HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-10-11, Page 24PAG* 4B--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1973 AUBURN AND flISTRICT NEWS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The Auburn Horticultural Society was held last week in the Community Memorial Hall with the president Mrs. Ken- neth Scott in charge. Mrs. Gor- don Taylor opened the meeting and welcomed all of the previous executive meeting Were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Beth Lansing. The financial statement was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock. Mrs. Kenneth Scott spoke of the premium hyacinth bulbs for each member and these were given out when the members answered by telling their most troublesome weed. The door prizes were won by Pastor Alfred Fry, Mrs. James Jackson and Mrs. William Dodd. A Instant Friendship The warm izreeting if your W e , orne Wagon hostess vv t •'The Nlost. Famous il\(sket in the World- will intro duce V011 to our conlnlunity, Lind start you 00 the. \vav toward new and lasting friendships. If you are neW in town. call Nome/c� oil.. _ LT 524x=6086 L - J • piano solo was played by Mrs. James Jackson. . _ The guest speaker of the evening was Mrs. William Klie of Hanover, the district director for No. 8. She spoke on weeds and disease and insects on flowers, vegetables and fruit and the new insecticides they have to control them. She said to use blood meal to keep nice and other rodents away from bulbs. . Mrs. Frank Raithby thanked 1V1rs. Klie for her informative message and presented her with t; gift. Misses Faye Seers and June Machan played several accor- dian duets. Everyone enjoyed viewing the floral arrangements brought by the members. A smorgasbord lunch was served by Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Robert Phillips and Mrs. Brian Hallam. CHURCH NEWS Thanksgiving and Com- munion services were held in both Donnybrook and Knox United Churches last Sunday. Roth sanctuaries were beautiful with colored leaves, fruit and flowers. At Knox United Church, Kevin James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Webster was bap- tized and dedicated to God. Or- val McPhee was received into the church by transfer from the Nile , United Church. Pastor Alfred Fry was assisted in the service by Mr. Stanley Ball. Large congregations were in at- tendance at both churches. Next Sunday, October 14, Knox United Church will ob- serve Anniversary services at 1.1 a.m. and 7.30 p.na. Rev. George Sach of Gorrie United Church will be rhe• special speaker. The Belgrave Shindigs will supply special music in the morning .and the McMillan family of Goderich in the evening. The McMillan family will have a prelude of music before the evening service. • Mrs Wes Budilock . 526-4595 WALKERBURN CLUB The Walkerburn Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Elliott Lapp. President Mrs. Lapp opened the meeting with Mrs. James Jackson at the piano. Mrs. Ted Hunking read the minutes of the June meeting and these were accepted as read. The election of officers for the coming year was held. The new officers are: Co -Presidents, Mrs. Garth McClinchey and Mrs. Ted Hunking; secretary, Mrs. John Hallam; assistant secretary, Mrs. L.loyti .Pen - found; treasurer, Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey, assistant pianist, Mrs. Joe Hunking; pianist, Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey. A thank you note was read from Mr. Gordon Daer and the roll call was answered by the paying,,of fees. The draw prize donated by Mrs. Toni Cun- ningham was wuCr._ h!' Mrs. Elliott Lapp. Plans were made for the next. meeting which will he held at the home of Mrs. Carmen Gross. Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey and Mrs. Joe Verwey will be'in charge of the program and Mrs. John Hallam and Mrs. Ted Hunking will be in charge of the lunch. A successful auction sale was held with Mrs. Leonard Ar- chambault ay --.auctioneer. Mrs. Lapp conducted an interesting contest. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Lloyd McClin- chey and Mrs. Lloyd Penfound. SOCIAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson returned last week after a few day's vacation at Newmarket with their son Mr. Keith Robinson, Mrs. Robinson and family. Mrs. telia Taylor. spent Thanksgiving with her daughter, Mrs. RonaldL,,Rath- well, Mr. Rathwell, Michael and Janice at Parkhill. Little Miss Anita ,.Gross, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Gross is a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston 'and baby daughter of Goderich visited last Thursday with her parents, Mr. an.d Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. Percy Young)4lut is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital where he underwent surgery' last week. A Mr. and Mrs. Harold Raithby and family of Clinton visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby. Eric''and Teresa Raithby returned home with, their parents after spen- ding the weekend with their grandparents. Mrs. Roy Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young and daughters, Terri and Sherri of Glencoe visited- last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips. Elmer Trommer and son Mr. William Trommer were up in Northern Ontario over the weekend hunting. Guests at the Manse with Pastor and Mrs. Alfred Fry for Thanksgiving . were Dr. and Mrs. Fred Haldenby of McKellar, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry and Kristin of Goderich and ,Maurice Fry of Kincardine. Mrs. Ted Mills accompanied by her aunt. Mrs. Olive: Young of Ripley returned last Sunday from a two week's vacation in Cleveland, Ohio with the far- mer's aunt and sister,. Mrs. Violet Mills. - Mr. and Mrs. Leonard West- brook and Mrs. George Ross of Goderich visited' last 'Saturday with Mrs. Ralph Munro. Mr. and Mrs. John MacKay 'tif London are vacationing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Dun- can .MacKay. A number of friends and neighbours attended the Scott - Ginn wedding reception last Saturday evening at the White Carnation, Holmesville. Mr. and Mrs. Harold English of Chatham visited last week with Mrs. Celia Taylor. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. John- ston and Miss Laura Phillips visited last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hembly at Atwood. Ahmeek !ODE Hear of county health inspector's The October meeting of the Ahmeek Chapter, I.O.D.E. was held at the home of Mrs. G. Uustow, Raglan Street. The meeting opened with the Prayer of the Order, and presentation of the flag by Mrs. C. Ruffell. Mrs. R. Neville, Regent, presided. '1')ie Regent thanked the maim ers for their help and co- operation in preparing for the Fashion Show. Mrs. M. McKee, correspon- ding secretary, reported some correspondence. She was asked to send a letter of appreciation to Fd Styles • for providing music at the fashion show. It was decided to hold a Christmas,Bake Sale instead of Goderich WI Plan bakesale for November 9 The GodericlrBranch of the Women's Institute October meeting was held in MacKay Hall with 22 members present and visitors including 15 from Wingham and six from Belgrave. - 'Mrs. George Morley presided and welcomed everyone. Roll call was answered by "My first day at school and name the teacher." Mrs. Elizabeth Sitter read the secretary -treasurer's report and correspondence which in- cluded Thank you notes, program for the London Area Convention November 7 and 8 at the Banqueter in London, an' appeal from the Canadian Legion, "resolutions to be presented at the Convention and an invitation to attend the."-' Goderich Township W.I. meeting at Holmesville School November 9. It was decided to have a Bake Sale at the Mill End Store Friday, November 9. After some discussion &card party will be held in January. Mrs. Clifford Crozier con- vener cif Educational, and Cultural Activities and Program convener introduced W.H. Knisley who spoke on "The Changes in Education in Ontario." Mrs. Crozier thanked Mr. Knisley and presented him with a gift which he promptly ' donated to the W.I. eel 1, A Mrs. Crozier and Mrs. J. Cook auctioned home baking. Tickets were sold on' an apron donated by Mrs. F. Barker which was won by Mrs. Charles Shiell of Wingham. Lunch was served by Mrs. J. Cook and her committee and a social hour enjoyed. The Presidents of Wingham and Belgrave Branches of the W.I expressed thanks and ap- preciation for a pleasant after- noon. "ALEK TRICIA N "Stays WE SAVE SOL KS MONEY AND PUT THEM AT EASE,"OUR WORK IS TOPS AND PR/CES, LEASE" ?f, A ( COMBINATION HARD TO BEAT BUDD KUEHL at HURON PINES ELECTRIC 86 King St. Phone Clinton 482-7901 'taking part in the Snowflake Bazaar. It will,. be held on , November 24. A Rummage Sale will be held, possibly in October. A letter was read from the, Children's Aid Society requesting help. A decision on this matter will be made at the November meeting. Miss Helen McCarthy took her affirmation as a new mem- ber. Mrs. Gibbons, former secretary for several years, was present, and was presented with her 25 -year pin by Mrs. Neville. Mrs. Neville welcomed Miss McCarthy to the Chapter. A speaker, Jim McCaul, Chief County Health Inspector,, was introduced by Mrs. F. Mills. Mr. McCaul gave a very interesting and informative ac- count of his work in Goderich. He inspects restaurants and other public places Where food is served. Cleanliness is highly important, also the use of proper equipment, ,and the proper temperature of refrigeration. They inspect hospitals, supermarkets, and beauty parlors etc. A question and answer period was conducted. Mr. McCaul was thanked by Mrs. G. Henderson. Mrs. Neville reminded the members of the Area" Con- ference at Walkerton on Oc- tober 17 Luncheon will be ser- ved at 12:30 p.m. Mrs. Neville asked per- mission to purchase a Remem- brance Day wreath for the Or - ,der. She requested members to 'attend the service at the Cenotaph. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs, Henderson, r1 showing a very g ood from the Fashion S voted that a cheque the Hospital in the v future. It' was agreed to• usual donation to t 601 and National Fund. It was reported Mary Robinson and Miss Edith Lockhart, tended graduation at Hospital. Mrs. 0. Straughan on cards sent, in her teresting way. The next meeting held at the home of Robinson on Nove Mrs. 0. Str&ughnn and McKee will assist. Mrs. Straughan the hostess for the use of h 0)) AjPtUVB WE PUT I STANDARDS THAT GENE THE y OF THAT HAVE KNOWIE AOMITT COMPL • Of 1' IH\I.1\I\HA, in.. HEAL L 1;524.7 ---- SS KIN6ST0 w 11 11 is Ont nce( will day men( 11 FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE See or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. s 524- ac( rani the As: to of ted fi it v mil 0. ptogr l9 an bei ins ins alue arta HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION EVENING CLASSES 1" . 4. Commence Week of October 15 REGISTRATION - 1. All classes will begin during the week of October 15. 2. Advance registration is desirable and may be (:made by phoning or visiting the school. 3. Late registration will be accepted on opening night if class is not already filled. CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL CLINTON TELEPHONE 4823471 Monday Night— *STRETCH FABRIC SEWING UPHOLSTERING Tuesday Night— ADVANCED SEWING ART BUSINESS MATH (credit) CRAFTS *DRIVER MAINTENANCE TAILORING (at Seaforth D.H.S.) TYPING UPHOLSTERING 'WELDING (basic) - WOMEN'S PHYSICAL FITNESS Wednesday Night— BOOKKEEPING DECORATIVE TUBE PAINTING DRAFTING & BLUEPRINT READING *ELECTRICITY FOR HOME OWNERS .GOURMET COOKING *HAIRDRESSING HISTORY (Gr. XIII credit) INTERIOR DECORATING SEWING FOR BEGINNERS *SMALL ENGINES WOODWORKING To Start in March -- s *GARDENING * HALF COURSES 4,. Classes will be held weekly, generally from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. 5. One credit toward a Graduation or Honour Gradua- tion Diploma will be allowed for academic courses completed. T - 6. Other courses will be considered if sufficient interest is shown and a suitable instructor is available. F. F. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL . WINGHAM TELEPHONE 357.1800 -,- Tuesday Nighrt— *BASIC TRANSISTORS (Electronics) *CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH DRAFTING & BLUEPRINT READING ELECTRICITY (general) - *GOURMET COOKING *KNOW YOUR -CAR LIQUID EMBROIDERY (beginners) OFFICE PRACTICE (basic) POTTERY WITHOUT WHEEL TYPING. (beginners) WELDING (gene)hl) . Wednesday Night— BOOKKEEPING (introductory) FARM ENGINES & HYDRAULICS LIQUID EMBROIDERY (advanced) OIL PAINTING SEWING (general) *STRETCH FABRIC SEWING TYPING (intermediate) UPHOLSTERING WOMEN'S -PHYSICAL- FITNESS WOODWORKING Enrol NOW — Don't Delay.! If you are interested in any of these courses you are urged to enrol as soon as possible. LOW enrolment will affect the decision to provide any course. HALF COURSES Phone= the School and FEES— Enrol Now! Some courses may have to be can- celled if insufficient interest is indicated by enrolment. GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE GODERICH TELEPHONE 524-7353 Monday Night— ART *ART (drawing) FORKNER SHORTHAND (beginners) GEOdRAPWY OF CANADA (Gr. XIII) GOLF _INSTRUCTION; • *LADIES KEEP FIT *NEEDLEWORK PRACTICAL ELECTRICITY IN THE.HOME SEWING I (basic) -• *TYPING WOODWORKING (general) Full Courses *Half Courses (10 sessions or fewer) Grade XIII courses Materials for projects must be supplied by s Students must purchase required text books. Tuesday Night— *BADMINTON SEWING III (design / tailoring) Wednesday Night-. SEWING II (intermediate) Thursday Night— *STRETCH FABRIC SEWING To Start in January Monday Night— ' *BUSINE S & LAW FOR PERSONAL USE *LADIES' SPORTS NIGHT *THEATRE ARTS * HALF COURSES SOUTH HURON DISTRICT NIGH SCHOOL TELEPHONE 275-0880 EXETER MONDAY NIGHT— CHEMISTRY (Gr. XIII) GEOGRAPHY (Gr. XIII) *GOURMET COOKING *INTRODUCTION TO TAXA- TION KNITS FOR ADVANCED SEWERS "TUESDAY NIGHT— ART (general) BOOKKEEPING (advanced) *BRIbGE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CONSUMER EDUCATION ELECTRONICS (basic) ENGLISH (Gr. XII), WEDNESDAY NIGHT— BIOLOGY (Gr. XIII) BOOKKEEPING (beginners) CALCULUS (Gr. XIII) DECORATIVE TUBE PAINTING DRAFTING & BLUEPRINT READING ELECTRICITY (basic) ELECTRICITY. (advanced) THURSDAY NIGHT -- AUTO MECHANICS (advanced) CERAMICS COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (basic) DEVELOPMENTAL & SPEED READING ENGLISH' (Gr.. ) FRENCH (Gr. XII) $l 4-4 `MACHINE SHOP (general) *MORAL PROBLEMS IN PERMISSIVE SOCIETY SCIENCE (Gr. X) SEWING (beginners) TYPING (advanced) JUDO (beginners) JUDO (advanced) *LING N SOCIETIEa WINGr�editl MAN inner) TAXIDERMY (., g WELDING ENGLISH (Gr. XIII) HISTORY (Gr. X) MATHEMATICS OIL PAINTING & SKIT SEWING II *THEATRE ARTS WON + WOMEN'S FITNESS Ri• CREATION GEOGRAPHY (Gr- X) HISTORY (Gr. XIII) FITNESS 'LION III) PHYSICS (Gr. X SEWING III ra) SHORTHAND (beglnM TYPING (beginner) NIGHT TO BE ANNOUNCED- "‘ *INTERIOR DECORATING (beginners and advanced) TO START IN SPRiNG— *SEWING (Men's Pants) GOLF HALF COURSES r .St -eel itim ied encs three ay nini h ch don int( el ea of htl lost 'd y who we