HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-01-03, Page 9/Y 0OPERJCU SJQNA `MiUAR ' . 3L; +t---P,t $ 8. HELP WANTED • MUSICIANS wanted. Fot 'further information ca11524r.2.470.= •-- , , t time in local TYPIST -• Wanted; par of fice,..P1*.2be efficterrti Apply Bc►x_ 83, • Sign -a Starr' Pulilishi'ng', -53,1,2,3, , THE_HURON BOUNTY BOARD Of EDUCATION REOUTAE& A CUSTODIAN AT ..` F.E. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOO'L WINCHAM Writtenapplications stating age, experience and telephone number should be 1.addressed to. Mr. R. Mcyean,' Plant , Superinten- dent, Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton,' Ontario- ,.11O.M 100. 'Applicants Abe notified if 'required far in ^�i�tterview. Deadline for . ap pli atiohs.January 10, 1974. "5'E ,A ,� SER�I,IFTS• AVAILA. ll P°11*. NQ'�LCE 13: FURNITURE REFINISHIN G— Prompt -service reasebable rates, Call Ernie Niblock, 514-6110E after 5 p.m.-42tf MAN withthhalf ton truck for light delivery and clean -4p 'w k, RUSTPRO0F A wit u* do a complete job on that .;.'ii ter.10ta.mOde car,,,Well.worth. anytime. Phone 524-855' 6661. -52t•f or car 524-, HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable d eenbie d cleaners. Call a ,Superior Maintenance, phone 524. - '8 Goderich.-eOw _ 5 DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone '524-8391 fl gl9tf the reasonable Invest assist. See at 'ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC WATER WELL DRILLING V ACUU IIA *CLEANEiL•e SALES b SERVICE ALL MAKES BOBPECK K Y IRNA 262-5748 : - gct1h Tom .Lang, proprietor. Latest modern ,equipment. Domestic, ind.uslriat,, municipal.. Free e, stimates.. 5"- aid up. Phone 52-4-8033 •or call -.- Collect 855-4605 WHEELCHAIRS ` - `` • WALKERS, • The Humanitarian Service C,P. &. T. Comrpittee „of, the Goderich Odd - fellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Argos __Qka,lde&tort,, 524.9623 or Fred I'Frit- zley, 524-7217 —eow 16. PERSONAL' ttention 22. DEATHS er • 26,'CARD THANKS ,Guelph d BLACl, (�ptaric►, , ' WLL: We wish, to .extend':°° Generali epi on December 9, 1973, G C. 1�IEA>INS, Ge . at th con, our ainC re thanks to all, our 1�Guelp"h� 1R� relative, ;'friends and neighbours for i elate ',niter of t eir many, ac of kindness, the... d non Meakins, w/idovv of ig !. Ccn_ • lb autiful floral tributes, fun Charles Meakin and dam =973 °- i loss . of ,a dear; mother and grand- mother. A special word of thanks to donations and messages of A- FOR SALE - Eliora Cemetery, Elora, On ONE DARK red registered Polled* Herefr,rd."bull, of serviceable age. it Phone 396-7869. DO YOU HAVE marriage or family problems? 'the Ministry of Com- munity ffers ° &SOC 1ServG m nt u I p, ty amil ' r a n f in the form of ge( d y counselling eith r in!,your home or in the Wingh m Office, 199 Jos hine,Street; it appointment, hon 357-33`701- tf P� .- 18.MI CELL EOUS A hose ha begin by to ling -Iiitle "white lies", "colorblind"! soon'go CE tiRAD0&,TI' s 20. ITGIVL.AwAy E -month-old •p1ppy, Collie- ier cross. Call 524=7875 or 48?•--- 0.-1 Sales & S.ervice 'Repairs to all nukes of , 7 Rad o i Television TON ' FRANI ,f�a t`WILCO'x-524-7 '71 AUCTIONEERS'. -. LIQUIpATOR'S - ,BRUCEFiELD,, ONT: Offer 4 he most modern auclionn methods. LICENSED. and BONDED ONTARIO—WIDE BRUCEI:IELD 482-3120 - • -,.vett 1.7713.; SERVICES A4AILABLE Rep,airs to all makes 36 Britannia. Rd. WA, Ph. 524-7871 HURON PINES ELECTRIC FARM wiAING CLI TON 482-7901 -,,tEPTIC - TANKS $CLEAt4E-P-- WORK GUARANTEED Write Or Phone Harvey Dale CLINTON , Phone 482-3320 FOR ALL? YOUR - ',MLLE B:RUSH. NEEDS AND • • Replacement Parts • SEE ARNOLD A. VINT. 110 PARK ST. `• '524-6564 49-52 EL CTROLOX AUTHORIZED DEALER Alvin Riier 153 LIGHTHOUSE fiT. PHONE 524-8514# TH Ter X71, te...T•.homass;,and sa pathyr"received during, the reeer?t non. Burial. December 21;' $r't-1 t the staff ofKincardine =Hospital, the, MacLennan Funeral dome and Rev. -26. CARD OF THANKr--*-- Allan McDowell. The Blackwell �tc� • the k f t�.whi�(e I •� r 'BA OCK pullets, readyto la RAUGY-jAN I wish ` EMME ON; The,family of 'the Y 4. do on n beaked. C ► act and de Contact wacct e d t. l� v 1 . i everyone for cards and �, - ' late Mildred F,'>'nmerton express sin- -'Bruce f�yt,.:ILcmdesboro, 523:.': was n Victoria Hospital. ;' cere appreciation to relatives and 4237.-52,Ib . X,ois'Straughan.—lx friends .for, the kindness and sym-, �y extended during her illness IA'A sth many 'thanks to Dr. R.6. Lools's to the nurses at'i ;''staff at�Ale � ray Phone 1-. BIRTHS 4 4.RCNB/OLD: John , and Martha' t.nee Jackson) are pleased to an- • nounce the arrival of James_ Ian, at c► y, O oss Hospitat Calgary, . Alberta, on December 27, 1973. A - 'brother fjor,.Jeff and Julie. -1 • . TTE' HOMES of SCANM���E 703 DOURO .STREET, STRATFORD,,-'ONT'- REQUIRES'' GOOD •°STEADY O nt to work and saris, Ilving and a chi for" �ncement In- a 'steady' growIng--indti, $2.68 .pdr "hour plus. production bonus -earn ;start..., ` 8 w ke •i2.85 per 'hb r plus prodU Attar e� Ah y bonus,,.;1* �,. a s r ° weeit�l. 33 �� I' . � .�,.... Q. 'ker. _, 'tlor* ,u$. :-- • "- mpanyr p etits ,O.H.LP. Comps . Pald;,f aid, Sick 8onattta�(after3 months) — Company Life Insurance $4,500 (after .3 months) Company Pain • __// 8 Paid: Statutory Holidays (after 3: months Overtime Premium "-atter 40 hc; Working -Conditions Excellent. 7 a.m. to,' 3:30 np.m. - -days per week,. • C., ,collect: • '. Mr rothy Smith, s5 9 271^37 , to ,arrange an • Inter iew, -at your. convert and at' the time of her p,irtg,k liosPital, and to the b'nvs at thy . Legion for their help.L4 /A' AI.,LEN° We would like to thank thc►'se who worked -to make -our 60th wedding anniversary such a ,loyoUs occasion: 'i'ii, i"11 those who came personally to,*. offer their congS.atulations; sent,..- card -s..• nes flowers► ,,j] i Yt4 and r heprt felt t at; God ljless, , and may the"we v Year -be. kind t.o .. you aI1, • a it has been to us for so ° ' ni'iiny years. Bell and Mate Allen. -1 [OCNALIi Holiday visitors with Mr, and Mts. Art ` Matthewinan pate daughter., Marge., of) Guelph, son Douglas of Kim- berley and Mr. and Mrs,., Wildie of Acton. Mrs. Ve."n ha Erich •.of Lu'cknow entertained'' the Elphich_famijies of this area. Mr. and Mrs. "David, Elphich and Donna, Mr, and. M. -Ken „, Elphich and fan.ily, and Mr,4 ' and. Mrs Harold Elphich, Lynn - - • nd,tBa;ry° • Viii ting Mr. a d Mrs. Oliver McCharles for the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Alla McCharles •and family of Montreal, M -r. _and i1 rs.- Donald, McCharles and family of ,; 'h5thairi, John h MobPetrolia arndJVIr, Hartley MacT vish r1 • Mr. and ri.` Paul.Trifn'bfey and family have tnoveditro`near. ,- H'ar aver. They_. were,resiciinj in the former Andrew Barkwell Mr. and Mrs. Robt. MacIn- toshid family spent the holidays n' Florida. , Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wylds and Steven spent Christmas' .Day. in London -with•;daughters Linda and Donna. PETER S. MacEWAN Insurance ,anti Real Estate COIT AGES , ACREAGE, FARMS, HOMES OR. BUSI!IESSES IRE %%WEI ti &S. itiVilt number qt properties sold iast year by DC)H HOIST REAL EiTATE 1.10k were ell cash transactions. tAsny ot lest year's stiles were problem proper:' • ties that presented -a real challenge to causeless Matt Som. of the proper- ties sold w e Dated unsuodessfully with *hot aileilt114*001 cattle to • LAURIE HOAD SECRETARY We don't claim to be miracle WO illit WO* harder then'the n4mt tenni tot youeptoperty. We vaT perforin Cornpleteiy sat Our expert knowledge • PETER S. MacEWAN • INSURANCE -REAL ESTATE I oat proud to announce the opening ol-our . • filtW OFFICE at 38 St. David Street, Goderich; Ontirio We would like to introduce oUr staff who is mOst ansfous to serve you, either in. suranee or real estate reqUirernehti: We greatly' appreciate your patronagti WW1& forward to better serving your needs in 1974. We enter the new yeaViiithAort- fidento in you, the afters:, and anticipate guts er thiniiir for Goderfoh In'the future. -HAPeY NEW YEAR TO LL SINCERELY • P ter S. Maawan and Staff • • 38 St. David St, 524-9531 JOHN SCHNEIKER INSURAJNCE & REAL ESTATE V4E 1(140V1 THE fASTESI VI AY Of prOspictive purchasers in ord'er to get.you the higtaist-prica and most *tie vantegeoul terM11. Our 111.11 knew how to finaroe your ProPlittY, ao that 8 The bon }last Re81 Estate Company offEs a wide range of advectising 'purchaser can pay yotrali clot'. through th. m.ate oc nolo, Istiettision, Newipapat, Photo Listing Hisvodst, ,f1tEE EV At.1.11‘11914 i'. NO OBLIGATION . One ot Our professional reiiresentatIvell esiii evaluate Wu, property, sib- toluteltiree. He will discusi and advise you tn. true market value for your .0.yOu would like ua io,conto and fie." Oa Ind *Pict yotst property con- t JeCk Curnmings, 524-9624 or 881 afford Res; 524-9624'. or Alit us at 53 West St. Office 524-8951 Godesith, REAL ESTATE - Niel' spent Christmas. day -With- . Mr. and Mrsv;,Allan MacKebzie and family. Mr. and Mrs. gWan MacLean entertained,the Mar. tyn families, hristrnas Day. Mrs. Isabelle'Martyn of Ripley, ; • My. and Mrs. .pordon :Finlayson_ spent_ Sonday,__in.--- • REAL ESTATE ° 48 St. Daiii S rpei it as standing room only in the auditorium last week for the residents' , Christmas Administrator, Mr. Chester Archibald; was M.C. for the oc- casion with vocal solos by Helen Fischer and Morgan Dalton; readings by Jenny Rutledge. Agnes Douglas, AliCe Buchanan, Mrs. Davies, pert Wood °And Margaret Kehn, piano solo by Pearl Giciley; in- strumentals by Mary _Taylor, Norman Speir. Jerry Collins and a, twenty-five member rhythm •band. Sparling shared the'reading of two" Christmas pageants with Cora Robinson and- August Naas taking the part of Mary and Joseph for the manger • Jake Itoorda,.. and his daughter Alice, members of the home staff assisted with •the Claus who had an orange: for everYone, well over two hun- Ared residents had supper 'in the main &ling -1.00M area with the tables decorated spetially sfotarfft.he occasion by the kitchen • Two church , groups were during the weekend. The Clin- ton Pentecostal Church and the Mitchet Free Christian Reform, with the Clinton: ,Christian' Reform holding a Sunday evening song seri:vice. ' Marie Flynn assisted Nor- man Speir and Jerry Collins with the old tyine music for Monday's activities. Debbie, Dawn and Jitti-119firi 'enter: . tained with dance nuMbers and Christmas carols. , The artiCefield. United family night. Rev. Packinan in- trociuced the nuniberg-Whieh in.: chided a play "The legend of ti the Christmas roses; vocals. in.; i s tru merit aisl*.recitiltions, an, assisted with wheel chairs ail I the .seftior girls sang carols ! Miss Marion Grey who had been originally from the Brucerield area thanked the young,people on behalf' OK the residents. cs