HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-10-11, Page 12:PAOX 4A—GODERICH SIGNAL-S'FAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1 plan for the Square..., (Conlin, uod from page 1A) , an excellent example of improvement of the "Square"; sidewalk treescape." a building guideline, a color The planneis admit that the and restoration scheme and a plan would take about six feet Landscape scheme. off the width of the roadway The report suggested that but pont out that the road is these proposals could already very wide. be im- plemented either separately pr They feel the treescape on together and no change was the outer edge of the Square recommended to the structures would establish a facade of of the buildings. lounge that would be another The analysis of the report ob- component welding together served that a certain unifor- the spatial composition of the 'business section. mity of building material and The first section of the plan. heightwelded the spatial corn- ., ners report developed the position of the "Square significance o( the "Square". together. introduced some proposals and "New building, especially the reviewed several case studies. block ,,that accommodates the The presentation then turned ,new Simpson -Sears and to implementation, to ac - Niagara Loans businesses, has tivating the ideas and "dong departed quite radically from Something." the original design aesthetic, "Implementation represents and is single storey in height the finalization of planning. A and faced with prefabricated positive gesture thar in this materials such as plastic, case could reverse certain enameled sheet steel and - trends described earlier.- agregate concrete panels. The In reviewing the three result is a spatial fragmen- proposals mentioned earlier the tation. The facades are in latter il.vo; a color scheme and danger of becoming broken up landscaping are the -most visual and discordant. We are and have the immediacy of im- proposing therefore that a by - pact. Building guidelines are law be established specifying a important for the future but the minimum and maximum past and present are with us building heiFht that would con - and must be dealt with. Hence, tinue the existing' facade we are now going to deal with a heights. Furthermore ffie by - method of implementing a law should determine the -types color scheme and a landscaping of materials to be used in new scheme," the meeting was told. buildings in the 'Square' so "The implementation can.be that there is aesthetic con - broken in two distinct phases. tinuity from old to new," the Distinct because different skills presentation suggested. • are required and different The planners presentation problems mtist be faced. The also suggested that the ap- two rphases are design and pearance of the commercial design implementation." buildings on the "Square", The design phase comes especially the second and third - first. It is to prepare the picture storey facades, has deieriorated of the total project - what is to considerably. be done. An overall design is "Upkeep has been lax and fundamental. The end product the colors with which the must be laid out befo,re any in - buildings have been painted qividual parts commence. The are dull and austere,- the plan- gum of individual unrelated ners pointed out. -The ' decisions is usually chaos not predominant paint color is bat- harmony,- the planners said. tleship grey." The design implementation "Many of the building stage is carrying out the design. facades remain in their original The assembling of material and way with exposed brick which labour and the organization could be left. The facades and .management of 'these to ef- already painted however could fect the design. • be included in a colour scheme The design phase directly and repainted: The alternatives • - determines the end product," are many, but what we are the presentation noted. "Like proposing is that a detailed - in all phases of work, it is im- drawing and colour study be portant that the design be com- mode of the eight facades-fron- petently executed. There' are ting- the "Square" and a CO two ways a • design can be .ordinated ,colour scheme be developed." prepared. To start with, this The project, it was suggested, scheme would concentrate on could be contracted to a the upper levels of facades, but specialist firm such as a plan - later a 'similar co-ordinated ning or design consultant or it design be made of store.signs could_ be.develop_ed through _the and - graphics,"—the pr- posa suggested. use of local resources. - "The analysis, has already observed the attrt.ctive people place provided by the central park. The large trees that give shade to the park also cools the whole Square in Summer. The quality of the pedesirian en- vironment on the commercial side of ,the Square however is quite,„different. The sidewalks fronting the stores are cracked and have fallen into disrepair and no pedestrian amenities or landscaping is present," the businessmen were told. "We are proposing therefore that the landscapetheme of the "Square's" ,central park be con- tinued on this side of the street, - and that trees be planted along the sidewalks fronting the stores. Dundas St. in London is 4 A specialist firm essgntially provides two functions, the planners told the meeting, management and labor. "It both assembles the skills required and manages their production into a finished product - the final design," the planners explained. "Naturally it charges for both these func- tions." "A process of of using lac resources can separate these two. functions and essentially pay directly for only the labour input. The management, or coordinating function, can of- ten .be acquired at minimal direct cost," the Aroposal said. "To develop the design," the planners explained, "there are four basic labor inputs: detailed photography of all buildings, from t h is photography the preparation of elevation drawings of all buildings, from these drawings • the preparation , of color and landscaping design scheme and the costing of materials and labor to carry out the scheme. - "These basic iriputs are required no matter how or %Out prepares the design. They must be carried out by skilled people as mistakes are time consuming and cannot be altered once work on the design begins. An approximate estimate of these_ four .elements is $1,200 to $1,506 based on employing - local resources. T he management function would, in this case, be. provided at minimal cost by members of this- group,- the planners. estimated. Looking at the steps required, assuming the design phase was developed locally "Itikd not contracted out as a, total package, the proposal suggested that the Businessmen's Association set up an "Action Committee' responsible for just this phase and give it imitable funding. That committee would then employ the required people to carry out the four work These four tasks would be managed aiid co-2ordinated by the. committee leading to a design proposal. "The design is really the blueprint for the implementage stage and, it) comparison, this stage is the expensive one. Once ,design is established through the Committee noted earlier and public exhibitions, the im- plementation stage can com- mence. As this represents a completely different task with different skills a new commit- tee will probably be required," the planners said. That committee would have two 'major tasks, acquiring the fu nd i ng and', supervising the work on the buildings. "There are three methods of funding," the planners ex- plained. The program could use private funds from local business whose buildings are. being painted, public 'funds from various levels of govern- ment and .a combination of the first two methods." ''The second method,- public fundings, provides the most favorable approach,- the plan- ners said. "In Woodstock and Petrolia federal funds through the Op. portunities• for Youth and Local Initiative Programs were used." "In London, municipal funds were employed," they added. The planners stressgd .hoWever that the first job of this committee would be to secure funding and having done that, the -painting and land- scaping could proceed. "The committee, however, will have the difficult job of managing this aspect," the planners pointed out. In winding up their presen- tation the County Planners said their report had developed the opportunity, and in dsliq, explored its impleinentationli-- "The first step," they said, "is to answer the question "Do you want to proceed?' and if so 'to make a decision to establish an action committee and em- power it to develop the design." Since the Businessmen's Association meeting was held after Signal -Star deadline on Wednesday the final reactions and decisions ,of the, Association were not available for this issue. A further look at the new proposal, and work on it, will be taken in next week's edition. l4teueti4 a theikeeMie /Owe e;(96:44/137 Let us assist you with your plans for that all important wedding day. COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF • INVITATIONS • ,ANNOUNCEMENTS • INFORMALS • ACCESSORIES INl 1:30 fifte 10, el' ki $20 tion fn Select your wedding invitations, announcements and accessories' with complete confidence as to quality and correctness of form. PM! 19. $5 ',b Tic inemb 39.4 WE ALSO HAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING NAPKINS, MATCHES AND CAKE BOXES th Uni the stion folio r corn' 3 Healt It eobtrith SIGNAL STAR WEST ST. 524431 frith 0 1973 1 p.m.; am c, 1973 1 - p.m.; orth cc 1973 f p,111.; 00 COI 1973 1 P.m.' husba to pate ssions.. 11,1)11E net, V 1973, 1 2, -Het er: M dinato Bran ticket PRESENT ELDON ST. - 3 BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL Ht. LTH I d the lth Ui God 20, Health hIsuni Hearing &on( dren's ties for Vision 1 1 SUNCOAST DRIVE - 3 BEDROOM BRICK INCLUSIVE RID For Huron CountryPlayhouse asks for LIP grant Huron Country Playhouse is applying for a 1973 Local Initiatives Grant to assist it in establishing an Educational Touring Theatre Program for area schools. It will offer a complete, fully contained touring.package that allows our group. to perform anywhere in your school. Three specific programs will be offered (about 40 to 60 minutes in length) for the following age groups: Grades 1 - 6'; Grades 7 - 8; Grades 9 - 13. If approved, the project will commence work in mid- January with the iictual tour beginning early March and con- tinuing through May. The only cost, to the school would be the play's' royality fee, about 310, and not more than 325 per per- formance. In addition to the performan- ces some schools may wish to have workshops, lecture - demonstrations, or claims in dramatits. There will be no charge for these. At this point. WO need to know how many principals are interested to have the Company perform in their schools. Our SOUTH STREET –3 BEDROOM BRICK chances of getting our Project approved is going to depend upon the kind of response .we ,get from you. At this point we need to know only if you favor the idea and if you think it could work in your school. Ac- tual four dates can be worked out after our Project is ap- proved. We hope you will write us a letter expressing interest in the Project by October 8. UTDOOR-ETHICS ELDON -3 BEDROOM BRICK Open House FURNITURE This newly completed 3 bedroom home on SUNCOAST DRIVE - Third house west of South St. Glimmark Homes in Suncoast Estates invites you to 'their Qpen House, Thursday to Saturday inclusive, October 11 - 13th. Opon un- til 10:00 p.m. Houses with distinctive design. Quality material sup- plied by Glimmer* Lumber, South Street, Godorich. Choose from the largest sol•C' tion of new homes in .Godierich - in the popular growing area close to schools. All lots are fay sir - irked with water services, storm and sanitary sewers and un- dergrord hydro connections. . Furniture Supplied by BLACKSTONE 'SMOKING IS INTUP IOUS. YOU atT sr tc! Nor ONLY ro4"you 15IuT TO OUR FORESTS. IF YOU MUST, OE SURE' ) OUT'. • - OUT, BETTE STILL, .r,o/vPr '57)1irrWODIV TNOS) Alexander It Chapman Realty Ltd. SALES REPRESENTATIVES FOR GLENNIARK HOMES 0411 SI