HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-12-06, Page 27GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR,, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 \RDINE rmt WI The November meeting of Tiger Dunlop Women's In- iititute was held in the Carlow Nan, Wednesday afternoon, November 28 with the President, Mrs. Eric Reaburn pt After After the openingexercises yigitore were welcomed. Roll 011"Row our Township could be improved" was answered by 15 members. This proved in- teresting and humorous. Mrs. Edna Moore reported she had sent 41 get well cards, 14 sympathy cards and 10 baby cords this year. Several members had brought donations for the Children's Aid box while others contributed money. Members were informed of the two banquets the Institute is catering to and final urangeinents were made in his regard. Mrs. Richard Buchanan gave splendid report of the Women's Institute Rally in Centralia October 1 and Mrs. Tait Clark gave a full and in- teresting report of the Women's institute Area Convention in London, Nov, 7 and 8. Mrs. Bessie Moore, gave such food for thought in the translation of the motto "Take time to stop at the Wonders- Everywhere". She spoke of the wonders of modern travelling, science, television, medicine, construction, etc. and the won- ders of th'e simple things around, a beautiful sunset or sunrise, the- fleecy white clouds in a blue sky, the trees, flowers, the song of the bird, the laughter of children and even ourselves. "What a wonderful world Ind we are in the midst," she said. Mrs. K. DeGroot introduced Hugh Hill who talked about people he knew years agp-and happenings and changes since his boyhood years. Reminiscing on especially the Benmiller district proved very interesting to all, when he remarked that when he was a boy the place of Benmiller was always referred to as "The Hollow" where they went for the mail, groceries, and which was a hive of in- dustry, making apple butter, the Madill's Tannery, Pfrim- mers .Mill, Gledhill's Woollen Mill and the Blacksmith shop. There was plenty of entertain- ment and strong community life. In latter years this was called "Benmiller". He noted progress in methods of farming, the horses and then the tractors with the three,sto four furrow plough apd now the younger generation think nothing of the seven and eight furrow plough, Mr. Hill said. He remarked on progress in the silo filling which at first was a back breaking job and now has become so mechanized. Mr. Hill, who is known to many, has a very keen mind and a good sense of humor and it was a joy to turn the pages of history and learn something of what another generation en- joyed and to see what they strove for. Mrs. George McBride in- troduced Mrs. Dave Goddard of Goderich who gave an in- teresting demonstration on wall'plaques made from plaster, of parih. The members are always pleased to, see various hobbies and availed themselves of the privilege of examining these and asking questions af- ter the meeting. The next meeting will be` Wednesday, December 12 with a pot luck supper at 7 p.m. Family Night. The members were urged t� make this an in- teresting Christmas party and were askol to bring their families to enjoy the com- munity life. A committee was formed with Mrs. Earl Sher- wood in charge. 4-H Tiger Dunlop Group 2 and 3 had Achievement Day. at Clin- ton, Saturday December 1. This proved to be a very successFul and worthwhile project. Group 2 with leaders Helen Brindley and Mrs. Maitland Montgomery displayed an exhibit "Come Dine in England" which covered a full course meal of English food. Group 3 with leaders Miss Rubena Brindley and Miss Linda Dougherty had a skit "Table Etiquette". The leaders and girls seemed interested in this project and a special note is that Miss Helen Brindley ieceived her Leaders Certificate for five years of 10 projects besides a certificate for 20 projects which is an excep- tion.. A sister, Noreen Brindley received'' Provincial Honors for twelve projects and another sister Nancy Brindley received County Honors for six projects. Still another sister Miss Marie Brindley received a certificate for four projects. All leaders and girls are 'Presented with a silver spoon and the leaders receive a badge "4-H Leader" and after the Achievement exercises Group 2 girls presented their leaders with cups and saucers in recognition of their efforts on their behalf, while Group 3 presented their leader Miss Rubena Brindley with a lovely spice rack and leader Miss Linda Dougherty with cultured pearls: This completes another project for these two groups and special congratulations go to the Brindley girls who have excelled. County honors also went to Barb Potzel and Marie Willis of Group 3. Group 1 will have their Achievement Day in Clinton this Saturday December 8 with their leaders Mrs. Arnold Young and Mrs. Gerald Feagan. SCHOOL NEWS John Kane, principal of Colborne Central School has returned to his duties and was overjoyed with the welcome he received from the students together with the interest the .parents have shown for his recovery during the weeks of convalescing. The teachers in charge at the school have carried? on nobly and well, so much so that the' . Christmas Float that the school had in the Santa Claus Christ- mas Parade in Goderich last Saturday won first prize. A. special thanks from the Student Council to all who helped in any - way ' and especially to Mr. Arnold Young and Mr. Don Sowerby for their co-operation and interest. The AnnualChristmas Con- cert at Colborne Central School will be on Thursday, December 20 at 8 p.m. This promises to be very entertaining and the students look forward to enter- taining their parents and friends on this special occasion to get into the Christmas spirit. The school children are going skating in the. Arena in Goderich, Friday morning December 21 from ap- proximately 9;30 - 11 a.m. Mothers and dads are urged and encouraged to put on their skates and come along with children to make this a really interesting morning. " School will close in the after- noon of Friday December 21 for the Christmas Holidays and .will resume on January 3, 1974. SOCIAL NEWS Several from Colborne Township attended the presen- tation of "Them Donnellys" at Stratford Festival Theatre last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bogie have moved to Goderich and are residing at 170 Brock St. Mrs. Retta Arnold of Sunset Beach Road has returned from the hospilar and is improving satisfactorily. - Mrs. L. M. Pope, Hwy. 21 is a patient in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich. Mrs. Orval Ribey who has been a patient in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, is im- proving nicely and at present is convalescing in the Kilbarchan Nursing Home; Seaforth. Mrs. Doug Gramson and her two-month old baby visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georgie Westlake and relatives recently. She returned to her home in Highlevel, Alberti last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kait- ting visited with the Tatters sister Mrs.- Delbert Geiger and Mr. Geiger of Zurich last Sun- day. Mr.' and Mrs. John Feagan and Mr. and Mrson Baer have returned holcie from a most -enjoyable holiday in Hawaii. aosi Drop in and Check out our wide selection of , pa neling! "A NEW SHIPMENT HAS JUST ARRIVED" about jillIONNLEY MARY McANSH Soapmakers To Her Majesty R1ECK t/a11J PHARMACY Larry-Rieck, PHM.B. Archie Barber, PHM.B. $ rsa a 144* 11111 Is's'$ atrl sat % as at a%*►s Rse •isi•.***Iii*: capRas ti11154.11:14a'' sr t s s rit 4ssesiw►s00e t— a s 1 - tts *trI. stUaaa >i0aa:* *oss ., % Ilse, a it*�a *1is*-*i*#1ii#,, re.fwter Situ iiu» #ar .,_. iro „<. a r OF iIIV*111".*If' : ii: I • 4 : Si Janet. Rodges of RR 2 Goderich received a provincial honors certificate at the 4=H Achievement day in Clinton last Saturday. She . had completed at least 12 projects! Norinne Brindley of RR 6, Goderich also received Provin- cial honors. (News -Record photo) IR 4c) Em IIE MAJESTIC COLOR TELEVISION Nil aUiOCUIt]N% AUTO -COLOR BUTTON Rogers °Majestic new automatic "ONE BUTTON COLOR": 6 controlled opera- tions at the single toucfi of a finger. The Auto -Color button automatically sets the color in perfect balance. Turn your TV on. All set? Changed channels? Lost the color? The fine tuning?" Get back easily! No fuss — no bother. Push ONE button and fhe picture is clear, sharp, the way you want it. All -so SIMPLE, with .Rogers Majestic NEW Auto -Color "ONE BUTTON SETTING". LIP -OUT PANEL CONTROL CENTRE A concealed personal preference control centre. Personal? Yes, that's the word that best describes this feature. 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