HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-12-22, Page 3Ws` ally l led ted for go l ler the etre ent in ea >m - the nty 50 Sof t; a age of ver ich ler. l ler rice an - his so on Peace onEarth Good Will Toward Men This phrase means to me that there, should be Peace on Earth forever and that all men should be nice to each other and respect each other. They should treat each other as brothers and neighbors. There should be no wars or fighting or feeds in this wor.ld.. If this world was meant for fighting, God would have made us guns. If stupid men did not fight and argue there would be no fights today. The Peace on Earth part was meant that there should never be any disagreements but little arguments start into big fights. All men should have a free will but they shouldn't use it in a had way. They should use this gift for good purposes in this world, eg. they should use their minds to be great scien- tists, mathematicians, technicians and teachers. Musician's seem to have a great per* Dd. eal tay nd the the ids kys as. get as go he ne. OW ew Dn ng la. ve, be �r- be Ile ny nd a �.d rt ut to 4, Everyo f 's singing out in merriment and joy, announcing to the world that it's Christmas! And it's our time to thank you, customers, for your patronage. It - in is re m ie is h It 0 ►f TO you, sincere greetings and thanks ... with every good wish that the joy rind delight of the Yuletide will be yours. Christmas Special, The Goderich Si ' Signal -Star, Sat. Inc. 22, 1973—P&P 3 God would ,have made. us .guns• control over their temper and this shows how they get rid of it. They play out their temper by doing dramatic music. When the Saviour was born he meant this word to be a nice place to live in not all wars and fighting. He saw there would be disagreements between men for as long as they live. He tried to teach them the right way to live but they would not listen nor pay any attention to his preaching. They just went on living their own way and arguing just the same. What do they think this statement was made for? Looks? Sound? People should 'listen and heed this phrase and try to live up to its meaning. People see people today and never say Hi„or even, good -day they just go their separate ways without even a smile. To make the situation better today peoples„should be more friendly and then this world. wouldn't be so bad off. If they could just get along and treat each other, with respect as' I said before, it would be great. Lnts of television shows, stress violence and fighting and killing. Kids think its great but really there shouldn't be those kinds of shows on TV because its encouraging violence. People should listen to other people and think on their opinions. They shouldn't just drop 'the subject right away. Listen to other people when they speak and they will listen to you. If people acted like people and reacted in the same way as a union and not in ,a separate way this world be a bigger, bet-. ter and nicer place to live in. Anne Marie Murphy St. Mary's What Christmas Means to Me • Most families celebrate the birthdates of each of the other members in the family. Christ, a member. in every family, should have .this birthday celebrated also. He is but our most important member who gave us all the will to live from his birth to ..this date. When a member in a family is born, this family rejoices for new life has been brought .into the world. From that date thereafter it is celebrated just the same in order to retain the faith of love in that particular being. Some form of present may be given to show the faith and "love we have in that mem- ber. As Christ lives in us all we give presents to each other in jubilation of the day when our saviour was born and to tell Christ that our love towards him still exists strongly. Christmas means to me the presenting of love to one who is close to you on Christ's birth- day. Although this is carried out each day we have set aside a special date, which is Christ's birthday, to reassure each other of our love for then. Teri Van Dongen. ' Qrade 7 Holmesville P.S. Marry Christmas Dear Santa Claus; 'Santa Claus is coming 1 like a present. I like rein - With gifts for girls and boys deer pull Santa's sleigh bring He shall fill your stockings full lots of toys. Christmas tree with With lots and lots of toys toys under it. , Merry Christmas Edward Plasschaert Kindergarten St. Joseph's School 'Kingsbridge "Peace on Earth Good Will to Men” The statement "Peace on Earth Good Will to Men" was made when Christ was horn. The angels sang it in the sky over the manger where Christ lay. Does this .statement still apply today? Take a look at Watergate or the Arab-Israeli war. They can fight the whole year around, but at Christmas they'll stop. Why don't they stop forever? After all, Christ is always with us. Then there's the battle bet- ween the blacks and the whites. If people would put themselves in other 'people's shoes, they would find that people have very good reasons for doing the things they do. "Peace on Earth Good Will to Men" means loving and "understanding our neighbour. Carol Burns Grade 7 St. Mary's School Dear Santa, What I really want is a real Skidoo and if you got me one I'd just as soon give you a whole big bunch of money I got saved for it. If you cati't get me a real one then I'll take a toy one. I guess that would have to do. Kenny Kindergarten Victoria School Best wishes clay it cool. If you don't you'r a fool. Merry Christmas 30 VICTORIA ST. NORTH GODERICH 524-8581 Christmas Is A time of giving and receiving A time of love for others , A time for singing carols A time for celebrations A time of feasting This is what Christmas means to me. How about you? Mary Jo Perrott Grade 7 Holmesville P.S. Santa Claus is coming And on his way he's humming Rudolfs nose is glowing, While outside its snowing. All the other reindeer, Behind are drinking rootbeer Santa lays out the presents, Especially for the peasants. Little hikes and dinky toys, Now that covers all the boys. Little dolls that twist and twirl, For any other little girl. He laid. a finger aside of his nose, And up the chimney he quickly rosea And home he goes to Mrs. Claus Because this is one of Santa's Laws. Tracy Nelson Grade 6 Robertson School Dear Santa Claus; I've been a good girl all year. How is Rudolf?'I'll leave you some candy. 'd would like a baby bean doll that talks and a slinkey. Carrie Reigling Kindergarten St. Joseph's School Kingsbridge Jesus was horn on Christmas day Wrapped in swaddling clothes he lay In a manger filled with hay Years later men still sing Praises to him Christ Or King Marilyn` Cox Grade 6 Holmesville P.S. Dear Santa, If you have any trouble don't bring the hike down. the chim- ney - bring it in the front door. 'The door will be unlocked. I already have my regular letter sent you so that's all for now. STARTS MONDAY, DEC. 24 THROUGH JAN. 3 1 /73 (OR WHILE QUANTITIES LAST) Your friend, Raymond Bedard Kindergarten \\7Victoria School Donna Drennan Grade 6 St. Joseph's School Kingsbridge Peace On Earth Good Will To Men With all the wars that have been fought, won and still on the saying Peace On Earth Good Will to men -still has a 1)LUpose. hrist said in the bible Wore the end of the world there would be peace on Earth. Who knows how long t will ^'take with crimes like Watergate and national scandals still happening. But as time of Christmas people seemed to make an effort to be merry on the days around Christmas, but it all goes away in a short time. I feel if people tried to keep •the Christmas spirit the words which . were said by the angels, Peace On Earth Good. Will to Men on Christmas- Eve would have meaning though out the world. Ronan Conlon h Grade 7 St. Mary's Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? How . is rood off thered noised reindeer? I would like you to bring me some goal pads and mask and gloves and if possible since I have been a good boy a Jbhnny West Set for me and John, he's my brother. Lots of Love, Kenny Huff. Robertson Memorial Grade 1 Dear Santa Claus, I have been a good girl for my Mummy and Daddy. There are lot's of things r would like for Christmas but 'I don't mind what you bring mostly I would like a bible. I hope you and Mrs. Santa Claus have a very very merry Christrrras. Lots of love Manda Jane Allen Grade 1 Robertson Memorial May the sweet joys of Christmas fill the hearts of you and yours, now and evermore. BOXED XMAS CARDS AND XMAS GIFT WRAP BY CARLTON CLARA STEWART 1/2 PRICE AT PINCHER'S 1 6 THE SQUARE MARY McANSH GERRY UPTHEGROVE GODERICH May the Holidays Bring Gladness To No All » From the Management Staff of SHEAFFER COMPANY A Division of Textron (Candi).