HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-01-10, Page 31.n LP,,14h6rM MJ, 4.4'r`.TbM"«4'kF tk
Goderlch Elevator presented:" new sweaters to the Banta% .
House League hockey team consisting: of: ( front row left to
• right) Jeffery, Rawson, Good, Doherty, Fisher: (back Sow)
Russel, 'Harrison," Wurnick,4: Jeweil,µ•Le-
coach Crawford., Waif photo)
The ,Goderich. United Soccer
Club held its' organizatilwal
meeting for 1974 recently selec-
ting the new executive for the"
• upcoming 4ieason.
• Kaz Budny is std=l,l the
- Px $xdealt4; ttnd :he ... has- .also
assumed the duties'of, secretary
`eon the club. The•club, accepted
with regret the resignation of
former secretary Sandy Profit
and extended thanks to him for
his service in promoting ,soccer
locally over the past decade.
Mr. Profit will continue an ac-
tive member of the club"
however. ,.
Mrs. Ronnie Varga assumed
the duties of treasurer for the
Club and Joseph Drennan R.N.
will be the tea nes''"•' medic.
"Trainer will, be, Walter Gott
„schalk, team captain . Harold
Refflinghaus, co -captain John
Gottschalk and coaches are
Stan Profit and Alex Varga,
Club training will be -getting
"underway January 15 at the
God"erich and ' District
- Coll gia a Institute between_
the hours of 6:00 and 9,00 p.trr.
and .`will- continue every
'Tuesdayat the same time. A11
° players registered Or wanting to'
regi r; are asked to attend.
The 'club also unveiled their
new .teary*. '•crest at the
organizational meeting.
Designed by Ronnie. Vaarga and
• ,e,cceptedt,by the Club, the crest
will be worn on the team's new. -
-uniforms milt club jacketsa -�-
Members •eikpraed a hops'
that during the new year -they`
would 'receit'e'� more support
' from local fans. Last -year,
C'trderich United wort 12 games,,
tied" two and lost only four to
place with 26 points.
The top team in the league'
was . London United .with 0'
points followed by'the London
German Canadians' with 28.
points andMGoderich finished in
third -with < 26 points. 'Clinton
finished third from the bottom
of the 13 team league with 11
A special ~expression of
thanks wasissued by the club
to those companies and groups
'who.. provjded -the financial
•t eking necessary to get the
team off .t the groti' ,id .during
-their first season =-last year,
#At rArf.'tr0`' 9Fgi fSrart [TU.
When the Gpderichr Urnited. Soccer Club takes to the field ter. --
their -second season this spring they will be 'sporting this new.
team crest. The 'crest, designed by club treasurer Ronnie
Varga, was accepted by the .grpupo attihair:, 1974
organizatlonal.meeting recently.wilt The crest be worn «
on team jackets. (Photo -by-Kaz Budny).
-Farmers should stake. care of
who they...le.t use their property
for snowmobiling if they don't
want,.to:be. held liable for in-
juries on their property, an in-
surance . company 'spokesman
told members of the Huron
tountit ' Federation 'o,f
Agriculture , at _the monthly
• directors meeting in Clinton
last, Thursday night.
Stan Cairns, supervisor :of
the London and .District office'
of the Co-operators Insurance
Agency of. Guelph told -the
group that people using a'.far-
mer's property fall into three
categories 'and to each the far- -
r�. mer has a different degree of
.The first group, 'h'e said, is
the trespasser who shouldn't be-
thre and the landowner has rio
responsibility for his safety ex-
rept that he•t;an•not deliberately
lay a trap* .fort' - .
The second class; he said, ...is
the licensee, or a person. who is
`on -the property with the
owner's knowledge, if not his
permission. Itc is tup=..to the Ian -
downer td warn ;this person of,
any dangers•'such 4'ertces •Or
open pits.
The third ,categary is the in-
vitee, or someone invited on to --i
t'he:f property and for' whose
presence 'the= landowner will
receive financial gain, It is im-
portant,�Mr. Cairns said, that
in' such• cases the" landowner'
'contact his insurance ,adept, to
.have, a special• clause attamato
his liability insurance policy.
;Mr..C•a•irns told the farmers
that they should review their
pres,ertt.peljOes for liability and
make sure that there was a
minimum of '$100,000 coverage
and suggested, they would -12e"
•wise to carry $300,000 coverage
.because the cost of settlements
Kirkconneil and aim Glyn. was inoreasing.
'ay.S1' r,:sv
• Don Hoist Real Estate has `supplied new hocksy sweaters' to Jewell; Wayne Graham, Chris carter, Mici Lepaine, Ian
the Bantam House, League" team consisting of: (front rowJeft - Chisholm, Steve Meriam, assistant.poach Fred Jewell. (staff
to right) Mark Hutchins, Tim Affield, Tony Bedard, ,Hugh photo) . •
Hanly, Brian Reed; (back row left to ..right) coach ,Chuck
The 12 ,annual "Blue and
White junior basketball tour-
nament was, held at GDCI last
The Strathroy 'Saints;
. ` defeated London Beck Spar-
tans 37-27 in thee championship
the consolation title was
won by defen!din champion
Sarnia Central withe'a 50-35
win .over Medway Cowboys.
Mike Petho led Strathroy
',with 11 points while Clayt
Ninham was high scorer • for
Beek with nine.
•.,,..Theo: -Saints•, ,a,nd=.
• Spartans--
went into the final cruamter tied
23:23 but the, Strathroy, club
went on a scoring spree out-
- scoring the Spartans 13-4 in the
fihaI quarter to win the chum-
,trathroy•got 16 points froth
Al Canters in a 39-36 semi-
final win over Stratford North-
western. Beck reached the final
with a 64-59 win over," Sarnia
Northern: Joe Graves scored 20
points for Beck and Dave Hut-
chings 20- for Noithern in that
, Mark Wighton hit for
points -to lead Sarnia Centt'atb
the consolation •title. nob
J'frce . scored 20 f9r Medway,^M'
Peirce also had 14 in •a 49-37
win." er the•Itost GDCI junior,
Vikings in .the con1sol•ation .•
semi-finals. John Hardly led the,
Vikings with 15 points.
Central beat Sarnia St. Clair
fitr- fit in the other, semi-final as
Wighton scored 20 points. John
Dingman led St. Clair with 25
' In " the preliminary round .1
North"w stern beat Str:Clatir 57
53, Beck beat the Vikings 68-21,
Strathroy took •Sarnia. Central
60-63. and Northern got by
Medway 52-33.
GDCI wrestlers did..well in
the meet.' held in connection
with the Blue and White tour='
nament. ...;�
Rick McCiinchey placed first.
in his .Weigh`t class. Steve
Moore, Steve Palmer, and. Pete,.
Willis were all second in their
category. Placing third in their
respective divisions we`re Don`'
.� ..
The- Jaarnior League championship in the Boxin' - - Day Youth Bowling Council Family
Twosome at the'Little Bowl11n Goderichhwent to this group: Left, Heinz and Peter Sartori
"captured the boys' division and Barb and Laurie Streeter took the^giris' award. Runners up
were'Jackie'Miller and Harry Clements with Dawn and Ruth Oke taktrg the girls' runner up
spot. More than 150 players took part In the competition. (staff photo)
custom Killing drigi-Processing our Specia.ity,.:
Helnz• arid Haiold gettori, let, t
acs the boysl►' •dlvtslpn. ~hili Mrs. drdia;ti. WulpOis and lAalinaas
Inhsy to'n to k the girls' trophy in Youth Bowling COaa ncil Family Twosome play at the Little .
Bowl on Boxing -Day Runners to mirk, Chris and merry Pltre .and' Sheri and Edith Moody.
Runnera,up-wan'va free night of bowling for their family.'(itsff photo)
t,• Mi�vm r,•wrya..e,+..xv=wrw:.n:..- •....-.
GDCI boys' basketball team Tim McGee.0nd Bill (,auley,
won all three games in a each; with eight points, led the
Huron -Perth .Conference triple- junior Vikings. Riclt�Nfoody,,ad-
header here last Eridav against, deo five points and Tom
� . McGill four for the winners, ,,.. • W i rigtiii m. '�' ' ', ' '
The senior Vikings ,word :hon- "" John Haply' with three, .Dale
dile, 58-18, while the ,juniors Nivins with two and john
outscored' Wing dam 34-16. The
GDCI midgets completed the
sweep with a 43-22 victory.
Ron Willis with 17 points
and Pat Conlon w.itii 16
"'displayed some fine shooting
from the floor in leading the
, aerildr Viking offense.
Dave Patterson, led„,,_ the
' 1_ikings second line. unit,
bagging seven points, mostly in
the fourth.c''euarter When the
'secondstringe=rs held Wingham
to one field-' g't-ia1 and two free
throws while scoring .twelve
•• points o 't"lieir own, showing a five, both played a strong game
depth td the Viking attack not fon _the winners.
previously evid'e'nt. -rJ•eff. Baechler, Steve Chase
Casey 'and • Mike �Wild.gen. and Tins Doherty had four
each had, six points yid played— points each for the Viki'ngs ant'
- a strong game under the Bernie an Oesch added two.
''boards. "Tag" Sowerby, with For 'Wiiagham, Rabin Brent
four and Glen Tigert with two hooped X10 points while John
,,points, rounded out the Vikii g% eampbell had six.
scoring. `All three Viking team& will
Jim Watt,` although held be in action, again her
scoreless} played a strong -game .•"totnorrow (Friday) when
for th=e.., Vikings both "on the Exeter South Huron teams will
press and in„setting up the bo 'the, visitox,g. rf
forecourt play of the GDCI The junior and senior
Vikings 'w -ll -be taking paint• in
' Bruce Welbee and Keith • the, St. Clair Colts baaketbaaatl
'Raymond had six points apiece tournament in Sarnia on Satti
for Wingham. ,day.. . . •.' .
In the junior game, coach' . Neitt Tuesday the Vikingle
Lynn Meyer's squad displayed will .,visit St Mary s and .;on
-a' strong defensive effot"t Wednesday coach Phil Bugleee
although -they were ',� eniors Will play istr
plagued by' a lack . of s3hooti#tg gime with C mbridge�, outh�'
aby. woad at Galt:
Brady and Len Kolk'nan with
one point each completed the
Viking, scoring:
Bruce Jerriiyri with six points
and Mine Tiffin with four led
the a Wingham attack.
Coach Frirn - M'acDonald's
midgets showed continued
provenient and hustle• in their .'
win over Wingham. _
Greg. Beaeopi, with 16 points'
',-for the Vikirigst.was the games*.
top scorer.
•Den'nis LeBlanc, with eight
points, and Tim McLean with',