HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-01-10, Page 5()pm 'TONAL: -STAR,. ' 'Hi IRIS Y, "i',ANH'ARY 10. '1174 rL The old Year has passed on and a whole Newt year has :' opened up to -.us `and we step out in faith. c A few'udays ago 1' stood wat- ' ching, some ''lines -men for =the Ontario Hydro; they Were at the top of an •aerial ladder , • working on high tension wires. The thought came to me "What, if they should make the'wrong. cbnnectioh: It could mean death to ' the worker, and daiknes and chaos to the corp, munity." When we entered upon 1973 many started out having made the•right connections with__Gnd, but somewhere, along the way . �,,�,L: �he; Pcaran'ectaons. became • ".L�. and at times 'were broken altogether, with the result that= we were in the dark& -and into all kinds of .trouble. As we en- ter 1974 may we make sure. that all connections with. God are in place. First of all make sure that you are joined:to.„Christ, who is . the- connecting link between, God and man. Many had poor, connections and many had none and many of these went our into Eternity in this .con- diticjn in 1973;= God in His mercy- has spared; us 'aid is giving us, another opportunity in 1974. In The word of God, Johti"i ' -verses_:•;11 and 12 we - read, "He Caine unto His own - and His own received Him not, but. to ,as many as received Him, gave He the power . to become The Children of God by believing on His name.' This is t-he,aftermath of the Chriserhhas message..: The 'Wise men came seeking to who was bo.r-n "King of the - Jews: Yes,Jesus:came to be the King' of the ;Jews, but 'they, -• rejected Him, sdHez turned to the Gentiles. And to. who ' believe on Him, and accept Him as their personal Saviour, , He gives. power to become -joint heirs with Him and of the house -h( o. Your . ate na life* 1n ds upon the righ connection, by; no means steout into the New Year withou 'Christ. There is. other,,,w y; ' other sects or belief's wit try and drat, you” away fro i Christ; be on your guard'. Yes Che Jewish people t . rejec- ted Christ . ecor- �ut some day diri); to promise, He willcnnle a ,second time to receive unto: •' Himself His Own; may we be , among that number when . the , of faith. _ But like the workmen: we must make:the right co,nnec-. tion; we i"nust be joineii,r to' Christ : through the New Birth; Will we know ° that., we' are • "joined to Him? What happens «.when you turn on the- light •-',switch? ,Immediate power and So when Christ- co ,;e ,,,jfltoT' 4' our hearts, there is immediate transforming power. -We. are .connected to the, st"rngest power line there' is, for it reaches Heaven. .As we --watched the wedding of Princess Anne. we were aware tliat.:she,, belonged' to. the Royal family, but we_have the• same' opportunity to belong to the Royal household of'God. For Christ is King'of Kings and Lord of Lords, and we, are joined„to Him in "faith in •His shed blood�:„ at the cross of Calvary; Sr- we ,can become- Prit+ces and • Princesses` When we receive the new/birth. If we .have not 'this joy in belonging to 'Christ, mybe it 'is time to search fco oose' or no„ conrfec t ions,.'' Saintsg a mar'chi r ` .fin; at that time4He will be'accepted as the True,.,Measielf by the Jevu.ish nation, and will reign` over - them for one 'thousand years, and, thus His prayer will be an- swered that all may be one, one fold and --one Shepherd; then there. will be the wedding of The Lamb, _when we shall sit down' .with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. . - Dear readers start the New . year with Christ. - 9 WILLIAMS CE•M TERM __. MEMORIALS And inscriptions Stratford - Ontario Bob Mcc�ijum Represeiitattive 11Cambria Rd., . Cid' rich• Phone 524-7345 SUFFER' THE PARENTS. v• Jesus said, "Suffer. the, children to come to me",.but Ern sure he also said, "suffer• the parents. to come, took' There's surely never been an age when.. parents, agonizing over,,,,xtheir young, needed corn- tort and assurance so much as right .now. lift's true adults ,have always worried about .the younger generatior.�Way bach,iri 12,74 a monk, ' Brother-" 'Peter, wrote, "Young people of today think 'of nothing_. but themselves. They have no reverence for parents, are impatient of all restraint,. They talk _as if they ;knew - everything '•an.d ` what passes for wisdom with us is feaolhtess ' with them."' But regardless- of `'this, no other, generation, has raised their young in a time of blood`'~ highway killings through the usel•and misuse of fast cars"and motorbikes,` in 'a time when alcoholic -drinks, flowing freely, are attainable• to even the youngest teenager. This is alsb an era when. glue-sniffing, the use of - pot, speed and other t ere a y, drugs,` al with 'fr ex;' are considered -by many youngsters norms o t e .ay: The new ;year is noWaWell - established; the.• merrymaking £festivities' of the holiday and festavr season are -irk;, the past; all that rerriains fo r .us to „do is pay the bills- 1 wondeir though, has the P- assing away of'the old year -rid us of our old worries, frustrations and fears? • The world spins in an at- mesphere of fear, The present conditions in our society with its drug addiction', uneni ployment, rising costs of .living, inflation, Political scandals, violent deaths, energy crisis and w.ar, above all the ever present threat of annihilation • for disease and poor health to„ • Your ph sicat.resistaince, Your enter your body. E,dircate your energy is one of your most in-• mind ..to recall only the ,good. portant ' assets,. •' d'uard it things that have hap� 'nedlealouely. At night get a re ular you.ncentrate-on-theIe `arno�#nit: of sleep. Pining the who have been kind to Vit; day include'''some exercisein then you• will trust the future your schedule, even'.if it is only cheerfurlly..:Early. in the mor - walking to work, `"I+he price'of ning, before the hustle and, gasoline going sky high should bustle of the day, commit your make walking. it pleasure": In ways unto the Lord. Lift your every case of persl$tan.t discom- heart to God, commit your will .-;fort or lack of energy, consult a to, his council, and get .your -1•-- physician, Many a fatal illness directives from 'Him. Then you might have been averted. had will go with 4-llis hand, not a roedicaL.,care been obtained. chip, on your shoulder, Nothing Finally, remember, '"God's can substitute for a•��str^ong;••'pur-pose is to "make man livin faith ' the God ' h h l" N theh ieal through atonic warfare, lead created you, upholds the part but the mental and many-,.peopie to` apath:et`i'c universe, and stands by, to spiritual parts as well. It is ab- despair.- What we ne_ed'., is guide_ you along the wa,Y..._ solutely impossible for ;r any rational, creative , .hope- •human being to be -whole if any something that will be like, a , -''Your body is a wondrous of the, three are 'neglected or fresh breeze fror�i, the sky to work of a master craftsmen; ,it abuse d. ` In the memorable 'keep us (thinking positively'. The is yours to take`care of,, Do not. wor s of the Apostle , fi!aul, • -,antidote to* fear is three fold: starve the body; feed it with the ,'M y the God of peace hirhself of their.,;, love for' them; • but TMWe must have a faith to live by, best food available. Follow a sanctify you wholly: and may because of the'pain they suffer~ a self with which we can live, well balanced diet. Breathe ,sanctify spirit and, soul and'.body `when their -young are hurt. , ' , and' a. purpose for which to live. and drink properly, avoid _ar- be kept sound and blameless at The prodigal eventually, Only as"we build these three tificial stimulants and abstain the coming of.our Lord Jesus `found himself' n the pigpens cornerstones into our life from alcoholic beverages and Christ' . (as low�as any Jewish boy,could `"characters will it be possible fora narcotics, 'too not - allow the A happy and... peaceful new get) where Jesus,says.he berme us to diminish the fears haste or hectic pace with whish. , year -to .you all, to himself' g, he looked himself a engulfing,us. , n the face and was'. So _ : `Resentments are poison - not a1 g ai to w o woe of just p ysi a . LOOT usiness needs. o be accom-, plyhed influence you to wreck' isgusted with` whet he sate he symbolic poison, but ,;e P p'cke.d-- tip and headed back ..poisons that affect the body. An pi It' 80 thei fed they Wh home' father' not9 w' be. He request his: lov forgivene asked for. outstanding psychologist recen ut remember it was in the tly found through extensive ex - sty that -the revelation came.., perimentation that -ii' in- . a ,„,terrible risk parents dividust'ls°°' thought pleasant etimes have to take . to let thoughts, their eyesight was ab - children go, unkempt, un- •, tuelly better,. they could hear nd neglected in order that better, and their. food tasted will find'themselves. k better.- Conversely, ,� Irbse�-„,'c�vho harbored. grudges and feelings n the prodigal' returned of -reprisal had duller senses,. What:thee- The ,. Truly the wise- man' of the reaction ,was probably. •Scriptures said, ''.,-A tranquil t .yours. or mine- would mind gives life to the flesh, but brushed off ;the ' son's ' passion makes the” bones rot':' r forgiveness because. •. 'Oisie ,thing. you canfio't-do and was so great, 'that is ' `fool. your nervous wash t needed to be There w hoping yo lesson and system•, You may lie _eo -those ` 'with whom .you live .while e neo ''sermons about speaking with the tongue of an 've' learned ,-•your .angel, .but if.. you. hate: your u d better riot let -fellowmen, your body "takes, a it happen a;ain, Neither' was beating". If1 ;you, despise the h ' n 'H' eation made of ground some people walk on, • along free s dragging him off to church, .or - sentimentally FOR YOUR AUTO INSURANCE Sem' or Phone aw MALCOLM MAjHESH GENERAL INSURANCE 'AGENT • �, 46 WEST ST. -524-9442' tonp,,L,B. at `the. end •of" y. Rusty and Shirley '•Reappointed to lose art - ,ch a slim! margin,,.-' but w -as pleased, v p e ased, and .very to. be .invited :by the • rri Ontario Section .to .ac-_ Any the �•tearn -to the ian Championships. Arill be expected to attend ° to practice sessions• tnd etitions in the eight days l be in Moncton where he • bserve and listen to the lig being given to the ,• e, Junior and . Senior competitors - an rn is expected ,of competitors • Canadian Championship will be flying o `Moncton the team' on January , 27 Laying with them, at,,,the 11:: hotel. His room -mates ie stay in Moncton will be ose friends Michael de la' were of St. Thomas, who d first in the Novice Dance apionsi4 s and Robert �iw � aitr'nic`k o -'London who •d second in :they Junior i free skate in Chatham • .eek. ' ,ad -part of the' competition .usty was his' knowledge it. was "the last competition'. Auld attend with Shirley,` tier- for the past year,. 'RRhe enjoyed skating ea'�•iev has found it E I eE.tri '''Ru$y�e 'idleare to continueplane competitiveand nkat n) and a new partner Tarnow being tested and,selected.and The e. amP'et1ttnnsheld in Chatham were both,rewa.rding and stimiiting-to both skaters, and. spectators The Central • Division Charripionshiips. will:,be - •:; "Held in Brandon Manitoba and, the Canadian Championships will be held inQuebec City next year• s .. MATERNI -WEAR. . e1, the, SEPARATE SHOPPE Main Corner Clinton • Open',2 6 CIo ed Weds NEW MODERN- UNIT?$ ,G_E.RVE. YOU RIGHT, THE~ MAKE THE KI„CHEN WQRKSOLI "INDUSTRIAL RI:�SIDEN.TIAL':iING • :_CUSTOM TRENCHING • u, LOCAL TRADEMARK'S, Mc - CTR •E IC GRAHAM, EL•. CAMBRIA RQ N' . G.ODERICN 24-8670 the f h d sitting aroun as ; e ng him, We stand in stunned -'horror embraci as' we watch ma`tiy of them, who Instead, the were .'trusting and "lovable good food. and • blibies 'such a short time _ago, bedraggled, wa � ry .�i and- ave'"brd er ,ttiur-ta,, rrito.l,�,istrusttng, �su�lert,,�,t $ ,...� i°llu;sive strangei's with- whom` celebration . dThon we can no longer'c2�•imunicate, return t life'. Strangers, who to us, have no ther provided - lothess-fair the d rasca 1, r'' a gigantic rhis son's e father,had no assurance, moral fibres, who live bycod.es her, that his son wouldn't laid down by their peers, them,,,,, just get cleaned - up; fed.', and selves caught. in some te'rr j rested and then decidL to take trap of violence, dishonesty'an • ,-.off once' more. We, as ,arerts, y spathological disinterest in 'mare often put to this sa a test. anything that woulr ree them It's costly love that almost In Silent-anguiwe watch as, breaks 'our spirits '.and; our they seem int ti on destroying hearts, ' ' , themselves hile we pray they Jesus told this s , ory t When will o show find themselves • He was depicting God as t (asthey late t to s*before Father > whose love is fre t '-s too late. . ,._.. given, is ever forgiving,, and The Bible, speaks of the unconditional :_even at .cost o .- rodial -son going -to!a,r, far ---country p -�,� g ; --great. suffering. �' country ta'a life of reckless and What -else can we do but Y wanton living, Buts ..,our 'kids follow His :example in showing 'fin'd their `far country' as close this kind of love to our as Main Street .or the' next block. I'm sure ac's more ex - destined young ,who seem. • cruciating for 'parents to have destined `to go to the far eo'un- to watch their prodigals hurl try inr order to' come.,.to: them - .themselves to ruination than if- selves they went away to' -do • it. _ _ ....B�ut_there 'is much 'for us •par nts to glean from the Biblical prodigal story. In the ;first place, we ,note the father not onlypermitted hip 'son to go to hisprobable destruction; he actually' gave him,_, the money 'with which to do it...This kind of permissive lovdlfs very dif- ficult.- '�arent want:to:protect-•their chiIdren; .- to keep them from eing hurt, not always because SAY JA your nervous systein registers it. Every time we are overcome 3sith resentment,..weA are can- `'d'idates for headaches, :stiff necks, digestive upsets and kin- dred ills. Keep a. clear4;onssietice. This _ is the seexet -.to :;jri" .;Tyr �'a. del,.aved illness: Those who dcnot keep their ' conscience, in 'line . with what they know to be .right are "among the ' rrinst miserable people on earth. They are in- deed -sick. Think it over; have `'you 4 .sp.mething against someone? `Has anyone cease 'to have• something ,against you?"qo to them, -talk it ever, make things right; get the •bitterness out of your system. Sure it may be hard`` at first; you may even -be rebuffed when " you, try, se what? Your con- science is clear and, you will sleep as .you haven't slept 'for • many a day. • Be an optimist; talk health not disease, The moment•.yjou -ok at the da`'rrk side of life-- caning,' grpa'ning, ', and wining about your., lot --that sa e moment is an open door' p Goderrich Dis#riot „•:(orlegfate Institute- N% LUTH• ER A!4.7SER VICE:S Robertson 'Memorial- School. (BLAKE , AN'D ELDON' STREBT. ,.., ODERICH) SUINDA-Y SCHOOL'''. 94010. WORSHIP SERVICE 11 A,M.. Pastor; Bruce Bjorkqulst 333 Eldon Street, 524-6081 I 1 , n (art t� r runrlurlt tlior a WW1 rti j :4'l!llt,t1 i+t lullh itliutiI 11tr t1vn1ti of Ill? Irrn• 1i+rri,tj: .1 Yll n FIRST BAPTIST CHURC (Baptist Convent/On-of Ontatto:.and Quebec) ' MONTREAL STREET near The `Square REV. W. H. 'MCWHINNiE Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett - 9:45 a'.m. -Sunday -School Sunday 11 a.m, COME AND -WORSHIP WITH US ' ALL ARE WELCOME • , w The FreeMethod:ist hrch %-fartt'Sl. al Victoria Pastor: "Hy Ross -.Nicholls, 10:00 a.m Be part of a groWing, Sunday School' 11:00 a.m'. Church Finances, Support' or Investment? .6:30 p.m. •Bible Study .and Outreach Anyone needing butt transportatib`rM ;Phone 524-9903 Everyone Welcome 'CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET HEAR , Rev. Sparks SPEAK WITH spEciAL otisic BY Mrs.„Sparks, at Westfield F.ellowship' Hour at uron Men's Chipel Aubirplit lAkUAitY 14 "EvII Prevails W„hen Good Mon Do NothIneg • • 10 W EVANGELISTIC-- FUNDAMENTAL For frAe bus transportation please call 5244497 6;30 p.m. WORD OF LIFE CLUB • 7:30 p.m. EVENING SERVICE WED. 8 P.M. PRAYER MEETING Welcome to the Friendly Church 2. BUSINESS LAW for PERSONACUSE 3. LADIES SPORTS NIGHT 4. THEATRE ART,S Monday, January 14' Phone 5244353 mbea, Information. o THE SALVATION ARMY: 18 WATERLOO ST. S '514.4341 SUNDAY SCHOOL — 9:45 A.M. FAMILY'WORSHIP -- 11:00 A.M. •,,EVANGELISTIC SERVICE — 7:00 P.M. WIXOM 'Home League (ladies) wed., 8:00 -p.m. ,' Prayer & Bible 'Studies, Too*: 7:30 prrii. "All Are Cordially Jnirited, to- *fetid"- ' sumpay, JANUARY 13, 1974 Morning prayer and Sermon at 11 a.M. cOME TO A:, 4FlOWI'NG SUNDAY -SCHOOL YOU NEED A 'AIDE, WE HAVE A BUS Bethel Pentecosto Tanernac e AffiWed with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 69414E6 bF ELqIN and WATERLOO STS SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1974 Friday 7:30 p.m.—Youth Service . :"No-tilan is' free. itho cannot Command himaelf!” __ For further iniormation4bout church service's call,,524-8506 Vittoria .5treet United Church OF FRIENDSHIP- I- REV IST4Ar.to WARR 10 A.ii."-431blio School For ,All YGiades Sernlon:"MORMONISM UNMASKED" iii.ENMILLER UNITED CHURCH HOUSE le:30 P.M. - Worship SliftsiCe & Bible School Victoria St. Organist Wits.pLoonard Warr. Mrs. J. Snider & Choir .Dirept' Or -kortht Streit • Uiitid7,Chltt. Rev ROBERT L. RAVMONT SUNDAY,..JANUARY 130974 -Presbyteticin °Church .4 WILLIA ,CAMERON, Direttor of Praise.. SUNDAY, -Alf ARV -1-3;-i974 "THE CHURCH OF THE RISEN • to Serve Enter to Worship, .V.45 - 10 year oicrii---end over "THE 11.,CRAII,A:kl'iT OF THE 1:6RD'S SUPPER" • *00 Clef,* PAo0iiwain Assists* Vienot • 44, • • •