HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-08-09, Page 6• PAQIE SGODERICH SIG.N*L-STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1973 • f�. 4 MR. AND MRS. S.M. TIEDEMAN Former resident wed in Leamington ceremony In a candlelight setting at thg New Testament Church Leamington, wedding vows Were exchanged by Karen Lea Knight and Stephen Maurice Tiedeman. The double ring ceremony was performed by the bride's father, ,Rev.'Kenneth J. Knight and Frank F. Klees. During the ser'ice, soloist Bill Perry of Port Huron. 'Michigan, accompanied by organist, Scott Danforth sang 'The Wedding Song" and "Each for the Other ,,Both for the Lord". The .bride is the daughter of Rev. and ,Mrs. Kenneth J. Knight, of Leamington, and ,the bridegroom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiedeman, of Kingsville:" Escorted to the sanctuary by her father and given in marriage by both her parents, the bride was. gowned in white embossed silk organza. The floor -length Empire style gown was fashioned with a wedding band collar, Victorian,, wrist - length wide -cuffed 'sleeves and a softly gathered 'skirt: A floral cresce frifigiiiig ted with seed pearlssec_ure_d her ,.ca-thedralL- il of silk illusion and she ca ied a cascade bouquet of calla lillies, red sweetheart roses a • stephanotis. Miss Diane- Bisset of Leamington was the maid of honor and Mrs. David (Judy) Tiedeman, sister-in-law of the bridegroom, Miss Helen «Grad - well of Leamington .and Mrs. Robert (Ellen) Everett:of Hazel Park, Michigan, sister of 'the bride, were the bridesmaids. The maid of honor wa4 gowned in pink crepe and the bridesmaids in mauve, yellow and blue crepe respectively. - Richard Frayne was the ,groomsman and David Tiedeman, brother of the .bridegroom, Bud Maxey and Kevin Knight of Oak Park, Mich., brother of the bride, were the usheFs. - Mrs. Knight chose for her,. daughter's wedding a yellow 17141d -colored floral patterned sheer floor -length sleeveless gown, white accessories and a corsage of yellow carnations and baby's breath. Mrs: Tiedeman, mother- of the bridegroom, 'wore . a yellow designed _ sheer floor -length gown, white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations and baby's breath. 9n this occasion the bride's maternal grandmother,' Mrs. Agnes Mugford of Goderich and her paternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Knight of Toronto were present. The bridegroom's paternal grandparents, Mi. and Mrs. Bruce Tiedeman of Grand Bend were unable to attend. A reception for 150 guests was held at the Three Link Hall in Leamington. Mr. and Mrs. Tiedeman departed on a motor trip through Northern Ontario -and upon their return will reside in Leamington. Local couple �, �.. married 55years Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mar- tin of 40 Cambria Road celebrated their 55th wedding, anniversary August 2 wait' i a . gathering on the lawn of their home. - y Jn addition.. to_many.-relatives--- who called to wish the couple. well,, special guest was Mrs. Margaret Rutledge of Brussels who served as bridesmaid. at the wedding 55 years ago in Clinton. The couple was, married by . Rev. Ernest E. Fard. Mr. and Mrs. Martin have three daughters, Mrs. Dean (Phyllis) Barret of .Lacome, Washington; ''Mrs. William (Eleanor) Slyuechuk of,:�►Lon don; and Maxine of Goderich. They also have. six grand- children and two great- grandchildren. Among those attending the family dinner were a niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams of Goderich. x.� -n+1" PP l' y w. r,oq r r� Bari C--� - . .41 DUNGANNON DOINGI By O,M. Blake M. and Mrs. Wm. Reed, Juniper, of Kincardine. They Lucknow, accompanied by Mr. plan to visit at Oak Lake, and Mrs. Dick Reed, Hazel Saskatoon and Unity, ;Saskat- Park, Michigan, called to visit c chewan, as well as at Edson, Mrs. Minnie Jones and Melvin Alta., with the former's son, op. Saturday.. Douglas Mole and family.• _ Mrs._ MarBere, Mrs. Jack Mr. and Mrs.Alvin Sher - Caesar and Mrs. Robt. Irvin wood were .guests on Saturday, visited Mr. and Mrs, Marvin August 4, at' the Anderson- Durnin one evening recently Gackstetter wedding in Dublin and presented them with a gift United Church in Guelph. The. certificate on behalf of friends groom, Bill Anderson, is a..., in this community. nephew. of Mrs. Sherwood, son. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Pocock" of• Mrs. Erma Anderson, and sons, David and Larry of Goderich and the late Harvey Wiarton spent Saturday with 'Anderson who formerly lived Mrs. Pococ•k's parents, Mr. and near Dungannon. Mrs. Frank Glenn. Congratulations are extended Mrs. Mary Bere, Janiie and to the happy couple. Kathy, also Sharon Young, Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Maize visited Thursday and Friday and children from Unionville with Miss Rath Schmidt at are holidaying at their home in Tavistock. Dun Miss Ruth Dere from Wind- sor has been home for the holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Wilbur from Delhi spent part of the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wilbur and Mrs. D. S. Fines at their, summer hone here_ , Bannon. Lorne Hasty has been in Wingham General Hospital' this past week for X-rays and -- treatment. Brian Stewart is also a patient in Wingham General Hospital having suffered a badly sprained ankle. Mr. and Mrs. Graht Spwerby, ' Mrs.- Leonard Biloy and Thornhill, were home for the three children, Kristin, Judy weekend, and were accom- and Scott from Detroit are panied by Mr. and Mrs. Scott holidaying at their summer Round of Willowdale. home here for two weeks. Rev. and Mrs. Glen Wright 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pen-, and children, Miriam, Lisa, tland and Mr. and Mrs. La and Steven of Exeter, who are Verne ' Pentland have just holidaying at their cottage returned from a pleasant two north of Kincardine, mafie and one:half week camper several calls in this community holiday to the east coast. They on Friday. went east through Canada and MreJ. F. Payne of Walton is returned via the United States. visiting her ,daughter and son- Friends are- sorry .to know in-law, Mr.=--ancl_M-rs; -Lennard------ttptt Mr. Fred Kin vas'taken Chisholm and family. by ambulance again last Mrs. Roderick MacDonald weekend to Alexandra Marine' spent last week in 'Kincardine and General Hospital. With her niece, Carol - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Andrew' and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ott and Matthew of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ir- -vine Eedy and Martha. Mr. and Mrs. George Fin- nigan of Stratford called on friends and relat i\ es here on Sunday. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. George Rivett and family, also to relatives, in the death of Mr. Rivett an Thur- sday,.amorni>ng. following•k.•an illness of two weeks .1n, Goderich- Hospital Mr. Rivett has been a life-long resident of this area. a` - Mrs. Ben Mole is on a bus; trip and holiday to 'Western Canada', having left on Thur- sday, July 26, for three weeks. She is accompanied by her daughter Lois, Mrs. Donald Walden, and granddaughters, Tena Walden and Darlene - A NEIGHBOUR IS A PERSON, WHO CAN GET TO E IN LESS YUAN A MINUTE AND TAKES "&N HOUR TO CIO L10ME ,L NFU would oust Stewart for refusal to attend annual "Rank arrogance, lack of confidence in the Ontario Government, the problem will not be with the farmers, but with the hungry, consumers". These are some of the remarks from'the farmer8 at- tending the national Farmers Union Region 3 annual meeting in Guelph on July 31 when word was received that the Hon. Win. A. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture and Food had refused an invitation to attend the meeting. Mr. Stewart has not attended a meeting of N. P. U. slnee 1968. Short sighted agricultural policies of both federal and .,r CustomFarm WjAn Hydrous Ammonia Applying PLOUGHING = CULTIVATING $pq� PLANTING Godorich provincial_ governments have led to the present short suptily and high food prices, the Far- mers, Union contends. A resolution was passeasking for the resignation f Mr. Stewart. Jack Riddell, M.P.P. of Huron County spoke to the meeting as Murray Gaunt was not -able to come due to other commitments. Attending the meeting from Local 335 were Mrr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilkens, -Bev McNay, Mrs. Lorne McDonald, Mrs. John Howard, Mrs. John Austin and Lorne Luther. Pendulum Players give modern-day Modern day problems - thir.gs like alcholism, drug ad- diction, abortion - were the subject of this week's Pen- dulum Players production "Coffee House", The• show was one of the best this season by the group of young actors and'actresses. The players did a tremendous job of getting the issues of the day insiah HAgy� CROP pgTM6 LAKE RANGE ACRESTIMOTHYJ'HUNTq • FARROWING PENS • COW TI • SOW TIB STALLS E Si FREE I • FINISHING FENS • • WATER BaWt LIXIP PIG NIPPLES • ALL TYPES OF FEEDERS C°��` Henry y tarn p 482-9588 Distributor for HYDE PARK Farm arm across to the audience who found the time short for Tuesday evening's play. The youthful. troupe is now. preparing a variety concert for next week. If you haven't seen any of the Pendulum Players work, get down to Harbor Park Saturday or Tuesday evening. It is worth the effort. FOR THE FINEST IN _ HUNTING FISHING' & SPORTS EQUIPMENT HUCK' SPORTING GOOD 73 Hamilton St. 524.6 of oui surf vet idol' ts• the: Mme utile you y at r, 1 ht Q an81 beg nce those lack as tenin din d,) bat the rt H' dmit me stent wit ast as bi mbu talen rt se: ng re a of th lis t. ing" artel s, acr Iptu terlot -4P- Wate 1.61 itisI on, mosi u • I died nd P: ool wol ngs I Ana t ac of C Her udied t fine JOE'S BP Service Station and Coffee Shop 411 Huron Rd., Goderich 524-6871 - PLEASE NOTE NEW DATES Come to our � FORD FIELD DEMO DAYS! IR PI DE NOTICE CO[BORNE E: Entry to H'61Miei"vi11e Cund'Filf"Site HOURS: 6 DAYS A WEEK EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1973 • August 16 It 17 10:00 -to 4:00 This change in dates was made necessary P.M. due to Inclement weather at other demonstration, which caused the Clinton School to be delayed for a week. Come see 'what's new in our Ford Blue tractor line-up. Try 'em out iri5the field. Factory specialists will be on hand to answer all questions. Be among the first td - try out Ford's new .� with two -door convenience Officially tested at;P,2 5 decibels on tIi 14 6 .e'S'� d" ?-1�f�'♦'��� .Jt-.w++w:.� r..W.rrA+W_"-..:.w:Jwrah.-.w.-w-+.n....�Wa..::cf'. When it comes to choosing your new fall coat you certainly should get the best for your investment. Our Great August Sale Group offers SKI JACKETS, BOMBER JACKETS, • PANT COATS, BOOT TOP, KNEE LENGTH, FUR, TRIMMED OR UNTRIMMED, TWEEDS, PLAINS, FUR FABRICS, PLUSH, PONY LEATHER. COMPLETE COAT INVENTORY LE WI TE CA ALSO IN OUR GROUND FLOOR FABRIC CENTRE (othev than holidays) -. 95DaIi ._, Daylight ght Saving Time 9-4- Standard Time operators ear, l0f?;, tractor Toad See the two. work Savinp, options now available for the popular ford 5000 and /000,.tractors • Amazing Load Monitor draft control standard with /000 • 1`i speed Dual Power transmis's'ion • Two speed. 540.1000 RPM PTO • Duals and large tires ..Deluxe tractor seat FORD ! PLANT O V 3b" printed Flannelette AUGUST SPECIAL BRING YOUR FARM FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS! RD .FIELD: DEM NSTRATION DAYS SPONSORED BY ALL HOUSEHOLD GARIAGE TO RE RAGGED Rubble and household garbage to be separated ANY LOAD OVER 1/2 TON TRUCK - U. CHARGE Douglas McNeil, Reeve Wilmer, Hardy, Cleric RAY POTTER & SONS RR 3, CLINTON 482. 9997 hil LADIES WEAR TNESQUARE