HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-11-29, Page 30PAC)* 4$—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1973 clip these IGA ---------:117Q1111;U!11111111UI!IDNnilj this Clip Clip this valuable coupon AYLMER' CHOICE TOMATOES 28 -oz. tin cia REMINGTON'S GODERICH valuable coupons for fantastic savings -------sop amp -arr ism am Imo 1fsrssSSf3)rL$$JU&SflU�� me anie owl�1 GRANULATED - FINE � WHITE SUGAR =;c -)I Ky Ilf $R9:),CATEIT '')')'Cr(C),CURQS:cS - sr am art r or r r arr ..... ww am Irk ..... rr ars art r d° - Clip this valuable coupon CARNATION FROZEN REGULAR CUT FRENCH FRIES limit 1 tis por foody whit 0'5.00 Orr hast and H is coupon Effective November 28th to December 4th, 1973 Maau� �, , > > 2 Ib. bag Limit 1 per family with :15.00 porches' and tide coupon Effective November 28th to December 4th, 1973 )( 000()0t1610.5116)(62$161S6, Clipthis (lip this valuable coupon 5 Ib. bag Limit 1 bottom fondly with • '5.00 porches, clod Ns coupon Effective Nover ber 28th to Deoember 4th, 1973 7ANSONIWItINSUESSOSSICiri 4j We Sell Canada Approved Grade A Red Ribbon Beef TOP VALU Vocuum Pocked - 1 •b packoue SKINLESS WIENERS +1'1;,n4.'t't11111i 1l S• (! 4/140 .00 ;Walt a - sill 4.• -,Nr PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1973 REGULAR CUT PRIME RIB 1st Four Ribs Only BEEF RIB STEAKS 1.29.1 111 CANADA USE CHRISTMAS SEALS IGA BEEF Cut from the Beef Hip Top Round Steak or QUALITY PROTECTED Sirloin Tip ROAST We vdcuum seal our "Quality Protected Beef" . and without additives, we let it age naturally in a controlled, cold environment . . . so it will be tender and good when it's fresh cut in our stores. We buy Conoda Approved Grade "A" Red Ribbon Beef, it is inspected. then carefully cut and trimmed to our strict specifications. From the moment we buy it until you do, our beef is handled under ideal conditions for keeping it clean, cold, fresh, juicy and delicious: "Quality - Ib■ Protected" Beef. It's not just o name .. . it's o guorontee. I� elVIA `�� TT.• U S A NO. 1 FLORIDA ZIPPER SKIN - G000 SIZE TANeERINE 3 do= 89c CANADA EXTRA FANCY •"QAC Spartan Apples igs 79c CANADA NO 1 - ONTARIO . GREEN CABBAGE- 29c Head U.S.A. NO. 1 California Crisp DOLE - GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS lbs 25c CANADA NO. 1 - ONTARIO Waxed Turnips Ib. 11 CANADA -NO 1 - ONTARIO MARSH Cello Carrots b a 25c —————— PRIMROSE - FROZEN 4 oz. portion HAMBURG FATTIES C NUTRITIOUS - FRESH Sliced Pork. giver Ib. .One whole chicken cut into 9 pieces*plus neck & giblets KENTUCKY STYLE Fresh Cut -Up *CHICKEN 0 CUT FROM- THE FLANK FROZEN PORK SIDE RIBS. BURNS - SWEET PICKLED - 2 to 3 lbs. SCHNEIDERS - 8 VARIETIES = 6 oz. Pockoge lb. s: ` COTTAGE ROLLS lb. 99` Sliced Cooked Meats 49` TOP VALU • FULLY COOKED - 2'/2 to 31/2 lbs. DINNER HAMS Ib. 1.55 SCHNEIDERS - STORE PACKED ENGLISH SAUSAGE 9. 1.09 TOP VALU - VACUUM PACKED - 1 Ib. Pockoge Sliced Side Bacon 1.25 SUN UP - ORANGE PABLUM - MIXED OATMEAL or PALMOLIVE Flavour Rice Baby Liquid Crystals Tic Cereal c9c Detergent btl.89c 5 x 31,4 oz. pkgs. 16 oz. pkg. , 32oz. -LIBBY CHOICE - Peas & Carrots or JELL-O ASSORTED VARIETIES DIAL White or Assorted Colours Mixed Jelly Complexion Vegetables Powder 2c Soap c 70 oz. tin for ■ 3 oz. k . for 4 bar pkg. P9 TOP VALU - PETER PAN STUART Assorted Varieties - - Puffed House 12" Soups Wheat c Foilwrap I c 1 Q oz. tin for ■ 13 �4 oz. pkg. 25 ft. roil CLOVER LEAF - FLAKED White Tuna 61 oz. tin 69° KLEENEX 2 Ply White or Assorted Colours STUART HOUSE - PLASTIC GIANT Facial Tissue 100's pkg. Garbage 4for 89c Bags 10's pkg. BRIGHT'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE 19 oz. tin CHASE & SANBORN.- BAT H ROOM StillmeadowFormaGi RO UN DBreasts or COFFEE TISSUE Legs k 1 Ib. bag 4 roll pkg. 24 O2' pg. ■ CARLTON CLUB ASSORTED VARIETIES SOFT DRINKS 26 oz. btls. non -return bottles BANQUET FROZEN -Assorted Varieties ,Cream Pies 14 oz. peg` 39c HIGHLINER FROZEN - BOSTON Blue Fish Sticks 24 oz. pky.1 ■2 9.- HIGHLINER FROZEN for - Cod N Batter WONDERSOFT WHITE 14 oz. pkg. 99 TOP VALU-PARTLY SKIMMED Powdered MILK 55C 3 Ib. box $11 119 NESTLE KLEENEX BOUTICNE Assorted Colours TOP VALU Assorted Varieties Paper - Tomato it Puddin s29C Towels68c Catsup c S�i4 01. tin 2 roll pkg. 32 oz. jug Coca Cola plus d.posit 40 oz. btla. 3 M81 KOTEX MONARCH Feminine Vegetable c. Napkins 57c 011 pkg. of 12 McCORMICKS ASSORTED VARIETIES Party 49 12 oz. pkg. 32 oz. btl. CHASE & SANBORN - DOUBLE BLEND TOP VALU Coffee Creamer 16 oz. jar Instant Crackers c Supplied and Serviced By M Coffee to oz. jar wE RE*ENVE THE SKINT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO AVERAGE FAMILY REQUIREMENTS �Irll 45 Limited Llrn to 1.79 RHODES FROZEN BAKE N SERVE 99. white bread DOUGH5 loaf pkg. 99° c LIPTON CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX 2's pkg. TOP VALU GRADE "A" EGGS. Targe size SAICO FROZEN CONCENTRATED Orange Juice - 6 oz. tin 19` BLUE BONNET Coloured Margarine• Pkg1 1129 BLUE BONNET Soft Margarine c 1 Ib. tub YIP HUMPTY DUMPTY REGULAR Potato Chips c 6 oz. pkg. 59 9 LIVES Assorted Varieties Cat Foodc 61 oz. tins for SQUIRREL • Smooth or Crunchy Peanut 6uner ,,.,i.,1.1Z at 1GA the owners in the store to guarantee your satisfaction every shopping trip • 111 e� the Ll ID nee' _TealihecorT 1asage tinyQnf leome ntatic the i ening, Due to the %.e ma neves flee jy p of 1. is D d Bry ger int f estivn SAI //o s• (o� ani rat C' PIe NI Ad cid i