HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-11-29, Page 8FAGS, 8—GODERICH SIGN4-STAR, THURSDJ1Y, NOVEMBER 29, 1973 AUBURN AND DISTRICT NEWS wl The November meeting of the Auburn Women's Institute was held in the Auburn Cun nunitti Memorial hall with the President Mrs. Donald Cart- wright in charge. Achievement I)av will be ,►t► December K'at Clinton for the local 4-H club members_. A thank -you not e was read from Mr. and Mrs. Ham Watkins and Mr. and Mrs. John Mall for the wedding dinner sersc>d It was decided to have a box for donations for the Children's Aid Society at the 1•' tinily Night on November 30 N1rs Arnold Craig was appointed Director to finish out the year. Plans were Imide to miter t,, several banquets .incl dinners in the near •tuture Famtl� Night was discussed and the in- vitation from the Horticultural Society was ac(•epted. Mrs. Eleanor Bra dflock presented a lovely clock to the hall, a donation from the Com- munity in nretnor‘ of the late Mrs. Fred Toll Mrs. Kenneth. McDougall thanked 'everyone on behalf of her fa,rnily and stated that Bibles and Hymn Books hod been placed in hn,,v United (_ hurch, also in mentor‘ of her mother. The Hand Book Qui/ a' conducted by :t1 rs Elea nor Bradnock. Mrs. Mawr Younghlut gave an interesting account of •the mining industry in Northern Ontario and had samples of mineral found where her son, Keith Younghlut works. The report of the Area ,conkentinn held- recently at London was given by :Mrs. Thom as Haggitt. Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock showed pictures ,tf,. Banff and the Federated Women's In- stitute of Canada ,convention held this year in -June. Lunch was served by Mrs. Sidney Lansing, Mrs. Alfred Fry, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock. Prizes were- won by Mrs. Thomas Lawlor for wedding anniversary nearest date. Mrs. Celia Taylor for birthday nearest and Mrs. Leonard Ar- chambault for the lucky cup. The roll call was answered by naming a law for which r, be thapkful: SOCIAL ITEMS Robert Turner is a patient in `University Hospital. tondon. where he underwent surgery last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies at- tended the golden wedding an- niversary of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and tiers. Norman Taylor at Belmont last Sunday. Mrs. Davies was bridesmaid for her sister .50 years ago. A large crowd attended the bazaar .and tea in the Auburn Hall sponsored by the U.C.W. of Knox United Church last Saturday. • Mrs. Andrews Kirkconnell was a patient last week in Clin- ton Public Hospital. Mrs:° Thomas Johnston is a patient in University Hospital. Londern: Mrs'. Orval McPhee arrived home last Sunday after being a patient in University Hospital for a couple of weeks Mr. Wilfred Sanderson is. a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Winners at. -the progressive euchre parties last week were' high lady, Mrs-. Warner—An- drews; low lady,- Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock; high man, playing as man, Mrs. Myrtle Munro; low man, Maitland Allen; lucky chair .prize Mrs. Duncan MacKay. Prize►; donated by Mr,. and - Mrs. Ed Davies Lunch was by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills. Mrs. Donald Haine' and •Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock were gravest speakers at the Belgra'e Women's Institute last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton entertained members of the ha- uler howling team 111 honour of Mr. kind Mrs. Harry Arthur's silver wedding anniyersarx The annual family night held by t he Horticultural Society Will include the members -of the Aubur i Women's Institute and their in 1 le the Auburn Cornrnut Ntenioria1 hall. 1)inner is to he seri ed smorgasbord at 6:30 p.ni Ever\ timidv are asked to hr -►ng 0 dish tor the first course and i dessert. Mgr. and N1rs..J E \\atterton of London ' isited _la -t Friday with Mr and Mrs. Robert Phillips. Th, nias .Johnston Nti s l_aisra Phillips and Miss Isabel HEvth at tended .the turitral of the late NIr-. ['harts Nt irhers at Luck on Mon- , da\ NIr 0 ti Mrs I'hornas Haggett. Stephen Haggitt, NIr. and Mrs -Keane( h Haggett of Hamilton ;end Arthur Youngblur 4 isited last Satur•- da\ evening with Mr and Mrs. (,eorge Haggitt and fanlily at Zurich. I'hornas nst,,n, Mr, a rid N1r- Robert Phillips, Miss Laura Phillips and Master Pacrl Plunkett visited. -last Sur► - day with Mrs. Thomas John- son in University Hospital, London. ACW The November meeting of the St. Mark's Anglican Church Women, Auburn held the mon- thly meeting• at the home of a former member, M.rs?. -John McNichol. Bluth. with a good attendance.• Rev. Fred Carson read -t-he- scripture lesson and Jars. McNichol gave the Thought for 'lToday. Get - well cards were signed and sent to three mem- here. Mrs. Thomas Johnston, Mrs. Orval McPhee and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell. A letter was read from Hud- son. Ontario, thanking the members for the hale of warm clothing -sent to them.. An in- vitation toattend' the Christ- mas. -meeting of the Presbyterian Woni'en's Missionary. Society tct be held at the home of Mrs. Duncan MacKay on December _11 was raid. Mrs. Elmer Tromn}ler, the president gave •an interesting paper on the Ten Command- • ments of Human Relations. The roll call was answered by jewel named in the • naming a Bible. The -travelling apron received a penny for each letter in "Lest we forget. Rotary Juveniles in exhibition, The Goderich Rotary Juveniles and Wexford Raiders will, play a pair of exhibition 'hockey games in the Goderich arena this weekend. The two teams will play. Saturday at 9:00 p.m. and. Sunday after- noon -at 12:3( p.m. These should prove to he two interesting games if both teams. play, their hest. Wexford. is a strong club that is said to shoot and hit as much as possible. • The Goderich clubs lead the with a perfect 4-0 record. In the four regular season games to date, the -Juveniles have scored 37 goals against their opposition while having 14- scr►red against thorn,- COMING hem.- COMING TO THE WHITE CARNATION HOLMESVILLE CELEBRATING OUR 1st ANNIVERSARY SAT. DEC. 1 CAVALIERS - SAT. DEC. 8 THE BROUGHAM'S (SOLD OUT) (SOLD OUT) SAT. DEC. 15 THE B L UE WA TER PLAYBOYS SAT. DEC. 22 CHRISTMAS DANCE BLUETONES MON. DEC. 31 NEW YEARS STAR TREX (SOLD OUT) (SOLD OUT) (SOLD OUT) PHONE 412-7536 - RESERVATIONS ONLY LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN 1974 4.',- • a Mrs Wes 8redioek 526-7595 r. a Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Robertson Red and white theme for nuptials Baskets of white chrysan- themunis .and red gladioli made an attractive setting in Knox United Church, Auburn when Karen Roberta East of Toronto and John David Robertson of Toronto ex- changed wedding vows on Oc- tober 20 at :3:;30 p.m. Rev. Stanley McDonald of Londeshoro officiated for the _ double -ring ceremony assisted -by Pastor Alfred Frv. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward East of Bluth and the groom is the son 'of Mr. and Mrs. John Robert- on of Perth. Mrs. Norman Wightman was the organist. Given in marriage by her father. the bride looked char- ming to a floor -length gown of white polyester knit, V -necked empire waistline had the bodice_ and sleeves of Danish lace. Her Juliet' cap of -Juliet lace held... her long veil of silk illusion and she carried a cascade bouquet of red roses. Her sister, Mrs. Bruce Elliott of Guelph was her matron frf`" honor wearing a long -gown of cranberry crepe styled similar to the bride's and she carried a basket of white daisies. The groomsman was Bill McManus of Goderich, friend . of the groom and the ushers were Dr. Bruce Elliott, Guelph, . brother-in-law of the bride, and Norni Howie of Toronto. Following the ceremony a .reception was held in the Knox' United Church Sunday School room where the bride's mother assisted the bridal party receiving the guests in a floor - length gown of brown polyester crepe and a corsage of yellow --daisies. She was assisted by the groom's mother wearing a floor -length -gowns of blue -prin- ted polyester crepe and a cor- sage of white daisies. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson have taken up residence in Toronto. - Ontario has spent $21/4 billion for education over years During the past 20 years On- tario has accomrnodated an in- creased -school population equal to -the combined populations of the cities of Ot- tawa, Hamilton, Windsor, Lon- don and Sudbury, Education Minister Thomas Wells said last week. And to do it Ontario spent $21'4 billion dollars, building the equivalent of a new elementary .and secondary school for every week of the 20 - ye period. Mr. Wells told the wring the presen- tation o the Ministry's estimates that during the two decades Ontario's annual in- vestment in elementary and secondary education rose from $11:3 million to over $2 billion. One of the most significant improvements during the period was the steady im- provement in the qualifications of Ontario's teachers. Mr. Wells said that within- a' vary short period the minimum requirement for elementary school teaching has risen from a grade 12 graduation diploma to a university degree. With the majority of the teacher training programs now coming under the jurisdiction of universities it should result in more creative teaching in the future._ Mr. Wells said during the same period the pupil -teacher ratio has decreased. In 1960 the pt.ipil-teacher ratio in the elementary schools was 31—t-ir' one. Today it is 25 to one. During the same period the pupil -teacher ratio in the -secon- dary schools dropped from 23 to one to 17 to one. _ The decreased pupil -teacher ratio, coupledwith superior ad- ministrative aria back-up ser- vices such as those provided by consultants and guidance per- sonnel, have lightened the teachers' workload, increased the effectiveness of their efforts and brought about an even higher quality of education throughout the school system, Mr. Wells said. Separate School Board members meet with leacher committee By WILMA OKE The members of the Huron - Perth County Roman Catholic Separate school board were told at a meeting in Seaforth Monday by David Teahen of Stratford, chairman of the per- - comrnittee of the Board, that -his committee has requested a meeting with the local teachers' negotiating co'tn- mittee to continue salary 'negotiations on Wednesday at 7.:R) p.m. in the board office. Following the meeting, this press representative contacted (;ary Birmingham, Stratford, communications officer for the Huron -Perth Unit of the On- tiirio English Catholic'Teachers' Associatioh. He• stated that the teachers are not going tooi`tieet.. with the board's con►niittee _at the local level as the negotiations have been han= (led over to the provincial level following the breakdown of negotiations again on Novem- ber 14. He said.. he hoped to 'have a press release on the situation within a day or so. Joseph "I'okar, acting superin- tendent of education, reported that .John Vintar, superinten- dent of education for the hoard, has been elected to the board of govern -ors of the Ontario Association of' Education Ad- ministrative Officials at the general meeting in Hamilton last. week Mr. Vintar is on a leave -of - absence without pay at the present time to pursue a doc- torate in educational ad- ministration in Toronto, Mr. Tokar said the O.A.E.A.O. represents more than 400 senior administrators in the province of Ontario and is -a professional body which provides professional develu►p- rnent programs in.' . ad- ministration, works with the Ontario School Trustees' Coun- cil in areas of mutual interest, prepares position papers, and participates in discussions with the ministry of education, An ad hoc committee was. named to study the energy crisis in the schools, such as re- checking all fuel -burning equip- niellt for cleanliness and ef- ficiencv of, combustion,' having burners inspected by competent mechanics regularly, ensuring that lights are shut off in areas not in use and that heat is reduced too, and all such areas checked where the energy might be conserved. Named to the committee were -Arthur' Haid Of =RR 4, Listowel, :Donald Crowley 'of RR 2, Gadshill, and" Howard Shantz of Stratford. Also named to the committee was Edward Rowland of Dublin, co-ordinator of plant main- tenance. - The board approved having four members of the family life advisory committee attend a two-day seminar on family life and sex education in Windsor on December 1 and 2. Francis Hicknell of RR 5, Seaforth and Vincent Young of Goderich, members of the committee, will represent the Board and., u. other lay members of the com- rhittee will he invited to attend. It is hoped that this con- ference may awaken an interest Christmas Crafts AND Bake Sale DEC. 8th 11-5 JEWELL'S STORE ON THE SQUARE Central Women's Group .FIREMEN'S ANNUAL Turkey BINGO LEGION HALL GODERICH MONDAY, DEC. 3 8:00 P.M. SHARP 1 5 Games for $ 1.00- 4 Share -the -Wealth Games EXTRA CARDS 25c- b FOR $ 1,00 - Oven Reedy Turkeys Every Binge Wins A Ter 2 DOOR PRIZES . -011-‘ in the family life program which has reached a standstill when insufficient teachers volunteered to take special training in Kitchener to teach the course in the 19 separate schools in the two counties. A roofing conference is to be held in Kitchener on December :3. Edward Rowland and as many nien►bers of the property committee, who are able, to at- tend this cunferenre that will discuss roofing problems. Stratford rnenibers of the board will attend a meeting with Stratford City Council, Stratford planning board and other interested groups to study a subdivision plan in the Mor- nington area. Gordon Ball of St Marys reported that the St. Marys Council has approved the in- stallation of street lights for the unserviced areas near Holy Narne of Mary School. Howard Shantz reported the tender for the storm drain for St. Aloysius School in Stratofrd has been left to Ted Van Roostel of Woodham. The Regional office reduced says H The Ministry of Education has reduced the number of its regional offices by one, and will re -structure all of them neat year, Education Minister Thomas Wells told the. Legislature lest week. In presenting the Ministry's spending estimates, Mr. Wells said that the Ministry's two Toronto-based regional offices will be amalgamated on .January 1. The. move will reduce the number of regional offices from"'10 to nine. The combined regional Office will:, be based in existing facilities in Willowdale and will continue to serve school boards in Metropolitan Toronto and the counties of Haliburton, Victoira, York (north of Metro), Ontario, Sim- ,coe, Dufferin, Peel and Halton. Mr. Wells said that as a result of the amalgamation the office will be able to provide a more `coordinated and effective service' tci the hoards in the eight -county region. Next year the nine regional offices will he restructured so that each will contain curriculum, supervisory and financial components cal ble of providing better 'and ore :'direct service to the boards - within their areas ' Mr. Wells announced the ap- drain is expected to require feet of eight inch tile and catch basins. The Board endorsed resolution from Bastin Prince Edward County ItoCatholic Separate Board regardingSato Separate the Ota School Trust Association providing Toro is permitted four directors stead of two as proposed by ad hoc committee doing a stu on the Association beca Toronto has such proport ion of c la students in Ontario. atho .numbers on. Wells pointment of Lauri Maki, 43, of Agincourt, as -the Director of the combined Toronto area regional offices. Mr. Maki joined the Ministry in 1960 as an area , superintendent in Dryden On- tario. After working in the Dryden area, Mr. Maki was ap- pointed assistant director of the Ministry's Thunder Bay regional office.' he' was tran- sferred to Toronto in 1969, joining the Minstry.'s super- visory services branch and then moved to the school business and finance branch. -Mr. Maki, - a native of Thunder Bay,.. taught and was principal -of schools in Thunder Bay. He is a member of the Canadian and American Associations of School Administrators. The Ministry's other regional Nile News The December meeting for the U.C.W. at Nile will'be held on December 13 at the Church beginning with a pot luck din- ner at 12:30. Each member to bring a friend. Mrs. Durst, of Seaforth will be the special guest offices are located in Thund Bay, Sudbury, North Ray, Lo don, Waterloo, St. Catharin Kingston and Ottawa. 1 4) 0 0 4) 0 4) 0 SCOUT . BOTTLE DRIVE' -Saturday Morning DECEMBER 1 ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTS CLINTON APPEARING This Thursday, Friday and Saturday the Five Piece Show Band . "ESPIONAGE" 0400 BLUE'S SUPERMARKET SUPER DISCOUNT PRICES OPEN 8 A M SHARP TILL 10 P M h DAYS A WEEK ON THE SQUARE GRADE A FRYING CHICKENS La 59c JAVEX BLEACH 128 OZ. GALLONS 89c WESTON'S - MEALTYME BREAD WHiTE, CRACKED WHEAT, OR WHOLE WHEAT . 3 LOAVES 99c PEPSI COLA 10 OZ. BOTTLES I2J99c P S DEPOSITS KRAFT DINNERS 4 PKa8.89c RINDLESS .SIDE BACON 1 LB. PKG. 1.25 WE DELIVER LEAN ONTARIO NO. 1 - GROUND - TABLE BEEF $2.893 LB. BAG PO'ATOES SILVERWOOD'S FRESH MILK 3 QUART BAGS 2% HOMO 89c , HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 13 OZ. BOTTLES 3F O R $1 Kist Flavours OR Pepsi Cola 26 OZ. BOTTLES 5F a 99c PLUS .DEPOSITS WESTINGHOUSE LIGHT BULBS 60 OR 100 .WATTS A *99c 95c WONDERFOOD Marsh- mallows 16 OZ. PKG. 20' McCORMICK'S _ SODA BISCUITS 1 LB. PKG. 49c • SUP • EME PEANUT BUTTER PLAIN OR CRUNCHY ,a oz: 65.E JAR 10 LB. BAG 75c ONTARIO NO. 1 SMALL COOKING ONIONS. 10 LB. BAG 99c ONTARIO NO. 1 WAXED TURNIPS LB. , O♦ WESTON'S WAGON WHEELS 20 IN PKG. 89c- HEINZ TOMAT-Q.• KETCHUP 13 OZ. eonI.ci 3`sl TIRE et 91 i FUH Fan' t Go _,Itfn MAT Wes rl 'ts, Sir or toi. ser 1 ton St T1RON made �aigeabl free e 30 -de loners arrant Service Londo RES, toes an ne Gera PAIR ition, hi Fest St. MPLETI wood Bucha --t''tf►>' ttRE Y and Us from re tables 1231.—g' '►TENTIO ing SI notion! Servi hines dlable. P tGAiINF tp,l• nee Ernie 0 16'2:12 —4 t'► ER 1'01 S FRC te: a l s cider Ar B, OR SALE dtjrnil Wntc rift MOFF, Pho Clari rented, require eiceller /548.-4 Sou •b INS1 le Wi With EXPE Lt MAKE d, WEST ST. WEE? alias Cahi $99,50 Eimer Chi n List V, Lina Book d itrim eetary D 1119,95 0 ietnur Iari � Rocker _La.; itoi 1m 3189.,5 kidMPs, CI( kblea Br uTnr 1:n. 1�p`ig , c1r leo held ttd tables; lana, aur Jail 1° NYa 0i h in DI � extra 'nel tit fin, and c RA FU