HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-10-18, Page 35TOWN AND COUNTRY CLASSIFIEDS C-. IQ 1IOl rU1: IS NE ire ith 40 arM REEi Nor, n, hMq" N i NT. td iflla Id . p, ild, �P ho) (31 VICE , AVAILABLE LADIES NAVE YOUR EWING NE FOR FALL t you ars prepared, ONE 5241492 NE G18130N STREET ATER WELL ILLING g, proprietor. Latest equipment. Domestic, ial, municipal. Free s. 5" and up. one 524-8033 Or call Iect 855-4605 iler per & 1 ORAGE SALTFORD property, outside now for winter months b Rates. NE 524-2545 ICE TO CREDITORS 99 39 31 moo 10001 leofros rsons having claims Estate of LARRY DEN - BELL, Labourer, late of of Goderich, in the Huron, who died on or h day of August, 1973, d to file the _same with !ars with rhe under - e 17th day of November, r that date the, assets of will be distributed. at Goderich, Ontario, day of October, 1973. . d'EGENEIt, etc., al Street, H, Ontario. for the Estate.- 4;3-44-45 ns having claims against e of FLORA GRACE LY, Retired School late of the Town of in the County of Huron, •n or about the Ath day of are required to file the full particulars with un-• by the 10th day of Novem- as after that date the the estate will •be at Goderich, Ontario, gay of October, 1973. d EGENER, etc., al.Street, Ontario. for the Estate. ---42-43.44 RSONS having claims- argaret Elizabeth Snyder, 'Township of Colborne, in ty of Huron, Widow, who died on the 7th day 1973, are notified to send ersigned on or before the of November, 1973, full of their claims. After the e, the Executrix will the assets of the said aving regard only to the hich she shall then have TED the 16th day of O(..- • MARGARET .JEANNE ON, Executrix, by AND PORTER, 433 Ex- ,. set, Sarnia, Ontario, her 3-44.45 ESTATE OF Thomas azier ns having chants against te of Thomas George te or 101 Elgin Avenue erich, Ontario deceased, on or about the 29th day 73, are hereby notified to the undersigned Personal tive of the said deceased 're the 17 day of ,Novem- GO particulars of their mediately after the said said Personal Represen- I distribute the assets of deceased having regard imsof which it shall then Oderich this 18 day of Occ- A AND GREY TRUST Street, Stratford, Ontario or Administrator) and Egener, Goderich, Ont. tern herein. -43-44.45 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS . 1'i6. PERSONAL IN THE ESTATE OF JANE EDITH BAECHLER, QF THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, HOUSEWIFE. All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to for- ward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 12th day of November, 1973 after which date the assets will be distributed. ,n DONNELLY AND MURPHY, 18 The Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. -42.43-44 15. PUBLIC NOTICE REVERT TO STANDARD TIME SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28th AT 12:01 O'CLOCK A.M. TURN YOUR CLOCK BACK ONE HOUR Notice Take notice that the Cor- poration of the ToWn of Goderich intends to pass a by- law to stop up and close that part of South Street, Plan 11, In the Town of Goderich and more particularly described in Schedule "A" to said by-law and to` pones the same to the abutting .land owners as follows: Part 1 — Town of Goderich to Mr. peter Sturdy; Part 2 — Town of Goderich to Mr. Eric Krohmer; Part 3 — Town of Goderich to Suncoast Estates Umited; Part 4 - Town of Goderich to Mr. Ford Little; Part 5 — Town of Goderich to Mr. John E. Uttle; Part 6 — Town of Goderich to -Frank and Mildred Little. The Goderich Town Council, at their regular Council meeting of November 15, 1973, shall hear in person, or by his counsel, solicitor, or agent, any person who claims that Ns land will be prejudicially affected by the by- law and Who ,applies to be heard. A copy of Schedule "A" may be seen at the'MUnicipal Office, 57 West Street. Dated this 9th day of October, 1973, at Goderich, Ontario. J. Harold Walls, A.M.C.T., C.M.d., Clerk -Treasurer COUNTY -OF HURON TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that a tax sale will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House, Goderich, on Thursday; December 6, 1973, at 10:00 a.m. re any unpaid taxes still out- standing at that date, as shown on the list published in the On- tario Gazette on September 1, 1973. NOTICE I8 HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that If any of the said (Ands remain unsold, an adjour- •ned sale will be held on Thur- iday,'December 13, 1973, at the same ,hour and place. . Usti of the properties Involved may be secured at my office In the 'Court House, Goderich, On- tario JOHN G. BERRY, Treasurer COUNTY OF HURON 1 DO YOU HAVE marriage or family problems? The Ministry of Com- munity & Social Seivices offers help in th form of marriage and family ling either in your home or in the Wingham Office, 199 Josephine Street. For appointment, phone 357-3370.-29tf 19. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EARN MONEY IN SPARE TIME Men or Women to re -stock and collect money from New Type high quality coin-operated dispensers in your area. No selling. To qualify, must have car, references, 51000 to $3000 cash. Seven to twelve ,hours weekly can net excellent income. More full time. We establish your route. For personal interview write: incluhng phone number B.V. Distributors Limited Dept. "A" 1117 Tecumseh Road, East. WINDSOR 20, Ontario 20. TO GIVE AWAY WANTED—Homes for cute kittens. 'Call 524-6908.-43 MALE DOG— ONE YEAR OIp— fully house trained. Very good with children. Call 524-8601 or come to 81 Bruce Street East. -43 21. BIRTHS MILLER --Linda and Brian Miller, Goderich wish to announce the birth of twins Jason Brian and ' Nicole Margaret on Oct. 4, 1973 at Victoria Hospital, Landon. BERNARD—At- Alexandra Hospital on Oct.' 20, 1973 to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bernard, RR I, Seaforth a baby girl. CHRISTIE—At Alexandra Hospital on Oct. 22, 1973 to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Christie, 170 Warren St., Goderich ababy boy. Reid Alexan- der. 23. ENGAGEMENTS The family of the late Bernie and Ethel Tipert are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of, Anita Louise Tipert to William Douglas Vanderhaar son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Vanderhaar, RR 2, Bayfield. Ceremony will take place 4 p.m. Saturday November 17, 1973 . at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Vanderhaar by Rev. A. Beukema minister of -The Christian Reform Church, Clinton. ---43 25. IN MEMORIAM BEAN—In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister Mrs. Don Bean (Irene Glahn) who passed away Oc- tober 23, 1972. .In quiet thought we live again The years 'that used to ,be pi'he memory of your happy smile You were always so carefree You gave us years of happiness Then sorrow came, and tears But you left us beautiful memories We will treasure through the years Lovingly remembered and sadly missed- by Mother and Dad and sister Shirley. -43 BRINOLEY—In loving memory of Edith Brindley who passed away four years ago Oct. 19, 1969. You didn't- have time to say farewell. Nor us to say good-bye, You were gone hefore.ye realized, And only God knows why, We cannot forget your smiling face, —Yom—happy cheerful ways, The smile that meant so much to us, - in those happy bygone days. Always reritembered •by Doug, Donna grandchildren Dwayne and Deanna. -43 • 17. LOST AND FOUND Would the person whq, bortouved the land measuring wheel from the On- tario Ministry if Agriculture and Food office, Clinton, please return sue. -•--4' MUGFORD—In memory of Albert Anderson - who went home to be with His Lord. - Oct. 22, 1969. God looked around His garden And found an empty space. 'He then looked down upon this earth. And saw your tired face, He put His arms around you, And lifted you t.o rest, God's garden must be beautiful, He only takes the best. He knew that you were suffering, And He knew that you were in pain, He knew that you might never Get well upon this earth again. He saw the road was getting rough, Aid the hills were hard to climb, So he dosed your wear "•eyelids, And whispered "Peace by thine." It broke our hearts 'to lose you, But you didn't go alone, • For part of us went with you, The day God called you home. Lovingly remembet'ed hN) his wife, children and grandchildren. --43 BULLETIN• BOARD MRS. HERB MORRIS will be at home to friends from 2 - 5 p.m. Oct. 27 an the occasion of her 91st. birth- day. No gifts pleas. ---43x 26. CARD OF THANKS MABON—The family of the late Brian Samuel Mabon of RR 6, Goderich Ontario wish to express their thanks to friends and neigh- bours for their help at a time when it was needed so much. Special thanks to Rev. G. L. Royal, Mr. Robert McCallum of McCallum Funeral Home, and the U.C.W: of Nile United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mabon and family. -43x PROUSE—I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Jackson, nurses and staff of Alexandra Hospital, for the excellent care during my stay there. To the many friends who sent cards and flowers while 1 was hospitalized in Goderich and Victoria Hosp., Lon- don, and to all who helped in so many ways, my warmest thanks. Mrs. Hedley Prouse-43 PORTER—We the family of the late Elgin Porter, wish to express its sincere thanks to all relatives, friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness and sym- pathy shown during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. and Mrs. Reddoch, staff at Beatty Funeral Home and the ladies of St. Andrews United Church, Bayfield. -43 ay CIOPERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY,` CSG" OBBR =i, 16'71—PACO' - NOTES FROM THE NILE Mrs. Jack Cisaists 525-1141 IONNENIMMOMMEMMENIIMI EXPLORERS ofr Mrs. Watson receiving her life membership pin and cer- tificate. It was decided to have an auction sale at the November meeting at Mrs. Talmay's home. Lunch was served by Mrs. Clements and Mrs. Feagan. The Explorers have started their meetings for the season and have elected -`the officers as follows: Chief Explorer, Lori McPhee; Vice -Chief Explorer, Karen Stothers; Keeper of the log, Joyce Dougherty; Asst. Keeper of the log, Valerie Matthews; Keeper of the treasury, Brenda Brown; Cards for Sick, Laurie Kerr and Janette Brown. The meetings are to be held on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. till 8.30. This Thursday evening is to be a film by Rev. Clarence' McClenaghan about Palestine. The leaders are Mrs. Reg. Brindley and Mrs. Clements, 'Mary Louise McNeil and Mrs. Doug Young. KAY—The family of the late Bill Kay wishes to express their sincere , thanks and' appreciation for all the 'a kindnesses shown to our loved one during his illness. Thanks also for the expressions of sympathy shown to us 'at the time of his passing. -43 HOY--I would like to thank Dr. Cauchi and Dr. Lambert of Goderich, Dr. Cameron and -Der Granger of London also nurses and staff. on 4th floor North East, St. Joseph's Hospital for the wonderful care while a patient there, to those Who visited, sent, cards and gifts. VicZ•i►r Hoy -43 MCGEE—I would like to express my sincere thanks to all that were so kind to visit me, send cards, etc, while I was a patient in A. and M. Hospital, Goderich. Many thanks to Dr. Jackson, nurses and staff. C. McGee. -43x GLEN—I would like to thank all the nurses -on 2 - East -and-I-East for the wonderful care given me whilee-a patient in the hospital recently, also sincere thanks to Drs. Jackson, Lambert and Lynch. Special thanks and appreciation to all friends, nur- ses, relatives and neighbours for their many acts of kindnesses in sending flowers, cards, letters, gifts and treats and also their visits while in the hospital and since corning home. Kathleen Glen. -43 HARRIS—I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those who remembered me with cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Lambert and staff on 1st floor. Isabel Harris. ---43x BOAK—We the family of the late Linda E. Boak wish to thank all the relatives and friends for their many acts of kindno;ss and sympathy shown during their recent bereavement, for the many beautiful flower arrangments and donations to the Crippled Children Society. Special thanks to Rev. McCallum and Stiles Funeral Home. Doris and Ben Wilcox and Family. -42 - COOK—I would like to thank everyone for cards, flowers and gifts while I was in Goderich and Lon- don hospitals. 'Mrs. Robert Cook. -43 Knox WMS r. Thankoffering hears reports The ankoffering meeting of Kn x Church. W.M.S. After- noon Auxiliary was held in the church parlor Tuesday after- noon October 16 with Mrs. Ron McCallum and Mrs. ,C. Edward in charge. The Thanksgiving order of service in ,the Glad Tidings Missionary Church Magazine was followed with Mrs. Robert McAllister, Mrs. James Horton and Mrs. Flo McDonald and Mrs. Ron McCallum taking part. Rev. Ron McCallum was the guest speaker who presented a very interesting message on the Thanksgiving theme from Palm 103. Reports from the various committees showed an active organization with much visiting of the sick. Members. were asked to britfg their Mite Boxes to the November meeting. After the meeting the mem- bers enjoyed a social half hour together. U.C.W. SOCIAL NEWS Sympathy of the community is extended„ to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mabon and family and Mrs. Chester McPhee and family in their times of sorrow. Mrs. Orville Ribey is in Goderich hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Young visited in Warren, Michigan over the weekend with some relatives and while there atten- ded the, Blue Grass Jamboree in Munroe, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Leger Caza and family visited in Windsor over The October U.C.W. meeting the weekend with Mr. Caza's was held at the home of Mrs. brother. Clements with Mrs. Sherwood Mr. and Mrs. Chuck and Mrs. Rev. McClenaghan in Creighton and family from charge. Theme of the meeting Owen Sound visited recently was "Christian Missionary with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. John - Education". Slides were shown by Mrs. McClenaghan about Naples and India with some music from India. The last few slides were from around home, `including some .ston. Mrs. Russell Brindley and Mrs. John Clements went on the Mary Hastings bus trip to Leamington and to see the Jack Miner Sanctuary at Kingsville last Thursday. MRS. [REIAN SIMPSON 529-7548 SILVER ANNIVERSARY Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKenzie of the 12 of Ashfield who were married 25 years on the 23rd of October. To celebrate the happy oc- casion, a dinner was held at Sutton Park Inn, Kincardine, for the immediate family. Those present were -Mr. and Mrs. MacKenzie, Gary, Diane, Ian and Gayle; Mrs. Neil J. MacKenzie of Lucknow; Mr. ,..and -Mrs. Ray -Myers -of Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. George MacGregor of Copetown. Later in the evening friends and neighbours gathered at the MacKenzie home for a surprise party. The evening was spent with music and a delicious smorgasbord lunch. A clock and coffee maker. were presented to Jack and Bertha as well as lovely in- dividual gifts. Their oldest son Douglas who resides at Red Deer Albert. was unable to be present. SOCIAL NEWS Guests last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howes was his sister, Mrs. Ernest Dobbs and his niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Landsbury of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robb, Glenn and Sandra visited at Lion's Head last week with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McCutcheon and daughter. Taking part° in the com- petition sponsored by the .Scot- tish Dancers Teaching Association of South Western Ontario at- the Goderich District Collegiate Institute on Saturday Oct. 20 were Misses Flora and Catherine Simpson of Kintail. Catherine placed second in the Beginners Class eleven and over, doing • the Sword Dance and won a silver medal. Congratulations! - Mr. and .Mrs.,Murtc.ay.Ranki.rL, of Chatham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Simpson on Thursday_ evening and called on several friends in the com- munity while here. Mr. Duncan Simpson accom- panied Mrs. Gerald Dustow of RR 6 Goderich and Mrs. Em- merson Rodger of Auburn 't London on Saturday to attend a Music Teachers Workshop at Saunders Secondary Schiiol. They were entertained following the workshop at a buffet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sangster of London. Mr. McInnes, a student of theology at Knox College in Toronto, was the minister at Ashfield Presbyterian Church on Sunday, October 21. • Of interest to people in this community is the graduation of Mr. Glenn Ferguson, in elec- tronics, at the Conestoga College at Guelph. Glenn is tfie son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ferguson of Delhi. MARY'S SEWING CENTRE 17 ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. AUTHORIZED WHITE — ELNA DEALER SEE OUR NEW STOCK OF FABRICS ACRYUCS - ARNELS JERSEY - FORTRELS ` IN PLAINS - PLAIDS & PRINTS GALORE USED MACHINES — REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Bet�, Sigma Phi host rushing party Members of Beta Sigma Phi have been kept busy during the past three weeks with two regular meetings and a rushing party to introduce prospective members. On Tuesday, October 2, a meeting was held at the home of Verna Kane, at which plans were discussed for the Hard - times Dance. Martha Rathburn reported that the exemplar chapter' is conducting the sale of Sketchings of Goderich by Mr. K. W. Jackson at the price of $12. These books are available from any member of the exemplar chapter. The culture program was given by Roberta Machan on "Poise is Charming". The members took part in a group discussion on various ways to express good and manners courtesy in different every d,ey', situations. Roberta Machan held ~It rushing party at her home do October 9 in the form of a spaghetti and wine party. An evening of games provided an opportunity to socialize with the many interested girls who, turned out to meet the mem- bers of our chapter. On October '16, a regular meeting was held also at the home of Roberta Machan. The meeting. was in the form of a model meeting to explain to the new rushes the purpose of Beta Sigma Phi and to outline the duties of, various committees , within the group itself. The culture program was presented by Shirley Norman on "Friendship", dealing primarily with the qualities one • should look for in a true friend. 3rd ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION OF SNOWMQBILES TO BE HELD AT ARCHER'S FARM SALES & SERVICE RR # S CLINTON VANASTRA 482-9167 CONSIGNMENT FEE $10 - FOR COMPLETED SALES AN ADDITIONAL FEE OF 315. ALL CONSIGNMENTS MUST BE IN BY NOV. 8 "NEV"• SHOP HOURS MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. FRIDAYS 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SUNDAY 12:30 TO 6` P.M. 1 THI1KSUITS sat When it comes to SUITS We have them! Shorts, Regular, Ta1Is, Checks, Plains, Fancies. The largest and Finest selec- tion In*Huron County SIZES 38 TO 48 PRICED FROM 8995 UP FALL SUGGESTIONS ALL WEATHER COATS CASUAL JACKETS SWEATERS Pickett 8 Campbell Ltd. CLINTON The Stere For Mel GODERICH KINCARDINE 1974 CHARTER FLIGHTS TO THE UNITED KINGDOM look Through Registrations are now being accepted. Minimum booking deadline 90 days before departure. April flights must be booked by early January. NEW FOR 1974: a one week holiday In Spain from London England from $13$.00 Includes - AIA 'FLIGHTS - ACCOMMODATION - 3 MEALS EACH DAY THE COACH HO-LJSE S24-8366 HAMILTON STREET GODERICH NO BOOKING FEE 4