HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-10-18, Page 8PAGI $- *RICH SIQNAL-STAR. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1973 ROUND AND ABOUT WITH MARTHA I don't know how many of you viewed the gyrations of the lake last Sunday,. but if you did, you will agree, it was an awesome and thrilling sight. We certainly had.high winds . and, .tn spots, a twister created havoc, but watching the Lake Huron waves just cast a spell - on you. The roar and size of them as they came crashing in, pounding the shoreline to pieces, made you feel pretty helpless! I have seen storm waves on the Gulf of Mexico - they made you shudder, - but I couldn't believe Lake Huron was big enough - or deep enough to throw up waves almost as big as those in the ocean. All along the shoreline, trees were washed out and the earth undermined and dropping into the water. It just made me sick to see it. The cottagers have • been dumping stones and everything they,can find, in front of their cotages to hold that tiger, but it looks pretty hopeless. every one = had its quota and more, 1 laughed at one cute blond teacher who moaned, "Twenty-five - how will I ever cope with -twenty-five!" The first nite is always ex - •citing or bewildering. I well remember the year I decided to take woodworking. When 1 en- tered Mr. Mc -Gill's room and looked around it looked like a factory set 'up to me - but 1 wasn't worried, all I wanted was to learn how to use the small skil saws, etc. --- hand tools. You can, just imagine how I felt -when we were introduced to a giant jointer - planer - machine, tall drill press, huge bench saw, floor saw, band saw - all kinds and shapes of saws; intricate looking lathes and a lot of other frightening things especially when the power was turned on. I know that 1 have had more experience with machinery than most girls - '' - but -but —. Well, I was quaking in my boots after the first round and • Many big old trees were the others either felt the same downed near the lake, in town, way or had no idea what they with two homes having close were headed for. I tho't, "Oh;. calls. At Sunset Park - end of boy, am tl brave enough tor Britannia Road; three large old 'pretend I'm not afraid of those locust -trees (I think that is the machines or shall I run now"' right name) were smashed and I held on - to the machine - torn• - one huge branch barely that is, at times. missing the Lee's house. It It was a real experience. I must have scared them to hadn't run any big machines in pieces! 25 years, so I was as green as I wandered al?out in the the others, debris and suddenly realized I did enjoy the classes - but why these trees _get qto such a the scream of the rnachinefy ripe old age. The wood looked put my blood pressure up to as tho' ' it had been twisted 'pop!' and at_ times I was afraid round and around until it I would! splintered in long, tough,pieces. I made a "magazine rack I'd hate to be the one trying to end table" - I call it - and three cut such a tree: • or four•picture frames -,to date I sa,w no apparent boat unfinished. Mr. McGill said, damage at 'Snug Harbour, but ."Now you know why frames are understand a lot of the craft , so expensive!" were removed on Sunday, so This year.I'm taking.a crack the owners were taking no at drawing again. Oh - I can more chances. You just know draw - but I do it the hard way that wind is trying hard to - dibble, dibble. I need to learn usher in the winter season but how to put dash and life into a it is finding a lot of resistance.. drawing, make it sparkle, All the loose leaves have left speak, come to life and talk for parts unknown - but the back to you. This is an art in it- trees are still green and • self and` it takes a pretty- good colored, in brilliant hues — so - teacher to put it across and I you know the color will carry think this gal can do it. on for some time. • Mona Mulhern, wife of that This really,iis,-one of the most • nice guy, Jim, is making her interesting times in the year — first attempt at teaching grown - one other is early summer. ups. Mona does lovely work Well, nite school has begun herself, has had some of her and it looked like one of the drawings and paintings accep- best "first niter" they've had in - ted by the Rothman Art years. Every class or nearly Gallery, Stratford, Western, STRETCH -SEWING CLASSES for LINGERIE 3 BATHING SUITS MONDAY, OCT. 22 at 8 P.M. AT C.H.S.S. CLINTON FOR INFORMATION PHONE 482-7036 COURSES AT: F.E. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL BEGIN WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24 at 8 P.M. FOR INFORMATION PHONE 357-1800 - F:f, ' RIGS FOR LINGERIE anti all your KNIT sewing are available NOW SEE OUR NEW ARRIVALS OF FABRICS Al MARY'S SEWING CENTRE Authorized WhIts-Etna Dos* 17 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482-7036 • Fair Exhibit, London, and recently the Toni Thomson Gallery of Owen Sound. She has had other showings Can't recall there just now but she is one of the top artists in Town who is really" working at her art. r. She will probably have to take and shake me loose to make ere change my ways - lint I think she is just the gal who can do it. Drawing is the real beginning in art. You don't really have to "draw a straight line" --- just draw your version. of it. Once she Can make you see what you a re looking at or for - then art in any media is going to be much easier. 'Most of us want to start at the tup and work our way up, hu t, that is the frustrating way to do it. You need to start at the hot tnth or inside or un- derneath in order to get a suc- cessful piece of art whether it is a drawing, a painting or even a sculpture. So, if you are'xinterested in art and want to get started on the right foot you might catch the class next Monday nite 7:15 p.m. at G.D.C..I.. • - You will read about the other classes, that are ready to start, in another section of the Star. I've just run out of space or I could 'go on and on. Be sure and come to the fun dance at Saltford this .Friday. Good music, food, prizes and fun! fun! fun! This Saturday at Carlow Hall a continuation of the_ Colborne ladies "Christmas Country Fair". 9 OCTOBER 27 - Did you mark your, calendar - Taylor's Corner Bazaar at McKay Hall on North .,St. Tea ,and a good salad • plate supper (to take home if you wish) besides all the other goodies. Love, Martha. Theatre Passe Muraille returning soon The Passe .Muraille Theatre Group from Toronto, who made Clinton and Goderich Townships come alive in the play "The Farm Show," are coming back to South Western Ontario,, this fall to tour an all new production. Last year; the Theatre group spent the summer on the Ray Bird ' farm on the Maitland Line of Goderich Township and from their experiences there, they wrote and produced a play on the people and events in the area that subsequently was an overwhelming success in • Toronto, Ottawa and many small towns in Ontario. Paul Thompson, director of the Theatre: said last week that the group will be premiering a play based on the Donnellyrs of Lucan who were involved in a feud in that town. Called "Them Don nel lys," the play will open on November 19 and will be on tour for two weeks..It will play Orangeville, Hanover, "Listowel, ---Clinton, Petrolia, and will finish on the Shakespearean Stage in Strat- ford on December 3. The new production will patty' in Clinton on November 24,' a .Saturday night and November. 25, a Sunday afternoon. Again, as last spring, the play will be staged at the Clinton Community Livestock barns and will be sponsored by the Huron Central Agriculture Society.,No tjcket costs have yet been set. Mr. Thompson "said the cast of the play will have Farm Show regulars David Fox, Miles Potter, Ted Johns and Janet Amos, as well as eight or nine new actors and actresses. a Barfield boats for export After three successful American sailboat shows, Bayfield Boat Yard Ltd. an- nounced this week that it will be exporting the major percen- tage of its production of Bayfield 23's and the recently designed Bayfield 30 during the coming year. A spokesman for the boat yard said that the unique design and quality of the Bayfield . yachts seems to be responsible for the gvewhelming acceptance they have received at their recent shows. ' Dealers have been set up along the Great Lakes and the Atlantic east coast as far south at Annapolis, Maryland. The new exposure of the Bayfield .gyp. yachts, Bayfield officials -sa has sold out their production for a 12 month .period and should amount to a gross production figure of $600;000 to the United States alone, not counting existing Canadian business and dealers. It is expected that during the coming year Bayfield Boat Yard Ltd. and -their Bayfield yachts will be one of the most popular and well known on the North American continent. - In -making the announcement of extending sales areas the Bayfield Boat Yard expressed its thanks to all staff and local suppliers of material who they say have help to make the suc- cess possible. ELM NAY MOTOR HO Moe phohie Alec6EE's FIs versos pop, Old NoOkr. 1180 rxgk Darcy COMING NotT "GREEN II7E PaP, Nock -..a Group MR. AND MRS. D.B. GRANGER Wed in Guests from Edmonton Mon- treal, Hagersville, Kitchener and surrounding districts were present at Victoria Street United Church when double rings and vows were ex- changed between Bonnie Lou Bechard and Donald Bruce Granger on Friday, October 5. Rev. Arthur Mayberry of- ficiated amidst baskets of autumn flowers. The wedding music was played by Mrs. J.A. Snider. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mrs. Bechard, Goderich and Mr. Norman Bechard, Pof £... Al rt,.... The .groom is the e ,... son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Granger, Goderich. The bride was given in marriage by her 'brother, Robert Bechard. For her wed- ding the bride chose a street length A-line dress of blue polyester crimp doubleknit,- featuring long set in sleeves, with a georgette nylon frill c$uRC rend J. presby Mod 81 erten the l Otto .the - r shun Fxplor essistel adaY u Beryl Colline ther b then di for the on by' ald t of atiOf $000 atten on Lucknu d Mrs the Y° to the f was re and a behalf er ,Van idM mpar Wils Donald Frid the din ttorian uron Boar( Jan S ity ar afford r par( Simp and h1 tail St d Jim idge teache Colui any it have visit a erest thi ay. Pear nd .1 AI Goderich trimming the v -neck. White shasta daisies adorned her hair and she carried a bouquet of rosebuds, pink and white car- nations daisies and baby's breath. iss Betsy Bechard was bridesmaid for her sister wearing a two piece pink doubleknit ensemble featuring a princess style top with long sleeves and a jewel neckline. She carried a miniature replica of the bride's bouquet. Best man was Jim Granger, brother of the groom. The wedding reception was .held at the home of the bride's mother. The bride's table was centered with a three tier wed- ding cake flanked by candles and a table centerpiece of variegated daisie;,s-' and car- nations. r The couple travelled to Nashville, Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi and on retur- ning will 'reside in Preston (Cambridge). COLBORNE TOWNSHIP'S, CHRISTMAS COUNTRY FAI R, Sale of arts, crafts, and country baking at Carlow 7 miles north east of Goderich.' SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 Admission Free - Tea Served _ See the Broom -Maker, making, broorn_ s as they did 100 years ago. Over 20 Door Prizes to be given away to those attending Saturday evening. For an evening that's different come to the. "FAIR" - our idea of a... great buy AN ALL-WEATHER COAT Righ.t . now, when an -� all-weather coat by Croydon.. is just right for the fall days ahead. See o'ir selection now Shorts, regulars and tails from $29os FALL WARDROBES up. * SUITS• * CO-ORDINATES * SWEATERS * SHIRTS * KNITS, etc. Pickett It Campbell gra CLINTON The Stere Fir Mei GODERICH KINCARDINE • BEATTIE FURNITURE - «ANT LEONARD APPLIANCES To Goderich and area Leonard Freezers "Mini to Maxi" freezer line. Chest freezers and vertical freezers in sizes to suit your individual needs. Leonard Ranges A beautiful way to measure value. Featuring paceset- ting engineering. Leonard Automatic Washers & Dryers The reliable ones Leonard Dishwashers Set you free. Choose from ; 3 modals and 2 built -fns Leonard Refrigerators The ultimate In refrigeration. 55 Kingston 8t. God•rlch, 524-7861 INITUREVALUES �. • � great hyu iom fao akers ...tormute' iayonrhome .continues •�• 0)