HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-09-20, Page 31you look forward to that you cannot feel free to ask the
event in your lives, there assistance of you parents for
a few precautions which fear of them stating: 1 told
would be wise to consider, you so. As a result arguments
minister I have f+►und may arise in your home conrer-
►najor areas which have a ning family affairs and you
teff& upon marriage. covery uld
"Are you marrying
and left out
thTe full consent of your' bitterness in your hearts and
Thiti sr,av ;tel„ a very
lives._ Unfcrtunately you may
five ar ever, unnecessary begin to take out this resent-
tr, ask, EL wever it is men! , on each other causing
important that you do heartache and stress in your
ry with your parents ap marriage life. It is much wiser
al on both sides ,f at all • to do all that is possible to
ble to assist `Oil in a marry with your parents' con-
y home life. If you marry sent.
the full consent of your SECONDLY: "Have you
ts'vou then can easily feel agreed on a church where you
ted and a part of each can warship together in? Inti -
.family. Youcanfeel free macy for many people has
yourself in their presence become synonymous with sex.
to ask advice from your But- forthe . modern
ts" experiences and to ask psychiatrists and marriage
assistance if necessary. In counsellors, the word far tran-
future your, children wi+1.4. ' scends , the sexual..Intimacy is
a good example Of how to not an, act, it is a state of
t their parents if they see existence in which two people
gradually share more and more
you a respect for your
of their innermost thoughts and
experiences. This continuing
the other hand, should
marry with ut your growth is the key.to the loving
nts' consent immediately relationship. A total per-
sonality contact is achieved
marriage is starting out
where triere is 'a oneness of
a serious problem. Why?
spirit, a oneness of soul (mind, if your parents do
approve of your marriage emotions and will) and a
one reason another, it oneness of body.
be for a very good reason. Many conflicts, heartaches
µillhe no doubt warning and even broken marriages
of the possihift wof your have arisen out of the inability
of couples to agree on a church
iage not wotikmng out and
when a problem does arise and a minister and a faith in
which ney can worship,
fellowship with others, take
their children to, obtain coun-
selling and assistanc'elrom 'in
their time of need (rind these
times do arise) and in general a
place where they together as a
family can unite in worship in.
It is vitally important that if
you plan to share your home
and your very lives with each
other that you find a church in
which you both can share in
spiritual matters also.
THIRDLY: (and finally) Be
sure that your love is genuine
and not a mere and passing in-
fatuation with each other.
Anything that is genuine and
good must be tested and
proven, your love to each other
will be no exception. There are
many unproven, false and
vague definitions of love. One
of the ,elearest and the best
definitions, and guidelines I
have to offer you is found in the
Bible, I Cor. 13:4-7: "Love is
very patient and kind, never
jealous or envious, never boast-
ful or proud. Never haughty or
selfish or rude. Love does not
demand its own way. It is not
irritable or touchy. It does nor
hold grudges and will hardly
even notice when others do it
,vrong. It is ,never glad about
injustice, but rejoices whenever
truth wins out. If you love
someone , you will be loyal` to
him (or, her) no matter what
the cost. You • will always
believe in him (or her), always
expect the hest of him (or
her) and always stand your
ground in defending him (or,
her). (Paraphrased Tran
If you take this definition of
true love as your motto in your
marriage and home, you shall
be well ,equipped to face the
joys and testings of married
In conclusion, the scripture
reveals that "Wisdom is found
in a multitude of counsellors."
If you hear any advice which
seems practical and is proven, rt
receive it and ponder it over in
Your own minds. ,Who knows,
it may be very vital to your_
marriage and future happiness.
The bride's hair Is as important as her gown. A visit to
the Lori Lyn Beauty Salon will assure a style appropriate
for any occasion. Whether a simple Innocent look . or
perhaps an elegant, more sophisticated style.
The Lori Lyn Beauty Salon
fox trim in a choice
of colours
hrvsanthemums and
dioli graced Elliot Lake
leChapel August 18 for the
ding of Margaret Esther
;beth Grist, daughter of
. and Mrs, Drr►sil G. Grist,
iot Lake, and Adrien J.
othe, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ifred Lamothe, also of Elliot
ke. The double -ring
room' wasconducted" by
er Scott of Sault Ste. Marie.
iven in marriage by her
er, the bride wore a white
plene floor -length dress
a short train and lace
ves that matched her
alder -length veil. 'She
'ed a bouquet of red and
roses and fern.
aid of honor was Madeline
se Elliot Lake. She chose
How crimplene dress with
tching white lace in the
and veil. She carried
Iti-colored sweet peas and
fern bouquet. 'Bridesmaid was
Juliette Lamothe, Elliot Lake,
who was gowned similarly to
the maid of honor except. in
Groomsman was Raymond'
Saunche, • Elliot Lake. Usher
was Kenneth Grist, brother of
the bride, Elliot Lake.
Pink and white bells,
streamers and candles
decorated the basement of
Elliot Lake Bible Chapel. The
bride's mother wore an ice blue
dress with matching jacket and
a corsage of- red tea rose. The
grodm's mother chose a light
blue polyester knit dress and- a
corsage of salmon -shade tea
For travelling to Hamilton
where the couple will reside,
the bride wore a salmon -shade
suit of bonded acetate with
gold accessories.
Only at Balnten's Factory Outlet will
you find such luxurious quality In
twelve shades to compliment - any