The Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-10-18, Page 23COLBORNE CORNER 0 "Canadian Forester, Court Fascination V1901 trophy wonted by Mrs. Dan Willis to the girls 13-16 years t1N Bombers. Back rowt'left to rlght)tWanda Duncan, Rutledge, Jeannette Kuiper, Jan Ginn, Mary Ellen I Sturdy. Front row (left 0, right) Susan Feagan, Maris Willls, - - Cathy MacPheo, Beverley Proctor and coach Bonnie West- brook. (staff photo) Illi. i. MAlllwi St4-1111 111.10.....11111111111111.0111111111.11 The Colborne Recreation Softball Committee have had a very interesting and successful softball schedule this past sum- mer, with boys, girls and coaches getting a great. deal of encjoyment and satisfaction from the ball games. The perfect weather enabled the games to be played as scheduled. Last Thursday evening, the teams gathered in the Colborne Township Hall at Carlow for the presentation of trophies to the various winning teams. Girls 12 years and under, the Benmiller team, coached by Mr. and Mrs. MacEwan Egener, received the Sandy Contracting Company trophy. Girls 13-16 years, the Bom- bers, coached by Bonnie West- brook, received the Canadian Forester, Court Fascination L 1901 trophy. Boys 11 years and under, the Benmiller Yankees, coached by Bruce Fisher, received a trophy donated by Murray Johnston Contracting Company. The boys 12-15 years, Saltford Sniggers, coached by Ken Dun- can received the trgphy- dot ated by Jim Brindley Tran- sport Company. After the regular teams played their schedule, an All- Star team was selected and congratulations `are in order to the girls' All-Star team, 13-16 years, coached by Clare Anne Jewell and Del Geddes who were the winners, and received the trophy which was presented by Mr. MacEwan Egener, on behalf of the Tdweahip of West' Wawanosh. . The girls of the 13-16 years team, the Bombers, thanked their coach, Bonnie Westbrook, for her efforts on their behalf and Mary Ellen Sturdy presen- ted her with a gift. William Jewell asked the coaches present to stand and thanked them for their con- tributions to a successful sum- mer of softball in Colborne Township. It is hoped this same enthusiasm will be carried into 1974. The Colborne Township Recreation Committee sax "Thank you" to the Colborne Recreation Softball Committee for their efforts in making the Recreation Softball in Colborne Township a worthwhile project in 1973. HUNTING .• FISHING & SPORTS _EQUIPMENT GODERICH, S OWEN SOUND Fleur Coverings Paiats - WiIIMp.rs Draperies - iatll Cautery I mitore Refislsllor' SEE OUR COMPUTE SELECTION OF . . AS WARM, AS SINCERE, MID' AS FRIENDLY AS A HANDSHAKE WELCOME' SERVICE SIGNAL—STAR 524-8331 would like to call on you with "housewarming gifts" and- in- formation about your new location. The Flostess will be glad to arrange your subscrip- tion to the Signal -Star , (411 tor at' 524-7854 Illi MOW IN '1'11 :3; A EST SI'. (:oolerieh SEE THE INTERNATIONAL SON' ,SU Benmiller team, coached by Mr. and Mrs. MacEwan , received the° Sandy Contracting Company trophy, ted by William Bogie. Back row, left to right, Mr. , Sandra Rowe, Darlene Jewell, Sherry Duff, Janice AUK Sharron Fisher, Shelia Fisher, and Carol Egener, coach. Middle row, Darlene Fisher, Cindy McClinchey, Theresa Duff, Brenda Sowerby and Sharon Sowerby. Front row, left to jlght, Brenda Feagan, Connie Willis, and Shelly -Baer. 51 Instant 'en�dshi p `i f warm greeting of Welcome Wagon 'sswith ''The Most 'us Basket in the d" will introduce to our community start you on the toward new and g friendships. ware new in town,• crane on: 524.6086 Farmers Are you thinking ab gut building? Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pridha'm have returned from a week in Bermuda which was a gift• from their family on their golden wedding anniversary. Enjoy fall colors About '40 members, of the Goderich Octogenarian Club went on a sight .seeing tour Sunday afternoon. The tour was organized and sponsored by the Goderich Kinsmen and Kinette Club. From Goderich they travelled to Benmiller and across to Holmesville. At Holmesville they stopped at the White Carnation where they were served tea, coffee and desserts. Following that they „went along to Bayfield and then back to tour Goderich. . The combination of warm sun- shine and beautifully coloured leaves made the (rip an en- joyable event for everyone. FOR A GOOD JOB AT A REASONABLE PRICE AT SQUIRE GIFTS o„oNF RAY LAMB[R$482-33o5 SUNWORTHY t l -k- yes you (an wall( ovcrim,, WATCH FOR RED TAG Specials HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY—AND AT JANUARY SAVINGS. Why a January Sale In October? 1 - WE CLOSE FOR HOLIDAYS IN JANUARY 2- TO THANK EVERYONE FOR THEIR PATRONAGE 3 - BECAUSE IT'S NOW AN ANNUAL EVENT EVERYONE WAITS FOR! - WATCH FOR -RED TAG Specials WEDGWOOD JASPERWARE 0oFF STATUES 25%"F (11 WALL PLAQUES AKE ' FARMERS.I ALMANAC CTORIA GREY RUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Iwykto. i I n ostInS,jn your connfnun ty Zet'9- Manager 524-7151 100 KINGSTON ST., OODENCH HWY 21 S. GODERICH. 524-7920 it's easy to create one or a thousand new environments with Sunworthy Ready Pasted wallcoverings. An infinite variety of styles and colours to reflect "our personality your taste, for the finer things in life. See them today . CLASSIC ORNAMENTAL WHITE IRON LAWN FURNITURE NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR GIFTS TO SEND OVERSEAS FOR CHRISTMAS McArthur-& Ltd. YOUR HOVE DECORATING CENTRE 36 WEST $T..GODERiCH PHONE 1324.1132 OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 6:00 - PROM NOW TIL CHRISTMAS