The Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-10-11, Page 16PAG* $A OODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1973 SOFTBALL The 'boys and girls that were on the winning teams in the Softball games in Colborne Township this summer are requested to meet at the Carlow Hall this Thursday evening at 8 p.m. when the trophies will be presented to the winners. CHRISTMAS COUNTRY FAIR Colborne Township's annual two big days are fast ap- proaching. In a little under a week (from time of reading this) carloads of visitors from many parts of Western Ontario and Michigan and even further, it is expected, will converge on the little hamlet of Carlow, seven" miles norht-east of Goderich, to enjoy the "Fair" that is still country style in a country hall showing what country people can still do with a lot of co-operation from the whole community. To a lot of people who came to the "Fair" in the early years, the "Fair" means crowd, bot- tle -necks, jostling, etc.. However this is not so these past two years since the show has been an all day show instead of only afternoon and evening. A good system of regulating the crowd, which now comes more evenly and spread out, has been supervised by Craft Group member Art. Dawson of Meneset Park, who keeps the crowd going the same way throughout the Hall. Only, a limited number are allowed up- stairs at a time so that the visitors have a much more en- joyable time and they see what they have come to see. Approximately 20 permanent residents plus about eight sum- mer residents along with several with Township connec- tions who have been helping with the "Fair" since its begin- ning are expected to exhibit their crafts. To this number"' as .in former . years are added several outside craftsmen, carefully handpicked by the committee from the many who ask each year to come: These outsiders are picked to supply something different than the -residents can supply, and so they are featured attractions which are a drawing card for the "Fair." These outsiders do much for the Township because they advertise the "Fair" in their_ localities. ' and _so:bring _. many interested visitors. Contrary to what was believed earlier, the baking is to be 'handled as in former years, it is hoped by Mrs. Ber- nard Fisher. Any Township resident who is interested in helping by baking is' asked to contact Mrs. Fisher at 524-9873 at meal time or after 9 p.m...Bakers are needed. If anyone in the Township 411as garden produce they would like to sell, contact one of the Craft Group. WI Several ladies from Tiger Dunlop Womens Institute- at- tended, the Blyth Institute meeting last Thursday evening. start a sewing class the latter part of October. Anyone in- terested please contact Mrs. G. Kaitting, 524-7017. 4—H The fifth meeting or Tiger Dunlop 4-171 Group number 2 "Travelling Chefs" was held in the, Carlow Hall Monday evening' at 7 p.m. The minutes of the las meeting were read by Marie Willis - Roll ,call "Where Any an- cestors carne from" was an- swered by all the members. . It was decided to _.host a Country Party for the eighth meeting which would include variety dishes and the Home Economist will be invited for this meal. Discussion followed on Italy and Eastern Europe with regard to Religions, Art. Literature and music these countries along with the Olym- pic games. The leaders made pizza which was much enjoyed by the girls and the meeting closed with the Creed read by Linda Kaminska. The Composition of the Court of Revision to hear complaints regarding the South Storm Sewer project will be discussed by the Administrative Commit- tee when it meets tonight in the council chambers. Councillor Elsa Haydon told Town Council at its regular meeting last ''Thursday evening than in her opinion, town coun- cillors should not sit on the Court of Revision in this in- stane. The law provides that citizens who could qualify to sit on council may form the Court of -'Revision in matters such as this. The date of the Court of Revision• is Wednesday, November 7 at 7 p.m. in the council chambers. Montgomerys on Cariteron Street .has been resolved. The stop wort t'order on the Minshall's home addition has been lifted and the project has been approved by the tow's building inspector, • Roy Breckenridge. - Bids will be called to pave Brock Street this fall, Town Council agreed last Thursday. A petition from Brock Street residents complained of the street's condition since this summer's work and at a special public works committee meeting held at 10 a.m. October 3, the committee agreed to ask council to consider paving the street this fall. The Brock Street paving project had been deleted from the 1973 program but because of the large number of com- plaints, it was decided that something should be 'done - to alleviate the situation. Decision was reached at last week's council meeting to open Suncoast Drive to Highway 21. This has become a necessity since the proposed construction work under the Winter Capital Project budget will block off Eldon Street, leaving only one outlet for that area of town, South Street. Estimated cost is $2,000 and will be. done' when all legal aspects are considered so that the municipality will not be subject to any liability. The Public Works committee feels that a sound policy should be established as to share of cost by the subdividers and the municipality on abutting roads. Committee opinion, seems to be that cost "should be rn a 50-50 basis. In the matter of road con- struction at the south end of Gibbons Street and Suncoast Drive from Gibbons Street to Highway 21, negotiations will be held with Eric Krohmer and Suncoast Estates 'Limited to Recommendations ha made to Town Council stall radios municipality's to Ys well as in fire t the Parka t Deputy -reeve Stan pointed out to his that police cars, PUC (Continued ort et is ld tt Mfr e1 WOO le regi ac11t grit II Toucl vid w Beds foot BSc) ofS by nb Councillor Elsa Haydon has given notice that she believes it is time the town had a bylaw governing the erection offences on private property. Matters such as height and distance from the sidewalk should be dealt with, according to Coun- cillor Haydon. Deputy -reeve Stan Profit strongly argued the position taken by -Mrs. Haydon saying BRIDAL SHOWER v . that a municipality can have Miss Elaine Fowler, bride -to- too many bylaws. He felt the be of this month, was enter- homeowner should have some tained at a miscellaneous responsibility ' in making shower at 'the home of Mrs. decisions for himself without 'Gordon Kaitting_ last Friday having the Town legislate every evening by the staff of the for- small issue for him. mer Tiger Dunlop Inn and a Mrs. Haydon said she agreed neighbor, Mrs. Hugh that many homeowners would McCrostie. erect fences only with "common An interesting contest and sense" 'and consideration for game provided entertainment neighbors" but she suggested for the first part of the evening "" there may be just cause for with winners being Sandra council to at least "think about Feagan and Mrs. Mel Raynard. it .and discuss it". The bride to be was the recipient of many lovely and useful gifts and thanked her hostess and those in charge for ' Permission was , .gi.ven ,"by their thoughtfulness and her Goderich Town Council for the neighbours and friends for the Goderich Leathercraft Group„to lovely gifts. All present enjoyed use the Town Hall for -the 1973- a social time together. 74 season, October to March as in previous years. 'The letter asking for the per- mission asked that the room be given to further "the ancient craft in Goderich ”. u1d WI 1 te1Y' aqui ►t t," e irma Let Ps ck ii ent colli ifity anc rac in tt ese t. 1 goo save ng ; for o bat built large rad The October meeting of the Maple Leaf chapter I.O.D.E. was held at the home of Mrs. S. Anderson. The Regent thanked all the members who worked to help make the Wine and Cheese Party a success. --- Mrs: S. Anderson reed a let- j�rovince's decentralization ter explaining a new I.O.D.E. plan, quipped Reeve Deb project called Operation Sound. Shewfelt. -Mobile microphone and head set units will be supplied for use by hard of hearing children in the Northwest Territories. .Decision was made at last Arrangements were discussed week's council meeting to buy for the removal and storage or–the customary wreath for the hanging flower pots from Remembrance Day and to have the Square. Mayor Harry Worsell, lay it at During the regular correspondence segment of last week's council meeting, mem- bers learned that the Ontario Fire Marshal's office has been moved from Keele Street in Toronto to Richmond Street in that city. "Perhaps this is part of the r di coon lev site i the even ski mon 611 i Following the meeting the members viewed ,the large display of knitting and sewing done by the chapter. Some ar- ticles are sent to the I.O.D.E.'s adopted Indian School at Christian Island and some ar- ticles are sent to Provincial Headquarters to be distributed from there. . Lunch was served by Mrs. K. Anderson and her com- Plans are in the.,making to mittee. tate cenotaph ceremony. Deputy -reeve Stan Profit asked that the cenotaph itself be cleaned prior to November 11. Profit has previously told council the statue is dirty and in deplorable condition. As usual we offer you only the latest of this seasons merchan- dise at sale prices. This mer- chandise just a few days ago was at regular price on our racks. Com• in and be well dressed for much less than you thought. Our birthday is a big •vent, don't miss It. tl shot of yt eris� d« pre V tyI tati frank uld arbor In council last week, it learned the disagreement ween the, Minshalls and was bet - the REG. IN -SPORTSWEARSEPT. $17 to X38 14T0 $2. Large group including pants, skirts vests and jackets specially reduced Now A GROUP OF COATS THAT ORIGINALLY SOLD FOR 4$40.00 to $99.00 DRESSES A LARGE GROUP INCLUDING 1/2 SIZES . ORIGINAL.LY SOLD IN SEPT. FOR $ 2 6 to $60 This Is a beautiful perfectly maintained automobile and is equipped with 400 - 4 barrel V-d,puwer steering, power disc brakes, power windows, Mrs wheel discs, electric rear defogger, vinyl top, Michelin -Ores ,tinted glass. Low mileage. DHK 701 Not all sizes in the group but priced to soli at substantial savings from lest month's prices.