HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-01-10, Page 1COunty aounci`1 elected W.J.
Els:ton, Morris Township
• Reeve,, as Huron ° County War-
' den for 1974, "during the . in-
augural meeting ion°Tuesday of
"ternoon. •
Mr: Elston won on the fourth'
balldt, defeating • Charles
Thomas, of Urey Township, by
----a--vote •ote "of 30 to 22. , -
Mr. Elston led the other can-
didates • on the f%pt ballot. He
received 18 votes "while the '
other candidate: Hugh Flynn,.
of Mullett Township, gained'15; '
Charles Thomas received .. 11,
- and Ed Oddleifson, of Bayfield,
was eliminated with 8.
In the second round -of voting
by County Council members,
. Mr. Elston, led again with 24.
votes, M,r. Flynn and: Mr,
Thomas ,,tied with supporters
- giving th m 14 `votes apiece. -
Third ound balloting Was
between' hese, tiro, Mr. Thomas
won 33 to 19, only to be
defeate by Mr. Elston on -the
next v te.
In ddressing the meeting
before balloting took' place,'Mr.
Elsto said that council mem-
bers from all parts •of the
cou ty must` work together to
ma a an environnient,suitable
for ' growth.
This environment would spur
:new growth for housing G*
struction• and industry: Int
wou''l'd•:attract people to Huron
„county he said.
Different ateas.d ..the county
have different problems, but,.
again stressing unity, VIr.""
,Elstonadded council could lick
• the problems by cooperation.
In accepting his new office,
Warden, Elston repeated some •
of his earlier remarks saying,
that he would -serve the whole
. county and represent it to best
of his ability. a
Mr. Flynn said in his pre-
bellotingrernarks thatit would
take togetherness to `make
Huron County stronger. -He
teld the council that a warden'
was only as strong as the
people he worked with.
The county should appoint a
cotnmittee to examine its gover-
nmental ental structure, Mr. Oddleif-
son said in his,rernarks before
the election.
It -would show the Ontario
Government tint Huron
County- was "forward
thinking." The county does not
need • regional government or.
"bigness ' for bigness` sake," he
added. • •
• A possible side effect, Mri'"
Oddleifson' noted, could be a
grant , from the province to
assist in reforming, county
Reforms he suggested would
eliminate overlapping functions
of various council committees.
This ,would eliminate excess
time, energy and money in'
sotne areas,.
The county shguld take
charge of "people oriented seri
vices'! such as waste, disposal
and fire protection.
Mr. Thomas agreed with, his
election opponent -that. county:
government could be, restruc-
tured'to become more•efficient:
With 45 members, the „coUn- •
cil might have to be reduced in
size. Council should also work
more as .a body than in commit-
tee he said..
In having council deal 'more
as a body, Mr. Thomas
suggested that the....Coor-
dinating Committee be °given
more power to oversee ac-
tt.+ of other cothrkiltteee.
Councillors listened ,attest-
thtly to.platfo>rrns',preeented',,by
the candidates,. but 'settled on
Mr. Elston es new warden''
Warden for 191, flV. Pat °
tison presented .the new county
officer With. the chain of office,
the key to the count! and the-•-
warden's gavel, which he hoped
Warden Elston would not have
to use too frequently.
Mr.' Pattison, in his final
speech as Huron County War --
den, just before the e1evton,-
said that . he `enjoyed a
satisfying year in which much
was accomplished.
Continued'.. On pogo 12
ry A R D F r�t3
Retiring Warden Roy Pattlson bestows the`chain,of office
on the .new Walton for Huron County William J: Elston,
Reeve of Morris Township,.Y after he ,was elected to the -
post over candidates Hugh Flynn of Ilett; Ed Oddliefson
of Bayfield and Charles ThomasG y. Elston won -the.
seat on the fourth ballot during voting h id on Tuesday af•
ternoon. (staff photo)
By=law' number one' of 1974, `Counc llor Dave ,Qo
which will enact amendment,- „suggested to 'the ,Meeting t
number four to- the official plan the advertisement; Was a pub
and provide for rezoning of j8', relations effort on•behalf of th
acres of land on Bayfield Road inspector -since he deals most
"to accommodate the' proposed frequently with: the contractors
Suncrzast Estates shopping' of the• town.
malt; was given first, second "I' feel that since: the irispec-
and` third. reading when tor does most of his business
Goderich.Town Council met in. With the professionalcontrac-
their .first meeting of 4.974 last tors.. that the advertiser er t
Thursday. r • should be geared to, them but
• - The new by-law now goes to • that' theire , has; been no • hiarm
the Ontario Municipal Board. 'done to. the .townspeople who
with the application from :Sun- wish to attend the meetifig• a'nd.
coastt, andlany-objections, •for a have the by-law clarified for
final *decistctti. their own personal interest,"
the' business Councillor are added:
'Reeve Deb Shewfelt noted
that; "Since the Council• felt.
that oto .d9_a thistice to the job of
Buildxng/Tnspector we appoint
someone to handle the •position
we coritintki, along these'•line'a ,
by allowing the,,fnEfn to'Ado his`
'ob and n.csi' interfere." ' r
In another matter Councillor
H don also expressed concern
wit v the Wording of an adver
tise • ent placed in the. Signal
Star 'e"oncerriing applications'
"'for the ,various boards appoin-
t ted by the council to. work in
co-operation with council :on
recreation,: the hospital and•:s&
• on; • - -
Els.a'a-Iaydon•expressed concern
-to fcouneil in connection`„with
aiLadvertiserpent ,published in
”"YIa ,,-wek's' edition of the
Signal ' Star calling a', meeting
between building contractors.
and'the•Municipal ;Building •In- ,
Spector Roy.r.Breckenridge. •
She -.told he meeting that,'it:
seemed. the advertisement in-
CounciTCor Gower 'stressed'•,
..that, all -the existing boards, '
"would remain effective until
such ti e- as they are relieved
ontinued on page 12
• LIP • 'supports'
su -orts-
-Helping` Hands
The disabled and. elderly in
Goderich can ' now breach,` for
'Helping Hands For The, -
Elderly and the handicapped
fin- aid. •
A $7,200 Local Initiatives
•.Prog'r''am,..4 HeIping _. Handi
assists`.peopre needing transpor
......ration;-.sidewa•lk snow'Shoveling
.,and minor household 'repairs.
Transportation • is • only, for A.
important appointments, Flora
Warnock; head `of the project
.emphasizes. ' These include trips
to doctors, dentists and grocery
stores. ,
•,, Afraid that some .people
ight abuse. the transportation
,ser -vice, =Mrs.. Warngek _pOints'
out that she and her
workers, Howard, Thompson
and William Chilton, cannot _
cover everything. ` '
They could not oblige a
woman who cal»e f Them to..ask
for a ride to a beauty parlor:
If the woman' could- afford to ,, '-
have her hair -done, 41he could
afford a taxi, Mrs. Warnock
She .says the program is' to
help person's racking money for
cabs. ,
" 'T''he services offered by
(woolly -new
CSS chairman
Ar'Kippen area farmer is the
new "chairman of the, Huron-
Perth County Roman Catholic
separaste school. board.
"'Michael ;Connolly .of RR 3,
Kippen, ' was acclaimed Chair-
man" at the' inaugural meeting-
• in Seaforth Monday night: He
,,,,succeeds -John McCann of .R.R
3, Allsa'Ct'aig: ,Da"id,Tea,hen.af,,,,,,,,
Stratford was, elected vice
chairman. , .
A striking • committee com-
posed of 'Mr. ,Connolly,
Teahen, John Vintar, superin-
tenderii'. "of education; ' and
• Oscar Kieffer of ,RR lm'
Bluevale, will: select the mem- m
' bers df -the four -standing com-
mittees of the 'board for ' the'
•next meetingl
Mt Cnolly; en behalf of
the board, presented Mr:
McCann with .a plaque and:
thanked him for his work as
chairman during the past year:
The law fign of Donnelly
and,Murphy,'Goderich, was -a
pointed board solicitor.
The board approved a bank
borrowing by-law giving
authority to borrow up to a
million dollars :if necessary "to
carry on the board's business
prior to receiving provincial
grants Or levies from'' the.
A request from .Lee J. Littel
of Stratford, asking if the ,Strat-
ford men, who have entered a
team in the Ontario Volleyball
League, could be allowed to use
St: Michael's School ,gym-
nasium free -of icharge, was
Th`e""•` board will continue its
policy df charging •,$10,, :the
4egular permit fee. The group
dicated the building inspector plans were announced'
;was interested in meeting only, earlier this week for what
with professional contractors organizers are"terming."one of"
and -vas not concerned with thea• .the biggest sporting events ever,
roan who. simply Wangs to make, held in G erich" which will
some• improvements to 'his seethe SignalfStat Paper Leafs
"It, appears as though Coun-
cil has taken a favorable
pitted in hockey combat against
notorious CKNX Wingham..
The: big game has been
position with these men and scheduled for 2:00 p.m. Sunday,
virtually ignored the_.. -.towns- . afternoon•February; 24 at the
people who may ;be interested —Goderich Memorial Arena and
in having the by-law clarified;" all Proceeds from the event will
she. noted..,., ,,,,..,. , ,,,. ... g:o tgwarch suppo�rt''df 'th.e.
"The i tii•lding Inspector can. Goiferich, and District
of course meet with anybody of • Association 'for the Mentally;
his cheice," she added, but Retarded: . ' -
this advertisement appeared Rumor has it that both teams
under "Town of Goderich" and ' have been holding practice
I am attempting to make . it , sessions in preparation for the .
clear that tee m'ny knowledge the • big 'match -now since early
meeting bias nothing to•:de.,„with• December. The Paper'._ Leafs ”
the. Council." " have been • seen °frequenting cer-
' "Builders and •con•tractors • tain'out of towo arenas now for
are.not 'less intelligent than the several weeks and -the CKNX
ordinary person down the • squad is-,imeportedtd have been,,.
street who is expected to under- the,, • ra aj g
infiltrating k,,,:,M.wof.,.
stand the by-law; in many cases Wingha=m teams to pick up"•
terpret the byr,laws to. „their • "badly needed practice." $Yrskl names lineup
Steep, photographer Ron -Shaw,
pressr'nan Tom Vanderburg and
crews. writer Jeff Seddon.'I'eah
manager, will' be Signal -Star
vice president Howard Aitken .
and Tim O'Dwyer will assume
the : trainers resp nsibilities.
the builders have lawyers to in what' a spokesman territ
benefit. - ' "
If the'l'new by-law needs that Shrier, .publi:lher ,of the Signal
Paper Leafs : captain R.G.
much explaining..and•clarifying- Star, is recently reported to
have ,said his' team is ready
. then we should have a general
public meeting without singling the big th tch, `or at least .as
ready as ;it will '-ever be.
Mefnbers of the' CKNX team
.are . also expressing confidence
in their„ ability to handle the
opposition on February 24.
Local book -makers are
refusing to even discuss the up-
coming game. '
_Referee for the afternoon will
be Goderich Mayor Harry Wor-
out‘one group,'. she tol,�coun
cil. r ti
"I am not reading, sinister
motives into -the Bttilding In-
spectnr's desire '-to have the
-meeting but I do regard the
wording as unfortunate. Par-
ticularly as they are also ‘"to
Precei�ve..r-..re�conrmendations for
any changes as they relate to
er i'fl1 '•contractors." sell' who agreed to' take oh the
"The by-law relates_ to job somewhd.t'reluctantly. "The
everybody," Mrs. Haydon last time I did anything like
stressed. When the Building in- that; sortie lady started to beat,'
Spector receives such recom- me --with a broom,"He ex -t
rnendations what is he going to clamed. '
do with them?" Paper Leafs coach Ed Byrski
'Is it exi'ected that Council (advertising mariner) said his,
will treat them in any .special' team would consist of publisher
way at this sta.gel? The 'by-law Bob Shrier, salesman 'Dave,
was circulated and every . Williams, production manager
ratepayer, including the J ''n'''"''Bii6lianari, composing
builders. and developers, can• foreman Lloyd ,Lounsbury,
object iii' the regular manner dark room technician Brian
,until ,January 14." Rumig� head pressman George
,''1 -would not wan •to•.see�-the--.--Vvanderbur„g,, pressman Dennis
matter\handled in any other Vanderburg, office manager
way,". Councillor Haydon ads Tom 'tlynrr editorial staffer
Noel Flynn, presstrian au
Coach 'Byrski also announced
he intends to ;bring three
players L ct:,i he Paper Leafs
from the organizatiori�s farm
clubs. Eric Howld and John
Garten will be''called up'from
the Kincarlline News and Jim
Fitzgerald from. the Clinton
News Recor'd. • ,
CKNX t pf tri d riy' Baitob
(farm director) said his top line
would coi�siat 'of announcers
Ross P611' and Jerry Chomyn,
news man Dave Coles, sports
director Crawford' Douglas,
sa'esman, Wayne Brown .and of
.,..course, himsel , rk.
A further list of team mem-
,, hers is to be announced later
this month when CKNX com-
pletes player
training camp.
Tickets to the event will be
on sale early next 'week and all
ticket holders have a chance in
a. draw on a hind quarter of
beef in. •addition to game admit-
tance. Tickets will be, available
through local merchants, at the
Signal -Star offices, and from
---Paper•_ Leafs team -mein-berg-at
the price of $T.00.
Ticket; will also,be available
at the gate.
selections at their
Two members of the; Goderich\ Division of'$t John .Ambulance,,were awarded the Serving
Brother honor in the Order of St. John recently. An investiture.` into the Order was held at
Gdvernment house iii Ottawa by Governor General Roland Mitchener. bonald Stemp,,,eeen
left, was present -at the' investiture' but `Charles Br-eckowwas in hospital at the timet' and
unable tottend. Other members of the divislop invested into the order over previous years
were( John Wilson, John Cory; David • Harman :and, Harry Westlake. `
e p .Ian
o enshelping harrids are all free.'
The project is trying,to reach �
people who "can't- even afford a
Y This Monday evening -night• . Ladies Sport Nig
says. The .evenings wilt
and•District Collegiate In= program of warm ups
stitute will be underway again; and then s'por't active
newspaper or a telephone," she ' ,
Tcg .reach these people,
program, workers ate. compiling
a list of people's names sup--
, -plied by` servmice organiz.aticros,,,.
churches , and •doctors.
"Many people -are surprised
and pleased that they are being
Considered," Mrs. Warnock
notes. • „1-:
Although- she has ctnly 100
people on her list_that she has
contacted 'so far, she estimates
that Helping Handy will offer
services to about. 30(.' people, -
. posy more. .
In me cases, eligible people
twill r eive .letters to inform
them o the project's services.
The solar Helping Hands"
staff of three has been aided, by
volunteers. Five people have of-.
feed tohelp `wjth tratrspor- •
tatari, for�.no pay. ,
Some of theist even said they
wrould• help but, with household
repairs.' and -.snow shoveling
also, r'
�*k is pleased with
the response to her project. She
feels that it shoe that Helpings;;
Hands ie doing simethitvg *o5-
thwhile. "'
Mgrs. Wa;ttoc .1
. Dissatisfied with seri/Aces
provided by LIP grants in the
'past, Mrs. Warnock felt that
more should be offered.
- While listening, to a Kit- -
che-nerradio. stint last
winter, she heard that volun-
teers offered to shovel snow for
Continued on page, j2
school classes at the Goderich -
eature a
ties -at'
this time_bOasting the addition
.9f four new ,programs.
Between ,t'ha' hours of 7,30
p.m, and 9:30 p.m. for the next
10 'we'eks residents of Goderich
will 'have ,the ,opportu;tiity •to
take part' in programs of'''Art
(life drawing), Business --and
Law 'for Personal Use, Ladies
Sport Night, or Theater Arta for
f mn nn
has' -been . using the school's
gymnasium every second Sun-
day. -, •e,
Stratford members of the
.'Board, who are able, will at-
tend la meeting' ofre tional
officials in Stratford Tuesday
sets, blpcking' and other, theater, '.noon. "Up .for discussion is the
topics. -'. '°
-Board's offer to the City` of
It is planned • _ the Stratford if, --the use of the
continued on page 12
such garner as volleyball , and
program as much
at thea er appreciatr'on`as at in-
badminton. � Firs t �ree�r o�f
Warren Robinson, just back volvement 'vvitli the stage.
from a year's extension 'study All night' school •'programs' ',4 .Said u���
in Engl ind, will be providing . are tentative, their .institution • q
the" Theater Arts course,...That
depending on a show. of support
program will operate- by topics, - from- the public. Each must
one or two evenings aimed ata have at least nine or 10 persons
each -area -It will involve stage . interested before they can.
'direction, makeup, lighting, ', 'operate. ,
• .. The first .week of 1974 was a'
quiet one for -the ` Goderich
Police department. ` Only three
.charges were laid under the
Criminal Code of Canada,
- seven under the Highway Traf-
- fic Act, four under the Liquor` "-
- Control Act and one under the
The life drawing program, b 1Vlona Mulhern, InformatiioFriendship
operated y
will be an extension of art
prpgrams which have, been of-
fered' in the past.. There has
been conventidinal art, using
still subjects, but this will be
the first time those taking part
will have had the opportunity
• to work on liye models.' Mrs:
Mulhetn ` stresses that the .
program is suita!li1e for begin-
ners, and first time artists
would be more than welcome to
come out.and get invo`iV�ed.
T,h•e Business a nd Law
".prggrarn will be. operated on a-'
basis of guest speakers, a dif-
ferent one, for' each night of the.
course, The speakers will ,deal
with such ,sr `hjects as con-
sumerism, real estate, in-
surancey .personal Waw_, wilts
and estates. a_
physical , dtipation
instructors inda 'McCaw and
Audrey 'I-fowAl will off the
Narcotics Control Act.
,�t� ^����� Center $ / were issued and one charge laid
The Information and Friend,
ship Centre in Goderich; fun
ded by a $12,480 Local
initiatives Program grant, is'
tackling a wide variety of social
services'for adults, for the next
present iiifor-
•mation `to interested people
about various social agencies
and steei them to specialists..
who can be -of :assistance, says
Isobel MacDoria>ld, 'project
Included are the' County
Health Unit, , C,anada Man-
pcl'wer, Children's, Aid,,
Homecare and`others._--."¢..-
The centre, located, at 34
Kingston St.., will also serve as
an adult drop-in venir'e`
six months.
The centre will
Providing activities for per-
sons wha.lack the chance to get
out for recreation is an impor-
tant part of the centre's
program. ,
Everything .offered is free of
charge, Mrs. MacDonald
stresses. .
' Arts, crafts, euchre and
bridge will be offered to groups
housewives arid Ahht-ins.
organized is a telephone chain
for' senior citizens. Those in-
volved wOuld call senior
citizen everyday on the
"' The progra,ro would offer tWo/
things, Mrs. MacDonald stq'te.
,contlnued. on Op 12
under a municipal by-law.
- On traffic ` duty, ,officer's
•vestigated only two minor ac-
cidents on local. streets.
Ja"ritiary I, a single,car mishap
'at the corner of Wellington and
LigI thouse frets resulted in
$400 damage to.a car driven by '
Kenneth E. Kelly of 240 Queen
Street in:St. Marys when it
skidded out 'kit' control and ''
struck utility pole. Kelly was
not":,.7inju e"d. •
In the • only other Mt en -"
oars driven by Jean Bannister
of , 48 Britannia,- ' Road iii
''Gocileerich' and Jeatl Valker bit
60 Wacker Street in Clinton ('
suffered an estirnat °,�7.
damage 'teach when rife''
collided on the Square near the
People s Stare.