HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-12-22, Page 48FAGS 10A- - ODRRRICI# SIGNAL -WAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1973 . • (oontlnwsd from page SA) Frank Pettus complained to council that an apartment building just east of his home on Bennett Street with Erik Krohmer as contractor is not being finished according to the plans presented for approval prior- to construction. SEPTEMBER 6, 1973 - On Tuesday nearly 2.700 students reported to classrooms in Goderich and- surrounding area' for the 1973-74 school year. That figure shows no drastic change from enrolment of the 1972-73 school term. Sunny skies and warm tem- peratures dominated ("the Goderich Annual Industrial Softball League Tournament held last weekend, , August 31 - September 3. Deeming it as the moat successful tournament yet, spokesman Doug Fisher stated that an estimated 400 fans turned out daily to watch the games. Grand Champions of the event turned out to be the Stratford Memorials who defeated Badenoch of Camp- bellville 9-6 Monday evening under the lights. Three persons were injured in a two car crash pn Highway 8 about five miles from- Goderich on Monday night. It was the only major accident reported by the Goderich Detachment of the OPP despite the heavy Labor Day weekend • traffic. ..ko- At a smial skeet shoot at the Vanastra Gun Club last P, Monday held in honor of Andy Rynne of Mitchell, Bill Stewart of Goderich won the trophy in the "A" class with a near per- fect 49 out of 50 score. Recre/Action '73 officially wound up its term of operation last week with the filing of final reports with the Ontario Ministry-- of Community _ and_ Social Services. Along with those reports went an ap- plication of financial extensions t. which would fund :,the project ..through - another .year. Recreation Director Mike Dymond said Tuesday that he was hopeful the Ministry would view the extension application with favor since he felt the results of Recre/Action projects had been beneficial to the com- munity. SEPTEMBER 13, 1973 r Goderich Town Council has received official word from provincial and federal authorities that the municipality winter works } program has been approved. The project - storm sewers in the Eldon, Blake, MacDonald, and Bennett Street area - was initially researched and suggested by Reeve Deb Shewfelt, chairman of Public • Works. Dr. W.A. Schilthuis who has taken over the veterinary prac- tice has advised council the rates for the pound will be in- creased. Pending council ap- proval,'rates will be $4 per day for large , per day for average dogs and r day for. cats and other small a 'mals. Previously the town paid $1.50 per day for any animal regar- dless of size. The people of Goderich and area will receive an "Invitation to Live" at a crusade to be March 29 to April 7 in Knox Church sponsored by The Goderich Ministerial Association. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Marney Patter- son, an Anglican minister since 1966 who has served for 12 rim in the Diocese of Toronto. Goderich Raceway is •busily preparing for its final night of racing for the 1973 season. A special attraction .for closing night is the donation of :I,250 by Dominion Roads and Machinery Ltd. as the purse for the ninth heat. The purse is the largest ever to be offered at this raceway. Some of the better horses and drivers in Ontario are expected to be on hand to compete in the invitational event. As a bonus reward for some driver, the International Association of` Machinists Blnewater Lodge 1863 is awar- ding' $50 to -the driver with the fastest mile of the night. The recent outbreak of cholera in Europe has promp- ted Brian Markson of the Coach House Travel Service in Goderich to announce that im- munization against the disease is now required for persons travelling to Italy and is strongly recommended_ for those who will be visiting Ger- many and Greece. SEPTEMBER 20, 1973 During discussion at Plan- ning Board last week on proposals for a row housing complex on Suncoast . Drive, board member tus Chisholm told the meeting he felt the project might look like the low cost housing on South Street which to Mr. Chisholm's view "is a damn slum." The Public Works Committee will recommend to Town Coun- cil this evening that a parking authority be established in Goderich. According to Stan Profit, chairman of the Fire, Traffic and Safety Division of Council the Parking Authority commission would have three qualified- people elected to council but not on council. These people would be appoin- ted for a three year term. It would be financed through the municipality without the aid of provincial '' rants. The Huron County Branch of the Architectural Conservancy held its first rneeting of the new season Tuesday evening. Guest speaker was Leonard Knot of the Guelph - Wellington.; County Branch- .of the Conser- vancy. He told the gathering that the principal function of the Conservancy, during the 1973-74 term would be to help the branch groups get organized and rolling. He also proposed that the Huron Branch approach Council con- cerning the preservation of the architecture of the Square. This Sunday morning • the people of Goderich and area will have a special treat in store for them as CBC Radio presents a full .hour- on Goderich and its people. The show, to be aired between 10 and 11 a.m., was prepared by free lance writers and broad- casters Beverley and Jim Reed, W. J. Dea.ma. FLOWER SHOP Phone 524-8132 DAY • OR NIGHT Agent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING: • r•. Toronto, who have a summer home in Dungannon. Charley - Barker grew Delicious tomatoes this surn- mep. Not only were they good to eat, some of them grew to a size of •two and three quarter pounds. His secret was left over nitrogen' that was turning to liquid and Epsom Salts, SEPTEMBER 27, 1973 Angry ratepayers stomped out of, a special public meeting Monilay evening in the council, chambers muttering "snowjob" and • "whitewash" after Goderich Town Council voted unanimously to give first and second reading to a bylaw to build the South Trunk Storm Sewer Outlet under the Drainage Act. The matter now goes to the Court of Revision to be, held Wednesday, November 7 in the Town Hall. When the Court of Rexision has been held and all appeals heard, the bylaw may then be given the third reading. _ - For the first tithe ever, Huron residents will be paying for some "people serviced' on a population basis rather than on assessment basis. Following ,a decision' of Huron County Council last Friday, the Health Unit, Huronview, Children's Aid, Social Services and Library budgets will be appor- tioned on a population basis with the population figure to be the same as the per capita grants for the year 1973 and using the 1973 estimated "ex- penditures. A discussion:,, at Goderich Town Council regarding adver- tising for suggestions on ways to utilize the former/Huron County Jail ended in frustration for some councillors including Frank Walkom. `I make a motion that the county keep the jail and we wash our hands of the whole damn thing," said Walkom at the end of a lengthy discussion about the jail problem. Finally the jail committee was given power to act on the matter of inserting advertisementsin all the county weeklies as well as The London Free Press and a Toronto paper. George Filsinger of Goderich was one of 10 directors elected ,!- 4 last weak to the Grand Valley Municipal Electric Alwociation when .the group held its fall meeting at. Hespeler- Cambridge. Winner of the L0 speed bicycle draw held at Jim Hayter Motors Saturday evening was Doreen Mustard of .. Varna. The draw was made by Goderich Mayor Harry Worsell while Jim Hayter - senior presentedthe bike. The second draw for a $50 gas certificate was won by :William Slesser of Kincardine. OCTOBER 4, 1973 Despite misgivings by some board members the Goderich and Area Planning Board agreed to recommend to Town Council the .rezoning of property off Gibbons Street from "D" development to R3 and R2. The application for rezoning came from developer Erik Krohmer who wants to construct a row housing com- (continued on page 12A) $c Hpw '- May your New Year dawn with joy and grow in peace and con- tentment. Best of luck to you all! TED WiL.IAN $ MANUFACTURER'S LIFE INSURANCE CLEA RANCE SALE ALL GOLD And. SILVER SHOES June 21 This orange and white Cavalier home built plane is the product of five years of work and tender loving care. It was built by Fred Bruinsma and Syd Sullen of Goderich. The plane was moved to Sky Harbor from its back yard construction area by truck. (staff photo) 4 • s. 1 4 4 GREETINGS We're merrily ringing in the. New Year with the hope that it brings you many' happy . hours of good cheer with your loved ones. GAETAN JACK 7,13,7 Doubl.-docker geed' wishes for the New► Yo' go out to you and yours.' Thanks for you r support. it has boon a *mum etanriiiig you. FROM ALL THE STAFF AT SCHUTZ MOTOR p111tifL1R Santa's to all-our'wonderful friends and patrons! . Thanks so much for letting us serve you at SPROULISsay. SERVICE PIOUS, AUTO EL.RCT to 'SALONS plintouium • NON MAIC: Lassa* Ji MUSS GULP STATION wQA1"Mrs 'asetvica JAS'S 'TmXACO & AUTOMATIC CAR WASH HUNON AUTOSIOVNIII ID'S SNELL IIIINVICE SKY RANCH TEXACO !1STAURANT '. IILVEW'ATER,'TEXACO liNAF'_ PIRA SIEWME SCHUTZ MOTOR SALMI COINYSLIN4PLYMOtITH wen PONITIAC4I K NASA CH • OLDS if RANCH LIMA A hIONIM r MI JONIVIIsinvocts .,