & Junior Congregation) * * SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM** * , Depart `toi asrve .. Enter io Wel-Ship 4. Victoria -•Street United ,Church •• HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP • REV. LEONARD WARR 10 APM�ible Schodl`For .All Grades . -,' 11 A:M.Worship Service_ Q Sermon:-., ' "LOTTERIES ARE :THE GREAT ILLUSION"' BENMILLERUNC UNITED •• CHURCH '1:30 P.M. Worship Service & Bible School - `'' W---E,.-1,--d--03--M--,E Leonard Warr Mrs. J. Snider Victoria St. Organist Benmiller Pianist A Choir, Director • & Choir Director North Street Ubted Church REV: ROBERT L. RAYMONT r ` SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1914 9:45 a.m. - 10- year olds and over 11:00 a.m-. - 'Barbie* to 9' yeal 'olds a ning Worship Induction of New Congregational Board Members Lorne H. btttrer - Director of Murk Mies: Clare McGowan Ioilistarit Visitor