HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-08-02, Page 4PAGE 4---GODERLCH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1973
History _can Oe lofs of fun
'- - Zurich, Ontario
Judy Maloney of the Experience '73 history project in Huron is seen here interviewing Mr.
and Mrs. Elgin McKinley about the early days in Stanley Township and Huron County. Ex-
perience '73 is sponsored by the provincial Ministry of Education and Huron County Council
is meeting any additional expenses incurred by the six studbnts working on the data collec-
tion program. (Citizens -News photo)
The, festivities'on The Square
are over and, traffic will get.
back to normal. There is still a
good - bit of summer left and
- this means many more people
"around The Square walking,
:'.driving, crossing — or trying to
cross — from- or to The,Cour-
tho'use Park.
Did you ever stop:and look at
the pedestrian traffic trying to
cross the road at this- point? •
.One of our Police force, who
is 'we.11 known_ -for his work in
Traffic Safety, said it reminded
him of a' sentence from the
Bible — ''Be quick or you're
dead!" -•
And he is RIGHT! -You take
your life) in .our hands when
you try to .cross The Square on
a busy night and you have to
be rea f to stop fast., on a busy
day as some character is sure to
be talking to those in the- car
alongside and not watching the
We are very fortunate there
have not. been more killed on
the Square, since there have
been quite a few accidents - and
will be brave enough to make a
"citizens arrest,": but unless
you complain, the police have
to overlook a lot of this non-
Well, now, `how did I get on
'this subject? Someday I'll tell
Congratulations to ,Anne
Frances Foran, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Foran and
Theodore Brian Symonds, son
of Mrs., Ernest Symonds and
the late. Mr. Symonds of Wind-
sor who 'were married in the
Roman Catholic church .,at Sr:
Augustine on Saturday, July
28. The .wedding dinner and
reception were held at the Salt -
ford Valley Hall.
Mrs. Josie (Dalton) Cleary of
Wallacelaurg and Miss An-
toinette Dalton of Royal Oak,
Michigan, are holidaying at the
a great many NEAR accidents., home of their sister-in-law,
The law says a driver must Mrs. Dennis Dalton.
yield right of way to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maison-
pedestrains in the crossover ,,ville (nee Bernice Murphy) and
and allow them free and unin- family from LaSalle, Ontario
terrupted passage - slowing and her mother Mrs. Irene
down or stopping if necessary. Murphy from Goderich visited
It is dangerous - and , during the past week with
unlawful = to pass a vehicle Frank Austin.
within 100 feet of a pedestrian --.Henriette.= Van-_,Diepen
beek, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Van Diepenbeek, and
Bill Wilkins, son of M -r. and
Mrs. Charles Wilkins who
spent the past two weeks in
Alberta with the Farmer's
Union Youth Exchange retur-
ned to their. homes on Friday
evening:Due to the train strike
they were flown to the Toronto
airport from Winnipeg and
bused to London where they
were met by their parents.
Henriette was hosted at the
farm of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Swanson in Camrose, Alberta,
which is 50 miles South East of
Edmonton. Bill was hosted at
the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Qlstad of Norway, Alberta
which is about 80 miles South
East of Edmonton. -•
Mr. andMrs. Jerry Ross and
family from Kitchener visited
during the,week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Courtney and'
family. - "
Farmers in this area were
thankful for the badly needed
rain which fell on 'Thursday
and Saturday afternoons.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schneiker
One hundred feet is not a
great distance when you con-
sider how fast these cars are
travelling,. at times, around
The Square. It , i; n't .safe to
start across the road - knowing
the...c.ars must. stop - and just.
hoping they will.
This is hard on the nerves
and I always keep a- sharp eye
on the cars - as most; drivers
give you the impression they
are doing you 'a favour by
slowing or stopping.
Here's another item - a NO
STOPPING sign means it is
illegal to stop your car - even
for a moment -,except for traffic
- or in compliance with a police
constable, a ,sign or a signal.
means stopping ONLY to take 3
on or d,ischa?ge passengers.
A NO PARKING sign 'means
it is illegal to stop except to
take on or discharge passengers
and/or merchandise. AIse it is ,
unlawful oto pack Within 30 feet
of a crosswalk at an intersec-
tion or a pedestrian crossover.
I .believe ourk!nB spots
arou i_ '` Square are closer T-- Tnd—fAMITY-8-nd—lgFit4-`-1C°
than 30 feet to the crosswalk, McLaren from Goderich are
holidaying at their cottage near
but there are no actual inter-
sections, tho' ; ou have a time
parking near Kingston, or West
Streets near the crossovers.
It is a fact that our busy
police force cannot be watching
coninuously, the .activities 'of
the smart alecs going 'round
and 'round The Square or •
blocking traffic by Staying side
by side giggling and .aping and
You -CAN turn in licence
numbers of these offenders and
who knows some day someone
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin
and family from Hamilton are
holidaying at a cottage at Mid
Huron Beach.
Doctor and Mrs. Peter
Boland from Clarkson spent
the weekend at. their summer
home here. •
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mur-
phy, Darlene and Wendy from
Toronto and his mother, Mrs.
Irene Murphy from Goderich
visited during the' past week
with Frank Austin, Mr.. and
* '' * Mrs. Cyril Austin and Mr. and
Ontario's forest industry is Mrs. Joe Courtney via family.
*mated in timber harvesting Mrs. Jim Martin Christine
,operiitions on some 105 million and Arletta visited during the
acres of the province's week in London with Mrs.
woodlands. Monica Law, Mrs. Roger
Mrs Joe Cour-tneg 52941189
Belanger (Kathleen Law,) and
family, with Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Dodds (Patricia .Martin) and
family, and with Mr. and Mrs.
Bill MacDonald and family.
Reverend Father' Raphael
O'Loughlin, of Toronto spent
the weekend at the home of his
sister, Mrs. Bernadine Kinney.
Mrs. Kinney returned to
•Toronto on Sunday evening
with Father O'Loughlin to,
Mrs. James Moore (Dorothy
O'Neill) Mr. and Mrs. Charles
,Schindler (Mary. Martha
Moore) and children Charlene
and Jeffrey from Marine City,
Michigan are spending a few
days with the former's brother,
Michael O'Neill . and the
O'Neill families.'
Mr. and Mrs. Len Woodley
(Veronica Austin) and family
of Mallon spent the weekend at
-the-home—of- her -mother,_. Mrs.
Clifton Austin.
Peter Van ' Diepenbeek; a
sailor on "The Royalton” is
t'spending a month's vacation at
the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Van Diepen-
Several children' from ' this
area are enjoying the August.
swimming instructions which
began ' o'n Monday at the
Lucknow and District Swim-
ming Pool.
The . Kingsbridge Catholic
Women's League will have a
booth at the Third Annual
Craft Festival iii Lucknow on
Saturday, August 4 in
operation between the hours of
1 P.M. and 5:30 P.M.
" Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sinnett
and family from Detroit,
Michigan are visiting with;Mrs.
Jim Sinnett and family, and
Mr. and. Mrs. Michael Dalton
and family.
Eric Drennan, son of Mr: and
Mrs. Henri.' Drennan escaped
serious injury while at work at
the Dominion Road Machinery
Company in Goderich . when
steel fell breaking his right
"Young fellows today don't
know anything about work, sit-
ting up there with the radio
going, touching a button or lif-
ting a switch ... in my day those
things all had to be done by
main force and awkwardness,'
This is one of the obser-
vations of Richard Robinson,
94, who has been a Huron
County, farmer for many years.
Mr. Robinson, R.R.1 Zurich,
is` one of a number of Huron
County residents who are being
interviewed by the six students
wgrking on the Historical File
for, the County. The interviews
are to help, students to under-
stand what life was like' in the
early 1900's. •
Besides interviews, the team
members are busy taking slides
for sequences also to be
,available " to students
throughout the County. Houses
from pioneer days to the
present, fire -fighting equipment
old and new, and the develop-
ment of schools throughout the
years are just three of the
topics covered by slides along
with voiced -over narration also
prepared by the students.
A walking tour .sof Goderich
to be available in booklet form
is al'so underway. .
The main work is the
Historical File located in the
county offices, Goderich.
Progress is • rapidly being made
on its contents. Working in
three teams of two members
each, the students have collec-
ted a wealth of information on
Huron County from 1900 to
1914. They are now working on
the years 1'915 to 1929.
Sources for the information
Foing into the file include
newspapers, Tweedsmuir •
h stories, P.U.C. records,
municipal records, telephone
system records, district in-
surance company offices,• local
histories, and especially people.
The project is sponsored by
the Experience • '73,
P.E.O.P.L.E. program of the
Provincial Ministry of
Education. The Huron County
Council is meeting -additional
The students, all residents- of
Huron, are learning a great.
deal about their Count
through all phases of the
work, but. particularly throug
the interviews. Being a student
now sounds a lot easier than.
being one in 1905.
'As- Mr. Robinson. put ` it,
"That was when we really went
to school and the teacher had a
big stick or something ... it was
'come or I'll' fetch. you."'
Barn in'Listowel for Mr. and
Mrs. George Couto.
Mr. and Mrs. John* J.
Desaunois have returned to
their home in Spanbroek,
Holland after spending seven
days vacation with her brother
1Trie Nan Diepan and .seven
days with another brother Theo
Van Diepan and the Van
Diepan families.
Congratulations to Mr. and,
Mrs. Arie Van 'Diepan who
received their Canadian
Citizenship Papers during
ceremonies held at the Court
House in Goderich . on Wed-
nesday evening, July ,25.
Mrs. John Howard, Mrs.
John Austin, Mrs. Charles
Wilkins and Mrs. Lorne
MacDonald attended the An-
nual Corention of Region 3,
National Varmers Union held.
in the War Memorial Hall,
University of Guelph on
Tuesday, July 31.
Sister Elizabeth from Water -
down is spending her vacation
at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Herman Lambertus and with
her sister Irene, Mrs. Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Jim White (Mary
Perry) of Del roit spent the
weekend at the hone of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Drennan,
Mrs. Dennis Dalton drove
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Josie
, _... (Dalton4 Glear - I ni1worth--
arm. Te wearing a'` it: Via"
Congratulations to Delores last Wednesday, ""where Josie
Neves, daughter of Mr. and was met by members of her
Mrs. Luis Neves of Listowel, family and returned to
formerly of Dungannon, and-. Wallaceburg. Weekend visitors
George Couto of 'Toronto who-' with Mrs. Dalton were Mr: and
were married in St. Joseph's Mr's. Arnold Marsman (Fran -
Raman Catholic church in ces Dalton) and family of Lon -
Listowel on Saturday, July 28. don., -
Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Risdon of
Miss Marianne Frayne,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Montreal spent a few days with
Eugene Frayne provided the Mrs. Risdon's sister, Mrs. Or -
wedding music. Soloistb were mend Heffernan. Son Paul is
Miss Kathy O'Keefe, daughter remaining for a couple of weeks
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph vacation.
O'Keefe and Miss Marianne Douglas Heffernan has retur-
ned to Newmarket after spen-
Frayne. The dinner and recap -----ding a weeks vacation with his
tion were held at the Blue Barn
in Listowel. cousin Brent VanOsch.
Mrs. Eugene Frayne visited Miss Denise Dalton,
with -her mother Mrs. Albert daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Kraemer and with her sister in Dalton has accepted'Ta position
Henson on Saturday and atten- in Stratford for the Bummer
ded the reception at the Blue months.
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