HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-08-16, Page 1.uncillor lists
coons behind
snge support
lox o
e ysometimes suitably thorough study of the
tseting pf Goderich situation.
Cohn 1 las Thursday "2) The shopping centre
Cotrn"t`tllor Elsa would create an estimated
g'presented a prepared $75,000 to $100,000`: tax in-
�nt to council and the come, yearly, for the Town -
I of spectators in the money lost' to. Goderich if a
chambers regarding the similar shopping centre. would
shopping centre south open elsewhere in the vicinity.
"3) A well organized petition
by a proportionately very large
Haydon told . the number of peop)e who as a
that council, the plan- third party, the shoppers, ate
:ard, the developers, the convincingly in favour of up -
men and the' citizens' dated local shopping facilities.
tee had been going in "4) Bearing this particular
circles. ,She recom- location in mind, in my.opinion
action on the part of the re -zoning to allow a shop-
.io get the proposal ping plaza would not be
he public so that further detrimental to the a neigh-
'uld be taken. bourhood character. It would
e voting in Payor of also supply .. the much needed
the necessary changes parking facilities at no cost to
official plan and the thy taxpayer.
d area bylaw to permit )5) I do not accept the view
struction of a shopping - that the "shopping plaza matter
:'proposed -by Suncoast is a case of developers vs. local
,Mrs. Haydon listed her businessmen, as the developers
for her decision as are also local businessmen,
with -their interests, right here
briefs we have studied among us.
ection with the proposed "6) In voting for the shopping
g plaza have given us plaza I feel strongly „that I am
ration, views and not voting against the local
s; in addition, of course, businessmen, not in my own
mind. I am voting for a variety
iuncillor's individual ap-
of more updated facilities for
to a situation deter
his or her vote. In all of us, based on the
g my own decision I challenge of imaginative and
•ed, productive competition. The
among other things,
e considerations: results I visualize are positive
' anningyBoard recom- and beneficial to the growth
ion. Having . attended anti expan ling of the whole
meetings and again town."
The only other councillor to
ng their minutes in
I am satisfied that they give any indication.- of the
their decision and reasons behind his decision was
mendation after a Deputy -reeve Stan Profit who
told the meeting he was in-
terested in the. continued
growth and , development of
yc a r n i va Goderich. He, said like.. Mrs.
Haydon he had
todayover hisg assured council he would not
• knowingly do . anything to
001 site
rr '`jeopardize the future of this
Profit pointed out that ▪ while
Gooderham Summer he has in the past been called a
utids are holding a "foreigher", he has pledged his
carnival to day August mil-auppof't to "this town,. this
udith Gooderham Park. province, this country."
• will be prizes, games,
s and a refreshment
. Among the refresh-.
ake illbcokes'andhome
•v is the last day of •
ed playgrounds. To aid vi t ti m fou n
'vel attendance, the pool
closed for public swim -
:round co-ordinator
iunsbury is very hopeful Inspectors of the .Criminal
ccessful turnout at the Investigation Division of the
I' — Ontario Provincial Police and
the findings of an autopsy
released by Huron County
Coroner Dr. N.C. Jackson have
ruled out any possibility of foul -
play"in the death of a 24 -Year -4
- old Sarnia man whose- decom-
posing body was found floating
about one mile off Goderich
South Storm Sewer Harbor on Friday evening.
om Todgham and Case Garry Richard Reece ap-
d at last week's council parently died ' by drowning
when' 'he fell from a sailboat
g, council' voted about seven miles off the
ously to proceed with it. American coast of Lake Huron
t'� Shewfelt abstained north of Sarnia June 14 while
ting in this instance. sailing with two friends.
"imperative to get an said Councillor �,eroy The drowning was in-
n. vestigated in June by State
4y of the report will be . Police in, Michigan but they
failed to recover the body. The Earl Cherniak solicitor for in Goderich. They're .willing to
' all persons whose only mystery still surrounding Suncoast Estates, was on hand • bet a lot of money."
will be set for a public
are mentioned in it and Friday's discovery by Goderich last Thursday evening to Cherniak also stated it was
boater Don Baxter is the.- present his clients' views on the his hope and the hope of his
to review the entire amazingly .Preserved state of proposed shopping plaza to clients that the downtown mer -
the body and the distance it Town Council. - chants do begin a program of
had drifted.... nearly 100 miles: Cherniak got right down to re -development.
SSing The body, fully clothed in cases by stating that in his "That would tend to keep
shirt, jeans, windbreaker and Goderich a centre of commerce
po inion, and in the opinion of
one shoe, was identified by a '`)'his clients, the plan to build a and trade," said Cherniak. ,
wallet found in the jacket shopping mall in Goderich was , It has been estimated that if
pocket. A"economically feasible." the small is built, between 60
Dr. Jackson said the body . and 80 men would be employed
could have been preserved if it He referred to the mall as for about one year.
ca had been in a cold layer or "much needed" and added that. Cherniak also said the
of dynamite and current of water. ' "far from injuring the Town of necessary services are already
ins from the Donfitarthe
l Sifto•Salt Division Reece was reported missing Goderich
orilits benefit till by at the lot site and that the
r off a 26 -foot sailboat owned proposal , mall, when in operation,' .wouId
e recovered )ust Soufrh ._-....A.,....�...... ......_..�_. _ _..._.. �_._,.
ills, on and sailed by Gordon Shaw of "TieepTng-businessin Goderich." generate about $75,000 per an -
noon Sunday. 1713 Rutherglen St., Sarnia. Cherniak denied the charges num in municipal taxes.
smite was missed after Reece and Shaw were accom- of George Plaxton, solicitor for During the Suncoast presen-
en29enter at the mine panied on the fateful outing by the local businessmen, that the talion, it was pointed out that
Peter Wilkins of 1723 Kenwick Multi -Malls rumors were ,a , "this town does perform too
Iplostvea were leaking deliberate red=het'i tit
cruse of their exposure St., Bright's Grove. fabricated to stem eel council
well",when stacked up against
weather. p The dead man was a recent p other towns of similar size.
`ea They Fere graduate from Michigan State into an early decision. Statistics show that Goderich
w ho Bert Kaufman of University in Mechanical "It is just riot the case," said businesses are getting about 31
was walking in the Engineering and was employed Cherniak. "It is a matter of percent of the shopping dollars
the by the Dow Chemical Company concern. There are other people spent by the people residing in
Ontario Provincial Ltd. Reece was a Canadian wanting to put, up malls. the community. St. Thomas,
cordoned off the area, citizen.
'ughlan ' The London lawyer said that. which is close to London and
It Mine manager of Shaw ' and Wilkins reported " if re -development is to take' close to three plazas, gets 43"
to'` D1vtston vasa to' State Police that they had place in the'tlowntown area of percent; Ingersoll gets 59 per -
the the scene and thrown all available life jackets Goderich, it would be expensive cent;,Tillsonburg 50 percent.
roadway to a and cudshiona into the lake for and "the citizens of Goderich Cherniak argued that , the
"hout Where it was Reece to grab, but he had" are 'going to pay." businessmen of Goderich had
stat an problems. disappeared by the time they "There is no evidence that the opportunity to present
• no that AR made a second pass to rescue the downtown merchants are alternate figures if that. were in
rnvest� �8 to to the him. He fell overboard at about going to put up a dime," said dispute. He said the "failure of
g tone are con -
at Goderich
h Storm
er report
IIS back
orbe robtrtcij
6,YEAR -3 3
1, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1973
lan c
By a unanimous vote at last
Thursday evening's meeting of
Goderich Town Council, mem-
bers approved the preparation
of a bylaw which will permit
the changes in the Official Plan
and the Restricted Area Bylaw
to facilitate the construction of
a $2,000,000 shopping mall as
won't buy
proposed by Suncoast Estates
for a 16 acre site on the easterly
side of Highway 21 south. •
Town Council approved the
recommendation from the
Goderich Area Planning Board
to amend the Official Plan to
designate the property in
question from Industrial to
Commerical to correspond with
the request from Suncoast
Estates for the proposed shop-
ping mall, hand to amend the
applicable zoning bylaw. All
costs of the amendments are to
be paid by the developers, Sun -
coast Estates.
The decision was not easily
reached. Prior to. the vote of
council, three briefs were
presented by three different
lawyers including Paul Rivers
"What are you trying to do to of Goderich for the citizens'
me?" That was the question ---Build --'the -Midi— Committee;
posed for Goderich Town George Plaxton of London for
Council last Thursday evening the local Businessmen's
by Walter Stokes, a local Association; and Earl Cherniak
ratepayer who has charged he also of London for Suncoast
is being "discriminated Estates.
against". The project is far from off the
Stokes .owns' the former ground, however. Once Council
Richardson property at the has finalized the changes to the
beach. He had intended to Official Plan, the amendments
renovate' the exisiting building must be approved by the On -
into living quarters for his tario Municipal Board.
family but the necessary I.t is believed that before the
building permit was denied OMB gives approval'' to the
because the area is zoned. in- amendments to the Goderich
dustrial. plan, it will be in contact with
Stokes then informed council Huron County Planning Board
he wished to lease the property regarding its commahts on the
to a pre -cast cement company. .effect the changes- will have on
This matter had been before the county official plan.
planning board and council for Already, the Town of
sometime, with no action being Wingham has expressed its
taken. disfavor with the shopping mall
In the meantime, Goderich proposal for.,_Goderich, . alcor-
''I own Council submitted an of- ding to County Planning Direc-
fer to purchase the property tor, Gary Davidson.
owned by Stokes at &price of The officialo plan of Huron
$7;500. At last week's meeting, designates the shopping mall
it was learned Stokes was site for urban industrial use
unable to accept the offer of and not.for a regional shopping
council. The owner did say he centre.
would sell theproperty for As part of his presentation,
$12,000 but this. price was im- George Plaxton on behalf of the
mediately turned down by • Goderich Businessmen's
council. , Association cited the portion of
Stokes was present at the the Huron official plan which
meeting and expressed his reads: "This category includes
views that council and plan- those concentrations of com-
ping board were dragging their mercial development which
feet in this matter. function as commercial centres
Later in the evening, a for the urban community. Per -
motion was approved to permit mitted uses within this category
Stokes to lease his property for are those uses which are
a commercial use. predominantly retail or
Say Goderich does
not perform well
10:45 p,m. Cherniak. "My clients are the businessmen'" to supply
Reece was unmarried. willing to het there is a future figures" had surprised him.
wholesale sale of products and
services. Other existing and
. proposed concentrations of
commercial development may
develop or expand provided
they do not constitute a
significant threat to the
viability of the designated com-
mercial areas as described in
.the Land Use Plan..."
"We submit that the
proposed shopping centre which
by the admission of the con-
sultants for the dtielopers• has
regional implications, con-
stitutes a significant threat to
the viability of the designated
commercial areas within the
core area, all within the
meaning .of the foregoing
• provisions contained in the Of-
ficial Plan for the County of
Huron," said Plaxton.
Plaxtonetold council that he
'will make application on behalf
of the Goderich Businessmen's
Association at the Ontario
Municipal Board Hearing
related to the shopping mall
matter "for an order for
° payment of costs to be fixed on
a party and party,basis and be
reference to -the Supreme Court
He cited the Welland.
situation where the
municipality was ordered to
pay on behalf of the Welland
Downtown Business
Association the costs 'involved
in fighting a move- for a shop-
ping centre in that city.
Plaxton • also recommended
that the step be taken as
suggested by Dave Barber,
Goderich's planning con-
sultant, to "place a freeze order
against the development of
shopping centres* on non-
commercial lands lying within
the Townships of Goderich
and/or Colborne" if there was a
deep concern about the poten-
tial .for a regional shopping cen-
tre to 'develop in a neighboring
"He (Barber) •further recom-
mended that the official plan of
the Town of ,.Goderich should
be reviewed for possible amen, -1
dment," said Plaxton. "We areo Negotiations 13%! ween the
unaware of any decision on the �,ifto-Salt Mine here and 180part of "the planning board to ,striking underj,*round workers
implement any of the foregoing members of Local (;R2 of the In -
suggestions and indeed under- ternational Chemical Workers
stand that- the only decision
taken by the planning board Union resumed last Monday in
with respect to this matter was London.
its recommendation to your. The meetings were convened
council that the application be by the Ontario Ministry of
;approved and that -an amend- Labor: after no progress was
ment to the official plats he 1 made on the local„ le‘c•I to end
allowed. , the 1() week old strike.
"Inasmuch as it is the prac- The last contract offer an-
tice of the planning board of nounced was late in May. That
Goderich to make all its offer of $1.05 an -hour increase
decisions in camera," charged aver a (gree -year agreement
Plaxton, "we` were excluded was rejected by the uhion Who
from the meeting prior to any is holding out fora $1.65 boost
decision being taken with also over three years.
respect to this matter and are t Other contract issues involve
accordingly- unaware of any hours of work, insurance
other decisions that might have premiums, medical benefits and
been taken. vacation policy.
"In addition," stated Plax- "erbe talks in London were
ton, "we have not received broken off Tuesday on the ad-
vice of governmfwnt mediators
reasons related to the recom- because there was , slot~•
Plaxton placed little faith in
mendation of the board." 'progress being made," stated
thanoer William Coughlan spokesman
e reports that th
development company, Multi- (Sift() in a telephone inter -
Malls of Toronto, was in- vi w Wednesday.
teres gotiations are scheduled to
in land in the area. He
s. had ' br 2c�cc'nyenc• next Tuesday August
tracedaidback to Greportsoderich law er een
1 in Toronto.
-----the-cyte-a4-the-•rntrfr----fangs.valueci•at about $100 from-
IIain"_ T%f�urp�hy--ago-cT�ose�y
associated with Suncoast ' ,previous,,, to the strike was Bricker's Jewellry Store on the
Estates. about $4.40 per hour. Square. .. ••
The Businessmen's solicitor The salt workers' contract The girls stole the rings when
expired on March :31 and they they had been left on top of a
A long time gardener, PercyBarker of 188 Palmerston Street, Goderich, outdid himself this
.year by growing a "Red Emperor Lily of Japan" which now graces his garden with more
than 30 vivid blooms. Mr. Barker, proudly examines his plant and with just cause. Few lilies
ever grow to such proportions in,North America. -Hot weather is beginning to take its toll,
however, and: Mr. Barker- feels the flower mayhave already y passed its peak. --stet} photo
ifto talks broken
'f by mediators
the company. Local 682 is also
asking for implementation of a
driigr plan and changes in the
company's vacation and hours
of work policy.
Members of Local 682 em-
oyed at ., the Donitar
Evaporator plant have also lost
several days work due t*() the
strike. Employees at the
evaporator plant are employed
under a separate contract
although they are members of
the same local. The,. striking
local members' cut the
evaporator operation off with a
picket Zine for a total of 19
The day the strike began all
employees at the evaporator
plant were out when they
. refused- to cross picket lines set
up by the strikers..In •protest of
a truck crossing their line at
the mine, strikers again began
picketing the evaporator plant
on June 26 and continued to
man' the line until they were
stopped by a court injunction
on July 13.
During that period of time
workers crossed the line to
work- but shipments of salt
could not leave the plant and
the operation soon ground to a
halt forcing layoffs.
Report shoplifting
at Bricker's store
Police this week investigated
a major shoplifting incident in
which two girls, estimated to be
about 13 years of age, stole
termed the move a tactic t
° left their .jobs at midnight Sun -
"stampede the Town Council of day,May 27 demanding higher
Goderich into a decision it wages. and improved fringe
might after more careful study benefits.
have never made .
"If the shopping centre is Local 682 president Harold:,
Leddy said at the time that the
permitted to proceed withoutshould union had agreed tsign a
adequate advance study and three year contract withtoDom-
tar the views of the tar although they had
MacNaughton Planning Con- originally asked to negotiate in
militants be correct, irreparable terms of a two year agreement.
harm will have. been occasioned
Town of Goderich," said Plax- The local is demanding an
to the commercial heart of the
increase to bring wages paid at
undo the harm."
ton, "and itwill be too late to
Earl Cherniak, Suncoast`
solicitor, denied the Multi -Mall an increase of 810,000 on the
(continued on page 11) life insurance policy paid for by
the local mine on a par with
those paid by Canadian Rock se
Salt at its Windsor complex.
The union is also demanding
counter and the lone clerk was
occupied with a customel in
another part of the store. Two
rings are missing, one valued at
$60 and'the other at $40.
Chief Pat King urged local
shop keepers who staff their
stores with one person to take
particular care.
"Often shoplifters make a
team effort- with one person
distracting the clerk while the
other (or others) complete the
theft," he said.
Chief King said he was not
ruling out such a 'possibility in
the case of the Bricker's in-
cident. •
The girls As yet have not
been apprehended. The rings
are described as having a
yellow -green stone set in a gold
. Ch ef""'Ir'ing report:.4 "till
week that officers of his force
investigated nearly 25 per cent
more criminal matters over the
last, seven days than had been
handled the previous week.
Chief King said criminal oc-
currences during the week were
"up markedly". •
In all, officers of the force in-
vestigated 105 occurrences, 25
critninal matters. Nine charges
were laid under the Criminal
Code of Canada, five under the
Highway Traffic Act and
another two under the Liquor
Control Act.
Chief King reports that more
flags were stolen during the
past week, the Maitland Golf
and Country Club being one of
the `flag-nappers targets.
"Apparently we are looking
(Continual on pogo 12