HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-09-20, Page 3eric
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Johnston
Married' 50 years
were played and a lovely lunch September 1, 1923. and " have
was served... Many cards and
gifts, were received including a
lovely wall clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston were
born in Ashfield township and
lived most of their married life
in Colborne Township. They
were ' married in Auburn on
r. and Mrs. Leslie Johnston
rated their 50th wedding
h'ersary with a family din -
at home.
y were renter tained at a
ring 'at the home of Mr.
Mrs. Ed. Smith ' in
erich for brothers, sisters,
ods and relatives --Games.
They have retired in Ashfield
township, at the Nile, in the
former Miss " Minnie Currie
two sons Bill at home and
Charles at RR 6 Goderich and
four grandchil'dren.
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Huron County board of
tion at its meeting in
n Monday reviewed its
'es and procedures for
' eetings and wide some
eats where there ap-
be conflict with
and where problems
uisen during the year.
a" organizational meeting
be set at the November
gat a date and time in
ber and if following an
ion when newly -elected
will be sworn in, a
n and a vice-chairman.
ted, and when such
ings follow an election for
inting an auditor, a
'tor, a consulting architect;
also appointing a steering
ittee consisting of the
n and three members
e board approved the
pure for electing a chair -
by deciding to continue
procedure adopted in
try1973, which called for
'nations by ballot.
ioualy the board had
ing the by-law adopted in
,1971, which called -for
nominations from the
ad hoc policy review
mittee which has been
ging all by-laws and
ures.had been concerned
'month and a half goes by
the system is working
normally wnen the present
method of electing 'the chair-
man and vice-chairman and ap-
pointing a steering committee
had been carried out at the first
: pleeting in January.
Other minor . amendments
were also approved including
one that removed consideration
on tenders from committee of
the whole to the regular
meeting of the Board. Also the
representatives of the news
media may attend meetings of
the committee of the whole 'as a
source of background infor-
mation regarding decisions
made at a public meeting, but
noir in a "reporting role". Also
.they shall withdraw when
requested- to do -so by the chair-
man or a majority opinion of-
fthe Board or when personnel or
property, etc are being
discussed in camera.
The board accepted a request
for increased secretarial
assistance for elementary
schools from the elementary
principals' and vice- principals%
association, to be implemented
,,,,upon the request of individual
-4pri<ncipals', commencing
—J-anuary, 1974. "
The original request from the
principals had -been for 787 ,
hours per week, an increase
from the actual- hours per week
now in effect of 556 hours.
Following a meeting this was
revised to a maximum possible
Sweet Pickled -Lean
amount of secretarial time of
680 hours per week, a total
possible increase,of 22 percent.
Presently the average hourly
rate -for secretaries in the
elementary schools is ,$2.47.
The board approved a
request from Mrs. Mary A. Car-
son of Exeter that her contract
as a home economics teacher at
South Huron District High
School be terminated as her
husband has been moved to
The Board approved a field
trip for 25 students, members of
the Senior Outers group at
South Huron District High
School, to go on an overnight
excursion to the Morrison Dam
area near Exeter. The group
will travel on foot at 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, September 27 and
return to the school on Friday
at 8:45 a.m. at no cost to the
Board. The purpose of the trip
is to introduce new members to
the Outers°procedures in plan-
ning menus, setting up camp,
campfire activities, camperaft
and outdoor cooking.
Board chairman E.C. Hill
and R.B. Dunlop,business ad-
ministrator, were authorized to
negotiate union on*racts for
the secretarial contract with
the Canadian Union of Public
Employees (C.U.P.E.) which ex-
pires on December 31, 1973,
Continued on page 16
The Huron County Board of
Education at its meeting in
Clinton Monday afternoon ap-
proved the use of the Veneral
Disease teaching kit in the
teaching of health in the
schools under the board begin-
ning with students in Grade 7.
Mrs. Marion Zinn, chairman
of the education committee,
who made the motion " for ap-
proval, explained that the kit
has been desgned jointly by ,the
ministry of health and the
ministry of education, and the
board will ,receive a com-
plimentary kit. She' said that
Dr. G.F. Mills, Medical Officer
of Health for Huron, had atten-
ded the committee meeting to
present how the slides, tapes,
transparencies, books, etc.
could be used by the physical
education teacher who will use
the kit.- She said Dr. Mills will
set up a workshop to assist the
teaching on V.D.
Mrs. Zinn reported this sub-
ject is not new but has been on
the secondary school program
for some time. She said
students do not like lectures on
morals, hence kit is for treat-
ment rather than prevention.
Mrs. Zinn said that Dr. Mills
was asked if V.D. was prevalent
in the County but he stated
doctors do not report cases and
that a visit to a doctor by a
student is kept confidential.'
John Henderson asked that
during the year, any time
during the year, that one of the
teachers attend a Board
meeting and "go through ,a
regular lesson just as if before
stu` lents".
He said, "I'm afraid a lot of
the board members ' do not
know what is going on. I feel
that what is being taught about
sex, instead of helping students,
is hindering, them."
- When asked if he wanted the
initial lesson in the kit, or a
middle one, Mr. Henderson
replied, "I want one they think
would be real interesting."
Clarence McDonald asked
why V.D. teaching would start
in Grade 7 and Mrs. Zinn said
she had questioned this too.
She reported that she was in-
formed Grade 7 students would
not get the same lesson as high
school students but on a level
suitable for their age group.
The Board denied a request
from John Ball, geography
teacher at Seaforth District
High School, for assignment as
a teacher with the department
of natipnal defence. , schools
overseas for a two-year term,
on the grounds that due to
declining enrolments in Huron
Construction began September 10 on the Huron -Perth
Regional Assessment Office addition which Is to cost an
estimated $164,551. The addition is to contain three floors
with a total area of 10,300 square feet. Architects for the
project ars Snider, Huget and March from Kitchener. The ad-
dition 1s to be completed early In 1974. (staff photo)
County schools it is becoming
more difficult to release
teachers for, such two-year
terms and hold their position
open for their return.
The board reversed its
decision re Paul Johnson of
Goderich and he will be permit .°
ted t'o enrol in Central Huron
Secondary School in order to
take the subjects of his choice.
It was the feeling of the
education committee that
board policy really " left the
decision on this matter to the
discretion 'of the, ; ad-
The recommendation from
the management committee
was 'approved to accept Ross
Scott. Limited of Brucefield,-'° "
authorized Sunoco Distributor,
as the fuel supplier for 16
schools and Sterling Fuels of
London for two schools. Theirs
were the lowest tenders.
alb, request for easement for
the Town of Seaforth to con-
struct about 600 feet of drain
along the. northerly boundary
of Seaforth District • High
School for " the purposes of a
better drain ' outlet for the
Seaforth Community Centre
area was approved subject to
the condition that the playing
field be returned to its original
condition after construction of
the drain.
The board approved paying
the frontage charges for the
construction of water works in
the Village of Zurich relating to
the water service to the Zurich
Public School in one payment
amounting to $3,250.
111T WiStitPri hp'prb d the 'n:
crease from '$25 per, room per
-month to " $35 per. room 'per'
month to the Huron -Perth
County Roman Catholic
Separate School Board for the
'use by Queen Elizabeth School
for Trainable Retarded of three
classrooms in St. Peter's
School, Goderich, for the period
July 1, 1973, to June 30, 1974.
- Mrs. Joe Couriueg 529-7189
SIGN on used car lot:
"Cadillac, like new. Was driven
by a doctor who used it only to
makek,Thouse calls."
Ideal for Sandwiches
Save with stir Wheiesele Prices - We hey
Direit Frew Producers
Art Mountford, lift, presents AS Imperial 011 trophy to Cart Chantof $rantlbrd is Mr.
Chariton was declared the Low Not winner of the Maitland Ootf and Country Club's annual
men's Invitational tournament. Godarksh goiter isly Bedard was the low gross winter. (staff
Members and guests of the
-Kingsbridge Catholic Women's
League gathered at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rosinke," Am-
" `Henley Beach, On' Wednestday,
September 12 for a surprise bir-
thday party in honor of
Reverend Father Ed. Den-
tinger, C.R.
Miss Mary Rose Trierweiller
who has been. -vacationing with
the Sinnertt, Austin and Court-
ney -families for the past five
weeks left by trainy from . Strat-
ford for her home in Seattle,
Washington on Thursday; Sep-
tember 13.
A very pretty wedding took
place at St. Joseph's Roman
Catholic Church in Kingsbridge
on Saturday, September 15,
when Reverend Father Ed.
Dentinger, 'C.R. - united in
marriage Jim Hogan, son of
Mr. and Mrs. PJnnis Hogan
and Bonnie Pletch, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pletch of
Brussels. The wedding dinner
and reception was held at the
Royal Canadian Legion in
Dennis Edmondson and
friend Pat from Chatham were
weekend guests of the Riegling
Mr. and Mrs. - Doug
McDonald (Marlene Drennan)
and son Paul of R.R. 3, Blyth
moved on Monday, September
10 to the farm home owned by
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Livingston,
directly across the road from
the Livingston residence, on the
Ashfield Division Line, for-
merly the Lorne Phillip's home.
Doug is employed by Dominion
Road Machinery Company in
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ross,
Joan, Pamela and David from
Kitchener were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Court-
ney and family. Other visitors
were Miss Fay Hogan and
friend John Cusolito from Lon-
Mrs. Carl Riegling, a patient
at the Wingham and District
Hospital for three and one half
weeks has been released and is
convalescing at her home here.
Mrs. Wilfred Austin who has
been hospitalized for 13 days at
Victoria Hospital, London, was
released on Sunday, September
16; She, too, is convalescing at
her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin
visited their little daughter,
Shoana at the University
Hospital and with Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Lierman and family
in London on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Benistant
and family from Amsterdam;
Holland are spending 14 days
vacation with her brothers
Theodore and Arie VanDiepan
and the VanDiepan families.
Congratulations to the pupils
of St. Joseph's school,
Kingsbridge in, winning first
prize for their float. -"The Magic
Beanstalk" in the parade at
the Lucknow Fall Fair on
'.Saturday 'afternoon, September
1�5:' `'�on(irat'ul'aictis" to Miss
Jennifer Dalton, daughter of
Mr.' anti 'Mrs. -Cletus Dalton a
first place- winner- in the baby
show' — 6 to 12 month class.
Congratulations to Mrs. John
Howard winner of several first
prizes in the canning and
baking and garden produce
department's at the Fair.
Congratulations to the
Kingsbridge Catholic Women's
League in placing second in an
antique display at the Luck'how
Fall Fair.
Kingsbridge Girl Guides will
hold their first meeting of the
fall and winter season, this
coming Thursday evening, Sep-
tember 20 in the Parish Hall.
Leaders " are Mrs. Theodore
VanDiepan ,and iss Betty
Mr. and M'rs. Art Norris
(Lorena " Hog ,)--- from
Georgetown, Miss elle Hogan,
RoseMary Hogan and friend
Stan Halloway from London,
Mr. and Mrs: Wilfred Hogan
from Toronto spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Dennis Hogan.,and were guests
at the Hogan-Pletch wedding.
Mrs. Marie Austin is ripen -
ding this week with her
brother, Billy Meyers, Mrs.
Meyers and family in Sarnia.
Mrs. " Monica Kasper from
Grosse Pointe, Michigan and
her son Jim Kasper from
California are 'tsiting with the
former's brother,. Mr. John
O'Connor and the O'Connor
Mrs. Mary Frayne is spen-
ding this week with her friend
Mrs. E. Reynolds in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hebert
and family,,from Walnut Creek,
California are moving this
week to their new home in -
Auburn. They visited with his
uncle and aunt, Mr. John
O'Connor and Mrs Genevieve
Kinahan on Thursday of last
The annual Knights of
,Columbus picnic was held on
Sunday afternoon at Point
Farms. Special treats were
given to the children and games
were played.
Plans are being finalized by
the Kingsbridge Catholic
Women's League for the
Deanery meeting of the Strat-
ford Division *of .the Catholic
Women's League to be held in
St. Joseph's parish hall,
Kingsbridge " on Wednesday,
September 26 beginning at
10:00 a.m.
Miss'Blanche Rilodeeu from
Waterloo, and Mr.' and Mrs.
Albert Heffernan and family
from Newmarket were weekend
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Or.
mend Heffernan and family.