HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-09-06, Page 8d t ._. Huron upset big guns from London town PAGE 8=GODERICI SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, SEP'T'EMBER 6, 1973 Soccer eiec c..d IU.! n M •V �� ✓ , P.6 4t .N x ,�. SUNSET NES bi Oiaue •Crawford Birdie, Birdie, was a com- mon cry on Wednesday as the Juniors played their First An- nual Invitational at the Sunset. Some golfers sported two handicaps to make the com- petition really keen. The Junior Champion was Jace Kohlmeier from Sarnia, 'with a• low gross 69. Juvenile Champion was Cam Doig, from Seaforth with a low gross 70. Dave Bedour, from our Sun- set Club, shot a 79, to capture the Bantam Championship. Jeff Van Vleit won longest drive, and John Cavanaugh, closest to the hole. Other Sunset winners were Brian Reed, Leroy Meriam, Mike Millet', Neil McNair, Don Debour, and Rick Leddv. Congratulations on a fine Tournament Boys' Now that School has re- opened, and the tourists are moving back home, there is am- ple opportunity for free lessons or practice. There are still two good months of golf left so anyone who hasn't played, come out and try it; you'll en- joy it. .Several groups have already sooke+ small "Tournaments for the Novice Golfer. This a great opportunity when everyone starts on equal footing. Please phone ahead for free instruction. All age groups are welcome, so bring tie whole family. Doug Spitzig was again the men's nite winner with a Low Gross - 70. Low Net winner was Rov Telford with a 51. First Flight winners were: Denis Lassaline, Rick Sowerby, George, Low, Lloyd Scheonhals. Second Flight winners were: .Eric McNee, :AI.Bearigel George Harrison, Mike__.Dren_nan,,-__ George Bolton,. Leon Gaynor, and Harvey Munro.. Third Flight winners were: Rennie Armstrong, •George Williams, Seny Lassaline, Don Fuller, Marcel Richard, John Phillips and Carson Milley. Thanks fellows for enduring thea -'-heat, and for finishing sslme ` real, keen matches. Rem_ember only three _ more weeks until championship day. Ladies don't let . the fresh `mounds of earth bother you. We are cleaning out the crick and installing 'fresh ponds, so• THE SEPARATE: SHOPPE Main Corner—Clinton • BLOUSES ' PANT TOPS PULLOVERS * VESTS * PANTS * SKIRTS Open 2-6 p.m. Closed Weds. you will be able to find your golf ball easily. The grass seed will soon ap- pear, but in the meantime you are entitled to a free lift from any construction. Ladies Nite First Flight win- ner was Jo Ann Telford, Second Flight Winners were: Isobel - MacDonald, Shirley Baechler, Elaine Phillips, and Marg Smith. Sue Gower won Ladies Third Flight. Good show girls' "When you' re hot you' re hot" was the comment on Sun- day at the Mixed Scotch Two Ball. Luckily, we only had to swing half as much. George Low and Faye Donaldson (both Worom Scotland ► turned in a t eautiful 42 scoreboard. Other winners were; Eric McNee, Jo Ann Telford, Don - Fuller and Shirley Baechler, George Bolton and Jackie Graham. A delicious Bar-B-Que and Corn Roast was followed . by some very famous imported en- tertainers. Thanks to all who made this a real fun night. The Juniors never stop it seems, and managed to play their regular .Junior Day on Sunday once again. Dennis Reed won first low gross. The Boltori'girls showed their spirit once again; Marie - second low nets—and—Brenda--=-third-lnw •rret- - Other Junior winners were Brian Lovett, Neil Seager, Regan Williamson. Don' t forget there's still, plenty> of golf time,; after school and all weekend Juniors. Congratulations are also due to Dennis Reed and - Dave 'Bedour who placed first and Second It the 'Holiday Club Tournament in Port Elgin. Dave ' was also last year s Champ. These -competitions are great for the development ()Pall Juniors. . - Hint: Reach for the Clouds to hit longer shots. To achieve better arm extension think of reaching for the clouds at the top of the back -swing and on the follow-through. This bigger arc will allow _greater clubhead speed necessary- for greater— distance. Tee Hee: A woman golfer overheard ... Oh dear, I really must get longer golf balls these keep falling 'in that little hole. Bayfield girl married in Hensall THOMAS-PAYNE Mr. and Mrs. Warner Payne of Bayfield are pleased to an- nounce the marriage of their only daughter Patricia to Ed- ward Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Thomas of London. The marriage took place.. August 31 at Hensall United Church. SPORT SHIRTS Scene SWEATERS Going back to school? This WASH PANTS year be a winner on the JACKETS high school scene with' SUITS these styles. Plan your e0 -ORDINATES strategy here and now! SEE OUR STOCK OF BLAZERS AND SLACKS Pickett &Campbll LftJ, Th. Store For Moo CLINTON - GODERiCN '- KINCARDINE Huron Select made up of players from Goderich and Clinton's Third Division teams played in an invitational Soccer, Tournament on Monday, Sept. 3, ,hosted by First Division Lon- dori Celtic at ('eltic's Lambeth Park.. against powerhouse opposition of Toronto Italia - .,1'oronto 1st Division.; London Marconi - Inter City League, and London ('eltic, London Roma and Sarnia Dante, all London 1st 1)r'rston ('Tubs, Huron Select scored an upset victory by w t he Con= solation 'I'ruf_,h),. This trophy was open to teams lysing their first game. • Huron Select.plaving Toronto Italia in their opening game came fiery close to the biggest upset of the day by holding Italia to a scoreless tie. Huron's Graham' Yeats, in fact,. scored a goat- but it was disallowed on an offside ruling. By Tournarnent 'rules Italia advanced to the next round by virtue of two corner kicks to nil. Huron then played 1st Division London Roma. Late in the second half, Willie O'Neil of Huron scored the only ,goal of the game from a free kick 40 yards out, assuring Ho run of a place in the final. In rhe final against Sarnia Dante, the 90° temperature and the fact that this game was played, after only a 40 minute break, appeared to affect —1 rs 1-Itl)e=w played—. tr r rrr )ec�r t } sluggishly in the first half. At half-time no goals had been scored but Dante were one cor- ner kick up. Huron came out attacking in the second half bur` wore unable, to score. Dante had some fine shots on. net but , excellent goalkeeping by Carl Moller of Goderich prevented any goals. With 'exactly seven seconds left, `Hurons, Tony Van Dongen forced a corner kick to tie the game. 'I'o break the tie five mem- bers from each team were Picked to take alternate penalty shots on goal, the winner being the team with most goals scored. Don Armstrong of Huron made no mistake with the first shot. Carl. Moller then made what must be classed as the sa%e Of the tournament when he stopped a blistering drive from Dantes first choice. This put the pressure on Dante and even more so, when Huron's HIII' Clark made the.score:-.2 0, Dante scored with their second shot, then Huron made it 3-1 when Willie O'Neil put the.t)all pas: Dante's goalkeeper. Sarnia closed the gap to 3-2 on their next shot but. Stuart Lyon of Huron clinched the title when he scored and Dante failed on their fourth shot making the final result 4-2. Marconi beat Toronto Italia for the Cham- pionship. The Huron Select Team was as follows: - Armstrong, Jewitt, Lyon and Yeats from Clinton Soccer Club; Fisher, Gott- schalk, Graf, Herlufsen, Moller and Van Dongen of Goderich United. The line-up was com- pleted by Clark, McGaffin and O'Neil from London. m was coached t e a a b Y -Stern and- 'Sa-ndy Profi-t- -..of.- Goderich and they were delighted with the showing of their team playing against such powerful opposition'. On Saturday, Sept. 8th, Clin- ton Soccer Club host St. Thomas Royals at the Com- munity Park. Kick-off 'time 5 p.in. uron lowing Match set for Dashwood farm September IS Plans have been completed for the 46th Annual Huron Plowmen's Association plowing match. , The match this year is being held at the. Howard Datars farm, 1 mile north of Dash- wood on Saturday, September 15. The preceding day, starting at Poon on Friday, September 14 a coaching class will he held, when expert plowmen will demonstrate the proper setting ,of plows and coach the, plow boys and girls on the art of snatch plowing. The plowing match will get underway at 7 nr 9:3() Saturday morning Septem- ber 15. A horse shoe pitching contest . is another -.feature of the match on Saturday afternoon with two: classes - one for Huron players only, and one for all corners. A Queen of the -Furrow contest - another popular feature of the match will he held ,w,hen the 1973 Hui'on Queen of the.. Furrow will be chosen. The Huron Queen will be eligible to compete in the Ontario Queen of the Furrow contest at the International Plowing Match in Lambton County, September 25 to 29. ROUND ANO A8OUT'ITH.ARTHA 'Still hot, hot • for and after the Holiday, but there is lots of activity if you look about. Disregarding the „heat, the Ball Tournament carried on to a great finish. I understand there were some tempers overheated but that just added, tai -,the en- terFainment - I am told. The fans "enjoy a change of pace and so long as our fans weren't being snorty with our visitors, there's_ no real harm done. I wasglad to see visitors wat- ching the activity at the harbor. I really enjoy watching those big Lakers being turned around in that small basin - and I know out tourists enjoyed it also. Salt was being taken on at one side.. -aid..._ grain being unloaded at another. This is' GOOD! I have a little tour I take to all the LOOKOUT points - stop a few minutes and enjoy the view at each one, then buzz away and do what I should be doing. It usually gets done - but this way it takes a little longer. This makes me think of a sign we had in our Gauge Con- trol window in a war plant - a few years ago - THE DIF- FICULT WE DO AT ONCE - THE IMPOSSIBLE TAKES A LITTLE LONGER! And that's just the way I work at times. On my little "tour" early Monday, the most wonderful sight was Snug Harbour. The water at that time was just - FLAT, and the reflections from all theo col rful 'boatst Ted up there`"v&re jttsrbeautiftil. With' the sun just nicely up it made you feel" great to be alive. Downtown I -met - and had to stop - for a fellow I'd never seen in that area before. -A huge gull - or tern - or whatever, saunter d across the road - I should ay waddled across - in front of me. This bird was brown and fawn speckled, ,not the' usual grey and white. I said, "Hey, George, are you lost?" He tur- ned his head but I didn't hear an answer . - I think, he was ignoring me. 46th ANNUAL HURON PLOWING MATCH SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 15 —Gomrnencing at 9:30 a.m.-- The Howard Datar's' Farm 1 mile north of DASHWOOD — QUEEN CONTEST - - Horseshoe Pitching — Admission Free LIMITED QUANTITY! SPECIALLY PRICED! 7NITN 20" COLOUR MODEL 82941W. 4 AOC plh1 state • Titan 101 Chasis s • Solid State ' Video Range Tuner • Customlzsd Tuning X439. LASE EXTRA CHISHOLM T 29 KINGSTON ST. GODERICII tan. 524.9517 Out at Meneset Park later, a mobile home was being moved and nearly everyone in the Park turned out to watch the operation. They brought along their lawn chairs and soon set- tled down to a lot of chatting while a few fellows sweated over rollers - or whateVer they had under it to make it mobile again. It looked like an all -day event but everyone was en- joying it • the visiting that is. Sunday nite we finally found our strings of colored lites - with the help of a good looking grandson -in-law who then proceeded to string them around the' peritneter of our front back yard . - We.have: two BACKYARDS! They are certainly colorful and I wondered why more gar- dens are not ,using them. Perhaps folks don't enjoy their yards after dark the way we do. I can tell you we were getting pretty frustrated when we couldn't find the lights so just used the outdoors for a -short time, you can really sleep after relaxing outdoors - ,after the heat. Walt says, "Later we'll just switch them to the front of the house - and be all ready for Christmas. The box had been well hid- den in the garage attic - ka- choo, ka-choo! There was also a hornet's _nest up there - so there was no way that I was ,going to' look for them. Now brave and fearless Chris has made our summer complete. FQI. aW while me d c s c f wild canaries darting Back and forth. They seerpr to have gone on their journey. Do they too, go south? Early evening there are also. a lot of swallows dipping and diving around. It's great to relax and watch"them. With the grandchildren back totheir homes the lull is distur- bing. I keep thinking someone is late getting hotine - as they have been good kids to be back when you asked them to be there • so I do miss them. And so the summer flies - flees? Anyway next week I hope to have something besides the heat to talk- about. Love, 'Martha W.E. (TED) w' g�4a1 St. Q, Or 124 Custom Farm Wor Anhydrous Ammonia Applying PLOUGHING _ CULTIVATING PLANTING Goderich ftje —Ss . SPRAYING HARVES CROP DR 529.75 LAKE A(RfS GOLFERS Bluewater Golf BAYFIEID _ Green tees - S1.25 & $2. 50 Membership for rest of season - S15,00 482-3337 SWIMMING 11._1fou (ire --look-ing • FARROWING PENS • COW TIE & FREEST • SOW TIE STALLS • WATER BOWLS; e FINISHING PENS. „ • LIXIP PIG,NIPPLq • ALL TYPES OF FEEDERS cr"c`--lienry Gerritse1rnu. 6 Equi 4 8 2- 9 5 8 8 Distributor for HYDE PARK Farm THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET NOW LOCATED ON HWY. #4 SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA STORE HOURS- MON. THROUGH FRI 11 A.M to 9 P.M. SAT. 9 A.M to6Pk MISSES & LADIES SWEATERS SIZES S, M,. & L. SPECIAL 4 9,7 TO 9 97 •• t''. SPECIAL GIRLS BACK TO SCHOOL PA -NTS PLAINS & CHECKS 297• TO BOYS BACK TO SCHOOL PANTS SIZES 7 t� PAiERNs PLAIN, CHECKED 91 VALUE . 9% TO /� PRICED 2• BOYS.. BACK TO SCHOOL SWEATERS SIZES 8 to 14 feature at - • 3•97 FURNITURE DEPT. FEATURES 7 c � YINYL� PC• COLONIAL OR HERCUtON LIVING ROOM SET SPACE,, ,A „„, y>�w INCLUDES: DAVENPORT - MATCHING CHAIR 2 END TABLES - COFFEE TABLE .AND LAMPS TO ' MATCH 289" JUST ARRIVED! (NEW SHIPMENT) t-* 4 ;h COMPARE AT x699' MATTRESSES BOX SPRING & tD FULL OOUlLE AS LOW AS TIE liJ 01 Luc St shi 139 w un 1 .Si 1) )r ori er nk tie o, c �1�