HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-09-20, Page 14. PAGK 1 DIRICH IGNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2), 1973 1 4 5A ROOM AND BOARD &ACCOMMODATION TO RENT 8. HELP WANTED 8. HELP WANTED' S. HELP WANTED S. HELP WANTED ROOM AND BOARD available. Comfortable surroundings and good meals. Phone, 524-6684.-35tf Unfurnished upstairs apartment Phone- 524.9038. -38x O E furnished, 1BEDROOM(1 apartment, hookup, 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT adult. „nl\, i)et,. •Apply. 9 ,nth St.' 524-9303.-1511 THE KENT HOUSE 'furnished '7. WANTED TO RENT rooms with living room and kitchen privileges. Phone 524-8133.-7,-38-41. SPACIOUS WINTERIZED MODERN COTTAGE, on open road, three bedrooms, complet1ly furnished, all conveniences • Available for lease now through June 1974. 39 Huron Road South, Point Clark. Call Mrs. Doherty ;313- 563.4415.-38-,39-40. ,l5.-38-,39-40. TWO BEDROOM apartment on Trafalgar Street, available first of October. Phone 524,7014.-38-39 ONE BEDROOM apartment, spacious bedroom, living room, • dining area, cute kitchen with lots of cupboards, fridge and stove, lovely bath, all utilities paid. Phone 524-6095.-38 ROOM AVAILABLE. Use of kit- chen and facilities - non smoker. Phone 524-6269.-38 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent. Phone 524-8735.-38tf PROFESSiI)NAI. (Iluple require three or lour bedroom house, with toll basement, 1n (;alert( h .,r area 1)s end 01 October Phone c,Illes t '- 676 -5112. -17,18,19x - 676 -:511'_'.-17,18,19x POSSIBLY you art- going south for winter and would like to rent your fully -furnished horse or apartment to a reliable middle-aged couple luta''. children - no pets) for four month_. beginning November to March. Reply to Box 65 Signal Star stating terms expected. -38x EXCEI"TIONAL opportunities for Immediate earnings still available for ambitious pt'rsorls to int r(,(tu,t' Vanda Beauty Cosat►.elloii in new fall and (hr1.3nlas pr(,du( t. N., ex- perience nece..ars Full (if part time. For informat,all 5•_'4- 715.3 3=.18 IMPORTANT Canadian ,onlpan\ offers an exciting ,artier to the right person In rise motorist eery I(rs field. 1b'r promote on merit Full-time a( • (ly.lty, s%lth sitlars phi, ,ortlr111,slo11 x11(1 rllonthl' haul)• Wake, far :#n exec utlxe insonle Permanent Ilfetink position. Excellent-eturlty benefit,. Full training at ,onlpitri expense ('ar required but no over- night trasel Art fast' ('ante( t Supers fear 1' d Bauer. Pat rick St 11'Inghanl Please glee voter phone number. -.17,:,18 I;ENERA1. contractor requires -nlature, responsible person, plainly, 8. HELP WANTED HURON. ACOUSTICS INDUSTRIES LTD. 'THREE bedroom town houat. for - rent in Vanastra. R R 5. Clinton. $110.00 per month, all utilities paid. Phone- 482-9742 or 482-7396 anytime.-g39tf • Require help to work In assembly Apply to Huron Acoustics Vartastra Phone 482-7622 for carpentry Capable of super- vising men on all types of building. Good pay for right person, also laborer required. Phone for inter- view 482.664:3. 38 -BABYSIT1'Eit for two children, live months, '1 1/2 years, our home, flue dans a week, 8:33) to 4::30. Ex ellent r emunerat ion. Phone 5'_'4- 94.3 atter 5 p.m. -38 (;RAIN ELEVA'T'OR tliwra1or-Knowledge of grains and grain handling essential. Me, haul( al ability necessary. Ap- ply. )19-882.22.11). !'etrolia Grain and Furls :18 WANTED, tapable housekeeper to 11ye 111 and (10 some nursing care for Invalid widow. Comfortable home, other help kept. Mrs. Carl Diehl. -Box 40, Bayfield. Phone 565- '28.13.-38-39 1VAJTHESSES WANTED to work morning shifts 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. 5 days 'a week. Nt'ust be experienced. Apply Club Grill - -38tf WAITRESS WANTED )For dining room on alternate weekends, 15 hours per weekend. Phone 482-3489. • INSIDE tI SALES PERSON WANTED housekeeper to clean house and do washing. Apply 170 Wilson St. -38x CLEANING by the day. Phone 524- 9992 after 6 p.m. -38 ratt►�..� ; 9. WANTED (General COMPLETE hint -who'd effect: - or snr►Il 1,11, 110113011 )',III C & F. Fur- niture, -,21 7211 -tot Job function: Telephone order desk, production scheduling, automatic scale operation. Product: Fetid and herbicide). Experience: Knowledge of poultry and hogs. Apply: 519- 882-22A0. 1 Z, AUCTION SALE 12• AUCTION SAl L/ ►RGE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALEOF '�ACT0R at the farm of GORDON BRINDLE sou' miles o1 11/4Goderich north and 1/2 mile east of Carlow or y mlln 12:3Q NOON, SATURDAY, To piece cons) SEPT,?? BRINDLE � g'x"'"`' call SERYAUCTION 524.6451 et1 011 MINIM . 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Long Term Employment i.l('EN('EI) Mechanic, apply Walker's Supertes3o'corner Vi, tor' , Streets, and Elgin Goderioh.-37,38x WITH • CLASS "A" Mechanic wishes part time work, evenings and weekends. Phone524-7818.-37,38 NORTH STAR 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HUGHES BOAT WORKS `' LTD. 38b ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE "GODERICH PtiHONE 524-9662 NEW WEST SIDE - Nearing completion new homes located in the growing area of Goderich - close to schools. Choose your new home under construction in- Suncoast Estates - Distinctive design, Quality material and workman- ship. Electric Heating - Fully serviced lots that include storm and sanitary sewers - un- derground hydro - some nearly ready for occupancy. LOWER PRICED Three Bedroom frame in good condition. Gas hot air heating, low taxes. Large fenced lot. Location Huron Road East. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS Four bedroom frame older home. Large 110 x 160. 011 hot water heat JUST LIS D Two bedroom frame lower priced._ one storey with garage. Located Huron Road East. Im- mediate Possession. Will take -back mortgage. COTTAGES • • Bluewater Beach - 3 bedroom on large well landscaped lot. Could be converted to year around home. Close to Goderich. Furnished too. Hunter's Beach - 5 miles north of Goderich among white birch trees with good view of Lake Huron. Furnished. Large parking area. VARNA • Frame 2 storey 3 bedroom home with attached garage. Situated on half acre iot. Oil hot air heating. Low taxes. Good retirement home. Close to Lake Huron In quiet reslden- tiat area. FARM LISTINGS WANTED Now could be a good time to sell your farm. Just phone us and one of our salesmen will call at your convenience. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Brick one storey apartment building containing 3 unite. each 2 bedroom apartments each with stove and fridge and separate parking, Electric heat, new paint inside and outside. Choice quiet location near the Square. Mobile Horne Park located on Highway 21 within town limits. 2 ' acres, room for 12 units -own well and septic tanks. Good financing available to qualifying persons. Brick 3, apartment building. Close to Square.. Recently "remodelled, gas, hot water heating or you can cut your housing costs by living in one and• renting the other two. • BUILDING -LOTS Excellent location in VLA Sub- division on East Edge of Goderich size 125 x 175. Building lot close to Square 50 x 104. Building Lot 70 x 132 Close to Hospital Napier Street. 2 lots Dungannon excellent for building a new home or mobile' home. Minutes from Lake Huron. Total only 91,800.00, ATTENTION MECHANICS You can be your own boss. Small block garage close to Goderich Includes several pieces of equipment, oil fur- nace heating, good rural area, located on paved road. Priced under 520,000. NEW -CUSTOM BUILT HOME You ` can have your new home built( to. your own individual *notes. We Wil "your inquiry and will discuss with you 4i/tiding planet: and the oast, of Moura., at recur convenience. MOBILE HOMES Furnished two'bedroom, 60 x 12 Richardson, with extra room at- tached and porch, also a steel storage shed. Excellent location in Meneset Park overlooking Lake Huron.. Im- mediate possession. K.W: Colquhoun Limited 14 Isaac St. Clinton 90 acre near Cargill with a dam constructed, to specifications. Department Natural Resources Lake stoked with trout, ideal property for any form of recreation, with a large deposit of gravel on back of property. 2 BEDROOM Asbestos siding cottage in good state of repair with propane, in Bayfield, Early Possession. HURON PARK, ONT. a Has openings in the following trades: • F.R.P. (fiberglas reinforced plastlerCAMINATOR • BOAT ASSEMBLER (yacht) • BOAT JOINER (yacht) Training programs are available for people without experience. Apply in person at the company office or at the nearest Canada Manpower Centre. GEN'T'LEMAN over 45. recent graduate of the Legal Office Ad- ministrators ,(Law Clerk) Course - Fanshawe College - seeks position as a Legal Office Administrator (Law Clerk) or allied position, some , previous experience. Interested principals please reply to P.O. Box 6:34, Wingham, Ontario. -:38x - SECRETARY WISHES em- ployment in local office. 4 1/2 years experience. Phone 482-3236.-38x Milking Herd Dispersal of Brookhurst Hol Sal Holsteins by Goderich to be sod at David Cars>bDouglas Listowel on Highway 86. n's m mI1N 1:15 P.M. WEDNESDAY TINS Head consists of 25 f OCT exceptionally purebreds and 15 Niko This is an exc eP ly good home bred hard which on tat for 18 years, These cows have a keit of size, dairy quality and ca ry udders. With records up to 20,000 pounds of ml Cows sired by: Roybrook Starlight, Selling Trains Spring Farm Reflection Ornieby Mississippi Rockman and other top sires. Plan io attend this ea' le as it Is,an excellant oppotltwll herd replacements. Catalogues available on request Also for private sale 566 lbs. Group 1 and Market Quota and a ralescantASolanaagor bulktank, rs and Auctioneer$ Carson's Auction Service Contact David Carson Listowel 291-200 Douglas McNeil Goderich 524.13385 Sale to -be held under cover Il WOULD -471 -KE -to baby it .two or - three children in my home. Monday to Friday. Phone 524-2436,-38 11. TENDERS RA TI IVI SCI 1 pi tx P .1 34 ACRE . HOBBY FARM With two storey fully moder- nized house, steel Implement shed and garage 30 x 54 with approximately 8 acres of market garden land, the balance with trees and two ravines with natural springs, this property is located on the 5 concession between Bayfield and Goderich. • 75 ACRE FARM 15 acres of bush on the Maitland river, the balance ren- ted for crop, the house and barn are in need of repair, this property Is near Auburn. 2 BEDROOM - 2 STOREY needs small repairs, on two acres of park -like lawn, situated un Hwy. No. 21 ap- proximately 4 miles south of Goderich. Call for further infor- mation. LISTINGS WANTED AGENT - AL AMY HOME 482-7219 BUSINESS 565-2884 tf ATHWELL'S tour nth Mt odet THE CITY OF GUELPH POLICE DEPARTMENT INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS. POLICE CADETS and PROBATIONARY CONSTABLES . OUALI ICAT14NS- 'Rust be of good character. Canadian Citizen or Canadian Nationalized, Medically fit. 20-20 vision without glasses. Have the equivalent of at least Secondary School Certificate. Height 5'10" - Weight - Not over 180- lbs: Excellent starting salary and fringe benefits. 1973 salaries. Cadets 68890.00 per annum Prob. Constables 99010.00 per annum Must apply in person to Robert T. McCarron Chief of Police MARLETTE HOMES of CANADA 703 DOURO STREET, STRATFORD, ONT. REQUIRES GOOD STEADY PEOPLE Furnished two bedroom 60 x 12 Pyramid Windsot 1972. Like new with extended living room and deck. Good location in Meneset Park with beautiful view of Lake 'Huron. Ideal for retirement or your own home at about half the cost of a new Ohome. Small monthly rent for lot instead of taxes. Immediate Possession. Furnished two bedroom 80 x 12 1970 Champion Mobile Home. Located in Meneset Park. In - 'dudes tool shed. LISTINGS WANTED We have .many inquiries for housing accommodation. If you ars thinking of a larger home or maybe just one a little different, ask us to call at your con- venience. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Estate property on Huron Road, Frontage 158 feet depth 264 feet. Located in growing business area. Presently all rented. Excellent Investment. AN offers considered, .) t BAILEY 82 Albert Street Phone: 482-9371 MASON BAILEY- BROKER/MANAGER 2 storey brick home in Blyth. 011 Furnace. Several ...antique chan- deliers included In the purchase price. FULLY EQUIPPED RESTAURANT with modern living quarters in Huron County. This restaurant le showing a good return. - - * Nowunder construction: 3 bedroom brick bungalow, with full basement, attached garage, can be finished to purchaser's specification. 11/2 storey STONE HOUSE, 145 acre farm 2 miles from Clinton. Barn and sib. 135 acres workable. COUNTY OF HURON TENDER FOR TRUCKS . SEALED TENDERS. on forms and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on: Monday, October 15, 1973 for the following: HC -73-107 - 6 - 1/2 ton pick-up trucks HC -73-108 - 3 1/4 ton vans Trade-ins will be offered on each new unit. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J.W. Britnell, P. Eng., Huron County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario ESTATE AUCTIO To be held in the village of Blyth on Saturday, Sept, P.M. for the Estate of Mrs. Alice Radford. Property' - Two bedroom red brick, one storey home sun porch, living room, dining room, 3 pc. bath, back full basement, oil furnace, single car garage. Large must be seen to be appreciated 10% down, balance Seynngi subj ct` to low reserve. • Furniture and Antiques -1 pc. walnut dining room eu Majestic color T.V.; chesterfield and matching rocker; chesterfield; upholstered chairs; chrome chairs; writing desk; three pc. bedroom suite; steel bed; vanity; dressers; chest of drawers; end t to ;_.„Westinghouse upright freezer; G.E. 4 M Clam refrigerator; kitchen appliances; Sings wing machine; folding table and chairs; ginger lamps; pictures; glass and china and many more Terms. - Cash No Reserve on lsn(lc nal, es. Executors - Mr. Jack Lee Mr. 811! Radfor RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Brucefisld - 482-3120 1.R ittu Who want to work and earn a living and a chance for advancement In a steady growing industry 8135 per hour plus production bonus -earned to start. After 6 weeks $2.85 per ,hour plus production bonus. After 6 more weeks $3.05 per hour plus produc- tion bonus. Company benefits: O.H.I.P. Company Paid, Sick Benefits (after 3 months) - Company Paid, Life Insurance $4,500 (after 3 months) Company Paid 8' Paid Statutory Holidays (after 3 months) Overtime Premium after 40 hrs. Working Conditions Excellent. 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. - 5 days per week. CaII collect: Mrs. Dorothy amIth, • '519-271-3700 to arrange an interview at your. convenience. (37-38) The American Motors BuyerProtectjon Plan. We believe a customer isn't really sok until after he's bought the car. ER Di HOUSE. -WITH INCOME Very centrally located with com pleats 2 bedroom apartment up- stairs and modernized 3 bedroom home first floor, good basement, hot water„ gas heating, ideal retirement home or for anyone wanting something nice and not too costly. VERT ALEXANDER, 245 Catherine St., TM. 524-7876 GERRIES SERVICE QL*NN, Dufgennon, TM, 529-7924 DON ABIRHART, 15 SrNepwpla Rd. W., "TM. 524-7216 ED JES$OP, 162. WNson St. Tel. 524-7217 AHELAGH SULLY, 14 Convex Cr. Tel. 5241015 NN BANTER, 'R,R. 2 Qederloh tot. 524-8.148 Income property in Clinton. Large Double house Mar the post office. 4 room tees us* t In h. Fur- niture Inc intips kpirehaso price. 100 acres, 95 acres workable. ,1 rile from Blyth. Good barn equip- ped kir hogs. Block of 8 building lots In Seaforth for Sale. - A- FOR SALE C - WANTED After all, how do you really, , a car that kooks good N the sh' you.good value and live up to your tions until after you buy it.lhats w Amnon Motors we think that you to a promise of quality. when you b our cars So with every new 1974G Hornet. Javelin, Matador and Am you go the exclusive Amencan kto Buyer Protection Plan What it means ;situ! when you 1974 AMC car from an Amtran Dealer. Amencan Motorsguarant for tires. to have repaired or regia( it supplies that's defective. And the r isg(oxi for 12.000 miles or one entire from the date the car is firs p comes first- See ~'our American for full pariculars You see, we believe that regard you look at In the showroom or read pamphlets. you're not really sold un you bus the car And we think the to keep you sold Is to give you I2 12,E miles of as much won7-fre we can. Jell IT( tiltto OFI spi E01 hoe E01 01 RECI .1p0 ON SUFFOLK BREEDER ram, purebred. A. longejan RR 2, Goderich, phone 524-702(3.--:38 THREE YEAR old-' gelding, trained, welt mannered, quarter and Arabian. Have Champion sire. Phone 482,7410. WINTER BOARDING for gentle gelding. Phone 565-2654 after 6 p.m. ,38 110 1 cAe col GIF1 woo bMt Ierrm ka,! D - LIVESTOCK SEEDS WANTED "FOOD FOR THOUGHT' "Our favourite four-letter words are 'LIST and :'SOLD"' WiLL TAKE in 100 to 125 head of cattle to feed for winter months, - Phone 524-6432.-38 Saiee Reeireeentatives: Liz Bell and Dorothy Schneider C - WANTED Buyers of Timothy Red Clover and Birdsfoot CORN silage wanted standing, will harvest. Phone 529-7561.---37,:38 - i Trefoil Seed Maple Leaf Mills-S6.d Div. (Jones, MacNaugMon) Exeter, Ont. ph:236.0363 Ma sw 'X -Corr We badc *eat better because W4! build them better. See your bad American Motors Dealer flow 4 JOHN GRAF oORD MUNROE AF'S Bina Seri