HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-08-30, Page 15• RVICES AVAILABLE YCLE AIRS TO MAKES AN'I,TON ST. TO 6 P.M. HIJRON PINES ELECTRIC 86 KING ST. TRIAL, RESIDENTIAL FARM WIRING INTO N 482-7901 OP. BUDD KUEHL ACE RADIO i. TV Ieetwood les & Service epairs to all makes of tile,, Television PICTON ST.W. WILCOX-524-7771 ATE R. x _. WELL RILLING g, proprietor. Latest equipment. Domestic, III, municipal. Free s. 5" and up. Mose 524-8033 or call Ilect 855=4605 OME EPAIR t,811RViCE9.vc aw coo , painting, cement eavntroughing EE ESTIMATES AUL LASSAUNE 524-7158 KEN DUNCAN 524-6065 6, LDOZING CKHOE SAND TOPSOIL UINSMA ONSTRUCTION o EXCAVATING No. 2 Goderich Phone 524-9804 EPTIC ANK S LEANED ERN EQUIPMENT K GUARANTEED rite or Phone rvey Dale CLINTON hone 4823320 1 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE RUSTPROOF Let us do a complete job on -that new or late model car. Well .vorth the reasonable investment. See us at ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC SCREENED TOPSOIL * EXCAVATING * 8ACKHOE WORK * GRAVEL and FILL * CEMENT GRAVEL LYLE MONTGOMERY CLINTON - 482.7644'tfn HOUSE AND BARN ROOFING Eavestroughing FREE PHESTI ONMATESE 524.7274 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having Claims against the Estate of MARY ELLEN WIGGiNS, Widow, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or - about the 22nd day of .lune, 197:1,• are required to file the same with 'full particulars with the under- signed by the 15th clay of Septem- ber, 1973,' as after that date the assets of the estate will he distributed: DATED at .Goderich, • Ontario, t hi;: 20th clay of August, 197:1. PREST and EGENER, _Barristers, etc., :13 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Si►7t7 i ►f � ' or the Estate. —34,35,36 15. PUBLIC NOTICE JARDINE: I will no longer be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife Mary (nee Young) as of this. date August 30, 1973. Clifford Arthur Jardine.—:35,36,37 I WILL no longer he responsible for any debts incurred by my wife Joanne (nee Freeman) as of this date August 30, 1973. — Robert B. Ha 11.=:3.5,:36,:37x 16. PEihQNAL DO YOU HAVE '(r nage or family. problems? The Mi ' .try of .Com- munity & Social Servic ►ffers help in the form of marriage a family counselling either in your a or in • the Wingham Office, P9 Josephine Street. For appointme phone 357-3370.-29tf 17. LOST AND FOUNT WOULD THE person who took the brown suede purse . on the lawn at the corner of Bayfield Rd. and Blake St. please return the , glasses. -35 FOUND: Set of car keys for a Chrysler product, in a brown leather case in the vicinity of Oak St. and Comox .Cres, Phone 524- 9059.-35 *Chools will open at the regular hour on 't at Pt mbar' 4, 1073. AN school buses will t l a regular time in the morning. AN one hour earlier than usual. AN buts will depart one hour earlier than $I In the afternoon. , • R.L. Cunningham, Transportation Manager, The Huron County Board Of !Mutation 103 Albert Stet, CNnton. 17. LOST 'AND FOUND WOULD THE three fellows that took the Happy Hollow Camp sign from the corner of the 2nd of Ash- field please return and all will be forgotten. -35 19. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Brownies Franchises Ltd. are now available. 26 outlets operating . in B.C. Canadian owned and operated. Approx. $15,000capital required. Better than average return on in- vestment. Brownies'is a one stop operation, chicken, hamburgers, "'seafood, and pizza: Single or multiple franchises. Thirty-five locations now available in Ont. No problem catering ILO large Organizations. For information, write Box 850, Port Elgin; Ont. or phone 519-832-9850, days or evenings, Dean Rushton 519-832- 2462.--35 20. TO GIVE AWAY WANTED a good home for a one year old female German Shepherd Dog, well trained, good with children. Phone 524-6306.-35x 21: BIRTHS CItAWFORD: At Alexandra Hospital on Aug. 22, 1973 to .Mr. and Mrs. William C. Crawford, RR 2, Clinton a baby boy, Gregory Rae. 114cKEErAt Alexandra Htxspital::c n . Aug. 25, 1973 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKee, RR 2,- Goderich a baby boy, Patrick Michael. MOORE: At Alexandra Hospital on Aug. 26, 1973 to Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Moore, 267 Shore .Cres. Goderich a -baby girl, Ann Michelle." EDWARD: .Mr. and' Mrs. Donald Edward are pleased to announce the arrival of their first child Laurie Elizabeth on Aug. 21, 1973. First grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Edward. -35x 23. EN4AGEMENTS. 4 Mr. and Mrs. . Emmerson Erb Goderich are happy to. announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter,_ Susan .Dianne to .Mr. Paul Richard Corriveau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Co'rriveau, Zurich. The wedding will take place Saturday, September 15 at 3:00 p.m. Emmanuel United Church, Zurich. -35x 25. IN MEMORIAM 26. CARO OF THANKS • BEDARD: I wish to express my sin- cere thanks to, Dr. Flowers, nurses in emergency 'and Second East for. the care I received while in hospital. Many thanks for cards and flowers. Gord Bedard. -35 BARWICK: We, the family of the late William Barwick, wish to ex- press our sincere thanks for the kin- dness and sympathy extended to us, during our recent bereavement by our relatives,' friends, and neigh- bours. For your sincere expressions. of love and sympathy wethank you. To the staff of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital we extend our sincere appreciation for your help and kindness. Special thanks to the 'pallbearers, flowerbearers, Rev. L. Royal, ladies.. of Knox, Bluewater Chapter 284 O.E.S. Goderich; also special thanks to DrsCauchi, Ciesler, and Lynch, mind to the staff members of the Stiles Funeral Home. Gladys .;Bar- -wick and family. -35 WATSON: A Sincere "Thank You" to all those who helped when I became ill July '17 in Lakeview Restaurant. To the lady with the red car who directed' my husband and daughter to the hospital, and to the doctor and nurses there. Mrs. Evelyn Watson, London. --•3.5x WARK: I would like to exp▪ ress my thanks to Dr. Flowers, Dr. Deathe, and nursing staff for their, attention following my recent accident. To my Friends I extend my sincere thanks for their prayers, visits, cards, flowers, gifts, and everything that was done to make my convalescence • speedier and -more. comfortable. i -t-;_ -= ---BT Wilma (?ke .- _.__ was very much appreciated and will always be remembered. (Miss) Kindergarten pupils who live Norma Wark.-35 in McKillop Township will con- tinue the- policy set two years REID: The family of the late James ago which requires that they at - Reid wish to express their sincere -- tend classes in Walton. A propQSal was made at the Huron County Bbard of Education meeting in Clinton Monday that since kindergar- ten registrations conducted at Walton Public School indicate that 30 or more pupils will be enrolled there in September and in accordance with board Practice of limiting kindergar- More than 100 persons turned out on Saturday afternoon to witness the unveiling of a plaque marking the Van Egmond home at Egmondville, near Seaforth, as an official historic site. The plaque was erected through the efforts of the local historical group and the Historical and Museums Branch of Huron Board of Education the Ministry of Coll.gse and Universities on advice from the Archaelogical and Hltetoric Sites Board of Ontario. The house was built about '1646 by Constant Van Egmond, eldest -. son of CoL Anthony Vali Egmond, a leader of rebel military forces during the Robe Ilion of 1837. (staff photo) indergarten problem s thanks to their friends and neigh- bours for their many acts, of kind- ness during their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear husband, father and •grandfather. Also for the many cards and floral tributes. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. The Reid Family both Goderich and Clarkes Beach, Newfoundland. -35 f ROM THE NORSE'S MOUTH In the'irst• race at Goderich Raceway on Wednesday, August 22, Lady's David owned STURDY: In loving memory of our Dad, Reg. Sturdy, who passed away August 27, 1969. Thoughts today, memories forever. Always remehitered by his family. -35x SCHMIDT — PTE. ROBERT: in loving memory of a very special son, and brother of Mark whom we lost so suddenly one year ago August :30, 1972. We little knew when we avZoke that morn • The sorrow the day would bring he call was sudden, the shock re., - To`t with one we loved so dear You tl ln't have time to say) farewell Or us to s , goodbye You were go 'fi`;,before we realized And only God knpws why. We cannot forget your smiling face -Your happy carefree Ways The smile -that won so many friends In those happy 'bygone days. Lovingly remembered by Mom and Mark ---35x WILLIS: In loving remembrance of our beloved Son, Emmerson Den- smore, Sept. 2, 1965. "Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten," Mother and step -dad, Mr. and Mrs. J.H..Johnstone.--35 WEIR: Fred G. with was a victim of the sinking of the S.S. "Athenia", ayne press .owned an --Sept4 -1939._'"He.--being-deadr-yet' —driver brage �C" ra —Ti - sp►eaketH" Mrs. F.G. Weir, Bill and .Jean.—.35 the fifth race in 2:13. The payoff was $4.90. Deep Run Frisco owned by Mr. and Mrs. 4.1" W.O. McLean was fourth with Bill on the bike. Sammy Seaway won- the sixth race for owner driver Mac Sewers. The mile was in 2:15.3 With a payoff of $20.00. Meadow J. Rhythm owned by Alfred Grumett and driven by Dennis Jewitt was fourth. Yarrone owned by Wm. and Linda Gooch was second in the Seventh race with Gerry Roebuck on the bike, Third was Rhythm's Nancy owned and driven by Frank MacDonald. Judy Mather* owned and driven by Mac Sewers was out of the money. Hylyn Mary was the eight race winner for owner Robert (Sandy) Doig with Dennis by John and Dennis Jewitt was fourth with Dennis on the bike. Fifth was Deep Run Vomite owned by W.O. ?McLean with Bill on the bike. r --In- the second' race Brenda Hope was second for owners Carl And Grant Fisher with Carl on the bike. Rocky Supreme C, owned by Alfred. Grummet and driven by Dennis Jewitt, was fourth. Chasmar Patrick, owned by L. & D. Jacklin .of Brussels, was out of the money. In the third race Hollyrood Duchess owned by John Chisholm and driven by John Duckworth was second. Brian Success owned by Gordon Bedard and Wilfred Denomme was fifth with Gerry Roebuck driving. Helisa Herbert owned by Britt McManus was out of the money with Gerry Roebuck on the bike. Scarlet Slipper was the fourth' race -winner. The owners are Carl and Grant Fisher with Carl on the bike. The mile was in 2:10.3 and the payoff was $13.70. Third was Mudette owned by W.G. Bradley with John Mathers driving. Jimmy the Butler owned by Robert and H.O. Jerry with Robert on the bike was out of the money. W ,26. CARD OP THANKS BRINDI,EY: f wish to thank friends and relatives whet' remem- bered me while I wasin the hospital. Special thanks to Doctors J.M. Watt, J.W. Wallace, and K.L. Lambert, nurses and Staff on 2nd East. Olive Brindley. FRAYNE: The family of the late Gilbert Frayne sincerely thank all expressions of sympathy, spiritual bouquets, flowers, cards, etc. Thanks also to Mrs. John Howard and to members of the C.W.L. who volunteered. To the nurses 1m 2nd West, Dr. Watts and Dr. McKim. Mary Frayne acid the family. --35 Jewitt on the bike. The mile was in 2:11.3 with the payoff being $19,50. Second was Scotts Boy owned by Edith Samis with John Duckworth on the bike. Crimson Josie owned by Bruce Volland with Bruce driving was third: Timberina Hy owned by Arnold Doak was foyrth with Jack Meriam driving, Carry on Syl owned by Andrew Park was out of the money, with Gord Pullman on the bike, as was Miss Direct Baker, owned by Lorne Tyndall and driven by Frank MacDonald. In the tenths, race, Sebringville owned by Ray Mathers and driven by John Mathers wa's second. Thought- ful Louise owned by David Henderson was fifth -with Gerry Roebuck on the bike. At the Clinton raceway last Sunday, Patricia Chips was second in the second race for owner Alex Rohde with Gary Payne on the bike. Third was Clever Larry owned by Wm. Laverty and Ron Williamson with Ron on the bike. Adliade Queen was third in the third race for owner Alex Rohde with Gary Payne on the bike. The fourth race went to Single Johnnie owned and driven by John Muir. The time of the mile was 2:08.4 a new • _... to attend Seafor la ten. ,classes to 28 pupils, this otd be permitted ti cont"iry't a"'allowance for vice-principal in would require the operation of t h Put5lic the elementary schools be a full-time 'kindergarten with School in subsequent yea"rs. discontinued if in the ensuing John ,Henderson, Boa rd year, after the decrease in member representing McKillop, enrolment occurs, it is still -less opposed the suggestion an.d than the 11 operating made a motion that all kir,- classrooms. dergarten students be required J.P. Alexander,- board mem- to attend the,first day of school ber from Wingham, reported' and if registrations exceeds 28; that work was twc weeks then the class is to' be split and 'behind at the addition to the, the teacher at Walton hired on Wingham Public School. It is a full-time basis. He asked for a costing approximatety $16,750 recorded vote and his motion for - the alterations ;by Smith carried, eight for his motion Construction of Seaforth. and five opposed. Mr. Cochrane said the pupils Mr. Henderson said he was (t he younger children) would not in favour of using one area lot ' left in the old school for the more than another. "If' the. tw o weeks and the older pupils "" situation was reversed in wo uld be in another location. Seaforth, you wouldn't go into 1 ligh costs in food are affec- the town and move some out to ting • the contractors who supply the -rural area. Why bump them rhe, food for th_ t various around for a half ,teacher's (*'afet erias in the high schools, it salary?.Transportation to take is re, ported. There is difficulty children to Seaforth would cost in get ting help and hoard chair - about $1,400 and the teacher's man, E. Cayley'Hill suggested • salary for the extra half time that t he possibility of having would amount . to ap- machir les to supply the food proximately $3,900." should be investigated. Brian Kennedy of Seaforth Mr. Cochrane informed the wjs made. head of the board o. f additions toteaching mathematics department at staff: M► -s. Dawna Baker from Seaforth District High School. Essex Co unty to Exeter Public A vice-principal may be app School 1 special education) pointed for elertientary schools Domenic(► Degregorio frim of eleven operating classrooms Hamilton to Clinton Public Schoxol. (ph, vs. educt _ Blaire G. Fisher frog m North Bay to Howick Cen tral Public School (phys. educ ); Miss Marlene Kalbfleisch, university, to Colborne Central Wnd Holmesvil le; Mrs. Marian Pullman fro, m Seaforth to Holmesville-:.Public School, library, (port -ti. me); Miss Fer- mer Santos fro m Toronto to Seaforth Public . School, n►usic'; Mrs. Irla Stewart from York Coy o Holme s_ville Pu Schuntool, (patrt-time, music). Miblicss .Janice Bor ithron _tc Robertson Memorial Public • School, Goderich, Gregory . Hazlitt 10 Brookside Public Sc hool and Mrs. Mary Waters to Ustorne Central Pu hlic School ; Nixon Baker to ,Sc,uth'Huron District High Schoo I and Gordon Johns to South Huron. Ronald Clay of Goderic h has been _hi red as custodia► 1 at Robertson Memorial Pu blic School, effective July 18, 1't 173. Mrs. Mary E. Carroll, a teacher at Holmesville---p►.tb►'ic School, resigned effectiv e August 31, 1973, _ art ce_rBettles „.-custodift at- Robert on Memorial Public School, resigned effective June 22, Car I 'Nickles, custodian at .1.A.D. INcCurdy Public School resigner 1 effective July 31, 1973; Miss Dianne MacKenzie Donald McLean, custodian ,at returned from Bala, in the Seaforth District High School Muskoka area this weekend af'' resigned', effective August 28; ter being camp counsellor there and Mt'•a. Joan L. Middleton, for the summer. secretar y, Turn6erry 'Central Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Simp- Public �;chool resigned effective son visited in Chatham with Septemt ►er 15, 1973. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Rankin, E. Ca vley Hill, Chairman, as formerly of the Kintail,area. the rifeeting concluded Mr and 'Mrs. Larry Niacin -remarked that he would like to tyre visited in Ashfield for a see the t ioard curtail in camera weeks holidays, Rev. K. Rooney will be back business as much as possible. He Sugg ested that the ?whole in the pulpit this week after hour set aside from 1, p.m. to 2 spending holidays at their sum- p.m. may not be needed, except mer home at Mount Forest, for items of a $enRitive nature. Rev. Cernochan of Ripley Mrs. M. i ;inn proposed that the United Church took Mr. balance o f the hour be umed for Rooney's charge for the Inst free disci ust+ion among btds3rd four Sundays. free two classes. With Seaforth Public School registrations indicating that fewer than 20,pupils will be at- tending kindergarten there in September 1,973, D.J. Cochrane, Director of `Education recom- mended that possibly five students who live in McKillop Township adjacent to Seaforth be asked to attend school in Seaforth. He said ,,,transpor- tation would be provided to and from school. These pupils was fifth. Artie John, owned by Larry Dale and driven by Ron Williamson, was out of the money. • 'We were glad to see that Gerry Roebuck was not injured when the horse Romin Jerry hit the hub rail leaving and threw Gerry off the- bike. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL RED CROSS and over. Due to declining enrolments, some schools' where a vice- principalhas leen appointed maybe reduced to fewer than 11 classrooms. • The Board recommended that the position and financial NEWS •FROM KINTAIL MAS. MAN SfMP30N 519-1548 Cus Dalton and Eugene Frayne went to Georgia this week to attend a show of farm machinery. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Simpson on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher of Wingham and daughters, Mrs. Carman Machan, Waterloo, and Mrs. Bill Gibson' and her daughter Rhonda and sons Bill and Greg, Whitechurch; and Mrs. Jean Carruthers, Julia and An- drew; Goderich. lifetime-mark..4ur.-Single, John -m"--. nie. The payoff was $3.40. Gold Fever owned by Rose and Charles Travis with Charles on the bike was out of the money. The fifth race went to Lee camp owned by Bruce 'Dupee and driven by Wayne in 2:12.3 with a $27.90 payoff. • In the sixth, Sandy Doo Lit- tle, owned by Leonard Hunter, with Frank MacDonald -on" the bike, was fotirth. The seventh race was won by Shadow Bars owned by Fred •Fowler and driven by Frank MacDonald. The mile was in 2:08 and the mutuel was $4.90. Pierre Harvester was second for owner John Smith with Dennia Jewitt on the, bike. Hylyn Mary was fourth. In the eigth race, Lam- plighter, 'owned by N. Stroud and driven by Dennis Jewitt, m"'Vl3litng�r'wtt r Mr: 'arrd Mrg Bruce MacDonald were Mr. and Mrs., Adam Donaldson of Glasgow, Scotland.. Mrs. Donaldson was the former Mary Dempster who lived at Kintaile 50 years ago. Robbie and Debbie MacDonald have spent their summer in London with sum- mer employment at Won- derland. They stayed with Mrs... MacDonald's sister, Mrs. Charles Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Davey and Jenny \of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simpson. Oongratulatfons to the Kingsbridge ball team, aged 12 and under, for winning their trophy against North Ashfield Wednesday night. Mr. John Simpson, Donald Simpson and Miss Margaret Simpson were 'dinner guests on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ferguson of Delhi. Mr. and Mrs. Joe MacKin- tyre motored to Yorkton, Saskatchewan, to visit with his brother Dr. and Mrs. Archie MacIntyre. They left Monday returning hotiite Friday of last week. Marilyn and Rob Coleman of Guelph stayed at the Macln- tyre residence during their 1.Stiferftirv it�tit 1lie "Wes't�' Mr. John Simpson, Donald Simpson, and Miss Margaret Simpson were dinner guests on Saturday evening