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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-08-30, Page 19
• Apple Dessert to val Mom's Apple Pie 1.1 Sauce Makes The Difference In This Dumpling special version of ap- de just the.,,,,, her to make it, is prob- avorite around your n't restrict apples, to alone. New desserts th the same flavorful y become almost as with your family. pples individually in stry and serve warm. ret to tai's Apple • gs recipe, developed oliday Inn of Jeffer- , Mo. -Southwest, is .Flavored with nut - a hint of lemon, this ckens as it cool over the dumplings, t soak into the crust for a mouth-watering treat.. Whether you pick your own apples from the tree or select them at the market, be sure •-to net firm; crisp:, applies:- ..Overripe pples-„Overripe ones yield to slight pressure on the surface and have mealy flesh. Stole your apples in a cool place Apples kept rit a high temperature quickly become soft and mealy. Americans are fresh apple enthusiasts. About 80 per cent of the yearly apple crop in the [United States is used as fresh fruit. The rest goes into juice, jelly, apple butter, vinegar, canned pie stock and apple- sauce. 1ppilt• I)nnrplin)e• es 7-Up (10oz; ea.) 2 cups flour 'sugar '""'” 1 teaspoon salt . einnanion4 2 teaspoons,haking powder litittneg- 31 cup sho tering margarine or butter - • - i cup mil ium apples ins 7-['p, su2,Ir, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a saucepan. .er medium he:it. stirring constantly. until sugar is dis- Add margarine and stir ,until melted. Set aside. Pare e apple,, but leave whole. Sift. flour. salt and baking Cut in shortening. Add milk all at once and stir until ed. Roll out and cut into six 7 -inch squares and place center of each square. Combine G' tablespoons sugar aspoon cinnamon. Sprinkle about 1 teaspoon of this in the center of each 'apple. Dot with` 2 teaspoons but - d corners of pastry over apple and pinch edges to - Arrange in a 9 x 13 x 2 inch baking dish. Dot with 3 ns butter. Pour syrup into pan. Bake at 425 degrres inutes. Serve warm with sauce.Ma,kes 6 dumplin'gs. 1 about bacon rs often ask "Why is con not leaner?" t processors trim off fat?" The reason simple, say food at the Ontario Food Ministry of and Food. Side tter or for worse, is ng to be one of the cuts. It is the con' - lean and: fat that bacon such unique taste appeal, fat on most pork readily trimmed off, a product that's reasonably lean: with side bacon there isno possible „way of trimming or removing the fat. The streaks of lean and fat are interwove!) in such a way that -any trimming is virtually impossible. As it goes" through th"e production line, bacon is sorted for a good proportion and distribution of the lean. Many packers , have 2 or .3 brand names. They use one par- ticular brand for all their first selection bacon, another one for their second selection, and so on. burger facts el rumors, 11 savings xr ontheTMago_ "super- _.fr©tn-sources other than., meat' •..-. itelnburger" and are being prepared. Proposed appeared on acmes the country, regulatio,►g have been sent to industry 'and consumer groups, ill eTe the same but in the meantime soyaburger Iinurere o hamburg on the retail market is not t protein, nutritionally inferior to all - t hamburg to 25 meat hamburg. protein and some Food Advisory Services, I0 30 percent, these products 'Agriculture Canada, reminds us to check the label carefully kct of much in- when buying soyaburger to be And publicity, Many them and were sure there is no misunderstan- ding of what is being pur- Wrprlsed; many chased. The 70 percent ham - 1tstill have not burg and 30 percent hydrated er, with a soya protein should retail at shortage we ,,about 20 cents per pound less In that more and than ordinary hamburg. ;. tide of this type The total fat content of tills( Pletely synthetic mixture is reduced and tt yna are going to shrinks iomewhat less / 41 tikoks. governing corn- cooking because the soya exteh- der - absorbs some of the meat ►t and protein juices. , L�okW A Uwe IIIL qo#a a Ionq wail at A E P WFO of 1Oc Will Buy! +P SUNMIX ORANGE CRYSTALS 3'h -OZ PKG Bakery'Savings JANE PARKER (FLAKY CRUST, PILED HIGH WITH JUICY APPLE SLICES!) (SAVE 10c) Apple Pie Full 8 -inch, ?4 -oz pie 49? JANE PARKER (HEAVENLY DESSERT AT GOWN TO EARTH PRICE') (SAVE 1Oc! Angel Cake JANE PARKER, COFFEE CAKE Raisin Twist JANE PARKER, DANISH (COFFEE CAKES) Large si: a cake 49.? ACTION PRICED! 14 -oz cake 495z/ (SAVE 1Cc) Pkg of 6 b9¢ Pkg of 12 39 Raspberry Whirls JANE PARKER, PLAIN, 'SUGAR, CINNAMON Cake Donuts PORK LOIN 'QUARTERS. CUT IN TO PORK CHOPS IN A9 TO 11 PA KALE MJION YUY.ON CLUB., ACTION PRICED! Lemon -Lime Pop PITCHER PERFECT Lemonade (rystais COATING MIX 4C Crumb 'N Bake SAICO, PURE, SWEETENED Oraflge Juke . ^94NGE•CR PEFRUIT FLAVOUR Tang Crystals M n RLBORO Toilet Tissue RASPBERRY, STRAWBERRY, LEMON.LIME, ORANGE, CHERRY ACTION PRICED! (PLUS BTL DEPOSIT, 30 -fl -oz bd 1O¢ ACTION PRICED! 2'/2 -oz pkg 10)1 ACTON PRICED! 10¢ PRICED' 10? ACT ON PRICED! 3'4 0z'pk9 10? ACTION PRICED' 10¢ 2 -oz pkg ACTION 6 -P -oz tin Single roll Royal JeIIy Powders 3-ozpkg 10?, f=TUART HOUSE, CHICKEN NOODLE ACTION PRICED! Soup Mix 2'/. -oz pkg 10? ['Frozen F�ods! FROtEN, STRAWBERRY McCain Shortcake WHITE OR PINK, FROZEN Ken Lemonade TFOZFN, CrRSPE, ORANGE, STRAWBERRY Joubis Dessert CHICvEN CHOW MEIN OR DRY GARLIC Wong, Wing Dinners FANCY OUALITY, FROZEN 'McCain Peas CHOPS REMOVED NO CENSTRA PRIOED! lb SLICE 2'16 cake $1.19 ACTION PRICED!. 6 fl oz tin' 0? = ACTION PRICrO! 6 oz cartr)n1 0¢ SPARE RIBS, FROZEN 12 o,. pkg 79¢ ACTION PRICED! 2 -Ib pkg 49 ce 40c LESS THAN LAST WEEK- RED EEK- RED BRAND GRADE "A" BEEF Boneless Full Slice $ ROUND STEAK ib 78 RED BRAND GRADE -"A" BEEF ROAST .b 1.58 ROUND STEAK ROASTRE07NBERLAEsN,D Blb78 BOTTOM CUT 41 • SX BRAND (2 -LB VAC PAC $1.48) FRESH, WHOLE BREASTS LB $1.29 Wieners,1-lb Vac Pac 76¢ Turkey Legs Ib 88% FROZEN - BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK Chicken Legs 5-1b box $3.59 Sausages Beef & Pork 16885e HOSTESS, PLAIN OR 'RIPPLE Potato Chips INSTANT Nescafe Coffee ST. LAWRENCE; PURE Corn Oil ACTION PRICED! 9 -oz pkg 59ft 10 -ea jar'=$1•99 25 -fl -oz btl 69¢ AQUA, AVOCADOS ORANGE, WHITE, YELLOW ACTION PRICED' Kleenex Towels Pkg of 2 rolls 5 9,/ DISPOSABLE, DIAPERS, TODDLER S12E ACTION PRICED' Flush -A -Byes Pkg of 60 $2,73 Action rived! Alt /VARIETIES WHOLE PLAIN OR WITH GARLIC, POLISH ACTION PRICED' Bick's Dill Pickles 32.flloz tar 53,1 TRIAL slU • ACTION PRICED! Meister Dog Dinner ASP APPLE. SAUCE UIJE, YELLOW, PINK, \'.HATE Canadelle. Soap 19 oz v O''dDERF.T, ONE SIZE FITS All. ASSORTED Panty Hose ;BETTY CROCKER Cake Mixes 19 oz dr FROSTING MIXES 15 c 2 2/8% r Alt FLAVOURS TEE PEE YOGURT 4 -oz ctn 10? CLOSEP SUNDAYI it MONDAY (PREPRICED) 60� li14? ACTION PRICED' 2 449f 'ACTION PRICED! keo size bar 10? COLOURS (PREPRICED)` Pigs 49? READY CUT MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI PASTAS While Supplies Last WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES All PRICES SHOWN •JN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1973. Air or •AI!MOW Cit BOSTON STYLE OR WITH TOMATO SAUCE sin ANNBEANsE t� Ina fJ M 4'/-fL-OZ TIN MILMEL r.. VEGETABLE HEINZ SOUP While Supplies Last! Action priced! Bananas LARGE SIZE a r3