HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-01-03, Page 15. 0 1 f .9.-0 J 'oop1 RICH, $IOTA ,-$iAJ ThURSPAY, JM4UARY 3 197 BTNQ4,, ever RatUt`.daav -at; ' Gpderich, Legiarr Hall B: U"p:ni. Fifteen regular games, $12;OQ•_ » prizes. Four - ,share -the -wealth • games With this week's jackpot $75..00 if Won in 55 calls, Door prizes. Ada;ission •11E REGULAR -Meeting of the -Maple Leaf Chapter ,-bel.: al the home of Mrs. Hobbs, :24- Gloucester. Tepr'ace, January, By 1974, at $:15. -•*'1 Local Initiative Program HELPFUL{ HANDS FOR 'THS ELDERLY AND HAtDICAf P,Ep _This prRggam...ls dielgoed to 'help -tie f#10,vI .and han- dicapped dicapped Who are unabli .to do for thsmrays$ ouch as minor repairs In,thrlr°".holnaa, Snow shovelling, window . • .cl aning and all'mann.r of odd •jour,-Inoluding:grocary shopping : 8110,,tj9u ,09,rtation•.44,•, urilant reappointment• phon! 52.4-2513; 55 Newgate striwt ,- • ---5,12,3' BLYTEI LIONS BINGO'RBlyth • with Ken arid %i iby. Witch for • ,-,-,.,�i�"em rill ; ' .,. .�..x.h:i.� ___ 'per;- 1; b3•-1 2 p.rr>.: $`15'O:O� Jackpot. Big cash. ne wspaP r A,J�.... prizes.---4Qtf ;NEW, BINGO, Clinton Legion Hull 83O -Every Thursday. Ad- mission 1.00," fifteen regular games. -$ 10.00 each. Three Share -The -Wealth games, One 'Jackppt,fc,�r,$ ,54 i,n 54 numbers consolation. One call ,and $.10.90 added weekly " if not won.—cgifn v • If you hav4. # hearing protlem ,contact The`2enith ,Hearing Aid +an► ce.. ' 'y ciiiTri RIEtit-- -. P PHARMACY 524-7241, 14.1 ne • Square. -FREE ;TESTING. NQ .• . OBLIGATION. T: QTY MEALS ;. }ar .Hujtgry t�sPlek J.IGHT SNACKS for not -so -hungry people ;. NEXT ROTARY TRAVELOGUE GRECIAN ODYSSEY - Joe Adair - JANUARY 29 The English-speaking Carter family Jin dicy situation unable to cam- , municate,with the'French-speaking str'clrg,'man'inENUFF IS SNUFF. - r IH at Us:, a frlm produced by pave' Canadian feature falm_'Enurf is 1l` GLOBAL TEL'EVISION NET Snuff'. "` WORK LAUNCH SPECIAL __ - _MapKay (ONTARIO Expo. 67), to show the program face of. In keeping with its name• 'I bal • E LCO M E Al 6:q0 p.rri: o R_January' 6, the Global. y Ve�O wilt premiera_a perspeptr n` Global Television Network will � - • ,• • launch Canada'sthird English thq''World as seen throi1 ti the Global then crosses the Atlantic eyes of.ei'Ot internatio ally re- "woQld like tocall. you with Language'teIevipn service to "housewarming gifts" and in- raver 7 million ptople'across .formation loaal�t on. ThebHa�stesswill bA southpern Ontario. your glad. to arrange your subaccip- The special launch 'program• tion to* the Signal -Star features two Global, Tetevisibn o a .producti:ons the NationaliArts Centre Orchestra, 'the` premitre of a new Canadian song;d t .. iasgy n �•ti .;warld fe(.evision premiere yy. ®�, f a°tu,re'fi.tms. CAMPREU'S,S 168 THE •SQUARE; Thurs.4ay; January 10 1 - .3 P.M.' , - .E Launch.day starts with News filni''Here's:Lookin which sweeps across Ontar f-rom Windsor to Ottawa foc �on Ontario people. From Ottawa, Mario Bernardi. conductithe;Nati!iin.al Arts . , Centre Orchestra in a 'launch' Acvertur-,Vaud a'cc, meanie r Franc"e _Castel in the premiere of :A'Point-o# Vaevv', a. clew Cana , digin song composed especially for the Global lat.fnch. r Fro'mTbronto,''Here's Lokin'cy", GQDERICH : RESTAURANT Y -,Ltd. Ile� TAVERN STEAKHOUSE LICENSED •UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENSE ACT WEST STREET .._... enc.; armen photography $24-7924 . PASSPORTS.: . 95 Toronto '•St, v Smiall. D DINGS .. . family PORTRAITS --- COMMERCIAL-- . children. �lerlatil -- C, O'M M E RC I A L i dustrii n, colour .�.r t)OSTCARDS•-; brochures oil FRAMING. needlework __P IOTOI RAWIN�G-ENLAR.GEME,NTS` to England to capture IV 'lcolm •nowned diir��ectgr�s• in'Viions of Roberts' interpretation -0f 'A Eight the'.very,; moving •and Point of View' acco ponied by .• human film centered on the 19+72 t ,'e Lejscitrdar Weekes .Television Olympic Games t M nich.� a7 rch. The launch'programj 'erz moves:- •Globale, -0,Pmences commercial across, -the nation via a television- telecasting on a •dailOaasi on premiere of_the fun -filled, satirical January;7 of 3:00 p.m' rE '11' « M.(y d• Cdr Champioh,count,ry ficidteP'Al chor 1Y WhbSe' plying iiiii'charrmi'ed'''' - the hearts of Canadians for two decades, and who appears each Friday' n gh on CBC -TV's Tommy Hunger Show, is -the son of •.Ukrainia.n-parents who came to Canada in .1926 from. Tarnopol, Al was born hr. -Medicine Hat, Atbe'rt,a; where he studied, classical violin in -High School: He lecame a professional - musician at the age of 17 c1 will include a few rousing Ukrain- ian tunes duras Elis ap eai�an o tli Friday, Jac 111, Tommy , Hunter. Show (- P1N). Seen vitt i nabove are Lillian Neima `"heft)'"and Vera Bil'oshisky. AC's new CAi album'," t'fm•Ukrainitin " ,music will be app aiing in the Sprin' o -F'74..., - -- --- ESTI !:AL REQUIRES ••, AL.E, 8r• -FEMALE` •• S N G E* S • DCERS, *STAGE HANDS -• SEAM.STRES•SES • ETC. : • FOR THE ,i�PCQMING PRODUcTIO N NO-EXPERIEN`d NEEDED EVERYONE WELCOME C- 1 REHEARSAL: ROBERT5bN MEMORIAL SCHOOL ':30' P.M t�ESDAY, JAN.. N OF GOD:ERICH E R ESE. e l c't 'oTh c - M . haring test' w' Don B'r�glltrs I`," - a • ER: Th.?de NN 0uwert • S.! "soul h PLI.# SPORTS DANCES Promote your entertainment On behalf of residents' andpstaff of Huronview, 'Aruld like to say 'a heartfelt `Thank' you"°to ail the people ,of 'Huron Court{ty_-and -surrounding communities •w,ho came' to Huronview during 1973 either in q,r ips, or individually to entertain, take , part in activittes-,with,,, or, visit • residents You can •have no idea how much this'.giving of - -your -•your -time and talent niearl&=• to folks here. Everyone .likesto, hearom people "bank -home" me our is YOU •.their only link # with the old community.' are . Again, thank, yo I and- a Happy -New .Year. C.A., Archibald,, A1dt in'istr-ator 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 GODERHCH AIR CONDITIONED ( I' two1,,cxnp elf!�• (' - HUNT E R'S , Sun. '11ort: • Tut. pow\Pfayin- Sl in ez Week - Cone ..N MONDAY TO S A JGrOUp, Coiled • r '`a000e OO JO 00 00000 ► 0000 00000 G1'O tr;E SEGAL SUSAN ANSPACH KRIS KRLSTOFFERSON SHELLEY WINTERS Wed. hu I ��. 1 .s.J2_ of sy enjy. BAXFIELO :RD. GQJ ;,', (CHI --7` '524-7711 DINING & DANCING EVERYFRIDAY ...AND,SATURDAY adventur Hermie. and,L� GARY GRIMES JERRY HOUSER OLNER C,QNRM'.. DEBORAH WIPERS soi.fENTtATAINMt51 hreduce div re, 0,/ '041 !Y.A.Y�N r �w•N•re..mw..e«,•Ce•,yr N oti. a -'.oaf Meeii n g for BUILDERS ana CONTRACTOR Re:Zoning Bylaw #29 of 19 7 2 ____'_. r ,--�-.--ate_ _ ...- '✓ ONDkY,.JAN. 7:30 P.M. • 'BUILDING INSPECTOR'S .OFFICE WES-l' STREET MOo`ting tp fpmlllarize you with lot req,l : menta 1 .zones'af! 1,+ areiaa'if goderich and iOcommon- `oation* ! r' a iy ch;Anges- S -they OI t o -builders and._.. OntrasctOrs. -ti Roy 8reckenrtdge l tBuhdi fig In coni DINE -__BY_ CANDE1..IGHT OUR ROAST BEEF IS A DELIGHT V ' • • FRIDAY AND TURD JANUAR. ;4 &- THE • BUSINESSMAN'S LUNCH ' IS NOW OUR SPECIALTYa,r SOMETHING DIFFERENT EVERYDA.-• •r v Featuring...Draft, Pluas, r' 'Color T V For an Enioyabie o r� . Evening! G'oderich.Arena Ab nrsslOh: p . Adults $1.00 tudents and Children 5Oc - 8:30 P.M. Our ,Regular - $1.29 Dinner • 2 pieces delicious -• Kentucky Fried Chlk,cken • •Golden ' brown french fries f. €-readly rote slaw • - • `G `�ecialn bread