HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-01-10, Page 10.(7 • PAL1K 1O -G.Ok) mC1 ` SIGNAL -,STAR, TIURS AY, JANUARY 14 1974 4 _-J 4. REAL ESTATE FORS SALE 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Hardtman Strack ltd Waterloo's oldest and most ex- perienced mortgage firm - first and second mortgages - refinan- cing a specialty, debt' con- solidation, no embarrassing credit investigation, 1-884-6030 K.W. Coliquhoue LIMITED insurance and -.Real Estate CLINTON,,, ONTARIO. , 4 bedroom, 2 storey solid brick, near schools and priced right.M.as dining ,and, family '.room: kit- chenette and sitting room on' second floor, 2 complete baths. House is completely and tastefully renovated. Rugs and most drapes included. Oil heat, aluminum storms,' rewired, New inground swimming -pool, 198 High, St., Clin- ton. • -"4 bedroom 11/2 storey ,frame, ;dining room, oil heat. New modern- ' bathroom and living-. room,' .just.. renovated. Near schpof-ss, 224 Townsend, Clinton. 3: bedroom 1 storey frame, large kitchen, oil heat; reasonable, 360" Victoria • St., Clinton. In Holmesville - • 2- -bedroom, 1 store ;,, coiorlok and ranchesall siding, dining room, 'electric heat;' wall to wall rugs, large' kitchen, 'utility rocs,, and gara'ge, Lot 138' •x 135', complete,-Ienovated. K,W, CO,LOUHOUN LTD REAL. ESTATE SALESAIIEN4 H -AL HARTLEY 482-6693_, C. BURUMA" ° 482-3287 DANNY. COLQUHOUN 482-9747 AL ,AMY 565.2964 ALLAN CAMPBELL 527-0445 raa 82 Albert Street Phone: 4829371 MASON BA11,.EV- BROKER/MANAGER 145 acre farrri,„2" miles from Clinton, 335acres workable 111;4 -_storey STONE,- HOUSE with 8 ,rooms. Located •on'Hwy., 8. IwQVI' DOWN. PAYMENT, easy terms, en a two storey family hone well- located in Clinton, 'Fully- equipped restaurant for sale in HURON COUNTY; 2 storey brick„ building, rice modern living quarters. ,r • B,1(to )r sale in Seal di 15() acre far r irl Hallett Townhill, 130 acres workable,. Extra large ° *barn equipped for hogs, liquid manure system tank. Mix -mill and feed -room; • 8 room home. - '•FOOQ FOR THOUGHT' -Freedom is. worth whatever .assts' —2b SA ROOM AND BOARD 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT • TWD, THREE -aria four bedrooni 'houses, at 4ana$tra- Pllsif b 482, 959x-46tf 'w • • THREE bedroom, town houses •at Vanastra Park, Clinton $110.•06 ,per. month. 'Fridge, stave and all utilities inclti"ded. Phone Jean at 482-.7396.--50,51,52,,1,2 • LIC{HT housekeeping room, fully furnished; • cable available. Miss Mary. F. . Howel 1, 12 St. Vtncent St. Phone 524.11642. 1 tf • • 10, EMPLOYMENT WANTED r .. P � , 8. HELP WANTED HA13,XSITi"ER required: ` im- mediately in,my own home, For'fur- thet~ information please call 524- 8918.— 3"- _. remoneemee 9.. WANTED (General) COMPLETE horisehold effects or small lots wanted. Call C and E Furniture, 524-7231.-.-gtf FOR RENT - Five room duplex . ° with- gas..., heating. -Phone 524, ' _ ' R.N., experienced, r'•equires'pos'iti n • ° in Doctor office... Write Box 86 4 ., Star.'' --2,3 TWO bedroom: house with' 'garage 'Signal on Elgin Avenue 'West. Ernie Ha'rker,.phorw 524-9232.-2, - SMALL1 R two.hedroom,one-floor •-11. TENDERS • home, west end lowtion. Phone 524- 8620.-2• 7977.-2x ti ;x, F �AS'E THE LAND - OWN THE- HOME •Looking for a home to rent? Let us show you how you can owns: your home for as little, as per month: Phone 524-6384,;or 524-8059 Huron Haven Homes, RR 6c, 'G"oderlch, Ont. -46 -M 1. WANTED TO RENT COUPLE with two young children ROOM- available, use. of kitchen-, would like to,rent' 3ror 4 k>edro( m 'facilities.Non smoker: Phone 5`24- house. 11,dease ccrt�xact: ` C:F::+ 6'269.=2 •1`„ b' Cavanaugh, 1 132 Adelaide S,L; Lon - (ion,- Ont. --752,53,1,2 ROOM and board available, lure-•"" • linked with good meals. 524- _8;,HP WANTED. 6684 evenings. -49(f '<• < 5 REAL ESTATE WANTED WA•NTEI) to'; -Buy. five acres or niore,'pret'erably with old buildings, but. not • necessary,. within. ten mile ,stilus, of Gc+deric h Ph(u 454.2252 after 5:00 p.m,—,1,'2x .l' 1,§T wanted, part Mime in lekr_a1`, ffice: must be efficient. ApplBox • 83,.' Signal t r ; Publishing. 53,1,2,3 'FULL TI:fMME RECEPTIONTST WANTED. Rfiequ4.rements: needed: shorthand ,or , steeclwritirif;, ,and typing. Interviews between 2 ,and -4,,• -Thurtiday the '10th -and Friday the 6. ACCOMMODATION TO.RENT • lith at McI:t see 4t.eal Estate, 52, West St.,'�Pofterich.-2 MODERN-�'-small, 'two bedroom 'home'rn--the•-sou-titir°v°�,�-three,.piece WOMAN tip live in • cumlortable • bath, full basement. Available �"rrt- home for companionship and light”' mediately.' Phone 524.9840.—'2 housekeepin for adults. Respond in r, handwriting, listing telephone num- -" her, to Box 4:3, Auburn, O„n- `tario;-2;3 START TiE NEW: 'YEA,R right, in a Wonderful honie of your own! This is an ideal'time to , buy -because it }is "off season"' and realty pricesare more favorable now titan any other season. See this unique home which features 4 big -bedrooms, entertaining living room;, mother's kitchen and dining room; full basement with den, family and Iaundiry room. Special 'lectures are , quarrystone fireplace, patio, carport-. and payed driveway. • • 'LOOK NO 'FURTHER You can afford. to purchase this one° Why? Owner will assist by carrying mortgage-: 'C,entratly•Iocalted is this, -11/2 storey brick '4, home that has many features that will please the entire family: Owner has offered. a. -bonus' = nearly new coloured washer and dryer, bon't delay. Name your own down payment. ' Mother never told me to put my money in Real Estate, but -if you ,..•arae loaking fora- lot, --hen buy:, one Of these -:bargains: DOUBLE LOT 'for the price of one. Only $1,000. down. Full r price $4,000, but' open for cash offers. DUNGANNON. We have ,,several, •priced at $850. and up. Perhaps among them is one that was "Tailor made'' to your desires, • , • T�IIESE .ARE NIFTY. it isn't every day, that you can find lots in ' the tpwri of Goderich for as little"as`$2,500. Plenty ofepotenttal hems. '5 kits"tb choose from.. " ° PRESrIGE'LOT. Extra large Lakeview residential: lot located on Essei St. Fully serviced, 1/2 down. • Lots of this type are. scarce. .DENVELOPMENT- PROPERTY Located in the\Town of Goder'ich are these SEVEN residential lots. Only .t/i do4,t mortgage et 6%.. Open for good cash offer. [O YOU NEED - . a mortgage? first and seconds arranged. Drop,, in and discuss finances with us. Fast lend reliable service. F Y, .. .m' FOiRENT with option to purchase Is• this 13 bedroom family` home with at-' tactied garage., Asking $15,900.00 or renting for $135. Limon- .. thly. -Immediate possession. ▪ < • L' ,-'-LING ANTEd\ 100 to 250 acre farm with buildings. Mixed farm or beef set-up. Cash -buyer. All inquiries confidential. 1, SPEND''WfNTERS IN'FLORIDA • Work .1n -the sumrwter."See- this Popular Beach' Tourist Resort business which consists of 'seven fullyiurnished Cottages' plus Luling quarters. Year round access. All in •excellent condition. A ' real money maker. -All .for $75,000. ''with ex' tient % 'ms.. WORTH EV,ERY DOL AR is this executive Lakefront co age at Cantln Beach. This char- ming conternporary-designid 3 bedroom 1tfxury beach home features cathedral ceilings', fireplace, panelldd.throughout and fully furniid and insulated. Many extras included, This is truly a summer Ihat must be siren to be appreciated. pup'' mr. price; 'only „$5I 0.00 ,with "terms. . • °' *EST Si'. OFFICI 524400 Jack 'Cumiinings 524.9624 • . BILI Clifford 524-9097 TEXAS. OIL 'COMPANY,,•needs good sales representative for short trips surrounding Goderich. Cdntact customers. Wa°•train, Air . mail W.D. Dickerson, Pres., South- western Petroleum, 'Box 789, Ft. - Worth, .Tex. TENDERS FOR INSURANCE Tenders are invited Int; General In- sc3rance ,of Branch' .109, Royal Canadian Legion, Goder'c1yDetails of coverage required cAn be ob- tained from R. Chapman or Legion Hall. Closing date for tenders Jan. 31st -1974.-2,3 ' r 12.: AUCTION SALE AUCTION , SALE.' _, • O F ANTIQUES ANS HOUSEHOLD: EFFECTS AT THS .:P — : AUCTION ROOMS .One mile south of "Goderich' on Hwy. 21r—, SAT., JAN. 19th'•, 10:30 A.M. Cherry 'flat to . wall., • Cherry Sideboard, Cherry,,,,drop leaftable, .Blanket 'boxes, Set. of, ',pressed .back , chairs; 'Odd pressedback chairs,' 4 rocking chairs,' Oak, Hall. rack, 'Spool bed, China cabinet, Small 'fiat to wall ' cabinet,' Organ ,foal; Piano 'bench, 4 commodes; 2 washstands, 2 desks, hump- back trunks, wicker tern stand,. small organ, small tables, wood box, •presaed2tback high chair, Oil lamps, Coffee grinder„: Pic- ture frames, China anct glass,, Crocks, Copper Boiler, Rugs, Continental bed, Gas dryer, F lgidaire frig,; etc•.,eta . Terms cash Mike Cummings ° Auctioneer - 524-9064 482-7584 The Children's Aid Society of Huron County a °"An "opportunity° tb work with families and children -in - care, Position, open February 1974. -m requires -Worker II- . g Requirements: BSW, or Oquivaient; supported by'two or -three years related' experience. ,Applications`"with'resume and names of three referen- cps to be sent to: ' BA. Heath Proctor Box 2248,Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Z2, 2b RLETTE HOMES ofoCANADA • `703 DOURO STREET, 'STRATFORD, ONT. 'REQUIRES _GOOD STEADY PEOPLE Who want-to-wo'rk and earn -a living mule chance—, for ° advancement In a steady growing industry $2.65 perhour plus production bonus'eernea to Wart,- - After; ,6 weeks.,:$2 05 Por£,"hour plus production 'bonus. ,. * After 8 more weeks $3.05 per hour plus produp- tion bonus. Company^-Beiefits:. O.H.1P. Company Paid, _ Sick Benefits,,(after 6 months) Company Paid, Lite lnsurance $4,500, (atter 3 months). C`oMpany Paid* • 8 Paid Statutory, Holidays fatter 3 months) Overtime,Premium-after ',40 hrs... w. Working 4ondltlons Excellente 7 a.m. to' :30OA. --- 5 days per weak... Call, collect: • Mrs. Dorothy Smith, 519-211.3700 to g .erran a an intervieei et yopir conyonionce. (374 8) . 1'T:'AUCTION SALE AiTHWI L L'S :'teatikilligzrAr Dt=111 1, AUCTIONEERS.,- - lr and,,: •.,r . -»»,, LIQUIDATORS • p ,1 BRUCEFIELD. ONT.. • Offer the most modern auction ';t!3!45., LICENSE rand BONDED ONT,.ARIQ-WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 • ,'Rt t 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE TREEE .eut, topped and, trimmed. "Phone 524-'9048 after • 5:00 -�. FURNITURE _ REFINISHING— Prompt service reasonable ' rates, Call Ernie Niblock,.524-6110 after 5 MAN with half to .truck for lig e delivery and clean-up work, anytime, x.18(4- :snow shovelling. Phone Peter Prevett, 624-8553 or , 524-33661.-52tf I)AILY CAR REN'T'AL,,•, Reasonable Rates _ McGEF7S Godeeich Phone 524.8:391 -�rb�nT• • • g19 • SKELTON- AP R AWES ,Inglis—Moffat—Beatty., Sales,---Serviee- Repairs .to alt. mal,4e's '36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph2:524-7871 ✓ - —17tf ',REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE -SERVICE DARREL E ALTZ'ER 5244481, •cGODERICI 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE a''13.JSERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AV ABLE' HURON -' P . PINES. ELECTRIC, e6 KiNG ST. INDUSTRIAL, RESIDENTIAL. FARM WIRING CLINTON 482-7901 PROP. BUDD Klf'EHL WATER , WE L DRILL NG • ;La odern. dustrt ''Tom ng, pro * rietor. Latest m equipme t. ' Domestic, in ;al municipal. Free estimates 5' an* up° Phone 52' -8033 • or call Collect 855 460S SEP .IC. TAN S CLEA ED MODERN EGl'U PMENT wOR4k( GUARA TEED Write sof .Ph 'lfte• • Harvey D le CLINTQN Phone 482-33 0 ACE RADIO $.TV' floopioo Sales & Seryi `r Repairs to vy -snakes' of Radio & Television 60 PICTON ST.W. FRANK WILCOX-624-7771 • e IMPORTANT AU.C:TION SALE �. EVERY' FRIDAY:T BALL. AUCTIONS LTD. BRI4SELS,'ONTARIO' 4' ITEMS OF INTEREST Nevtl Leonard, refrigerator' . With matching 30"- electric stove iggeenk„cr. gold):,: Leonard automatic washer and dryer, elec- "trophonicMorse quality cpmponent set with 8 track'tape_deck, 6 IoVely styles at Morse stereos,- Morse sewing machine, large selection of .bedroom and chesterfield 'suites in styles of - Spanish,. Colonial, French Provincial & Modern, new single and double beds, lovely .table and swag`icam.ps, 4 styles ofncof- • fee and'end table sets, kitchen suites in a variety of styles and colours, Lazyboys, sets of, dishes, --radios; sets. of sifiierware and gift items and many more itenis..too numerous to mention This is a large site consisting of quality furniture which will be sold to the highest' bidder!. 0. NOTE': Terms of sale are cash and our handy TKM budget plan. There is plenty of parking . and .seating:',A refreshment booth and washroom facilities are available.' SALES CONDUCTED BY: BALL AUCTl9 S LTD.; BRUSSELS + AUCTIONEER: G.J. 'BALL PHONE 887-9363 0. 11. TENDERS 11. TENDERS Ministry of Government Services Ontario a Genera Contractors SEALED SEALED TENDERS Will be received . until 3:00 p m.LOCAL TIME on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, -1914 • For -the Conversion of an.Existing Prefabricated Metal Building to provide Storage, Laboratory, Mectitenicsr Office, _Lunch and Washroom Areas for the Ministry,of Agriculture and Food,'Cen- • trsllia College of Agricultural Technology, •liur3'on . Park, Ontario: • Tender Documents 'may be obtained from the Ministry of Government Sernfoes, ,Regional Office, 400 Elizabeth Strerts Guelph, 'O'Itt[Irlo,' Telephone . No. (519) 822-1150, or from the . " Public Tenders Office, ..Room M1 -43A, Macdonald Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontarlo. Telephone No. 965-1152. . 1- 48,000100 Bicj,Band, 't1 100%: 'iterformance Bond sfl d a 50% Payment Bond will be required ac irpeclfltbd. For further information regarding-fhialenderrpleait*ot1i11M'r. V. Hayskins, Mirt(stfyt if Government Services, Toronto, O'ntarlo.:, Tiflreph one No. 9654152 The lowest or any tender not necessarily, hcceptid;- .Jar., Thatcher. Deputy y Minister. RUSTPROOF l.et'us do a contplete job on that new or late model car. Well worth . the. reasonable Investment. See yrs at • ROUSE AUTO. ELECTRIC F4R 'ALL YOUR FULLER BRUSH NEEDS AND Replacement Parts. SEE ARNOLD A. VINT ` 110 , PARK ST. 524-6564 . �' 49.6 • ELECTROLUX ' (CANADA) LTD' Sales & Service AUTHORIZED DEALER "Man Riley '153, LIGHTHOUSE ST:. . , GODERICH ' PHONE 524-6514 1 1 PHO GRAPHY by - /RED .BIS'SET ' 524-7233 GODERICH._. VACUUM CLEANERS' SALES & SERVICE ALL ,MAKS • BOB PECK VARNA 2625748 gctfn YOUR FURNITURE v. ANCD ,eARPETS` DESERVE THE BEST! Have Carpet Care Clean them With `: Steam Call 524-2440. ANNOUNCE MENT� . °`�•( from. a ,a GODERICH HOUSING AUTHORITY As of January 1, 1974, Mr. John Lyndon has been appointed to the post, . of .Secretary Manager of .thew Goderich Housing Authority, replacing Mr. Howard Artken. 4 The Goderich -Housing Authority has established an office in the Park,Theatre Building, telephone 524 -6834: -The office will be .staffed from 1 to 4:30 p.m. 'deify; Monday through. Friday; and evening calls willbe•aocepted at that number until 10,p.m. - o, t Persona wishing' information regarding Ontarie,Housing Cor-' poration family units or senior citizens:accommodation may inquire through Mr.Lyndon. , GODERICH HOUSING AUTHORITY 44 524=683,4 ttention A- •FOR SA a Farmers •21, 1U14..F:I'O heifers,' average Itis.; 1A" single sp thermostat, Phone A-. FOR SALE • D Steers, even INTFRNAIIONA'L 175 two•beatc eight, about 425 •'m pure spreaderp,' used = one 'yea de. barn fan with ice new. Wes McBride, RR 529-7'287.:-2 Varna, phone 565-5309.=-2x: ,•, ONE 1)A1fi( red're Hereford b ll. of 'se Phone 396-7889.--1,2 READ -to -lay Babcock B-30 istered Paled' ,pullets, vaccinated and debeake viceable age, Bruce Roy,' RR 1, „tLondesixir phone 523-42,37.2,3 n6 Pu• tic notice' to otorists a If you are contem . lailrg a new car, wfi believe we . haveas g * . a product as any other manufacturer to off - 'you with: Kr” • Better gu : rantee --r Flit , J weallsfic'... g • • parison to our ompetitors. • And an honest de that you get your .worth ire to Tree money's • Of course we have a . full. line, from our sub�co pact popular Gr'emlin;'-'~•H0 tit,, Matador,, _,Javelln and bassadorr, - When you've looked at the reet,.'why . t come o'nd.see •us --- then YOU decide for . urlelf.• • - As for used cars We are willing to look at any senslblJ ofer any select used car on the lot. Gore M,tlrao Graft FinO $ery BAVFIELD RD,, • GODERl H ;, l 524411411 4,0 goo