HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-08-30, Page 160 { fa MIS 16-6ODRRICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY. AUGUST 30, 1973 Scan are rn*nts Question subdividers The subdivision agreement for Suncoast Estates 58 -lot sub- division was under con- sideration when the Ad- ministrative Committee of Goderich Town Council met Tuesday, evening. Among those items discussed in some detail were the development of parkland within the subdivision:. the assurance for ,the Town that all .would be completed tothe satisfaction of municipal bylaws; -and the type of roads to be built within the sub- division. Present at the meeting was Bert Alexander of Suncast Estates who told the committee two parks- tied together b) a walkway was in the works for the subdivision. Alexander also questioned council's police of taking lots as collateral to ensure that proper servicing was completed within subdivisions. Although these lots are conveyed back to the subdivider when the con- ditions of the agreement have been fully met, Alexander said it was 'the usual practice for a municipality to accept a finan- cial guarantee so that work could be compteted if the sub- -divider failed for one reason or another. The Administrative -Commit- tee agreed to a $30,000 finan- cial.' guarantee providing it meets with council approval. The agreement with Sun - this is to ensure the,t streets turned over to the nie,nicipality are in good conditw n and do not represent major expen- diture3 in the i tnmediate future. Thr. subdi%ision agree iuent is present() under s.tud> b> also the count) plana ,rs and the planning mrd Don Sager and Deb Shewfelt of Delbar In•e~tr,:ents also at- tended the ..-vrrtr:it:ee meeting to di. cuss :tta:ter + pertaining to their subdi• .{,c . .us: east of B3.•tield off Ben- nett Street It was agreed that "something d (erent in the way of street would be permitted pro. ides it met w ith the appro• al .1 the water, light rind pololit ('Sri .. committee chaired by ouncillor Frank Walkom and the Public Utilities Co nimission in the municipality Stcarm water from the - sub- division pro ved to be the major problem of the e.ening. Delbar wants to . )utlet surface water from the development into an Town easement just south of their pro.)erts.. The water would, th">n cross Highway 21 and flow into the "natural waterway ''which goes through the Sunc oast Estates develop- ment wer:t of Highway ,21. Bert A lexander told the com- mittee the ditch presently rnaintaii led -by Suncoast is han- dling a bout three times the coast also stipulates that two amoun ; of water it inch asphalt roads be built original ly carrying. He said it within the subdivision, Accor -two ^is`J'imp,erative that the South ding- to Administrative Com- Storm Sewer be built and that mittee Chairman Dave Gower, the questions concerning that was Consider design b yliaw ... (Continued from page 1 design bylaw. Not much laterinthe meeting,a letter was read from the building inspector asking for permission to give'9uil.ding permits for three new projects in Goderich - one being two groups of eight. condominium homes planned by Eric Kroh - mer for the corner of Gibbons Street and Suncoast Drive. The other two projects- were an- apartment building to be constructed by Suncoast Estates and a motel with dining and banquet 'facilities to' be built by- Don Sager Con- struction. - A letter from A,..1. Alce2ande r of Suncoast Estates Limite d revealed The new—apartme nt containing about 20 units is slated for Sunset Drive -Gibb ons Street area. "The building will be disigned with the proper r ,um- ber of square feet to co mply with the bylaw,".said Al exan- der. "Plans , will be ., d rawn, completed and subn .i»tted within the next two _or three weeks time. The motel is undo ?r con- sideration for Lot 12, P' tan C on the Bayfield Road south of Goderich. No •mer e details were immediately av ailable.. In a report to council, building inspec, ,or Roy Breckenridge wrote that.- all three properties for • the trio of projects are zoned development under the 1973 Z' )niv g Bylaw. "Under the l9513 Zoning Bylaw, all thre e- are •permit- ted," wrote F;reck4?nridge. "However al I req uirements such as set b ack, y and area, parking etc., will cc infortn to the 1973 byla' v. On'f:he advice of Town Soli, , itor, Mr. Murphy, the present law is the 1958 Zoning Bylr 3wT" When Councillor Elsa Haydon r noved - to have the matt er referred to the Planning Boa rd, Councillor Bill Clifford said that since the building in- spe ctor hia»d explained the pr'ijects wotald meet the re'.luirenents, he would suggest cc,uncil give permission for P,recke.nridge to issue the mending permits when ap- plication is made, for them. "I'm heartily in favor of this kind of development," said Clifford. "Let's get on with it." Deputy -reeve " Stan Profit noted that while he, too, was not against these specific projects or 'this type of develop- ment for Goderich, he would s.uggeat the matter go through the .,Planning'-Boa'rd procedure. "It is obvious the plans are to conform with the bylaw,", said Profit, "but these are not requests for permits today. I'd li`.ke to see the drawings at least. I'm not against sending the mtftter to Planning Board." - Councillor Haydon said she was certain the builders would prefer to go through the proper channels. "It has to go to Planning Board to be done properly," said Councillor Havdon. Councillor Leroy Harrison noted that Planning board mat- ters are often held up for what seems like unnecessarily long periods of time. He asked why the study on the Development zones in the municipality had not been received from Plan- ning Board. Councillor Haydon explained the D Zone study was to be completed by the County plan- ning department, a busy office. 'Deci4iion was finally reached to send notification. of the three proposed projects to the Planning Board which is expected. to meet again Septem- ber 11 at"7:15 p.m. in the council chambers. fl's timeyou saw the light - ours!!! SHIT oor ft Io• selection of lighting fixhrns fi K nary room im tri (nisi 11011111014:1115111111111111111111 .'diary of 'Service Electrk (Coderkh) Ltd. - GODERICH' - sewer be ansered and resolved, soon. - Alexander also suggested that if the Town continues t�r permit development which will add to the amount• -of water being carried in the open ditch and if the South Storm Sewer is/ held up for 'an indefinite period, some financial con- sideration for maintenance of the "natural waterway" will have to be determined to prevent flooding at peak water periods in the Suncoast development. The matter was tabled until after a meeting with Burns Ross concerning the South Storni Sewer on Wednesday (yesterday) and the next coun- cil meeting. The "deplorable condition" of Bennett Street was also The legal firm of Shepherd, McKenzie, Plaxton, Little and Jenkins has requested copies of documents made public in con- nection with the shopping plaza dispute in , Goderich. The discussed with the Delbar prin. cipals and a suggestion from the subdividers that a 1,000 foot portion of Bennett immediately in front of the subdivision be reconstructed jointly by the Town Wand Delbar was received with some interest by the corn- mittee. The matter was referred to the Public Works Committee chaired by Reeve Deb Shewfelt, although it was quickly pointed out by Mayor Harry Worsell the 'reeve could absent himself from duty on that committee for that particular item because, "there are enough of us left to -do the business". Goderich Town ' C�uncil Briefs request has been passed on to Town Solicitor Dan Murphy for his-:.teoaaeiide+irtton and' recom- mendation". The firm id representing the her statement. local businessmen and his-- "These things are available asked for copies of any draft now," she reasoned. amendments , to the Official She further suggested that Plan: any draft amendments Oethe firm be advised that as to the Zoning Bylaw: minutes of the meeting having to do with the plaza; a copy of Coun- cillor Elsa Haydon's remarks in connection with the plaza question; and a copy of tl; citizens' petition. Councillor Bill Clifford asked whether council is duty bound to supply such -.infor- mation. Councillor Leroy Harrison said there. was no reason the information could not be supplied, but suggested the legal firm be required to pay for the cost involved in copying so much data. Councillor Elsa Haydon said council should send a copy of the meeting minutes to the lawyers along with a -copy of soon as any amendments are available, they too will be sent along. In Mrs. Haydon's opinion, the copy of the citizens' petition should be secured from the committee in charge. "I see no harm in that," agreed Deputy -reeve Stan Profit. "These are public statements. Mr. Plaxton is playing lawyer' again." Councillor Eileen Palmer felt that- since George Plaxton's brief on behalf of the businessmen -had been promised prior to the meeting on the $hopping plaza question and had not been received until the meeting was well in progress, the London solicitor should not be ilia hurry for this material, at least until the town's lawyer, Pim* Murphy, had time to consider the ad- visability of providing it. A motion by Reeve Deb Shewfelt that the matter be referred to* Murphy for his "consideration and recommen- dation" was approved by coun- cil. Notification frd°M Bluewater Communications that a telephone. answering service is being considered for Goderich was referred to the Traffic and Safety Committee chaired by Deputy -reeve Stan Profit. , DRMCo has requested, per- mission from the Town to use municipal " property between Maitland Road and the CNR tracks for additional space. „Due to increased work and an alteat ia shifts, we kid present perking iter biay inadequate," wrote E C: vice-president and C. manager of D Reeve e0, P council that if approval Show f°lt for the use of t eland.s for preparing� land, �I parkin the g would be proms, DRMCo. t to the Fire, Traffic Council referred and Committee with power Council returns to a schedule of meeting i4 September' (i and 2 meeting)0114 °q , committee meetingn bel :13c. 3. in All meeting are :rt public. All be e to p 1111111111 WEEKEND SPECIALS PALINDA 19 OZ. PINEAPPLE SLICED CRUSHED OR TIDBITS SUN UP PKG. OF 5 31/4 OZ. ORANGE'CRYSTALS 69c CARNIVAL FROM CONCENTRATE 4:$1" ORMIGE " GRAPEFRUIT JUICE BRIGHTS FeRiaHTs TOMATO JUICE " FL. oz. 279c" APPLE JUICE STOKLEYS 10 FL. OZ. WAX 64 FL. OZ. PURITAN- 24 FL. OZ. OR F IJAVEX w 9c1sTms LA_ Q Oo CORN PEAS ,GREEN BEANS R FRESH PRODUCE ONTARIO NO. P TAT ES BAG .. 0 0 1 . PRODUCT OF ONTARIO - NO 1 GRADE CARROTS 49 BEANS WITH PORK.� 3079 BEANS WITHPORK OZ 389c ROBERTSON'S s too FL. OZ. TIN 5 LB. BAG 49c BABY CARROTS k _GREED_ GIANT 12 F OZ. Csi°0 NIBLET CORN PRODUCT OF ONTARIO -.NO. 1 GRADE CABBAGE LARGE HEAD 29c CALIFORNIA ORANGES' ..• 2 D°= 89c' ONTARIO NO. 1 SMALL COOKING ONIONS 10 VL.99c WATERMELON SILVERWOODS SUNSPUN ICE (REAM - 1/2 99c 99c RED AND WHITE WHITE CRACKED WHEAT F "READ WHOLE WHEAT . 3.89 24 0Z. LOAF.,. R c 48 OZ. 48 FL. OZ. 29c 2‘89( VIVA BATHROOM TISSUE 6 ROLLS $ � o0 VIVA PAPER TOWELS 63 ROBIN HOOD (AKEMIXES � 289 MUGARINE 5is1 2 ROLLS ROSE PLAIN OR GARLIC 24 OZ. . . DILL STRIPS 39c HOUSE AND RAID 11.2 OZ. $ 1 39 GARDEN • • LADIES PANTI HOSE .ASTRA LIGHT TUNA 61/2 OZ. CHUNKS 2i $9t MATE ST. WILLIAMS WITH PECTIN STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY 24:FL. OZ. . t JAM S91 GRANULATED. WHITE . 5 LB. BAG 73 18 OZKRAFTCHEESE SINGLES 8 OZ. 2:89 SLICES .99c 2r v89 55 AYLIMER 15 FL. OZ. r ROSEVALE 14 FL. OZ. ' KLEENEX '04 CHOICE 5 $oo TISSUE KETSUP31°°PEAS °/1 1 LB. MAXWELL 10 OZ.jCHASE NROASTED CO�'�!E; BAQINSTANT COFFEE JAR 1.89 SANBORN NA 100s RED AND WHITE KADANA BAGS 69c IRED AND WHITE DONUTS REG. 41c • shoo ..APPLE PIE CANADA DRY GINGER ALEAND FLAVOURS. CASE OF 24 TINS $2.39 REG. 69c ESTON'8 REG. � O S OO WESTON'S REG. 39c '' HOSTESS REG. 69c 9 OZ. DATE TURNOVERS•3 p 1 CRULLER DONUTS 389c POTATO CHIPS REG. -10c SIZE CHOCOLATE BARS 121°° FROZEN FOODS McCAINS FROZEN PEAS 2 LB. BAG c —SUNSHINE -FROM— F— ORANGEJUICE 2:69c HIGHLINER FILLETS 1 BOSTON BLUEFISH 69c SURNf SWEETCO�AGE ROLLS LS.' PICKLE . " (RED&� WHITE FOOD %TOR E S • OODMASTER WE RESERVE TNi RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES* 59 MEAT SPECIALS , GRANDE � 1� BLADE°R SHORT RIB ROAST L°s FRESH; GROUND .» ,. SCHNEIDERS 99 (HuC- ; .z 9 _-WIEN-ERS LB. ._ SCHNEIDERS SCHNEIDERS 8 UL 'a 6 SMOKEDSAUSAGE . LB. $1 19 COOKED MEATS � SCHNEIDERS FAMILY PAK�I(sn PATTIES 2 L8'8 DEVON. KINDLESS BACON Le. $ 159 BRANDED (HUCK° CROSS RIB ROAST 8. 91 VICTO5TEl GODERICH OPEN NITELY TILL 10 PA PRICES IN EFFECT OR WHILE SUtKIESLAST AUGUST 11th TILL SEPT. 15 b � a OPEN SUNDAYS 10 A'M'o Al Engle and a final Play( eat the lo barn Eng guard] low -ca vellou .pongl ped ci On pecii repat ecipe ane o1 'retti� aure Mrs tunt3 mal ifles ight). uen the ''a J Lima e nu eras nide rvin, any It w, nglar erne( he ri ade ays.. dulta ice o It wi errs Pli The the . cit our..., qt it, Mrs.. if heo 'rk or eCttic t the In Ei 'any steads ted ma e. Por H ti• a In it Mrs, ere Is trio me spo lir n