HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-08-02, Page 5R
GODICR1CH SIGNAL-8'TAR, 'I'Hi1 X`. ,A; (iUlITT . ritii -4"
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Mrs Wes eradsock 526-1555
Stephen and David, Mr. and
Mrs. John Brown, Elaine and
end Mrs. ,j-Iarold Web- Sharon of Blyth, R.R. 3 Walton
R R 3 Auburn were and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
nay surprised when Gross attended the marriage of
and relatives gathered Clayton Groes and Alexandra
it lawn to celebrate theirTychonky at St..Catharines last -
anniversary. The Saturday.
adding was enjoyed Thomas Johnston and
afternoo games. After Harold Webster .attended the
siting cued supper, annual County Church service
'cions bsrbe.
ebsr thanked all the of the Black Knights at the
for coming and for the Westfield Fellowship Hour last
to mark the occasion. Sunday.
were present from Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rath -
ow, Wingham, Goderich, well of Parkhill visited one day
last week wi
Toronto and aA surprise Celia Taylor her mother, Mrs.
July 22
ng was held at the ,home Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk -
and Mrs James °(nee cannell spent the weekend with
Cook) 5th wedding an k of Crewe in
Kirkconnell in. daughter,
don. Deane
of their 2
ry, Jim Book, eldest son Mr. —and Mrs. Thomas
Haggitt and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
couple spoke a few words
ngratulations to his :Davies attended the St. Mark's
and lovely gifts were Anglicn;;_.church picnic at
d Mr. and Mrs. Bonk Seaforth last `Sunday.
te.very fittingly. A picnic Mrs. Earl Wightman of
was enjoyed by all Lucknow and her son, Harvey
t Guests were present Wightman of Kitchener visited
recently with Mrs. Ralph
Thornhill, Hamilton,
r, Goderich, Auburn, Munro.
• Mrs. E,d Greninson of
Teeswater, Glanworth
(grave. Of interest, Mrs. Detroit, Vere Bpkinger of
Walsh, the former Elsie Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Ar -
who had been one of the chie .Robinson of Clinton
aids, wore the gown she_ t visited last Tuesday with Mr.
n25years ago. Another and Mrs, Maitland Allen.
maid, Mrs. Everett Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ban-
ead of Teeswater, the croft of Mount Forest' and Mrs.
Pearl Jamieson was Horace Emery of Stratford
resent to mark this oc- visited recently. with• Mr. and
Mrs. Albert McFarlane.
'Anne Foran was guest Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Holt -
or at a bridal shower in zhauser of Goderich visited last
gustine hall last Satur- week with Mr. and ..-Mrs.
ening The hall was at- Maitland Allem.
eli' decorated and games Mrs. William Moss visited
ntests were carried out last week in Stratford with.her
rs. Raymond Boyle and daughter Mrs. Robert Cook
en Leddy. A reading was and Mr. Cook. r
by Mrs. Raymond Leddy Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson
cknow. Anne and her returned home after a few days
s Eileen and Katy in Clinton Public Hospital last
d their sister to -open -the- Thursday.
Mrs. William Red- Mr. and Mrs. John MacKay
read the address. Lunch of London and her parents, Mr.
rved by 'the ladies of the and Mrs. R. Finkbinder of
unity. Thornton spent the weekend
atulations to Mr. and with the former's parents, Mr.
Irwin Schmidt��� the and Mrs. Duncan 'MacKay.
of their son Br"dley Brian Craig, Stephen Haggitt
a brother for Tran and and Bill Empey returned recen-
n. Another grandson for tly from a trip to the West'
;d,Mrs,,Ted Mills. Mrs. Coast•
pA,Ttacy and Brenton Mr. and Mrs. Robert
lington and will remain Daymon' or -St: Catharines
weeks. visited ott,Sunday with Mr. and
and Mrs. Alla
-n Plunkett Alwin Pluett and
gall of Sudbury and Mr. far -lily. •
rs. Andrew -Belanger of --Mr. -and-Mrs.- Elmer Ford of
have been holidaying Stratford visited last Sunday
e former's parents, Mr. with her sister, Mrs. Roy Daer,
rs.'Kenneth McDougall. Mr. Daer ' and Mr. Gordon
and Mrs. William Rieck Deer.
itchener, and . their Master Billy Pierce and Miss
r, Miss Sheila Rieck of 44. Anne < Pierce of Toronto are
visited last Sunday holidaying with their grand -
Mr, and Mrs. William parents,, Mt.` and Mrs. Worthy
an. Young. •
and Mrs. Ronald Elliott
onto spent the weekend
r parents, Mr. and Mrs.
and' Mrs, Austin Hart -
f Goderich visited last
y wi Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Anderson and
ughter Miss Nancy An -
arrived home last .
evening from a three
tour of England and
Gail Seers of Toronto
the weekend with her
, Mr. -and Mrs. Williari-i
and family.
and -Mrs. Ronald Liver -
Robbie and Donald of
ich visited last Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Donald
and Mrs. Garth Rice and
ndy of Toronto visited
nday with Miss Laura
and Mr. and Mrs.
s Johnston.
and Mrs. Robert J. Craig
Berton • visited on the
d. with his .father, Mr.'
in J. Craig gnd Mr. and
aitland Allen.
and Mrs. Carmel Gross,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daer and
Gordon Daer entertained over
30 members of the Walkerburn
club and friends and had as
guests .of honor, Mr. and, Mrs.
Worthy_ Young who were
celebrating their 40th' wedding
anniversary. A social evening
was enjoyed. Mrs. Larry John-
ston read an address of
congratulations and Miss Anne
- Pierce of Toronto presented the
gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Young
thanked •their friends and a
dainty lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dewar,
Keith, Carol and Karen of At-
wood visited on Saturday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Daer and Gordon Daer.
Recent guests at the'home of
Miss Laura Phillipa were Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Jagger of
Droitwich, Worcestershire,
England. Mrs. Jagger, the for-
mer Helen Waterer, daughter
'of the late Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Waterer, and her parents lived
in Hamilton and London, 47
years ago.
At that time they spent their
vacations with the Auburn
cousins the late Mr. and Mrs.
Ezekiel- Phillips. Mrs. Jagger
and her parents returned to
England in 1926 and during the
Second World War had as their
guests on army leave Kenneth
J. Scott and Air- Force, Mr. J.
Keith Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith Arthur
welcomed the- Jaggers at
Malton Airport and following a
weeks visit in Auburn, Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth 'J. Scott took
them to Welland. There they
visited with members of the
McNall family before leaving -
for Chicago and plan to leave
fcsr home on August 10.
The Jaggers remarked at the
many likenesses of this district
to their native England. Their
tour of, this district included
Goderich, London, Ilderton,
Stratford and - the
Shakespearan Festival building
and the River Avon.
Funeral service was held at
the J. Keith Arthur Funeral.
Home for John H. Carter who
passed away July 23 •at
Goderich Psychiatric Hospital
in his 84th year.
He had lived in Saskat-
chewan, , West Wawanosh,
Auburn and Woodstock and
had been a resident of Huron:.,,
view for several years.
He was . predeceased .by his
wife who was the former Jane
He is survived by, two sons,
Harold of Goderich -and Clif-
ford of Woodstock; three
daughters, Mrs. John (Elva)
Armstrong, R.R. 2 Auburn,
Mrs. William (Irene) Riley,
Totino, B.C., and Mrs. Eric
(Clarissa) Price of Vancouver;
eight grandchildren and nine
great-grandchildren, three
brothers, William of Blyth,
Russel of Seaforth, Harold of
Dundas; three sisters, Mrs.
William (Irene) Knox, Blyth,
Mrs. Nelson (Zella) Patterson,
Blythe and Mrs. Charles
(Margaret) Lockwood, Clinton.
Pastor Alfred Fry 'conducted
the service on July 25 with
burial in Union Cemetery,
Blyth. Pallbearers were Fred
Armstrong, Jos. Hampson,
Gerald McDowell, Gerald
Glaum, Douglas Warwick and
William Patterson. Flower -
bearers were Wayne and Ron-
nie McDowell.
Relatives were present from
Hamilton, 'Vancouver, Toronto,'
Woodstock and the surroun-
ding district.
Members of the Maitland Conservation Authority and
representatives of the various municipalities who support
the work of the Authority made a visit to the "oI' swimmin'
hole" on, Monday when they toured The Falls conservation
area near Benmiller. The visit to The Fails was part of a
larger tour that took the two busloads of representatives to
the many Conservation Authority projects in the watershed.
(staff photo)
Mrs.. Jack Clements 529-7648
The June United Church
rn Women meeting was held at
the 'home of Mrs.` C.
McClenaghan" on June 14.
Mrs. Grace 'McDiarmid
opened the meeting. Prayer was
by Mrs. Lil Christilaw.
Rev. McClenaghan played a
,tape, with„ a Bible reading by
Dr. - Wiedell in the world's,
liberation. The image of God is
in men -and__ women._._____3.__--_—
.Question and answer period
was taken after hearing the
tape. The tape was about
women of the Bible and the im-
portant things "they did.
Jesus disciples were all men
and some of the reasons were:
Jewish•customs, men were con-
sidered more superior at that
time, Paul's teachings - in the
church. -
Dr. Wiedell spoke also of
what it is like today. He said
there is a great deal to be done.
Roll call was answered by 17
members and two children.
Treasurer's report was given by
Mrs. Ann Feagan.
A motion was made by Mrs.
Lil Christ'ilaw and seconded by
Mrs. Myrtle Kerr to have the
bazaar on August 22.
Mrs. Rev. McClenaghan read
the address and Mrs. Beth
Rutledge presented., Mrs. Pearl
Watson with a life membership
certificate and pin.
Lunch was served by the
ladies and a social half hour
,.Last Sunday was the last
Sunday foil Sunday school and
church until the first Sunday in
On Monday the Maitland
Valley Conservation Authority
staged a tour of its many
facilities for the benefit of
members of the Authority and
representatives of the various
municipalities, townships,
villages and towns, who finan-
cially support the work .of the
conservation group.
One a. the stops on- the
Authority'g day long tour was
at The Falls conservation area
near Benmiller. While there
members of the tour had an op-
portunity to view the facilities
now in use by campers and pic-
nickers as well as hear a run-
down on future plans for the
Authority's 230 _ acre tract of
land. -
Development to date has
been following a master plan
developed by Canadian Mit-
chell Associates in 1966 but
, this is to be .up -dated in the
near future. •
Between the years 1965
(when the area first opened)
and 1972" the •Authority has.
spent some --4142,000 on The
Falls area. Future plans all
for a gamesfield, ski and
toboggan slope and an ad-
ditional. campground area.
Recent developments have
included the consthuction of a
' fishpond, a sewage dumping
station and at present a new
maintenance building is under
Other stops on the tour
Provided visits to the Pioneer
Conservation area, :Saratoga
Swamp, the site of the proposed
.dam and reservoir and channel
improvements at, Listowel, the
Harriston "Conservation- Area,
the Gorrie Conservatioh area
and the Administrative
Headquarters at Wroxeter.
Curiosity Shoppe
K. PREVETT 524-6661
Short Sleeve
Mal Group 141/2 10 18
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TWO DOOR HARDTOP — 350 V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering,,,radio, custom
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SPORT COUPE — White with white vinyl top. Power steering, power brakes, power windows,
power trunk, custom belts, tinted glass, mats, door guards, automatic air conditioning, cour-
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