HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-12-22, Page 40PAGE 2A-7GODERICIHI SIGNAL -STAR, iitUR$DAY, DECEMBER 27, 1973 s 1" 11 the preservation of. Canadiana. The Goderich Sailors Inter- mediate Hockey Club will play their final game of the season against the Port Elgin Sunocos on February 9. The Sailors, in a late season drive, seCtired second place in their division and will play their arch rivals from Seaforth in the first segment of the playoffs. The Huron County Health Unit .initiated a special program for the screening of pre-school children. The test is designed to find specific areas where a child may need extra encouragement and guidance. Maurice Gardner was a town spokesnian at Town Council for the group of citizens in the southern end of Goderich op- posed to the manner in which the costs for the proposed South Storm Sewer are being divided. The petitioners feel that since they helped pay fair drains throughout the town that the town should aid. in payment for the drain in their area. FEBRUARY 15, 1973 In separate releases recently, Ed Giesbrecht, Goderich Plan- ning Board secretary, and Bert Alexander, President of Sun - coast Estates, announced plans for the construction of .a $2,000,000 shopping plaza on a site off Highway 21 south of Goderich. The proposed mall will be completely entlosed and climate controlled: A number of Goderich doc- tors switched to direct billing as of February 1. Patients were to receive monthlystatements for the doctors services. The doctors 'Telt thiswbald give the doctor :patient relationship a more personal touch. At a special session held February 9 Town Council agreed to permit the Dominion Road Machinery Cp. to con- tinue to make use of an old barn owned by Maurice Gard- ner on Picton St: even though the area is zoned residential. A delegation from the "Save The Jail Society" attended the nomination meeting of the Huron New Democratic Party to meet with the Party Leader Stephen Lewis. The society plans to "conduct similar meetings with the Liberal and P.C. leaders in the near future. In a letter accepting the in- vitation to a public rally spon- sored by the Society, enter- tainer Earl Heywood commen- ted, "The jail is the greatest monument of Huron County's past. It must be preserved." The secretary-treaaurer of Com -Cables Ltd., Bruce Davey, announced this week that cable television will be available to some residents of Goderich. The. Goderich Sailors war- med up for their quarter final series with .Seaforth by defeating the Port Elgin Sunocos 6-5 in Paisley. FEBRUARY 22, 1973 The "Save The Jail Society" .were pleased by the turnout for the public. tour. of the now defunct' Huron County Jail. More than 2000 people braved the bitter cold winds standing in line for up to one hour and 45 minutes to' view the old building. The tour scheduled for 2:00 in the afternoon was started earlier due to the large crowd that gathered at the door.,.The afternoon proved to be a disappointment for some 300 pf thcise who had waited 80 diligently for -so long. At 5:00 sharp the doors were closed in their faces. After much angry protesting they were reopened but only about 50 more managed to get in. The disp- pointment, however, did not dampen the enthusiasm of the Society members- who believe that a successful agrrement can 1, be reached to put the jail out of danger. The town of Goderich viLis of- fered the Sky Harbour Airport for the sum of $125,000 by the CruickshP.nk family of Wingham. The offer includes approximately 250 to 300, acres of land that has two paved and two turf runways. The town had showed concern that the weather station at the airport would move because of the ty ownership' dispute that has only now beep cleared up. The facilities also house the paint shop which is not included in the' deal. **. Th#, Goderich Sailors suc- cessfully defeated the Seaforth Beavers in their playoff series, of seven games. The Sailors took four straight from the Seaforth skaters and now await the winner of the Port Elgin - Kincardine series. The first cable TV hookup in the towtfof Goderich took place on February 19 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wilkin of Hincks St. At the time -of this writing Bluewater TV, Cable Ltd. were nearing the coinpletkin of service for ,the town.' The Goderich Figure Skating Club was putting the final touches on their carnival for 1973. The theme was Anna and. the King of Siam and The , • • Thank you for your patronage during the' past year . . • HAPPY NEW YEAR! from all of us at A&P WEO! Wizard 'of Ps. Mi,ich hard, work and constant retioar*ng went into the show which tlw people involved enjoyed a great deal. MAII1C11-,1, 110'3 The Signal -Star was recently honored by the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association in several categories, The paper received first place' award for general excellence for a paper with a circulation of 3000 to 4500. It received first' pilic'e for 'ilbtnewsciliieditscirtoity\l;Tand'hw ;weely f4'tkhe'''''' also received second awards for best photography. - Several engineers. conducted a study of shoreline erosion along Lake Huron in the Goderich area. They are con. corned that the area just south of the mouth of .the—Maitland River badly damaged c!ntininon d Pair 1A) ",1111111111111.1111•1111MOMMININOMMIIMI!li. uutiV ipAki Ya R emtualwfi Yea Extra Pric 1S.. Absolutely Compromise in uality geteictotetetetetetetctctetetcteteweinreme-vesevx4wwpgvvievrellmc,,r4 • Fw oocis for '7.41. By KATHIE SNOBELEN w Ida Burns & Associates Inc., 1260 Lcikeshore Road Est, Port Credit, Ontario KATHIE SNOBELEN ti se si w There will wv seroles on - w variety of te ' sko bags. ----11ingles, newlyweds, and older couples will really appreci- If ate the individual serving sizes of products which are com- se t, ing on the market. Although the price may be slightiy W 11, higher than the same food in a larger quantity,_ I feel that If w w the cost is justified by the convenience and lack of waste. Ivy Si W New prod' ucts, new ideas — our A&P WEO stores are be- te to „)4 w corning exciting places to visit. If you have any suggestions w 'which Will help us help you, please drop us a note. W tit)18010t)ilailagat)041110t"St340481)00.1iOt8tA341Xlit)441440•4•41)444)40441 In these days of modern technrsicgy, one of the most rapidly changing areas is the focd induslry. Just looking at the amazing array of products on the shelves of your A&P WEO store is proof of the progress being made. And 1974 will bring more new products. Because our lifestyles are busier all the time, the emphasis will be on conveni- ence foods. We have all become so conscious of the nutrients in the foods we eat, that there is o growing trend towards whole- some natural foods — espetially cereals. Almost all food processors are adding extra vitamins or minerals to their products to rittike-dilem more nutritious. You are going to be using more and more foods with a vegetable protein, especially soybean, os' an alternative to meat protein. be many more packaged "mix -and -serve" cas- the shelves. You will also find a much greater frozen, foods available, particularly in boil -in - CANADA NO. 1 GRADE FLORIDA, FIRM, RIPE TOMATOES 2 -lb tray I CANADA, No. 1 GRADE, FLORIDA, FRESH, CRISP, LARGE BUNDLES Celery Hearts each 39? ONT., OVEN READY IN FOIL TRAY Butternut Squash 16 -oz 39,11 WHOLE OR JELLIED (DELICIOUS WITH ANY MEAT!) ACTION PRICED! Ocean Spray Cranberries,14-11-oz tin 19? SWEET MIXED, MUSrARD, WAFER, BREAD 'N BUTTER, RELISH ACTION- PRICED!_ Rose Sieet Pickles 15.11.0z jar 39? Fruit Shortcake, Playbox, Princess, Nice, Caramel Crunch, Afierno6n Tea, • Fruit Creme, Assorted Cremes, Garden Creme, Digestive Peek Frean Cookies61/2-orpkgs 3 iii:Ouca FROZEN FOODS! FROZEN ACTION PRICED! DOWNYFLAKE 10 -oz / I it WAFFLESPkgs•iii •V HOUDAY FARMS Cabbage Rolls RICH'S, FROZEN Coffee Rich FROZEN 16 -oz pkg 931 16 -oz carton 26ie 12 -11 -oz tin 5 5 At MINUrMAID, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED ./sE Orange Juke FROZEN, BLUEBERRY Kellogg's Eggo Waffles 11 -oz pkg 55 STOUFFERS, FROZEN (BROCCOLI AU GRATIN 10.02 PKG 790 Spinach Souffle lb 12 -oz pkg 671e • • Fresh Balked. Holiday Treats! JANE PARKER, ENRICHED, WHITE, SLICED (Buy 3 Loaves—Save 17c) SANDWICH BREAD 1-024-OZ S JANE PARKER, "BROWN 'N SERVE" , ROLLS Twin Rolls PLAN OR WHEAT , French Rolls, LAP IN, POPPY SEED, SESAME SEED pkg of 12 PKG pkg of 10 - MIX OR MATCH PUMPERNICKEL' — PLAIN OR SEEDED - JEWISH RYE JANE PARKER BREAD BUY -- 3 LOAVES (SAVE 17c) 16 -oz loaves 3i$11i00 TWIN ROLLS (8UY 3 PKGS — SAVE 17c) JANE PARKER pkgs of 12 3/$1:00 BREAD "BROWN 'N SERVE'. JANE PARKER (SAVE 6c) pkg of two, 8 -oz loaves 39 MINCE PIE JANE PARKER Full 8 -inch, 24 -oz pie 7951 (SAVE 6c) DUTCH APPLE PIE ANGEL CAKE SWEET ROLLS CHELSEA. BUNS GLAZED DONUTS - JANE PARKER Fuii 8 -inch, (SAVE lc) JANE PARKER l (SAVE 6c) arge JANE PARKERJELLY TOPPED (SAVE 6c) JANE PARKER (SAVE 6c) JANE PARKER (SAVE 10c) 24 -oz pie 69? sizecake 951 pkg of 8 531 16 -oz pkg 79% pkg of 849i Alt PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED - EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29th, 1973. V • • X. r Ag. W *IC MC P eiCtitti rtg teelg,tgC;;t4tItitte"Cli, lltiOCCIMICIIICKlettiX .OPEN. Thurs.; Fri, until 9pm. Sat. nti6 p.m.X * AAAl" r * Yv Mon. until 6 a.m. CLOSED 'JAN. 1 A X * , • X -------6131101tiailiMilltDt' 21-144401120140411kIMUM1431Di*Mailks****MbDili105.- 1 • ' " ;`.."; 1(i Shop AO WEO . Enjoy Great Mead Super -Right Red Brand Grade 'A" Beef Sale/ 1 Short Rib Roast Bone In, Pot Roast Shoulder Roast Ib EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING Blade Steaks 111•••••••••••• ft S1.18 Cross Rib Steak 14.2.8 °eN1 Y Rib Steaks !b $11.38 SUPER -RIGHT BRAND, SUCED • Side Bacon 1 -lb Vac Pac11.18 SWEET PICKLED (CENTRE CUTS 1.8 $1.56) Back Bacon END CUTS 611.38 MAPLE LEAF, MACARONI 11,.CHEESE, CHICKEN, OUVE OR DUTCH LOAF, SLICED Cooked Meats' 6.oz Vac Pac 44 MAPLE LEAF, RANCH STYLE Bologna BY THfr PIECE . SMOKED, COOKED, PICNIC STYLE Pork. Shoulders Shop A&P PARTY SUGGESTIONS for NEW YEARS SHOPSY .BRAND, COLE SLAW -OR Potato Salad 24 -Oz carton 691. SHOPSY BRAND Wieners ALL BEEF 1 -lb Vac Pac $1 •08 SX BRAND, NIAGARA COIL Polish Sausage: - - bs1.08 `BUMS LEAF Cocktail-Wieners8-o_ z Vac Pac 69? MAPLE LEAF 11.02 VAC PAC Cocktail Sausages 69% MC BRAND, SLICED Cooked Ham COO'cED SMOKED 3 3 1 3 RE ADY-TO-SERV( LEG HAMS SHANK PORTION BUTT PORTION 94:)/ I 99fie HAM STEAKS S1.2.9 FRESH 15 PIECES BOX -O -CHICKEN LEG QUARTERS BREAST QUARTERS WINGS, 3 NECKS GIBLET PACKAGES 1b58% 6 -oz Vac Pat BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK / Beef it Pork Sausages Ib 88,1 MAPLE LEAF" Wieners 1-16 Vac Pic 88,1 • Frojen Seafoods! HIGHLIP41111, FROZY14,...110NELESS Perch . 14 -oz pkg Ole OMSTEAD, FROZEN COOICIO • . od Fish..Cakes - Ib 69? • l r, A SUPERB -BLEND OF.101596 BRAZILIAN COFFEE 3-1b. bog' $2.85 8 O'CLOC1K BEAN COFFEE 1-11, bag 971q , . FANCY QUALITY . DOLE FRUIT COCKTAIL PIECES AND STEMS LEAVER MUSHROOMS A&P Vac !lac Cuffs* Friona's IVInsiard P1RC, • Delo, PUC POMPANO* il6Plie4)2 JAR aiik 19:11 -oz tin' 43fe ACTION PRICED! om...tin, 3 91 $3.293-11) tin 24-0:02 jar 381 ta, saiinos Amos Pintsof... lk02 „1"...s Sit#4ouv du% °!!" riP1M1/ Oncook mitt rY Gock Fu114-11mis Insult Coffee - Lozi;rs129 Vanish GTO. ASPT.40446 1110/00A1111 OMR CUTAISIM 34-ez amksiner Pkg. (contl Some 'foot II wavei Thi was despi Court the w asses an an itri plans wouIC They of -a .chitec son Toror old early try ar for th Th( Port ting r of the be 131 week. matcl was e Hui 'thems meetii They for al sessio, or eni The be c Drain decisi, This c meetil MuTpl Ros4. neces assess paid 1 *The offerer of Wi purch port. '1 ceptar family tario Coupe how, t mulled to the the s needs. The has a meetir county people Goder ticipat donate first Clinto The report